The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )
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❤️Valentine's Candy 50% off Day! 🍡🍭🍬🍫
📍Note: Mars and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets:
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect:
🌖 Waning Gibbous, Virgo -> Libra:
Void-of-Course Time: 3:36 - 6:45 AM:
💫 #ApectingtheCosmos: Sat, Feb 15, 2025: Some days are designed so that we learn compromise and the need for selfcare.
Late morning the Moon in Libra inconjunct Mercury in Pisces trine Pluto in Aquarius. Our emotions and thoughts may seem disconnected, potentially causing misunderstandings and the inability to articulate how we feel. Compromise between head and heart requires deep introspection rather than outer communication. The lunar trine with Pluto intensifies our perception, enabling us to transform our perspective.
Tonight, the Moon in Libra oppose Venus in Aries, increasing the need for selfcare, especially if our affections are not reciprocated, which could promote a desire to turn to addictive substances or behavior to quench our desire. Unfortunately, these will only make us feel worse.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:
11:00 AM: Moon in Libra inconjunct Mercury in Pisces @ 02°07'
11:46 AM: Moon in Libra trine Pluto in Aquarius @ 02°30'
9:19 PM: Moon in Libra opposite Venus in Aries @ 07°16'
#art: Robin Laws
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Pallas Athene enters Aquarius tomorrow afternoon @ 2:25 PM, 7th House.
The Greeks worshipped Pallas Athene, goddess of wisdom and justice, as patroness of the arts and protectress of the state. Through her all-encompassing perception, she gave wise counsel to the people of the earth.
Pallas Athene, the favorite daughter of the new sky god Jupiter, was believed to be conceived by himself and birthed from his head. Symbolically, four asteroids ( Pallas Athen, Ceres, Vesta, & Juno ) represent aspects of the archetypal feminine principle that are now emerging into mass consciousness.
In her role as daughter, Pallas symbolizes the principle of creative intelligence giving birth to thought forms. Through her knowledge of the natural laws of manifestation, she functions as one’s capacity for realization and accomplishment.
Before the use of the asteroids, the ONLY significators of the feminine in traditional chart interpretation were the Moon and Venus. The socially acceptable roles for women were the Moon as mother and Venus as mate. This began to change when the first four feminine asteroids were discovered in the 19th century when the women’s movement, led by Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, sought to increase women’s participation in society.
These seeds did not bear fruit, however, until the early 1970s at the same time Elenor Bach published the first asteroid ephemeris. At this point, the aspects of feminine expression fully entered into the consciousness of humanity. Women became imbued with seed possibilities of feminine creativity and intelligence that transcended the traditional roles of mother and wife.
Consequentially, society saw the widespread entrance of women into the fields of politics, arts, education, sports, and other professional careers. It also marked a time of rediscovery of women’s history and the revival of the Goddess in women’s spirituality.
Pallas in the 8th House indicates a strong psychic and oracular intelligence. These people have creative skill with join business and money affairs, the power of sexual magic, and using kundalini yoga as a spiritual transformer. One can experience limitations and restrictions in traditional sexual expressions and instead sublimate sexuality into the field of creativity and transformation.
Pallas in Aquarius represents a futuristic perception. One can "see" in terms of all the various possibilities of the future. As a healer, she works with vibration, healing with color, sound, crystals, and white light ( as a reflector of the Sun's Leo's rays ). Aesthetically, she expresses through creating the new. As inventor or genius, she creates science fiction art, computer graphics, new-wave music, rock video, and radical art.
These artists are out on the forefront of the future, translating the tone of what is coming in for the masses. Politically, Pallas Athene in Aquarius is the political revolutionary, advocating and defending humanitarian causes and organizing grass roots and protests. The wisdom of Pallas Athene in Aquarius is the wisdom of the future — creating forms that will benefit generations to come.
Examples of individuals with Pallas Athene in Aquarius: Abraham Lincoln, Earl Warren, and Martin Luther King, all political mavericks and humanitarians.
Aesthetically, she brings out the poetic, inspirational, and illusory qualities in artistic expression. There exists creative skill in the media of film and photography, which play with light and illusion, and in ethereal music ( synthesizer ), which evokes feeling.
It's beneficial to determine where Pallas Athene resides in your natal chart: Zodiac sign, House, and aspects she is making to other planets for a deeper insight into yourself.
Pallas Athene Ingress aspects:
Pallas Athene sextile North Node in Pisces trine South Node in Virgo trine Sedna in Gemini sextile Juno in Scorpio, creating a futuristic, humanitarian cojoining of energy involving committed relation/partnerships which may include resisting authority, collective advocacy, and leaving behind an outdated past for the benefit of a future collective.
#art: La Danse Triomphale de Pallas Athénée
Mythology: Ancient World Magazine, Theoi
Asteroid Goddesses by Demetra George & Douglas Bloch
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⚔️🛡Pallas Athene enters Aquarius @ 2:25 PM:
📍Note: Mars and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets:
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect:
🌖 Waning Gibbous, Libra:
💫 #ApectingtheCosmos: Sun, Feb 16, 2025: Focusing on open and honest communication rather than expectation that others innately know our needs is a recipe for spiritual growth.
East Coast early birds wake to a beautiful trine between the Moon in Libra and Jupiter in Gemini, opening a threshold of growth in the areas of emotional spirituality. The 9th and 5th House provide realms of higher mind and knowledge, amusements, romance, and a perfect time for networking or socializing.
Late afternoon/early evening the Moon square OOB Mars Rx in Cancer, turning our desire for emotional fulfillment through passion. Emotions can run high if our expectations aren't met or desires reciprocated, and we face being the reason for our own demise. Instead of expectations, focus on honesty and open communication within our relationships to create the emotional balance we seek.
Tonight, the Moon inconjunct Saturn in Pisces opposite Chiron in Aries, potentially creating a disconnect between unhealed wounds and emotional needs versus obligations. Finding a balance between initiative and caution can be as simple as moving one small step at a time. It begins with allowing unhealed wounds to be seen and heard so they can be healed and released once and for all.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:
5:52 AM: Moon in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini @ 11°31'
5:37 PM: Moon in Libra square Mars in Cancer @ 17°20'
9:30 PM: Moon in Libra inconjunct Saturn in Pisces @ 19°15'
11:10 PM: Moon in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries @ 20°04'
#art: Aiko Sakamoto
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Weekly #OracleCardReading & #CelestialGuidance: Feb 16 - 22, 2025
29. CERES: Nurture
This card is all about mothering and being mothered, as Ceres is known as The Great Mother. Her symbol is the sickle, and she encourages us to nurture and cultivate that which is growing, whether it's the harvest from the earth, the child from the womb, or the art from the artist.
Real love can mean tough love—doing what's best for your beloved even if they hate you for it. Love and nurture your own body with healthy, whole foods, take them as communion with the organic world. Feel the earth beneath you holding you, loving you through hard times Let this abundance flow through you to others.
Full reading:
💫🧭Celestial Guidance: Feb 16 - 22, 2025
Focusing on open and honest communication rather than expecting others to innately understand our needs is a recipe for spiritual growth. Pallas Athene entering Aquarius provides a boost of understanding through compassion Sunday.
Monday brings a lovely trine between the Moon and Sun, enabling us to objectively evaluate without expectation. The Moon enters intense Scorpio this evening, so expect a emotional depth over the next two days.
The Sun enters Pisces Tuesday, bringing a wave of compassion and understanding to our inner beings. A depth of communication should be enhanced when the Scorpion Moon trine Mercury in the 7th/11th Houses of profound relationships and hopes, dreams, and wishes.
Juno enters Sagittarius Wednesday, placing an emphasis on committed relation/partnerships while the Moon trine OOB Mars Rx in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces. Make sure to include socializing/networking and rest in your daily routine. Balance is essential for success.
Full Cosmic Schedule:
Have a blessed and wonderful week, everyone!
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How can we support each other’s efforts without falling into the trap of jealousy, fear, and competition?
How can we truly be united sisters?
The system of the patriarchy has long created divisiveness among women by fostering situations where competition, suspicion, and exclusion thrive as a means to survive.
If a woman has ever experienced this from another woman or group of women, or has participated in boycotting another woman’s genuine efforts to share by exclusion or bad-mouthing, know that this behavior is an element of the patriarchal system.
To participate in it is to support the patriarchy.
Let’s support our sisters: rejoice in their efforts, squelch the primal response toward fear, jealousy and competitiveness, don’t participate in gossip or tearing down a sister, and give other women the benefit of the doubt. Reach out to your sisters and let them feel your sincere love in whatever way you can.
~ ♥️Rebekah
copyright © by Rebekah Myers, 2/9/2021
Sacred Sisters Full Moon Circle
Art: Giada Rose Goodman, “The Moon-Watchers”
Giada Rose Illustration
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📍Note: Mars Rx Out-of-Bounds (OOB)
Understanding OOB Planets:
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect:
🌖 Waning Gibbous, Libra -> Scorpio:
🚨 VC Time: 6:24 - 7:19 PM:
💫 #ApectingtheCosmos: Mon, Feb 17, 2025: To everything there is a season and a time—tending to daily responsibilities frees us for an expressive evening without regret or potential reprisal from superiors!
East coast early birds may face the need to compromise within a domestic relationship to maintain equilibrium when the Moon in Libra quincunx Uranus in Taurus. Utilize awareness to ensure you're not giving too much for the sake of peace, or subterranean resentment will begin to boil and seek a place to release in the future
Late afternoon the Moon in Libra quincunx Neptune in Pisces, enhancing the desire for creative expression rather than adhering to a mundane schedule or expectations. Tend to obligations so regret doesn't haunt you later. There's plenty of time for artistic endeavors early evening when the Moon in Libra trine the Sun in Aquarius!
Time to break free and delve deep when the Moon enters Scorpio. Don't be afraid to express yourself through art, poetry, music, or singing. Passion can be ignited.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:
5:54 AM: Moon in Libra inconjunct Uranus in Taurus @ 23°24'
4:16 PM: Moon in Libra inconjunct Neptune in Pisces @ 28°29
6:24 PM: Moon in Libra trine Sun in Aquarius @ 29°32'
7:19 PM: Moon enters Scorpio:
#art: Music by Gustav Klimt
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☀♓Happy Solar Return, Pisces! ♓☀
The Sun will enter Pisces early tomorrow morning @ 5:07 AM, EST
Some information about Pisces:
SYMBOL: Two Fish tied together 🎏
MODE + ELEMENT: Mutable Water 🌊
HOUSE: 12th 🏠
MANTRA: “I believe” ✨
COLORS: Sky Blue, Peach, Lavender, Sea Foam Green, White
ARCHANGELS: Sandalphon 🪶
GODDESS: Atargatis, "Fertility & Protection" 👑
As a messenger of God, Archangel Sandalphon holds a unique bond with the Source. This enables him to assist his charges in communicating with God in distinctive and impactful manners, ensuring they receive a response.
Likewise, Sandalphon fosters and supports creativity, not only in prayer but also in poetry, music, and the arts.
Goddess Atargatis was the chief goddess of northern Syria in Classical antiquity. She was known as a fertility goddess, but, as the baalat ("mistress") of her city and people she was also responsible for their protection and well-being.
Michael Rostovtzeff called her "the great mistress of the North Syrian lands". Her consort is usually Hadad. As Ataratheh, doves and fish were considered sacred to her: doves as an emblem of the love goddess, and fish as symbolic of the fertility and life of the waters.
The Sun enters Pisces on a Tuesday, ruled by Mars, representing passion, sex, courage, aggression, and protection.
The Moon is a Waning Crescent in Scorpio: Increases awareness of psychic power. Precipitates psychic crisis and ends connections thoroughly. People tend to brood and become secretive.
Pisces ( March ) Birthstone* 💍
Who in this world of ours, her eyes
In March first opens, shall be wise.
In days of peril, firm and brave,
And wear a Bloodstone to her grave.
Modern: Aquamarine
Zodiac: Amethyst
As a Mutable sign, Pisces are extremely charitable and compassionate. They are sympathetic, emotional, intuitive, introspective and very imaginative, especially in the area of music.
They are known as the dreamers of the Zodiac and are easily influenced by others because they don't want to hurt anyone. It can be difficult for them to make decisions and they need to overcome their desire to escape from anything that is difficult.
At times they can be indolent and impractical, and struggle with self-confidence, but in their own quite way, they accomplish a great deal.
They are very charming and likeable and are good for those in distress and are fond of animals. Pisces, more than any other sign, will draw its strength or weakness from the rest of the horoscope.
*Birthstone poetry reprinted from 'The Occult and Curative Powers of Precious Stones' by William T. Fernie, MD. Harper & Row ( 1981 )
**For more information on Pisces Cusps and Decans:
Art: Elisabeth Jerichau-Baumann
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Humanity’s Angel (the unseen vigil)
In these turbulent times, where chaos and antipathy seem to pervade every corner of our world, I had a moment of wondering what the angel of humanity might be experiencing right now. Imagining her as ancient, I pondered whether she had ever been as busy or taxed as she surely is in these times, which led to the creation of this work.
I sought to capture both her profound weariness and unwavering devotion. The angel, seated with her head resting against her hand, epitomizes sheer exhaustion, a testament to the heavy burden she carries. Yet, despite the turmoil and ceaseless challenges brought on by wars and conflicts, she remains steadfast in her prayer for us, and never once gives up or in. Love leads us on.
"Humanity’s Angel" reflects our current age, where humanity’s actions must surely exhaust even the divine protectors who watch over us. Amidst the darkness and strife, this angel continues to trust in faith, praying unceasingly for us all. Her resilience is a reminder that even in our darkest moments, there is hope and unwavering support from the spiritual realm.
Through this artwork, I hope to convey a message of perseverance and faith. Despite the overwhelming adversity, the angel's continued prayer signifies a beacon of hope and the enduring power of faith. May she remind you as well that no matter how difficult, no matter how heavy the burden, we were born for this.
Our light and love are critical to the Great Work. Yes, we are exhausted, spent, uncertain and often fumbling but our will is eternal and unending. She is a reminder that yes, we may doubt, and yes, the road is long - but may we all be inspired by her strength and commitment, and continue to strive to bring more light, compassion and love into our world.
#Art “Humanity’s Angel (the unseen vigil)”
~ Shewhois
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📍Note: Mars OOB:
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect:
🌖 Waning Gibbous, Scorpio:
☀️♓️Sun enters Pisces @ 5:07 AM EST:
💫 #ApectingtheCosmos: Tue, Feb 18, 2025: Speak with any successful entrepreneur and they'll all tell you there were times they wanted to give up but kept going instead. That message is for you today. The path is waiting to be discovered. Turn to Nature.
East Coast night owls can expect intense energy when the Moon in Scorpio square its secondary Overlord, Pluto in Aquarius just after midnight. While this may appear as a stumbling block to something, its design is an opportunity to push through and transform the situation into something positive. Instead of becoming emotional and throwing your hands up, seek out the forward path—it's there, waiting to be found.
Late morning/early afternoon the intense Scorpio Moon trine Mercury in Pisces quincunx Venus in Aries, opening a line for honest conversation. Just be careful to convey how you feel through a filter of love and compassion, unless you want to rock the boat and muddy the waters.
Tonight, the Moon in Scorpio quincunx Jupiter in Gemini, creating a potent atmosphere of possibility to make progress toward our goals through reasoning ability and expansion of knowledge. Commitment and dedication are vehicles of advancement. Don't give up. Perhaps turn to Nature.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:
12:34 AM: Moon in Scorpio square Pluto in Aquarius @ 02°35'
10:55 AM: Moon in Scorpio trine Mercury in Pisces @ 07°40'
12:28 PM: Moon in Scorpio quincunx Venus in Aries @ 08°26'
6:57 PM: Moon in Scorpio quincunx Jupiter in Gemini @ 11°38'
#art: Catherine McMillian
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📍Note: Mars OOB
Understanding OOB Planets:
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect:
🌖 Waning Gibbous, Scorpio:
💫 #ApectingtheCosmos: Wed, Feb 19, 2025: One of the biggest mistakes professionals make is not including socializing/networking and rest in their daily routine. Balance is essential for success.
East coast early birds should wake to opportune energy when the Scorpio Moon trine OOB Mars Rx in Cancer. Careful consideration and attention to detail in whatever we desire to accomplish can set the day in motion. Make sure to include rest & socializing breaks to balance work commitments.
Late morning/early afternoon presents a lunar trine to Saturn in Pisces followed by a quincunx to Chiron in Aries. Relation/partnerships can further our mutual goals at this time through shared responsibilities and organizational skills. We may need to adjust our emotional outlook if we're triggered early afternoon. Awareness of our intense emotions when the Moon is in Scorpio can bring a new perspective.
Once the Moon in Scorpio oppose Uranus in Taurus early evening is an excellent time to break from work to clear the clutter of our surroundings and mind. Reconciling opposite energies can be as easy as focusing on something other than work. Here's that balance previously discussed.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:
6:07 AM: Moon in Scorpio trine OOB Mars Rx in Cancer @ 17°08'
10:59 AM: Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn in Pisces @ 19°33'
12:24 PM: Moon in Scorpio quincunx Chiron in Aries @ 20°11'
6:47 PM: Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus @ 23°26'
#art: Seb McKinnen
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Juno enters Sagittarius @ 10:32 PM, EST, 3rd House, the natural home of Gemini ruled by Mercury, enhancing logic, reasoning ability, and all forms of communication.
Originally known as the Goddess Hera in Greek mythology, she was revered by the Greeks for her beauty and fidelity. An idealized wife, she exemplified the duties and attitudes of a proper mate within the institution of marriage.
She became the Olympian Juno upon her marriage to Jupiter, and initiated women into the rites of marriage. Her placement can show us how we feel about marriage, what marriage means to us, what we do or do not desire in our marriage relationship, or if we even want to get married in the first place.
Juno symbolizes the principle of relatedness. She represents our capacity for meaningful relationship and the degree of awareness and sensitivity that we bring to another person. She also describes the ways in which we face the issues of compatibility, receptivity to others, mutual sharing, trust, jealousy, possessiveness, and power struggles. Here, concepts of commitment expand ( Jupiter's influence ).
Sagittarius offers Juno a less defined understanding of monogamy which leans toward idealistic views, while Juno represents formal commitment and power balance.
This transit allows partners to communicate better and explore new possibilities in their relationship while addressing power imbalances and discussing different perspectives on fidelity.
Relationships that begin when Juno is transiting Sagittarius require freedom for either one or both partners if close aspects with natal charts. Those with Juno in Sagittarius natal placements require intellectual stimulation with their partner.
Consensus on a belief system or a mutually shared vision of the future is required. Rigid insistence on one's own beliefs, religious fanaticism, or inflated expectations of the future can result when a unifying vision is not shared.
Your beliefs and ideas need recognition from others. Guard against taking things too personally by becoming excessively agitated when others prevent you from expressing your opinion. You desire a partner who values your views and allows you full freedom to communicate your thoughts.
#art: Juno, Jupiter, and Lo by Gerbrand van den Eeckhout
GrecoRoman Mythology
Asteroid Goddesses by Demetra George & Douglas Bloch
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#juno #goddessjuno #asteroid #asteroidgoddesses #greekmythology #romanmythology #history
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📍Note: Moon & Mars-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets:
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect:
🌗 Last Quarter, Scorpio -> Sagittarius:
🚨 V/C Time: 5:06 - 7:55 AM:
💫 #ApectingtheCosmos: Thu, Feb 20, 2025: “A tender heart is a wakeful, watchful heart.” ~ John Bunyan
East coast early birds wake to a lovely trine between the Moon and Neptune. Take a few moments to lie still upon waking and visualize your dreams, hopes, goals, and even wishes. Dream big!
Early afternoon the Moon in Sagittarius square the Sun in Pisces sextile Pluto in Aquarius, indicating attention in a relation/partnership is warranted. If someone is being overly critical or demanding, remember who YOU are, and that you have the ability to transform the situation through awareness. What others do or say is a reflection of them, not you. Guard your heart against negative thoughts.
New ideas or visions may not be readily accepted midafternoon when Mercury in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini. Be patient and don't give up. Write them down—because they aren't accepted now doesn't mean they won't be. Trust in the timing of the Universe and protect your heart against the sin of regret or shame for being yourself.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:
5:06 AM: Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces @ 28°35'
12:33 PM: Moon in Sagittarius square Sun in Pisces @ 02°19'
1:12 PM: Moon in Sagittarius sextile Pluto in Aquarius @ 02°39'
3:13 PM: Mercury in Pisces square Jupiter in Gemini @ 11°43'
#Art: The Watchful Heart by She Who Is
#inspiritualservice #astrology #Astrology2025 #astrologer #inspiritualserviceastrology #moon #Scorpio #sagittarius #mooninscorpio #mooninsagittarius #lunar #mooncycles #lunarphases #dailyforecast #energyforecast #astrologypost #astrologyreadings #astrologylove #cosmicconsciousness #CosmicVibes
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Truth is in the wound waiting to be freed.
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📍Note: Moon & Mars Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets:
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect:
🌗Waning Gibbous, Sagittarius:
💫 #ApectingtheCosmos: Fri, Feb 21, 2025: Today is a classroom of experience that can bring about healing tonight if we do the suggested work. You got this.
The Moon in Sagittarius oppose Jupiter in Gemini early morning, highlighting emotional resistance to growth. Home may feel comfortable and safe; however, it's not how we grow. Try to take one small step toward something you truly want today.
Midmorning could present potential misperceptions when the Moon square Mercury in Pisces. Though we may feel misunderstood, an alternate view can shed a new light. The energies are working for your greater good. What can we learn? Letting go of expectations can transform the situation. Guard your words; they can't be retracted once spoken.
Late afternoon the Moon quincunx OOB Mars Rx in Cancer. This is a time to trust our intuition rather than emotional doubt or insecurity. Emotional grappling will get us nowhere. Quiet yourself and go inside for guidance to reconcile the energies.
Tonight, the Moon square Saturn in Pisces trine Chiron in Aries. Today has highlighted lessons that can bring about healing. If we've done the work suggested in the previous aspects, we can experience a deep-seated revelation through careful analyzation that brings a sense of stability to our senses.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:
7:09 AM: Moon in Sagittarius oppose Jupiter in Gemini @ 11°45'
9:53 AM: Moon in Sagittarius square Mercury in Pisces @ 08°11'
5:25 PM: Moon in Sagittarius quincunx OOB Mars Rx in Cancer @ 17°02'
10:50 PM: Moon in Sagittarius square Saturn in Pisces @ 19°51'
11:41 PM: Moon in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries @ 20°17'
#Art: Lyse Marion
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Just as the stars, they impel; they do not compel.