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a cunt named pain
I don't like drama in fact I hate it
this is my home away from home
a place I reveal my heart
I'm not here for popularity
though I deeply appreciate the love given
you won't see my claws out
because if you did I would go for the throat
you feel me?
I'm hurting inside a misunderstanding
it shouldn't have occurred
but as good as I write
I struggle with having my voice heard
I didn't mean any hurt feelings
I'm not a confrontational bitch
cattiness and bitchiness doesn't define a woman
her beautiful nature does
jealousy abounds but it doesn't belong here
we're all writers doing what we love
each shining brightly with our poetic voices
some of us talk louder, I know I do
doesn't make me more important
just makes me different
an easier target
because you will always know my position
we shouldn't have enemies in this sacred place
i'm speaking from my soul
please see me
I will never see anyone as such
no matter what they do
because I know at the root of it all
is a cunt named pain
Written by crimsin
this is a found art object Gypsies on caravan...