The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )
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:*:・゚★。⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆
Full Moon Blessings
May you move like water carving a way through even the most challenging of paths.
Allowing your emotions to rise and fall with grace and acceptance.
May you find moments of stillness, calm and serenity then effortlessly become a powerful revolutionary wave of change.
May you feel nourished and cleansed and in a beautiful state of awakened flow so that you water your whole life with love.
May you never sacrifice your depth and your mystery, yet still find joy and playfulness in your childlike spirit.
May you be soothed by the sounds of waves breaking, rain falling, waterfalls cascading and rivers flowing.
May you find peace within the oceans of your soul.
Bright Blessings
Romy Wyser
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How I feel right now! It's beautiful out here! So cool and quiet!
Image by Kiera Consgrove
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I hope everyone is taking advantage of this energy! It won't happen again for over a decade!
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Hard to beat a moonstruck goat
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Had to get the big boy out to record this one!
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On this day in 1979 was the first recorded instance of a comet (Howard-Koomur-Michels) hitting the sun; the energy released was equal to approximately 1 million hydrogen bombs. Formally known as C/1979 Q1 (SOLWIND), it was a large sungrazer that collided with the Sun on August 30, 1979.**
It is the only comet known to have made contact with the Sun's surface, as most bodies vaporize before impact. It was observed by the white light coronagraph, SOLWIND, on the USAF Space Test Program, P78-1 satellite. It was the first comet discovered by a space instrument.
Since this time, SOLWIND has recorded many comet collisions with the Sun. NASA has a video of an actual comet hitting the sun on youtube:
**Some sources said Aug 30th; however, the European Space agency said Aug 31st. Keep in mind Europe is hours ahead of us; thus, their time could run into a new day.
Image: Comet Lovejoy by Universe Today
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The South Node in Libra. In the face of injustice, draw on the courage of Aries in the North Node to stand up for what's right despite the outcome.
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✨Aspecting the Cosmos: Sept 01, 2023:
💫Each day planetary energy aspects into a story. Like many stories, there is more to be had if you know how to read between the lines. In the history of science, the universe is compared to a clock. It continues ticking as a perfect machine, its gears governed by the laws of physics, making every aspect of the machine predictable
To understand how to use the timing of this energy advantageously, one must first understand how it affects them on a personal level. In order to do that, we must become intimate with the energy available to us—and how to personally harness its power. An energy journal is priceless.
💫Today's story begins just after midnight EDT, evening for those behind us, and morning/afternoon for those ahead. An opposition will occur between the Moon in Pisces and Pallas in Virgo, requiring compromise in order to reconcile two polarities. The Moon in Pisces represents emotion and intuition amid the spiritual or escapist urge: We compromise and grow, or we can hide our heads in the sand hoping it goes away ( but it never leaves and always returns stronger ).
Pallas Athene is the Goddess of Wisdom and Warcraft. Always the defender but never the aggressor. Her placement in Virgo is grounded and steadfast, embodying the wisdom born of reason and superior calculation. She wins conflict through strategic defensive maneuvers, not going forth to conquer and slay.
So how are these two opposites?
The Moon in Pisces is emotionally intuitive while Pallas in Virgo is reasonably attuned. Between the heart of emotion and the mind of reason lies the solution: Balance. Ground our emotional state in reason and reason will empathize with the effort.
💫Early AM the Pisces Moon conjunct Neptune Rx in Pisces and the 8th House. A conjunction is the most powerful aspect and heralds' emphasis on the planets and houses they occupy. Collectively the 8th house is the natural home of Scorpio, ruled by Pluto. It highlights regeneration, death, taxes, inheritances, and sex.
This transit can be compared to a double-edged sword. With awareness, we can direct our focus toward doing good. Be wary of psychic impressions, as they may be inaccurate amidst the Neptunian fog of confusion. Rather than allowing suspicion to develop into paranoia, we should direct our genuine compassion and empathy toward assisting others, especially outcasts or those who are suffering.
💫Lastly, late this afternoon, Mars in Libra will inconjunct Saturn Rx in Pisces requiring an adjustment of attitude between two signs totally unrelated to one another. This makes it much more difficult to integrate these two forces. Think oil and water. And yet, mixing the two with a binding agent unites all three into one. A form of alcohol, as vodka, is a binding agent.
Aside from getting drunk, these two could seek similarities. Saturn's focus is on security and safety through teaching; Mar's focus is on action and initiative through energy. These two could easily form an indestructible alliance when united through a common cause.
These aspects push us toward those we share nothing with in order to discover just how much we do share in common, and how to work with others. Take advantage of the energy!
Degrees, Aspects, Time:
Moon: 26°PIS14'
Pallas: 24°VIR15'
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 12:13 AM EDT
Moon: 26°PIS45'
Neptune Rx: 26°PIS45'
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 4:13 AM EDT
Mars: 03°LIB25'
Saturn Rx: 03°PIS25'
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 5:01 PM
Image: Untitled, Gary Benfield
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Welcome to National Hispanic Heritage Month!
While formally celebrated Sep 15 - Oct 15, I'm dedicating the month of September this year.
Each year, people across the United States observe National Hispanic Heritage Month by celebrating and reflecting on the histories, cultures, and contributions of Americans with ancestry from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America.
While Hispanic Heritage Month is only 30 days, the curators, researchers, and educators of the National Museum of American History work with communities across the country to document and share Latino histories every day of the year.
As part of the museum’s commitment to sharing Hispanic and Latino history, the museum has updated its Latino History topic page, where you can find even more exhibitions, programs, museum collections, and resources that reflect the richness and diversity of Latino history in the United States.
The museum's mission as a national public history institution is not only to tell complex stories but also to use history to empower people to create a just, compassionate, and equitable future. In an increasingly divided country, it is more important than ever to learn about and stand in solidarity with Latino communities.
In Spiritual Service will be honoring our Hispanic brothers and sisters, as well as their remarkable contributions to our country and quality of life throughout the month.
In particular, I am supporting the Maria Gomez Dream Foundation to support and further educational opportunities for high school students in her honor and memory.
Learn more here:
Imagine, if you can, contributing to the education of someone who changes the world in a positive manner due to the educational opportunities they received. . .I am.
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I forgot to post this archive link from last year, except it has been updated to this year:
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Ohhh looksee! A new comet! And it's clear as crystal here!
Beginning tonight through September 3, 2023, we'll have an opportunity to see a new comet!
Tonight, facing east-northeast 1 hour before sunrise, look for Comet Nishimura near brilliant Venus and below Castor and Pollux, the twin stars of Gemini.
This weekend, Comet Nishimura will pass near the Beehive Cluster, a loose grouping of stars in the constellation Cancer. Try using a telescope or binoculars to find it. You’ll want to look about an hour before dawn. Face east and find the Beehive in your binoculars. First you’ll see bright Venus. Look in your binoculars above Venus to find the Beehive. Then scan to the left of the Beehive for Comet Nishimura.
Did the new comet spawn a meteor shower?
On August 30, 2023, astronomers learned that the orbit of the newly discovered Comet Nishimura is similar to that of meteors in the annual Sigma-Hydrid shower. Meteors in annual showers are known to be debris left behind by icy comets, as they orbit the sun. And – though the Sigma-Hydrids is a minor shower – it is a known shower, active around December 9-12 each year. So, scientists (those strivers to learn the sources of things) will closely monitor these meteors this year!
If scientists see elevated activity on the Sigma-Hydrids in December, it’ll help confirm Comet Nishimura as the source of the meteor shower.
And, by the way, Comet Nishimura – that great icy ball moving through space, which so many are now capturing on film – will be closest to Earth on September 12 (not September 13), 2023. This date has just been updated and moved forward by a day.
And it’ll be closest to the sun (perihelion) on September 17.
If the comet is indeed related to the Sigma-Hyrids, then – even now as many strive to see the comet near bright Venus, in the east before sunrise – the comet must be “refilling” its path with icy comet particles. And, in December, when Earth again sweeps near the comet’s path, these same bits of leftover comet debris will produce the meteor display.
Illustration by Eddie Irizarry using Stellarium.
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Truth. Shine on, DUPeeps!
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Aspecting the Cosmos: Sat, Sep 02, 2023:
Just as with days that present golden opportunities, so are those that present challenging opportunities. All the more so.
Early AM the Sun in Virgo semisquare Ceres in Libra. Ceres is the goddess of abundance, agriculture, and the love a mother bears for her child. Thus, she was one of the few to interact daily with common people. Because of this, she was considered the nurturer of mankind. Because of her daughter, Persephone, she also became ruler of the seasons. But that's another story.
The semisquare is considered a minor aspect of irritation yet is a notable one that cannot be ignored because it precipitates events with tension. I've used "The Princess and the Pea" often. Despite the tiny size of that pea and the overload of mattresses on which the princess slept, the irritant disturbed her peaceful rest with a night of tension, leading to a sore back the next morning.
This aspect portends something that can either be avoided or navigated through self-awareness. With the Sun involved, the ruler of Leo, we could experience some dramatic situation, pride, or arrogance that could lead to alienation. Keep vanity in check today, don't be cruel, boastful, or pretentious. And if others are, don't fuel or partake in the drama.
Later in the morning Neptune Rx in Pisces square Vesta in Gemini. While the previous aspect is minor, this one is not. It's the most difficult; however, also presents the greatest opportunity. Think of coal being pressurized to form a diamond.
Vesta is the goddess of hearth and home. This aspect challenges the dynamics of dedication and focus (Vesta) and imagination and spirituality (Neptune). There is a fine line between maintaining balance: just enough dedication and focus without transforming into a workhorse offset with just enough imagination and spirituality to not cross over into illusion and/or delusion. We also shouldn't eschew nurturing care for careless habits today.
Setting boundaries separates us from the drama which causes confusion, and allows us to stand firm and clearly in what we believe. We are treated in the manner we allow.
Leave the rose-colored glasses at home and set the alarm when the workday is done so we can all have some weekend fun!
Degrees, Aspect, Time:
Sun: 08°VIR43'
Ceres: 24°LIB17'
Aspect: semisquare
Time: 6:04 AM
Neptune Rx: 26°PIS45'
Vesta: 26°GEM25'
Aspect: Square
Time: 8:43 AM
Image: Arrival by Tammy Callens
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Welcome to Hispanic Heritage Month! It's formally celebrated Sep 15 - Oct 15, but we're going to dedicate the month of Sept this year.
Last year I had a dream. This year I am celebrating the anniversary of my Diverse Advisory Council's fruition. Some have risen to the challenge while others could not. It's a partnership that involves work from both sides to adequately bring awareness.
Let's welcome back Stacey Flores, currently pursuing her Ph.D. in Sociology. Flores holds a bachelor’s degree in English, a master’s degree in higher and postsecondary education, and a master’s in counseling. She has taught classes in sociology, college readiness, and family and cultural diversity classes. Stacey’s passion is to help guide individuals with their major life transitions and to provide them with the tools to be successful in their new roles.
Stacey loves learning and has continued to add to her toolkit. She has been trained in Classical Feng Shui and BaZi (Four Pillars of Destiny) and I-Ching Divination. Stacey studied with Master Jen Stone of the Raymond Lo School of Feng Shui and Destiny (Hong Kong).
This year, as last, proceeds will support The Maria Gomez DREAM Foundation.
Special appreciation to Stacey, for continuing to serve another year!
To read more:
#inspiritualservice #mariagomez #mariagomezfoundation #hispanic #hispanicheritagemonth #HispanicHeritage