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15th May 1:03pm
Loving Like An Existentialist
So this is a poem that was brought to my attention today and I wanted to put this in the group for a bit of a discussion.
“Loving Like An Existentialist” by Savannah Brown.
I think this is a prime example of how monotony can ruin a poem. Which is a shame, because it’s a prize winning poem. A beautiful poem. Totally ruined by her tone I think. The words are just so powerful and collective, I just felt like she couldn’t be bothered to read it almost. However... the subtle video saves it a little. Which just shows how fine the balance can be.
What are your thoughts on this piece? How would you change it?
“Loving Like An Existentialist” by Savannah Brown.
I think this is a prime example of how monotony can ruin a poem. Which is a shame, because it’s a prize winning poem. A beautiful poem. Totally ruined by her tone I think. The words are just so powerful and collective, I just felt like she couldn’t be bothered to read it almost. However... the subtle video saves it a little. Which just shows how fine the balance can be.
What are your thoughts on this piece? How would you change it?

17th February 8:53pm
Underground Out Loud Newsletter #4
Hey chaps and chapettes!
The Underground Out Loud Newsletter is now live on Facebook!
Congratulations to RowanTree, NicodemusReuben and Wordscape who are our featured stereo stars this month!
You can read the article here:

10th February 9:20am
Loud Speaker Competition Thread
Good morning Chaps & Chapettes!
So you may or may not have seen that we have launched our first audio / video competition on DUP which we are very excited about.
Use this post for encouragement, questions, hints & tips or general healthy good old fashioned competition banter.
The competition involves creating a new video or audio piece. We would like to encourage people who have never tried audio / video poetry before to have a go. Everybody is capable! :)
You can join the video / audio comp here: https://deepundergroundpoetry.com/forum/competitions/read/10116/#419202
Look forward to seeing you there!
So you may or may not have seen that we have launched our first audio / video competition on DUP which we are very excited about.
Use this post for encouragement, questions, hints & tips or general healthy good old fashioned competition banter.
The competition involves creating a new video or audio piece. We would like to encourage people who have never tried audio / video poetry before to have a go. Everybody is capable! :)
You can join the video / audio comp here: https://deepundergroundpoetry.com/forum/competitions/read/10116/#419202
Look forward to seeing you there!
Underground Out Loud - Newsletter #3
Hello dwellers of the undergound!
We are happy to bring you the third installment of loud speaker poetry, showcasing more of the talent in DUP and answering some questions we are frequently asked about recording.
You can read the whole article on Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10155913161818665&id=148635498664
Congratulations to Rowntree, BeanBandit, and Bridge818 who are our featured stereo stars this month!
Happy holidays!
-Missy, Magdalena gazellemon :)
We are happy to bring you the third installment of loud speaker poetry, showcasing more of the talent in DUP and answering some questions we are frequently asked about recording.
You can read the whole article on Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10155913161818665&id=148635498664
Congratulations to Rowntree, BeanBandit, and Bridge818 who are our featured stereo stars this month!
Happy holidays!
-Missy, Magdalena gazellemon :)
#relationshipgoals & Say Goodbye To These - Live 16.08.17
And then she woke up
Head filled with thunder
Heart split a sunder
Prey to the hunter
And she wonders
Why she's here again
He got into her head again
Words are so sweet
Until the sentences end
She knows what this is
But she likes to pretend
That one day
He'll stay
And he'll say
That he loves her
Without a slur
And he'll mean every word
But those words
Will never be heard
And the longer it lasts
The more it chips away at her
Self confidence
And the moment he left
Felt like a bullet to her chest
He left just like all the rest
I said it's probably for the best
I said
Fuck it!
We have to cut
Those emotional ties
In order to survive
And once again
To actually feel alive
Sometimes we need to take
Solace in solitude
And know
This road
We roam
Is long
But you'll make your own home
Yes you'll finally be strong
On your own
But my words
As always
Fell upon her deaf ears
As she wiped away
An ocean of fresh tears
She professed to me all of her fears
She didn't think
She could live here life
Without a him
Right by her side
Defined by a love
That she couldn't find
So she makes another mistake
And lets another man take
What he wants from her
And leaves her a little bit more broken
And that remains
To this day
Even if it goes unspoken
And the next man comes along
She thinks this really could be the one
She becomes consumed by his love
She can't imagine
Another man's touch
And as two became one
The loneliness seemed to subside
The emptiness inside
Was no longer a place
Where her heart would reside
She loved him so much
But that only made him complacent
The corner stones of an abusive relationship
She flat out refused
To acknowledge any of his lies
He could do nothing wrong
In her love stained eyes
He cheats on her multiple times
Because she always just lets that shit slide
Deep down it eats away at her
But it's better than being
Alone in this life
And then one night
She finally decided enough was enough
She said fuck this life
It's way too tough
I've given up on fate
No longer believe in love
I no longer believe
In that emotional connection
Eyedea was right
It's little more
Than a chemical reaction
So she closed her eyes
And fell into the night
Let the darkness overtake her
And said goodbye to this life
And as the darkness got darker
She thought about her mother
Would she wonder
What pushed her daughter
To the edge
And then nothing
And then silence
And then nothing
And then peace
And then she woke up
Head filled with thunder
And she started to wonder
Why she could see the sun rise
It hurt her eyes
But it made her realise
Life is probably worth living
It's not a precursor to her suicide
And that was the day
When she finally decided to let go
She said
How can I expect anyone to love me
If I can't even love myself, ya know?
She said
I don't need a player 2 in my life
I'll brave through this dark
And I'll find my own light
It took me some time
But I think I'll be alright
Plus you were right
I massively need to change my taste in men
She said I've come to realise
That sometimes
We have to cut
Those emotional ties
In order to survive
And once again
To actually feel alive
Sometimes we need to take
Solace in solitude
And know
This road
We roam
Is long
But I'll make my own home
Yes I'll finally be strong
On my own
She said
We have to cut
Those emotional ties
In order to survive
And once again
To actually feel alive
Sometimes we need to take
Solace in solitude
And I was like
wait wait wait wait wait
Those were the exact words
That I said to you
And that my little ginger haired friend
Is called plagiarism
And that ain't cool
That ain't cool
At all
Say Goodbye To These
We've got this cat named kitty
And she doesn't care too much for me
Even though I talk to her in Dothraki
And do the things you do
To try and keep a cat healthy
I give her eats
And I buy her treats
And don't go mad when she shits
All over my sheets
And when she tries to kill me
by tripping up my feets
I'm still like
Awwwwww you so sweet
And she looks at me like
Who the fuck are you
Don't you fucking look at me
Now where the fuck is my food
Go to the fridge
Get the pouch
Then deliver food to mouth
And then fuck you I'm out
Imma go and hunt this mouse
And she kinda looks like toothless From how to train your dragon
Sad eyes
That hide
In a little ball of fluff
But she'll rip the shit out of your posters
If you don't give her any attention
Then just like P.O.S
She'll be like fuck your stuff
But I love the shit out of that little kitty
Even though she clearly
Prefers my housemates to me
And although she'll never invite me
to one of her cat parties
At least she's not a fucking dog
And then she woke up
Head filled with thunder
Heart split a sunder
Prey to the hunter
And she wonders
Why she's here again
He got into her head again
Words are so sweet
Until the sentences end
She knows what this is
But she likes to pretend
That one day
He'll stay
And he'll say
That he loves her
Without a slur
And he'll mean every word
But those words
Will never be heard
And the longer it lasts
The more it chips away at her
Self confidence
And the moment he left
Felt like a bullet to her chest
He left just like all the rest
I said it's probably for the best
I said
Fuck it!
We have to cut
Those emotional ties
In order to survive
And once again
To actually feel alive
Sometimes we need to take
Solace in solitude
And know
This road
We roam
Is long
But you'll make your own home
Yes you'll finally be strong
On your own
But my words
As always
Fell upon her deaf ears
As she wiped away
An ocean of fresh tears
She professed to me all of her fears
She didn't think
She could live here life
Without a him
Right by her side
Defined by a love
That she couldn't find
So she makes another mistake
And lets another man take
What he wants from her
And leaves her a little bit more broken
And that remains
To this day
Even if it goes unspoken
And the next man comes along
She thinks this really could be the one
She becomes consumed by his love
She can't imagine
Another man's touch
And as two became one
The loneliness seemed to subside
The emptiness inside
Was no longer a place
Where her heart would reside
She loved him so much
But that only made him complacent
The corner stones of an abusive relationship
She flat out refused
To acknowledge any of his lies
He could do nothing wrong
In her love stained eyes
He cheats on her multiple times
Because she always just lets that shit slide
Deep down it eats away at her
But it's better than being
Alone in this life
And then one night
She finally decided enough was enough
She said fuck this life
It's way too tough
I've given up on fate
No longer believe in love
I no longer believe
In that emotional connection
Eyedea was right
It's little more
Than a chemical reaction
So she closed her eyes
And fell into the night
Let the darkness overtake her
And said goodbye to this life
And as the darkness got darker
She thought about her mother
Would she wonder
What pushed her daughter
To the edge
And then nothing
And then silence
And then nothing
And then peace
And then she woke up
Head filled with thunder
And she started to wonder
Why she could see the sun rise
It hurt her eyes
But it made her realise
Life is probably worth living
It's not a precursor to her suicide
And that was the day
When she finally decided to let go
She said
How can I expect anyone to love me
If I can't even love myself, ya know?
She said
I don't need a player 2 in my life
I'll brave through this dark
And I'll find my own light
It took me some time
But I think I'll be alright
Plus you were right
I massively need to change my taste in men
She said I've come to realise
That sometimes
We have to cut
Those emotional ties
In order to survive
And once again
To actually feel alive
Sometimes we need to take
Solace in solitude
And know
This road
We roam
Is long
But I'll make my own home
Yes I'll finally be strong
On my own
She said
We have to cut
Those emotional ties
In order to survive
And once again
To actually feel alive
Sometimes we need to take
Solace in solitude
And I was like
wait wait wait wait wait
Those were the exact words
That I said to you
And that my little ginger haired friend
Is called plagiarism
And that ain't cool
That ain't cool
At all
Say Goodbye To These
We've got this cat named kitty
And she doesn't care too much for me
Even though I talk to her in Dothraki
And do the things you do
To try and keep a cat healthy
I give her eats
And I buy her treats
And don't go mad when she shits
All over my sheets
And when she tries to kill me
by tripping up my feets
I'm still like
Awwwwww you so sweet
And she looks at me like
Who the fuck are you
Don't you fucking look at me
Now where the fuck is my food
Go to the fridge
Get the pouch
Then deliver food to mouth
And then fuck you I'm out
Imma go and hunt this mouse
And she kinda looks like toothless From how to train your dragon
Sad eyes
That hide
In a little ball of fluff
But she'll rip the shit out of your posters
If you don't give her any attention
Then just like P.O.S
She'll be like fuck your stuff
But I love the shit out of that little kitty
Even though she clearly
Prefers my housemates to me
And although she'll never invite me
to one of her cat parties
At least she's not a fucking dog
Written by Bridge818
#4 Bridge818
After a short hiatus, we're back with our next instalment of the #SpokenWordLowdown This is your monthly fix of #SpokenWord performance #poetry
Today we're catching up with Bridge818, who joined DU back in 2015 and is based in the UK, near London.
How would you describe yourself?
Well, I've had my performance and writing style referred to as acapella rap meets spoken nerd poetry. I'm super passionate about the things I love, which is evident by the amount of pop culture references throughout my writings.
If you were a superhero what would your special power be?
This is probably my most pondered question. The problem with a lot of super powers, is you'd need a secondary power to couple it. There's no point in being able to fly if your body can't adjust to altitude. Same as what's the point in being able to turn invisible, if you're unable to turn objects that you touch invisible too? So, I guess Telepathy is probably the safest, and most useful bet. But I'm probably missing an important factor as to why that's a terrible choice.
Social media, a force for good or evil?
A bit of both. I think used properly, it can be an amazing tool for education, and a way to raise awareness on issues that wouldn't usually hit our feet. But, at the same time, I genuinely think it's managed to make people dumber. People seem to confuse reading the headline of an article, with being informed. And that's a massive problem. Same as people who live their lives online, and end up in a bubble of their own opinions. If you look hard enough, you'll find a group of people who agree with you, no matter how nasty your opinion. You need people around you who will challenge your opinions and world views.
Why spoken word?
I'm big into socially conscious hip hop, and find a lot of my favourite artists would do spoken word pieces within their sets. I remember watching one of my favourite artists, a poet/rapper called Scroobius Pip, performing a full spoken word set, and kinda said to myself "This! This is what I want to do" So I did it.
What is your writing process?
I write everything on my phone, and generally have between 8 to 12 poems on the go at one time. So, I'm basically ready to write whenever something comes to me. I'll be on public transport, and I'll see something that sparks a verse, so will quickly jot it down, then work on it later. I'm terrible at sitting down and dedicate time to writing, if I do my mind starts to drift and I start contemplating which superpower I'd want.
How does it feel when you perform spoken word?
Performing is hands down my favourite thing to do. It's the one time all my anxieties disappear, and I can really be myself. I highly recommend people do it, being clapped at is easily the best high going.
Who or what inspires you?
So much, and it can come from nowhere. I could be having a conversation with somebody about love or death or depression or something... and something they'll say will inspire a verse that snowballs into a poem. Same as I could be watching a cartoon and I'll think to myself "I wonder how this character got into this situation?" so will write an origin poem for that character. One of my most popular poems "Don't forget to remember me" came about when my friend's daughter asked me what happened to all of the Stormtroopers after the death star was destroyed. So, I ended up writing a poem about a Stormtrooper trying to get himself back into society.
What are you ambitions when it comes to Spoken word poetry (feel free to plug stuff here)?
My ambitions change all the time. When I first started I just wanted to get my poems out there, and for people not to hate them. Then when I started getting a bit of a following I wanted to get a cd of my poems recorded and out on Bandcamp. Now that's out, and selling reasonably well, I guess my main ambition is to not lose interest, keep growing as a writer, and carry on getting my name out there. I'm constantly getting messages, on Instagram and Facebook, from strangers from all over the world, telling me how something I've written has touched them. Things like that really keep me going, I have amazing followers.
Today we're catching up with Bridge818, who joined DU back in 2015 and is based in the UK, near London.
How would you describe yourself?
Well, I've had my performance and writing style referred to as acapella rap meets spoken nerd poetry. I'm super passionate about the things I love, which is evident by the amount of pop culture references throughout my writings.
If you were a superhero what would your special power be?
This is probably my most pondered question. The problem with a lot of super powers, is you'd need a secondary power to couple it. There's no point in being able to fly if your body can't adjust to altitude. Same as what's the point in being able to turn invisible, if you're unable to turn objects that you touch invisible too? So, I guess Telepathy is probably the safest, and most useful bet. But I'm probably missing an important factor as to why that's a terrible choice.
Social media, a force for good or evil?
A bit of both. I think used properly, it can be an amazing tool for education, and a way to raise awareness on issues that wouldn't usually hit our feet. But, at the same time, I genuinely think it's managed to make people dumber. People seem to confuse reading the headline of an article, with being informed. And that's a massive problem. Same as people who live their lives online, and end up in a bubble of their own opinions. If you look hard enough, you'll find a group of people who agree with you, no matter how nasty your opinion. You need people around you who will challenge your opinions and world views.
Why spoken word?
I'm big into socially conscious hip hop, and find a lot of my favourite artists would do spoken word pieces within their sets. I remember watching one of my favourite artists, a poet/rapper called Scroobius Pip, performing a full spoken word set, and kinda said to myself "This! This is what I want to do" So I did it.
What is your writing process?
I write everything on my phone, and generally have between 8 to 12 poems on the go at one time. So, I'm basically ready to write whenever something comes to me. I'll be on public transport, and I'll see something that sparks a verse, so will quickly jot it down, then work on it later. I'm terrible at sitting down and dedicate time to writing, if I do my mind starts to drift and I start contemplating which superpower I'd want.
How does it feel when you perform spoken word?
Performing is hands down my favourite thing to do. It's the one time all my anxieties disappear, and I can really be myself. I highly recommend people do it, being clapped at is easily the best high going.
Who or what inspires you?
So much, and it can come from nowhere. I could be having a conversation with somebody about love or death or depression or something... and something they'll say will inspire a verse that snowballs into a poem. Same as I could be watching a cartoon and I'll think to myself "I wonder how this character got into this situation?" so will write an origin poem for that character. One of my most popular poems "Don't forget to remember me" came about when my friend's daughter asked me what happened to all of the Stormtroopers after the death star was destroyed. So, I ended up writing a poem about a Stormtrooper trying to get himself back into society.
What are you ambitions when it comes to Spoken word poetry (feel free to plug stuff here)?
My ambitions change all the time. When I first started I just wanted to get my poems out there, and for people not to hate them. Then when I started getting a bit of a following I wanted to get a cd of my poems recorded and out on Bandcamp. Now that's out, and selling reasonably well, I guess my main ambition is to not lose interest, keep growing as a writer, and carry on getting my name out there. I'm constantly getting messages, on Instagram and Facebook, from strangers from all over the world, telling me how something I've written has touched them. Things like that really keep me going, I have amazing followers.

18th November 11:27pm
Underground Out Loud - Newsletter #2
Hello chaps and chapettes!
I'm sure you have all been eagerly awaiting the release of Underground Out Loud - our monthly newsletter... and here it is! Packed with hints, tips and who we thought was just generally smashing this month.
You can read the whole article on Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10155807290998665&id=148635498664
Congratulations to Westley_Nash, Toniscales and Bridge818 who are our featured stereo stars this month.
You all rock!
-Missy & Magdalena :)
I'm sure you have all been eagerly awaiting the release of Underground Out Loud - our monthly newsletter... and here it is! Packed with hints, tips and who we thought was just generally smashing this month.
You can read the whole article on Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10155807290998665&id=148635498664
Congratulations to Westley_Nash, Toniscales and Bridge818 who are our featured stereo stars this month.
You all rock!
-Missy & Magdalena :)

22nd October 1:22pm
Underground Out Loud - monthly newsletter
Our first monthly newsletter has just been published on Facebook, highlighting some favourites from the past month of submissions and a lowdown of what has been happening with the group.
Congratulations to Gazellemon, Case28 and Gezus who were all featured as our spotlight video / audio artists.
You can read the article here: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10155718713138665&id=148635498664&ref=bookmarks
Congratulations to Gazellemon, Case28 and Gezus who were all featured as our spotlight video / audio artists.
You can read the article here: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10155718713138665&id=148635498664&ref=bookmarks