The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )
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Tyrant of Words
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Note: Venus & Ceres OOB:
#AspectingtheCosmos, Mon, Oct 28, 2024, EDT: When we see through the frustrations of ourselves and others, we see that all anyone seeks is to be seen, heard, and peace. We have the power to create that space.
Dia de Los Muertos, Souls of Accidentados ( Souls of those who've died in accidents ):
Early to mid-morning, Mars in Cancer trine Neptune Rx in Pisces, the Moon in Virgo sextile Mercury in Scorpio and Venus in Sagittarius square Saturn Rx in Pisces: The morning begins with an understanding or meeting of minds. Communication comes naturally and flows. Be aware that triggers are opportunities to learn, and that love is freedom.
Late this afternoon the Moon in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus, paving a path of mutual understanding within a partnership. Expect surprises or changeups in schedules.
Tonight, the Moon oppose Neptune sextile Mars, providing an opportunity to reconcile any emotional misunderstandings regarding dreams, wishes, or plans before relaxing into a cozy night at home surrounded by domestic comfort.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Perfection Times ( EDT ):
Mars: 27CAN34, 9
Neptune Rx: 27PIS34, 5
Aspect: Trine
Time: 8:31 AM
Moon: 22VIR31, 11
Mercury: 22SCO31, 1
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 9:16 AM
Venus: 12SAG58, 2
Saturn Rx: 12PIS58, 5
Aspect: Square
Time: 9:35 AM
Moon: 26VIR01, 7
Uranus: 26TAU01, 3
Aspect: Trine
Time: 4:23 PM
Moon: 27VIR33, 5
Neptune Rx: 27PIS33, 11
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 7:31 PM
Moon: 27VIR45, 4
Mars: 27CAN45, 2
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 7:55 PM
#art Lucy Campbell
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Dia de los Muertos ( Day of the Dead ) October 27 - November 2
Much like the Celtic Samhain we'll discuss later this week, the annual Mexican celebration is also a time families gather to honor their dearly departed. Except, unlike Samhain, where it was believed the deceased returned to dine in the home, Mexicans believe the souls of the dead can return to visit in homes, businesses and cemeteries.
This tradition originated from the ancient line of Aztecs, who held fiestas and rituals to honor their dead during the harvest season. Death, not birth, was viewed as the beginning of the cycle of life, and seasons as well.
The Día de Muertos celebration begins in certain parts of Mexico on October 27th and runs through November 2nd each year in Mexico. Families and communities come together joyously in their homes and cemeteries, honoring the following:
• October 27th: Honoring Beloved Pets
• October 28th: Day of the Accidentados - souls who died in accidents.
• October 31st: Los Angelitos - souls of children who have passed.
• November 1st: Souls of Adults.
• November 2nd: Spirits depart.
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#art: Sylvia Ji
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None of us are.
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#AspectingtheCosmos, Tue, Oct 29, 2024, EDT: Awareness what the type of impact that commitment has on our emotional state and instincts is vital to maintain balance.
Moon enters Libra @ 12:30 AM, 3rd House:
Understanding Void-of-Course time: 11:54 PM ( 28th ) - 12:30 AM ( 29th )
Early AM the Moon conjunct Vesta in Libra, 3rd House, the natural home of Gemini ruled by Mercury: When Vesta, the keeper of the flame of home and hearth, enters a conjunction with the Moon, our emotional and instinctual compass, it creates a deep and hallowed bond. This conjunction marks a powerful fusion of our emotional desire with our dedication and life's mission.
When we meditate on the method in which a deep-seated passion ( Vesta ) can spark and invigorate our emotional state ( the Moon ), we can evaluate how a commitment to a particular cause or even an individual has the ability to transform our emotional terrafirma. Considering what type of impact that commitment has on our emotional state and instincts is vital to maintain balance.
If your Moon conjunct Vesta in your natal chart, it highlights the importance of balancing emotion with a sense of responsibility. This influence uncovers the importance of maintaining our emotional health and is essential if we are to be of service to others. Fulfilling our emotional needs while nurturing spiritual bonds allows for a harmonious balance of self-care and service to others.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Perfection Times ( EDT ):
Moon: 00LIB56, 3
Vesta: 00LIB56, 3
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 2:24 AM EDT
#art Céline Brossard
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Dia de los Muertos 2024
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The Moon entered Libra overnight at 12:30 AM, EDT, in the Third House, the natural home of Gemini ruled by Mercury. Void-of-Course ( V/C ) time: 11:54 PM ( 28th ) - 12:30 AM ( 29th ) EDT.
Understanding V/C:
Our Moon sign reflects how we nurture ourselves, symbolizing our comfort zone and sense of safety. In contrast to the sun, which is governed by logic and the divine masculine, the Moon evokes a primal, psychic sensation. It's one of the most intimate and safeguarded parts of the astrological chart; while it may not always be apparent, it steers us with its nocturnal intuition.
Libra, known as the energetic balancing scale, is always weighing things to consider the options. Being Venus-ruled, it possesses a need for harmony and has a deep admiration for beauty. Libra favors traditional laws like proportion and symmetry, and is sensitive to its surroundings, seeking not only the aforementioned, but peace, justice, and fairness.
Librans embody the Diplomat archetype, prioritizing assistance and forging relationships. They value kindness and generosity, choosing cooperation over rivalry. Empathy comes naturally to them, as if they have an innate ability to resonate with the emotions of others using their own hearts and minds.
When the Moon transits this sign, our actions are emotionally diplomatic and oriented toward relationships and partnerships to restore balance through cooperation and compromise. We also dedicate ourselves to beautifying our surroundings and frequenting art galleries, museums, or gardens to feed our desire for beauty.
For more information on the Moon in Libra transit or Natal, please visit
#art Phoebe Anna Traquair
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Note: Venus & Ceres OOB:
#AspectingtheCosmos, Wed, Oct 30, 2024, EDT: Today will have us accessing what's truly important.
Early morning we have the Moon in Libra sextile OOB Venus in Sagittarius on 15°, "The Avatar Degree". We may find ourselves as the “go-to” person for friends, family, or colleagues. That's because our resourcefulness can get things done, and in the process, uncover the reason for living in this sign.
Early afternoon, the Moon in Libra sextile Pallas in Sagittarius square OOB Ceres in Capricorn within minutes, indicating we need to allow wisdom to guide our emotional outlook, we may be our own undoing and unfavorably tip the scales. Utilize patience and caution at this time or we may find our needs unmet.
The Moon in Libra oppose Chiron Rx in Aries while Mercury in Scorpio oppose Uranus Rx in Taurus early evening may have us feeling triggered through something someone says or something we may hear or read about. Expect the unexpected as far as disrupted plans or schedule changes.
The Moon in Libra trine Jupiter Rx in Gemini six minutes later will enable us to rebalance through analytical thinking regarding what's important to us. What really matters?
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Perfection Times ( EDT ):
Moon: 15LIB17, 12
OOB Venus: 15SAG17, 2
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 7:39 AM
Moon: 17LIB53, 10
Pallas: 17SAG53, 12
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 12:56 PM
Moon: 17LIB55, 10
OOB Ceres: 17CAP55, 1
Aspect: Square
Time: Square
Moon: 20LIB29, 6
Chiron Rx: 20ARI29, 12
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 6:13 PM
Mercury: 25SCO56, 7
Uranus Rx: 25TAU56, 12
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 6:15 PM
Moon: 20LIB33, 6
Jupiter Rx: 20GEM33, 2
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 12:56 PM
#art Lisbeth Cheever Gessaman
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Tyrant of Words
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Halloween and Samhain are tomorrow, October 31st. How they are entwined in history rarely taught.
Halloween is widely known for the Christian holiday preceding All Saint's Day; however, it's actually the result of combining the Celtic observance of Samhain with the Christian church's All Saint's Day.
The result was a new religious holiday that could be embraced by both groups; however, the Christian church's intent was to incorporate Pagans into their fold for conversion.
This type of 'mirroring' ( using established Pagan holidays ) was prevalent in the Christian church was to project unification as an attempt to attract other cultures, hoping that newcomers would ease into membership.
While All Hallows Eve is still recognized as a church holiday, the modern non-religious observance has evolved into 'Halloween'.
History of Samhain is an interesting one. The ancient Celts believed there were just two seasons to the year: Beltane ( spring and summer ), and Samhain ( autumn & winter ); therefore, the Celtic culture celebrated October 31 as their New Year's Eve.
There was a great feast and a time to reflect on the previous months as well as plan for the future. Part of this tradition was honoring their dead, whom they believed ( on this night ) the veils between worlds were thin, enabling their departed loved ones and friends to return and feast with them.
Thus, table settings with plates of food and drink were laid out for them. Legend dictates spirits visited until sunrise before returning to their graves for another year.
Visiting from house to house to share a drink was popular, and visitors would wear disguises as part of the celebration. However, not all spirits were welcome; therefore, a gourd was carved with a scary face to ward off evil spirits. This became known as the Jack-O-Lantern in modern observances.
Scrying was also very popular, as it was believed Samhain reached beyond the boundaries of time, making it a fortuitous night for seeing the future.
As previously stated, the Christian Era attempted to absorb Samhain ( as well as other Pagan observances ) for the specific purpose to converting the observance into a new one that would still honor the departed ( All Saints Day ) in a more 'Christian-like' and acceptable manner.
Because divination was strictly forbidden in the bible, honoring Christian Saints as a prelude to All Saints Day was encouraged. Instead of visiting homes to fellowship, the church encouraged people to remain in their homes and use the evening as one of reflection and preparation for the following day.
Despite the Christian church's attempt to fully replace Samhain traditions, All Hallows Eve reverberates through the modern name of Halloween. For most, the celebration is secular in nature while retaining many of the original traditions in the evening: Trick-or-treating, wearing costumes, and Jack-o'-lanterns.
Then there are those who choose to remember the old ways to perform rituals to commune with the spirits of their ancestors as well seeking future knowledge.
The history of All Hallows Eve is much like the United States of America, a melting pot of cultures and observances under one roof of a nation. If nothing else on Halloween night, we should honor the historical bridge between cultures, the past, and the future.
#art Maggie Vandewalle
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Dark Moon in Libra occurs tomorrow morning ( Thu ) @ 8:47 AM, EDT, followed by the New Moon 09°SCORPIO35' Friday morning @ 8:47 AM EDT. There is no Void of Course time during this lunation, so plan your rituals at any time during the 24-hour period.
The Moon is an emotional, intuitive planet whose influence in the chart is very important because it's closest to Earth and moves through the zodiac rapidly. Where you find the Moon in your chart is where you are subject to emotional ups and downs.
W her mysteriously palpable and influence, the Moon's energy must not be overlooked, especially when it comes to astrology. The Moon’s pull not only affects the ocean’s ( and our own ) tides, but the growth of crops, the collective subconscious, and perhaps most importantly, our emotions.
When the energies of the Dark Moon and Libra combine, we feel drawn to seek balance, harmony, and justice through relationships and partnerships. This includes the one we have with our self; therefore, an honest evaluation needs into those relationships needs to take place.
It's time to relinquish disrespect, inconsideration, and imbalance in order to restore an equilibrium of confidence and self-worth: bad habits or patterns, toxic relationships, imbalanced partnerships, jobs, illicit affairs—whatever partitions us from obtaining a higher vibration to pursue our true purpose.
This is where we can apply knowledge and understanding to restore our balance—and that’s where Libra's energy comes into play. This phase prepares us to walk into a new lunar cycle as our authentic self—if we're willing to do the work through honest inventory and hard conversations.
#art The Veil of Night by Serena Malyon
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Note: Venus & Ceres OOB:
#AspectingtheCosmos, Thu, Oct 31, 2024, EDT: Sometimes resistance is a blessing disguised as a challenge prompting us to explore alternative options.
Halloween, Samhain, Dia de Los Muertos, Los Angelitos: Children who have passed on:
Late morning the Moon in Libra square Mars in Cancer conjunct Juno in Libra: Emotional imbalance prompted by resistance. Release and acceptance restore the balance within a committed relationship, be it personal or professional.
Early afternoon the Moon in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn on the anaretic degree ( 29° ): We may feel as though our hopes and dreams are being prevented from manifesting. The anaretic degree is the degree of faith and cumulated wisdom. Now is the time to exercise patience and belief. Perhaps there's a better way forward than the direction we're looking to go.
Tonight, Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune Rx in Pisces: Deep, analytical evaluation and communication can produce a solid plan to move forward. Commit to the process.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Perfection Times ( EDT ):
Moon: 28LIB44, 11
Mars: 28CAN44, 8
Aspect: Square
Time: 10:57 AM
Moon: 29LIB03, 11
Juno: 29LIB03, 11
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 11:35 AM
Moon: 29LIB44, 10
Pluto: 29CAP44, 2
Aspect: Square
Time: 12:57 PM
Mercury: 27SCO30, 6
Neptune Rx: 27PIS30, 10
Aspect: Trine
Time: 8:33 PM
#art Elizabeth Cheever-Gessaman
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Tyrant of Words
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Happy Dark Moon, Dia de los Muertos, Samhain, and Halloween! What a day ( and night )!
The final ( and most appropriate for today ) lunar transits of October happens this afternoon when the Moon enters Scorpio at 1:30 PM, EDT, in the 11th House, the natural home of Aquarius ruled by Uranus. Void-of-Course ( V/C ) time: PM ( 28th ) - 12:30 AM ( 29th ) EDT.
Understanding V/C:
Our Moon sign reflects how we nurture ourselves, symbolizing our comfort zone and sense of safety. In contrast to the sun, which is governed by logic and the divine masculine, the Moon evokes a primal, psychic sensation. It's one of the most intimate and safeguarded parts of the astrological chart; while it may not always be apparent, it steers us with its nocturnal intuition.
With the Moon being in her fall in Scorpio, we're going to experience difficulty expressing our authentic nature. It's akin to being a guest under a host you aren't comfortable with.
Scorpio, known as the Alchemist, and symbolizes profound transformation at the soul level. It embodies passion, intensity, and insight, much like the Phoenix that is reborn from its ashes. This archetype represents internal processes or forces that are concerned with transformation. They have a deep-seated curiosity, take delight in sparking that same curiosity in others, and also relish maintaining an air of mystery about themselves and their talents.
During the Moon's transit through Scorpio, emotions are amplified to their extreme, given Scorpio's status as the zodiac's most intense sign. Any emotion we feel is heightened. This period is ideal for delving into mysteries, conducting research, and unearthing truths, both literal and figurative. Becoming closer to someone can help dispel the secrecy and suspicion that often accompany this phase of the Moon.
For more information on the Moon in Scorpio transit or Natal, please visit
#art Maggie Vanderwalle
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Tyrant of Words
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New Moon 09°SCORPIO35' perfects tomorrow morning @8:47 AM EDT, 11th house, the natural home of Aquarius ruled by Uranus.
The Moon is in its Fall in Scorpio, which means it's in the sign opposite its Exaltation ( Taurus ). Therefore, we may have difficulty expressing our true nature ( emotions, domestic, nurturing urge ). It's akin to staying in someone's home and not feeling comfortable. Because this lunation is in its Fall, emotions can fluctuate and be difficult to control, which could portend emotional outbursts if we're not grounded and aware.
We are entering the "shadow season" of Winter's breath thinning the veil. Scorpio is a fixed water sign containing intense, penetrating passion has the power to delve deep beyond the surface. Ruled by Pluto, planet of destroying or reforming urge, is a catalyst for transformation and fusion. All we can do is surrender to this raw energy.
According to astrologer Dane Rudhyar, the Sabian Symbol for 09° Scorpio is:
"A DENTIST AT WORK, and represents overcoming the negative results of social practices and ego-cravings.
"In order to properly evaluate and interpret this symbol, we should realize the meaning of the teeth. Permanent teeth appear normally at age 7, when, according to some occultists, the personalized individuality of the child — the ego — takes full control of the physical organism.
"The teeth are used to tear down foodstuffs so they can be digested and assimilated. Social living and cultural patterns impose upon us certain habits of eating, arouse desires for unwholesome or denatured food, force us perhaps to eat in tense circumstances and hurriedly.
"This results in tooth decay far more frequently than should be inevitable through aging. The symbol therefore shows us how society and civilization, which may indirectly cause tooth decay, then have to invent means to skillfully repair the damage."
This is reflective of what's happening in the world around us. Especially in the United States entering the eve of an election.
On a personal level, simply put, it is impossible to unveil ourselves without unveiling the world at large – as indeed the mysteries of the world cannot be made known to anyone who stubbornly resists a radical process of self-inspection.
By this alone can we become firm in our principles, firm in our resolve to deepen awareness, and firm in our commitments to society. Such a straightforward approach to life bestows spiritual authority and a mysterious power of insight into the secrets of other people and the affairs of the world.
We can opt to attune to the deeper emotions of our shadow aspect, those parts of us that we prefer to hide from. As they rise, they will undoubtedly lure us from our comfort zones into valuable insight. The more uncomfortable we feel, the more we know we're working with the energy.
Because we have faith, we know that all that we are and all that we feel is in essence good and right. It is of course necessary to adjust our circumstances in order to find a place where what is good for us is also good for others around us.
Then we can express ourselves fully and spontaneously. As we find full, unrestricted and unjudged articulation of any passion, its energy-expression transforms – as indeed it must because we ourselves do the same thing.
Our task is then to find a proper time and place for each of our feelings. This is linked to an uncovering of a related ability – we can read situations better because we have a clear commitment to find conditions that benefit our true authentic passionate expressions.
The Moon isn't alone in this lunation, the Sun conjuncts and adds the power of inner self during this lunation. I've said this often: never underestimate what cannot be seen: the wind, an undercurrent ( Scorpio ), and the Moon ( Oceanic commander ).
The darkness of this New Moon creates the perfect atmosphere for ritual magic to manifest new beginnings. Heed to the Void of Course times and avoid practices.
Scorpionic energy can feel overwhelming when unaccustomed to working with it. What we cannot see, or control tests our resolve and belief in ourselves. Especially when its co-rulers are the God of War, Mars, currently conjunct the Moon, and the God of the Underworld, Pluto.
We may feel penetrated, as though our darkest secrets are being revealed against our will. Yet, we will have the courage and strength of Mars to focus on and set our desires in motion
We should ask ourselves what it is that we desire ( Scorpio ) to conquer ( Mars ) and thus transform ( Pluto ) in our life?
Image: Scorpio Season by Jennifer ( jensfineart )
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Tyrant of Words
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Note: Venus & Ceres OOB:
#AspectingtheCosmos, Fri, Nov 01, 2024, EDT: Splendid day to set intentions and plan new adventures.
New Moon in Scorpio:
Dia de Los Muertos: Adult Souls who have passed beyond:
All Saints Day:
We start off the day with the New Moon in Scorpio conjunct the Sun early morning in the First House, bringing an end to the cycle and new beginnings. See link above.
Early afternoon the Moon in Scorpio trine Saturn Rx in Pisces: Deeply intense emotional excavations combined with a free-thinking liberation from an old pattern. New beginnings are on the horizon.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Perfection Times ( EDT ):
Moon: 09SCO35, 1
Sun: 09SCO35, 1
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 8:47 AM
Moon: 12SCO15, 9
Saturn Rx: 12PIS51, 1
Aspect: Trine
Time: 12:20 PM
#art Jimmi Lawlor
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Welcome to November @followers! With the change of seasons comes the change of planets!
Mercury enters Sagittarius tomorrow ( Sat ) @ 3:18 PM EDT, 10th House, the natural home of Capricorn ruled by the Saturn.
In this transit, communication intertwines with our goals, discipline, and perseverance. Particularly with the upcoming retrograde. Yet, it's crucial not to hold on too tightly to the expected outcomes. We should always leave room for growth, change, and the guiding power of intuition.
As the Prince of Communication, Mercury represents intellect, expression, and reasoning ability. He also rules awareness, dexterity, opinion, and sensory perceptions. Its action is often quick, uncertain, and often times volatile. He also governs travel ( day-trips ), and all methods of transportation. Where we find Mercury in our charts reveals where and how we communicate best.
As a mutable sign, Sagittarius is forthright. Typically, gregarious and enthusiastic, Archers espouse high principles such as universal love and world peace. Happy-go-lucky, honest, cheerful, and optimistic, at times they can be restless, careless, and extravagant. Their tolerance allows them to work well with all people, and they accept most people for what they are. Their extroverted nature can unintentionally hurt others who are more sensitive by being blunt and/or impatient. “Don’t fence me in” could be their motto.
Sagittarius strengths are Freedom-loving, broad mindedness, generous, optimistic, scholarly, and enthusiastic!
Mercury in Sagittarius: Transit & Natal -
#art Mercury / Hermes, Wood engraving by Jonnard after William Blake Richmond
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The truth doesn't need you to survive, but drama does.