Submissions by 0913338 (Semaj)
Poet Introduction
yellow said i am a canary
yellow said i am a canary
yellow said i am a banana
the canary said i am not a banana
the banana dreamed of wings
when out of the blue shrieked
canary is dead
green laid envious punches by her side
peach was bruised without a touch
all the lives in the yellow submarine
crushed in the depths
dark with sadness
poor poor canary
yellow said i am a banana
the canary said i am not a banana
the banana dreamed of wings
when out of the blue shrieked
canary is dead
green laid envious punches by her side
peach was bruised without a touch
all the lives in the yellow submarine
crushed in the depths
dark with sadness
poor poor canary
#rebirth #TruthOfLife
#rebirth #TruthOfLife
440 reads
1 Comment
the gun point of convention
while the philosopher fared poorly against
the red-knuckled pugilist
and the doctor fared worse against
the headless corpse
the incredulity of thomas was easily assuaged with a bedside story
and a jumbo jet
until the under-bed monsters began scratching and the puzzled planes dismembered guests
were never found in the pacific
and the up down rhetoric of money
proclaimed the murderers as the victims
thus requiring a few more stints in the
flight simulator to ennoble...
the red-knuckled pugilist
and the doctor fared worse against
the headless corpse
the incredulity of thomas was easily assuaged with a bedside story
and a jumbo jet
until the under-bed monsters began scratching and the puzzled planes dismembered guests
were never found in the pacific
and the up down rhetoric of money
proclaimed the murderers as the victims
thus requiring a few more stints in the
flight simulator to ennoble...
418 reads
temporal manifesto for the necessity of poets
steel hand blades sketch
with a discerning feather touch
for the surgeon
precise cuts are the line between
van gogh brush strokes
painting eyes in gold
country suns
and the eternal ink of oblivion
but you poet
dirty nails clawing
the refuse of words
your garbage skin
reeks needled abuse
and primping egotism
the jagged art of your rusty
word pills and bruised ...
with a discerning feather touch
for the surgeon
precise cuts are the line between
van gogh brush strokes
painting eyes in gold
country suns
and the eternal ink of oblivion
but you poet
dirty nails clawing
the refuse of words
your garbage skin
reeks needled abuse
and primping egotism
the jagged art of your rusty
word pills and bruised ...
530 reads
you were online five days ago. why
to tendril climb a grin
for gin
ergo unmatched pointlessness
the win
to gin
up the ante
with blood sacrifice
but it won't suffice
the aboriginal
rainbow covenant
now null and void
for tonic
to tendril climb a grin
and latch coiled limbs
finger vines
pressed on the pulse
to tendril climb a grin
for gin
ergo unmatched pointlessness
the win
to gin
up the ante
with blood sacrifice
but it won't suffice
the aboriginal
rainbow covenant
now null and void
for tonic
to tendril climb a grin
and latch coiled limbs
finger vines
pressed on the pulse
633 reads
bravdo con ragù di ostrich (Italy 2020)
who knew
clinking glasses for “an aperitivo in Milan”
and urging people “not to change their habits”
would bring a line of flatbed trucks to town
carrying our grandmas to the crematorium
clinking glasses for “an aperitivo in Milan”
and urging people “not to change their habits”
would bring a line of flatbed trucks to town
carrying our grandmas to the crematorium
514 reads
1 Comment
in from the edges
no one understood
the curves
in the margins
so he came in from the edges
to the empty
made things straighter
between the lines
it with words
and found himself
further away
than misunderstanding
the curves
in the margins
so he came in from the edges
to the empty
made things straighter
between the lines
it with words
and found himself
further away
than misunderstanding
918 reads
been gone back
been gone where here is not and
back find here not there again
back find here not there again
789 reads
i believe in nothing
still the aurora borealis
slashed from the electric throat
of the dark night
breaks dawn into wings of song
slashed from the electric throat
of the dark night
breaks dawn into wings of song
1019 reads
movie memory review
you forgot the
duck sauce
at No. 1 Chinese
because it was
cold walking
and the girl in front of you
had long black hair
tight jeans
you thought of having two dicks
and her to keep them warm
waiting for the sign to say walk
back home
hot general tzo in hand
you fucking forgot
the duck sauce again
your wife said
i left it in her pants
you thought
duck sauce
at No. 1 Chinese
because it was
cold walking
and the girl in front of you
had long black hair
tight jeans
you thought of having two dicks
and her to keep them warm
waiting for the sign to say walk
back home
hot general tzo in hand
you fucking forgot
the duck sauce again
your wife said
i left it in her pants
you thought
792 reads
another trespass amigo swan song
i remember
the snow turned our hands to fire as we balled and threw it at every smiling face
i remember the drums and wings and light like wind
that danced the leaves
i remember thinking you will never be mine
when you first arrived
always and only
the worlds
the wedding of a thousand lady bugs in the old mountain church
the jellyfish harem and the stinging of flesh
the false remedy of a urine bath
the truth that
lemonade or a feather and smoke will always...
the snow turned our hands to fire as we balled and threw it at every smiling face
i remember the drums and wings and light like wind
that danced the leaves
i remember thinking you will never be mine
when you first arrived
always and only
the worlds
the wedding of a thousand lady bugs in the old mountain church
the jellyfish harem and the stinging of flesh
the false remedy of a urine bath
the truth that
lemonade or a feather and smoke will always...
810 reads
friday night lights redux
reading poetry
for the Friday night
pep talk
is like bringing
a cross
to a vampire
but you finish
the job because
god doesn't want
football players
drinking poets'
you run through
the tunnel
under the bright
stadium lights
with the quarterback's
severed head
for the Friday night
pep talk
is like bringing
a cross
to a vampire
but you finish
the job because
god doesn't want
football players
drinking poets'
you run through
the tunnel
under the bright
stadium lights
with the quarterback's
severed head
869 reads
you are comfortable
still somewhere
in the night
the swaying leaves talk
in the tongues of teeth
black fur and fear
in the night
the swaying leaves talk
in the tongues of teeth
black fur and fear
771 reads
DU Poetry : Submissions by 0913338 (Semaj)