The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )
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OOB Medea entered Capricorn last night @ 10:17 PM, EST, 5th House, the natural home of Leo ruled by the Sun.
Goddess Medea: The Wise One
Zodiac Association: Scorpio & Pluto
According to the Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology (1968), Medea imparts "female wisdom," stemming from the Sanskrit concept or force of "medha." This concept is also shared by other mythological figures like Métis and Medusa. Additionally, it traces back to the Babylonian "Me" or "Mother Wisdom," as well as the Egyptian 'Met' and the Greek "Meter," which also means 'mother”. Her name means “Wise One”.
In Greek Mythology, she is considered to be the source of all healing, and was versed in the use of herbs, magical plants, potions, and the art of transformation. She held the title of Princess of Colchis, was the granddaughter of Helios, the Sun god, and the niece of Circe, the enchantress. Many believe that her archetype transcends time and space, offering insights into the transformative power of the Dark Feminine.
‘Of all things upon earth that bleed and grow, A herb most bruised is woman’ Euripes, Medea
According to Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman, she represents the untamed wildness of the soul, the shadow self that holds the keys to our deepest desires and fears. Through her, we learn to embrace the darkness within us, harnessing its potent energy for personal growth and spiritual evolution.
She was also recognized as the first sorceress to conduct rituals in Thessaly, is a pivotal figure in the region's reputation as 'the land of the witches.' Her legend suggests that she was instrumental in bringing women's herbal knowledge from Asia Minor to Greece.
In later myths, Medea is often remembered not for her healing skills but as a vengeful and rejected partner, overwhelmed by jealousy for which she found no cure. During the classical era, playwrights portrayed Medea as being consumed by anger, taking the lives of her own children to retaliate against Jason's betrayal.
Medea serves as a symbol of the profound respect and understanding of healing, herbs, and magic that was introduced to the West, only to be gradually overlooked and ultimately vilified. The myth contains elements of an ancient tradition. The name Jason signifies 'healer,' and his alliance with Medea reflects the traditional methods of healing that existed prior to the rise of empirical medicine and the vilification of magical practices.
As a heroine, she embodies the feminine wisdom that intuitively understands cooperation with nature and its cycles. She has an instinctual knowledge of the precise moments to conduct rituals and ceremonies that summon healing spirits or banish demons.
A prominent Medea in a birth chart signals a call to delve into the age-old feminine practices of herbalism, alchemy, and magical rituals. It speaks to our innate understanding of the body's natural cycles and its requirements for wellness.
This goddess evokes the time-honored tradition of connecting with the plant world, acknowledging the wisdom of nature, and recognizing the potent healing and transformative qualities inherent in the natural realm. Instinctively, the witch represents the drive that guides us to the right remedies and potions at the opportune moment and is the inspiration to craft rituals and ceremonies that summon the goddess's energies.
Medea in Capricorn
As a Cardinal sign, Capricorn is ambitious, serious, and dedicated to duty. Life can seem difficult, but ultimately Capricorns triumph.
They are self-disciplined, responsible and practical, but at times wallow in self-pity. However, they have excellent reasoning ability and a strong sense of purpose and direction. They may appear somber and reserved in their dealings with others, but once they trust you, they are loyal and steadfast.
Socially oriented and willing to work hard for anything they want, a Capricorn's self-esteem is extremely important to them.
When you combine the transformative nature of Medea with the articulate and dependable nature of Capricorn, you get an alchemical cocktail of dedication and commitment balanced with a reasoning ability strong enough to temper the jealous and vengeful side of Medea.
Guarding against melancholia is advisable by focusing on alchemical creations that can transform our personal or professional lives. These projects can be scheduling revisions that enable us to work smarter not harder or utilizing the organizational skills of Capricorn to get our ducks in a row.
This is a profound opportunity to advance our careers and get our personal lives in order if we avoid wallowing in self-pity ( that can affect our self-esteem and confidence ). The courage we need to transform ourselves is available through alchemy.
#art #Medea by She Who Is
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This New Year's Eve, may you have the strength to close any window that hurt or took you for granted. No matter how beautiful the view, there is one even better and filled with Love. 🎉💖
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🎉HAPPY 2025! May it be blessed with much love, happiness, and prosperity in all that truly matters! And remember, Love always wins in the end!
☄️The Quads Meteor Shower begins to peak tonight through Friday night.
🎯Note: Mars, Ceres, and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets:
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect:
🌑Moon, 1st Quarter Capricorn - > Aquarius @5:51 AM EST:
⛔️Void of Course: 1:02 - 5:50 AM EST:
💫 #ApectingtheCosmos: Wed, Jan 01, 2025, EST: There are times to push through, and there are times to stop and rest. A "Not to do" list is just as important as a "To Do" list. Love continues to work even when we rest. <3
We can expect to feel emotionally overwhelmed early morning when the Moon conjunct Pluto in Aquarius oppose OOB Mars in Leo, ushering in intense feelings with the potential to trigger something subconscious. Focus may prove difficult and even irritating, so giving our mind a rest may prove the most beneficial medicine today.
✨Degrees/Aspects EST:
7:45 AM: Moon conjunct Pluto in Aquarius @ 01°04'
8:53 AM: Moon oppose OOB Mars Rx in Leo @ 01°43'
#Art @Paula Jones Fine Artist
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Venus glides from progressive Aquarius into charitable Pisces tomorrow night @ 10:25 PM, EST, 7th House.
Venus rules Taurus and Libra; however, is exalted in Pisces, and is known as the planet of Love. She rules over artistic endeavors, cultural influences, aesthetics, beauty, charm, good taste, and partnerships.
The keyword for Pisces is "understanding", as they possess a compassionate and sympathetic nature when demonstrating their positive characteristics.
These two are cojoining in the 7th house, representing intimate relationships and those we attract through friendships, romance, and even business partnerships of all kinds.
This house is the natural home of Libra, where those around us become mirrors and teachers on our journey to knowing our worth.
Venus has been under the liberating influence of Aquarius; however, moving into Pisces will place her under the dreamy influence of Neptune, ruler of the mystical and spiritual.
Here she is exalted and can strut about from under the weight of the crown, as an heiress flitting about socially without shackles.
Venus is not just considered the Goddess of Love, but the glue of the Universe—as love is the highest essence of all creation. Thus,
"Live each moment to the fullest" should be our mantra!
DIVE into Love. And I don't mean just romantic love, but that of friendship, the earth, creation as a whole. Fall in love with every moment of every day and all that you are blessed with.
Revel in the essence of Love - travel, go places you've never been, experience things you've never done throughout this lovely influence.
It's also the perfect time to heal estranged relationships. Love heals all things, so be kind, be courageous, and be love in all your deeds and communications.
#art Witold Pruszkowski
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📍Note: Mars, Ceres, and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets:
☄️The Quads Meteor Shower peaks tonight through Friday night.
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect:
🌑Moon, 1st Quarter Aquarius:
Planetary transits:
♏️Vesta enters Scorpio @ 6:10 PM, 5th House
♓️Venus enters Pisces @ 10:25 PM, 7th House
💫 #ApectingtheCosmos: Thu, Jan 02, 2025, EST: Even the darkest and coldest night holds beauty if we seek it out. "Many a Winter's night she flies through the streets and peeps in at the windows and then the ice freezes on the panes into wonderful patterns like flowers."
Early morning the Moon trine Jupiter, bringing an emotional reliance on our intuition as well as organizational abilities to expand our goals. Task-oriented and focus continues into midafternoon when the Moon sextile Chiron, creating harmony between our wounds and Lunar nurturing. This gentle coupling enables us to integrate past wounds into our present dynamic for healing.
Tonight, the Moon sextile Mercury and intuitive communication takes center stage. Here are hearts and minds are aligned, and authentic expression flows. Less than an hour later the Sun inconjuncts Jupiter Rx, cautioning us not to overextend ourselves. Tomorrow is another day.
Late tonight the Moon square Uranus Rx, guard against moodiness and impulsivity. If we feel irritable and impatient, perhaps we need to take a break? If we feel trapped by someone or circumstance, it's time to withdraw into ourselves to rebalance. Don't allow the cold of winter freeze hope.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:
4:51 AM: Moon trine Jupiter in Pisces @ 13°04'
3:14 PM: Moon sextile Chiron in Aries @ 19°00'
9:34 PM: Moon sextile Mercury in Sagittarius @ 22°38
10:18 PM: Sun in Capricorn inconjunct Jupiter in Gemini @ 12°59'
11:13 PM: Moon square Uranus Rx in Taurus @ 13°35'
#Art Edmund Dulac
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Vesta enters Scorpio this evening @ 6:10 PM, EST, 5th House: Passion meets Intuition in this coupling between our inner flame and intense emotions.
As Goddess of the Hearth, the Greeks worshipped Vesta as the keeper of both the sacred fire and the home fire. She was a symbol of protection which insured the cohesion of the state and family for the people of the earth.
Vesta in the fifth house suggests a dedication to one's personal creative expressions—children or artistic forms. Alienation from children, romance, and the pleasure or creative blockage can often result. Sexual inhibition occurs through excessive sublimation of sexual energy into fifth-house affairs, or a painstaking focus on flaws may sabotage spontaneity.
Because Scorpio is associated with unearthing, we are apt to be more perceptive during this transit, particularly regarding the undercurrent, or things not seen. This window also signifies focus and creative passions associated with transformation and intimacy.
#art: Frederick Cooper
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☄️Final night to view the Quads Meteor Shower peak!
📍Mars, Ceres, and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets:
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect:
🌒Waxing Crescent Moon, Aquarius -> Pisces @ 10:21 AM:
⛔V/C: 11:13 PM ( 3rd ) - 10:21 AM ( 4th ):
💫 #ApectingtheCosmos: Fri, Jan 03, 2025, EST: Battling a conflict of inner feelings can consume our attention. Giving the mind a break by focusing on beauty and what we appreciate often alleviates the tension and allows energies to reconcile themselves without force.
Overnight Mars oppose Pluto, creating a tense polarity between desires and the struggle to achieve them. Avoid becoming controlling and/or competitive. Instead, maintain your integrity while adjusting your methods of attainment.
Late morning & early afternoon the Moon conjunct Venus inconjunct Mars in Leo, ushering a window of emotional peace. Our sensory perception regarding appreciation of beauty will be enhanced, making it an excellent time to express our feelings to others. HOWEVER, we will also be susceptible to lower-vibrational energies, so guard against knee-jerk reactions toward others.
Midafternoon Mercury inconjunct Uranus Rx in Taurus can liberate our mind to new and innovative concepts that may affect the collective as a whole, as long as we don't allow our inhibitions to restrict our rationale.
Early evening Venus inconjunct Mars, increasing our desire for adventure and pleasure. Guard against a push-pull polarity between affection and resentment hi-jacking our attention. Focus instead on the beauty and pleasure we seek.
Degrees, Aspects, Time. EST:
2:21 AM: Mars in Leo oppose Pluto in Aquarius @ 01°08'
11:21 AM: Moon in Pisces conjunct Venus @ 00°34'
12:05 PM: Moon in Pisces inconjunct Mars in Leo @ 00°59'
2:19 PM: Mercury in Sag inconjunct Uranus in Taurus @ 23°34'
6:41 PM: Venus in Pisces inconjunct Mars in Leo @ 00°53'
#Art Kate Morgan
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📍 Mars, Ceres, and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets:
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect:
🌒Waxing Crescent Moon Pisces:
💫 #ApectingtheCosmos: Sat, Jan 04, 2025, EST: Today enables us to make the realistic changes we need with clarity and purpose, particularly in our relationships.
Caution against being careless or an urge to splurge early morning when the Moon square Jupiter. It's best not to make any final decisions or major changes during this window.
Late morning the Moon sextile the Sun conjunct Saturn within 15 minutes. The former provides a sense of balance between thought and emotion, leveling out any indecision we may have previously felt. Enhanced by the conjunction, intimate relationships can prosper because we feel more responsible and demonstrate patience toward those we care about and are dependent upon us.
Early evening the Sun sextile Saturn, adding patience, commitment, and dedication to our work ethic. This in turn provides us with the strength and confidence to overcome any obstacles to our goals we may face by adjusting our plans more realistically.
Degrees, Aspects, Time. EST:
8:34 AM: Moon in Pisces square Jupiter Rx in Gemini @ 12°51'
11:32 AM: Moon in Pisces sextile Sun in Capricorn @ 14°34'
11:56 AM: Moon in Pisces conjunct Saturn in Pisces @ 14°48'
5:36 PM: Sun in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces @ 14°49'
#Art Julia Ismambetova
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📍Note: Mars, Ceres, and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets:
❗️OOB Mars Retrograde in effect:
🌒Waxing Crescent Moon Pisces -> Aries @ 2:01 PM:
⛔Lunar void-of-course: 9:30 AM - 2:01 PM:
💫 #ApectingtheCosmos: Sun, Jan 05, 2025, EST: When we offer a safe place and support to others, we activate self-healing.
We can trust our heightened intuition, instincts, and sudden insights when forced to make quick decisions regarding opportunities when the Moon sextile Uranus Rx early morning.
Some feelings and/or opinions should be internalized rather than spoken, especially midmorning when the Moon square Mercury. Allow the tongue to be the filter between our heart and mind—some words can never be retracted.
The following double-edged sword of the Moon conjunct Neptune in Pisces will enable us to utilize compassion & empathy for the greater good. Offering a safe place for others becomes a healing balm for ourselves.
The above filtering and offerings create a confident atmosphere for assertiveness when the Moon trine Mars Rx midafternoon, projecting a genuine desire to assist others. Late afternoon the Moon sextile Pluto, amplifying our intuition and psychic awareness so that we can see below the surface of people and situations. We may experience a desire to delve into the occult or a mysterious topic of interest.
Degrees, Aspects, Time. EST:
2:56 AM: Moon in Pisces sextile Uranus Rx in Taurus @ 23°32'
6:56 AM: Moon in Pisces square Mercury in Sagittarius @ 25°52'
9:30 AM: Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune Rx in Pisces @ 27°22'
2:25 PM: Moon in Aries trine OOB Mars Rx in Leo @ 00°14'
4:05 PM: Moon in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius @ 01°12'
#Art Herman Smorenburg
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Weekly #OracleCardReading: No 33. PHASE ENTANGLEMENT: Emotional Influence
Were you aware that we're energetic sponges absorbing experiences each day? This is where the Law of Attraction also comes into play: What we emanate we attract. This aspect is important regarding our manifestation techniques.
Full message:
#CelestialGuidance: Jan 05 - 11, 2025:
Sunday morning provides us a wonderful opportunity through play, meditation, and helping others. OOB Mars retrogrades back into Cancer Monday and the Moon sextile Jupiter, enabling us to bring light to our own darkness, dispelling doubt and creating space for expansion.
Full Schedule:
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📍Note: Mars, Ceres, and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets:
❗️Mars Retrograde in effect:
⚔️Mars re-entered Cancer ♋️@ 5:44 AM:
🌓Moon, Aries, second quarter:
💫 #ApectingtheCosmos: Monday, Jan 06, 2025, EST: When we remember that emotional or physical rough patches won't last, we surrender and make adjustments through gratitude rather than inflaming the feelings through resistance. This brings the light to our own darkness.
Guard against negative influences that can produce insecurity this morning when Mercury squares Neptune. We may want to stick with simple communication when dealing with others. Avoid melodrama and operate from a place of high ethics to avoid regrettable faux pas.
Full message:
#Art Kate Morgan
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Something to keep in mind.
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OOB Mars Rx re-entered Cancer @ 5:44 AM, EST, 8th House, the natural home of Scorpio ruled by Mars/Pluto.
Cancer has a very nurturing and connective nature while Mars, on the other hand, is all about forcefulness, and aggressive acquisition.
Mars can bring resistance and conflict to the ethos of Cancer, who may attempt to stifle his nature in return—which is, of course, utterly contrary to what he represents: heat, fire, violence, and war.
However, there is an alternative for these two to peacefully coexist. . .
#art Marc Fishman
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📍Note: Mars, Ceres, and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets:
❗️Mars Retrograde in effect:
🌓Moon, 2nd Quarter Aries -> Taurus @ 5:12 PM: ⛔Void-of-Course: 4:16 - 5:11 PM EST
💫 #ApectingtheCosmos: Tuesday, Jan 07, 2025, EST: We can't deliver a message to those unwilling to open their ears and hearts to receive it.
Our emotions are aligned with our thoughts when the moon trines Mercury. It's a great time to connect socially because our intuition is peaked, and we can easily read others. Creative projects are highly favored, especially writing goals.
Full forecast + degrees & time:
#Art Michael de Bono
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📍Note: Mars, Ceres, and Medea Out-of-Bounds ( OOB )
Understanding OOB Planets:
❗️Mars Retrograde in effect:
🌓Moon, 2nd Quarter Taurus:
💫 #ApectingtheCosmos: Wednesday, Jan 08, 2025, EST: A flourishing day for relationships and projects. If nostalgia and introspection catch up with us this evening, don't brush away the emotions. Allow them to lead us into healing.
We can expect an increase in popularity from an elevated level of charm when the Moon sextile Venus early morning. Our appreciation for beauty, truth, and honesty opens our hearts to share our own. Relationships can flourish under this influence.
Stability and security are the keywords this evening when the Taurian Moon sextile Saturn in Pisces. If faced with difficult circumstances, we'll be enabled to navigate them with balanced emotions and a committed resolve.
Tonight, the Sun in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries, and although this is a challenging aspect, it's also an opportunity to delve deep into healing, particularly if we feel triggered or melancholic. The past has a way of catching up to us through everyday occurrences, phrases we may hear, movies, and songs. Don't brush the nudge away for another day—the opportunity is now.
✨Degrees/Aspects/Time EST:
3:49 PM: Moon in Taurus sextile Venus in Aquarius @ 05°24'
5:30 AM: Mercury enters Capricorn
6:57 PM: Moon in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces @ 15°10'
8:53 PM: Sun in Capricorn square Chiron in Aries @ 19°02'
#Art Jen Beaudet Zondervan
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