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The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

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Note: OOB Moon in effect: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

#AspectingtheCosmos, Thu, Sep 26, 2024: Don't resist the urge to daydream, it births hope.

Mercury enters Libra & the Moon enters Leo: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Early afternoon the Moon in Cancer sextile Uranus Rx in Taurus: Resources and possible inheritance and/or property matters may arise. We may be considering a change of residence or redecorating project to rejuvenate the energy.

Midafternoon the Moon in Cancer trine Neptune Rx in Pisces: Attention turns to our face-to-face and/or profound relationships. Avoid escapism or becoming too clingy/needy by overcoming insecurities by refocusing on domestic projects.

Early evening the Moon in Cancer oppose Pluto Rx in Capricorn: If we find it difficult to focus, it's because the Moon has gone void-of-course and will remain such until it enters Leo @ 6:48 PM EDT. Don't resist the urge to daydream or focus on wishes & goals right now. Nothing will come from any action.

After the Moon enters Leo and sextiles Mercury in Libra, clarity and the ability to effectively communicate our feelings in a harmonic and balanced way emerges. Our focus can turn to romance, fun & entertainment, or a clandestine affair.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time EDT:

Moon: 26CAN59, 8
Uranus Rx: 26TAU59, 4
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 1:02 PM

OOB Moon:  28CAN21, 7
Neptune Rx: 28PIS21, 4
Aspect: Trine
Time: 3:38 PM

Moon: 29CAN41, 6
Pluto Rx: 29CAP41, 11
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 6:12 PM

Moon: 01LEO18, 4
Mercury: 01LIB18, 6
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 9:18 PM

#art: Mélanie Delon

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Moon enters Leo this evening at 6:48 PM EDT, 6th House • V/c time: 6:12 - 6:47 PM EDT.

V/c Moon: inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

The Moon enters Leo on a Thursday, ruled by Jupiter, heralding expansion, prosperity, money, and generosity.

The waning Moon indicates a time of study, meditation, and little magical work except for those banishing harmful energies.

To elevate the lunar experience throughout this transit, consider burning Frankincense incense. Its uplifting and empowering essence is perfect for harnessing Leo's innate leadership qualities and confidence. Additionally, Cedarwood and Pine are excellent for tapping into the robust fire energy of Leo.

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Note: Moon has returned inbounds.

#AspectingtheCosmos, Fri, Sep 27, 2024: We don't have to compromise our feelings when listening to another. On the contrary, maybe we can lighten theirs.  

Early morning the Moon in Leo sextile the Sun in Libra square Venus in Scorpio: Our identity, ego, and emotions could be equalized and in sync today if we can accept a dark aspect of ourselves as part of being human. Releasing conditioning surrounding unworthiness and embracing the lesson of its presence propels us into a new future.

Tonight, the Moon in Leo inconjunct Saturn Rx in Pisces: Pay close attention to the needs of another. We don't have to compromise our values or feelings to listen and take another's efforts to re-evaluate an issue seriously. Even if it's concerning us.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time EDT:

Moon: 04LEO42, 1
Sun: 04LIB42, 3
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 3:52 AM

Moon: 05LEO10, 12
Venus: 05SCO11, 3
Aspect: Square
Time: 4:47 AM

Moon: 14LEO33, 3
Saturn Rx: 14PIS33, 10
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 11:04 PM

#art: Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman, She Who Is

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With the Sun now firmly rooted in Libra, it's time to begin discussions on this zodiac sign's Decans, beginning with the first:

Decanates divide each astrological sign into three ten-day periods, known as "decan" or "decanate." Imagine a decanate as a room within a house; when you're born under a certain sign, it's like being born in one of three distinct rooms within that sign's house.

The term "decanate" originates from the Greek "dekanoi," which translates to "a group of ten." This concept was borrowed from the Egyptians, who structured their calendar into 360 days, comprising 12 months of 30 days each, further divided into three ten-day periods. In English, we use the term "decade" to represent a span of ten years. Notably, the Egyptians acknowledged the inaccuracy of a 360-day year and compensated by adding five additional days designated for feasting and celebration, not considered part of the standard calendar.

To determine the specific decan you were born under, we look at the dates of your birth. This involves dividing each zodiac sign into three decans, each encompassing 10 degrees, which roughly corresponds to 10 days.  

FIRST DECANATE of LIBRA: September 23 - October 02

As a Libra ruled by Venus, your appreciation for beauty, pleasure, and luxury is amplified. Your tastes lean towards the extravagant, which can sometimes lead to financial challenges. With your considerable social charm, you aim to leave a mark on the world. Often, your self-esteem is linked to the affection you receive from others, and you typically pursue your objectives through social interactions.

At times, you may mask insecurities by taking charge or initiating new endeavors. Your inventive spirit is open to fresh concepts, and you have a passion for exploration. Romantically, you're spontaneous and affectionate, yet you tend to attract partners who are more takers than givers.

#art Tammy Cantrell

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Sat, Sep 28, 2024: The time to initiate healing isn't when we're in pain but when our attention is drawn to the wound.

Moon enters Virgo: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

At noon, the Moon in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini, creating an emotionally expansive opportunity to stretch our intellect. Working with others is favored and even encouraged at this time. A romantic interest could become permanent.

Early afternoon the Moon in Leo trine Chiron Rx in Aries: This energy promotes a healthy dose of healing if we do the work. Pay close attention to something niggling but not causing pain. Just because a wound isn't painful doesn't mean healing can't be initiated. On the contrary, it's the best time to initiate healing. When in pain, we often are focusing more on the pain than the wound.

Tonight, the Moon in Leo trine Eris Rx in Aries square Uranus Rx in Taurus: We can easily become our own self-undoing if we're unable to accept current reality and responsibility through escapism. The goddess of discord is shaking something up in our lives - perhaps it's the wound we previously ignored because it didn't hurt.

Are we paying attention yet? The wound or circumstance may not be our fault, but healing is our responsibility.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time EDT:

Moon: 21LEO09, 9
Jupiter: 21GEM09, 7
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 12:05 PM

Moon: 21LEO56, 9
Chiron Rx: 21ARI56, 5
Aspect: Trine
Time: 1:39 PM

Moon: 26LEO56, 3
Uranus Rx: 26TAU56, 12
Aspect: Square
Time: 11:36 PM

Moon: 25LEO07, 5
Eris Rx: 25ARI07, 1
Aspect: Trine
Time: 7:57 PM

#art: Anastasia Zhdann

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Moon entered Virgo this morning at 5:43 AM EDT,  • V/c time: 11:36 PM - 5:42 AM EDT.

V/c Moon: inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

The Moon enters Virgo on a Saturday, ruled by Saturn, heralding longevity, exorcism, endings, homes, and houses.

The waxing Moon indicates a time of magic and manifestation.

Rosemary incense can be both energizing and stimulating, making it a perfect match for the Earth element sign of Virgo, enhancing their natural inclination towards analysis and attention to detail. Additionally, scents like sandalwood and vetiver are excellent for centering and grounding, which can be particularly beneficial for Virgos.

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Sun, Sep 29, 2024: Breathing deeply into our feelings of doubt and insecurity level them immediately. Mistakes are just that, and never permanent. Going easy on ourselves is always the best medicine.  

Lilith re-enters Libra: inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Early morning the Moon in Leo inconjunct Pluto Rx in Capricorn on the anaretic degree. The 29th degree is the anaretic degree and last placement of the sign before a planet moves into the next sign. This marks the end of a cycle and is often considered the “degree of faith.” However, while this can feel like a degree of “giving up”, it’s actually the degree of mastery that is ready for the next chapter.

Remain grounded in belief and don't be pushed into anything. Conversely, tie up loose ends before moving forward.

Early afternoon the Moon in Virgo trine Hygieia Rx in Taurus: Pay particular attention to our health and work habits. Evaluate what could be affecting our energy negatively and develop alternative measures to raise our vibration. Going easy on ourselves is always the best medicine.

This evening the Moon in Virgo square Pallas in Sagittarius and Mercury in Libra conjunct the South Node in Libra oppose North Node in Aries: Wisdom and reason can be drowned out by being overly emotional. Breathing deeply into our feelings of doubt and insecurity level them immediately. Mistakes are just that, and never permanent. Avoid self-criticism.

Tonight, the Moon in Virgo sextile Venus in Scorpio: Intense passion coupled with the ability to practically analyze any rising issues with reason. Relax. It's already taken care of. . .

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time EDT:

Moon: 29LEO40, 12
Pluto Rx: 29CAP40, 12
Aspect: Inconjunt
Time: 5:03 AM

Moon: 03VIR20, 10
Hygieia Rx: 03TAU20, 6
Aspect: Trine
Time: 12:23 PM

Moon: 06VIR48, 6
Pallas: 06SAG48, 9
Aspect: Square
Time: 7:21 PM

Mercury: 06LIB38, 6
South Node: 06LIB38, 6
Aspect: Conjunction
North Node: 06ARI38, 12
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 8:19 PM

Moon: 08VIR32, 4
Venus: 08SCO32, 6
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 10:50 PM

#art: Catrin Welz-Stein

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Weekly forecast sneak-peek live on the site! Pretty big one with the Solar Eclipse Wednesday!

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#CollectiveCasting Oracle Card of the Week: Sun, Sept 29 - Oct 05, 2024:

22. JOURNEY GUIDE: Travel, Change in Location

One night my overhead light began blinking. This has never happened before. I never use the overhead light - I only use lamps. So, when the light was blinking, I initially believed it was lightening through the window.

I feel awe when something like that happens because I know I'm not alone. And I have no qualms asking a light to blink again if it's a spirit - so I did, and it did. But that's all it wanted me to know, because it didn't answer further questions about who it was. I listed off all I could think of: Spirit Guide, Angel, Archangel, Animal Spirit, Ancestor, and so forth. But it never blinked again.

Perhaps I didn't ask the right question, but sometimes I think the Universe just wants us to know we're not alone on this journey. Just because we may not be out there traveling like others experiencing exciting adventures, we may feel we're left without a Journey Guide. But we're not.

Spirit enables us to traverse dimensions beyond the veil of our homes or communities or deep into the canyons of ourselves beyond the mind. Spiritually metaphorical journeys are the most beautiful journeys to experience.

We are never alone, and if we ever feel we are, Spirit will let us know in the most surprising and yet simplest of ways, such as blinking a light when we least expect.

Belief is all it takes.

Message: Channeled
Deck: Energy & Spirit by Sandra Anne Taylor
Artist: Cheri Polk

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After a retrograde in Virgo, Lilith re-entered Libra @ 9:39 AM, 12th House.

Black Moon Lilith is the astrological representation of feminine exile exiting earthy Virgo, the domain of analytics and practicality, into  Libra, the domain of harmony, balance, and justice.

Wherever you find Lilith in your chart ( sign and house ) is a reflection of her payback demand, some past wrong which must be avenged.

Somewhere along your experiences, someone overlooked your gifts or commercialized your talent for their own benefit.  Somewhere along your experiences, you were swallowed whole and spit out naked.  Lilith is here to collect.

Peace-loving Libra is the social and persuasive butterfly of the zodiac representing cooperation, diplomacy, refined taste in the arts, and judicial insight. We'll be alerted if we've slipped into the dark side of this balanced sign if we demonstrate tits shadow aspects: fickle, apathetic, peace at any price, pouting, indecisiveness, and easily deterred.

The 12th House is one of limitations, frustrations, self-undoing, and endings, as it's the final house of the zodiac wheel. It's an atmosphere of secret dealings and affairs take place, as well as hospital stays for physical and/or mental afflictions occur. Here we are very fond of fantasy, illusion, and pretend play and have a propensity for donning rose-colored glasses.

With Lilith in Libra, others often act as mirrors if we opt to pay attention and recognize the reflection. Lilith is known for revealing aspects of us that we ourselves had no knowledge of. Don't suppress those aspects. On the contrary, we need to explore them with an open and nonjudgmental mind.

If your Natal BML is in Libra, you'll experience a lot of challenges in this lifetime involving due to the lack of harmony Lilith represents. You may have a fascination with relationships; however, that doesn't guarantee they will be successful ones.

They either tend to abruptly end, or we may become attracted to those who are not available to reciprocate our feelings.

Libra is ruled by Venus, so appreciation of beauty and the finer things in life are a natural balm to this native; however, when Lilith enters the picture, your appetite for love intensifies, yet can't be satisfied.

You may not easily trust others; therefore, it's difficult to maintain balance and harmony, especially in an intimate relationship.

You must take care not to define yourself by the expectations of others or view yourself as an extension of those relationships in hopes of filling a deep-seated hole of insecurity in your heart. Lilith is rebellious, independent, and refuses to conform to expectations or demands.

This position reveals what has been repressed within you, and Lilith's presence can have a destructive effect if we're not fully aware of her influence.

However, if you can face and manage to integrate Lilith's qualities, you're guaranteed to discover a feral power you've never known.

Negative people can have a detrimental effect in this position, so make sure you surround yourself with positive individuals who genuinely care about you.

This means forgoing a desire for attention from those whose actions and treatment of others are less desirable regardless of how you feel about them.

Despite what you may crave, you need a partner who is patient, kind, and loving in your life. Only this type of mate can provide the safety and security that you need to open up and trust someone.  That is the very challenge that you face in this lifetime, opening up in trust to the right person.

When you realize that your choices make all the difference in outcomes, you're enabled to recognize a pattern that may have kept you locked in a loop from childhood experiences.

For example, if your parents fought or argued a lot.  It's important to recognize what makes you uncomfortable in this life, i.e. - drama or discord, and not make the same mistakes.

#art T'Cantrell

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Mon, Sep 30, 2024, EDT: Focusing on future desires always tip the scales from past worries or perceived mistakes.

Medea enters Sagittarius: inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Overnight Mars in Cancer trine Saturn Rx in Pisces; these are two slow-moving planets so the effect will be felt throughout the day. Burst of energy and inspirational ideas to move forward. Travel is a possibility, which ties into this week's Oracle Card.

Mid/late morning the Moon in Virgo oppose Saturn Rx in Pisces sextile Mars in Cancer: Emotionally opposing energies can be united through higher thinking and focusing on goals, wishes, and dreams rather than past mistakes.

Late afternoon the Moon in Virgo conjunct Vesta in Virgo and the Sun in Libra conjunct Mercury in Libra: Releasing negativity for trust in divine timing can transform self-doubt and insecurity into belief in ourselves. We are exactly where we belong in this moment.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Perfection Times ( EDT ): inspiritualservice.com

Mars: 14CAN24, 1
Saturn Rx: 14PIS24, 9
Aspect: Trine
Time: 12:06 AM

Moon: 14VIR23, 11
Saturn Rx: 14PIS23, 5
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 10:38 AM

Moon: 14VIR39, 11
Mars: 14CAN39, 9
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 11:11 AM

Moon: 17VIR28, 8
Vesta: 17vir28, 8
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 4:54 PM

Sun: 08LIB11, 9
Mercury: 08LIB11, 9
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 5:09 PM

#art Catrin Welz-Stein

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Medea entered Sagittarius @ 12:10 AM, 6th House, the natural home of Virgo ruled by Mercury. The 6th house is very prominent in this transit, as Virgo is the Healer Archetype and both work and health are linked closely together in this home.


Goddess Medea: The Wise One

Medea, the renowned witch of Greek mythology, was versed in the use of herbs, healing, and the art of transformation. She held the title of Princess of Colchis, was the granddaughter of Helios, the Sun god, and the niece of Circe, the enchantress.

‘Of all things upon earth that bleed and grow, A herb most bruised is woman’ Euripes, Medea

Medea's lineage was connected to the sun and healing well before Apollo was recognized as the deity of these domains. Her grandfather, Helios, was the Sun god from an earlier era, a descendant of the Titans. Medea's aunt, Circe, was renowned as a sorceress, skilled in magic, herbalism, and healing, versed in the olden knowledge of botanicals and enchantments.

Medea, recognized as the first sorceress to conduct rituals in Thessaly, is a pivotal figure in the region's reputation as 'the land of the witches.' Her legend suggests that she was instrumental in bringing women's herbal knowledge from Asia Minor to Greece.

In later myths, Medea is often remembered not for her healing skills but as a vengeful and rejected partner, overwhelmed by jealousy for which she found no cure. During the classical era, playwrights portrayed Medea as being consumed by anger, taking the lives of her own children to retaliate against Jason's betrayal.

Medea serves as a symbol of the profound respect and understanding of healing, herbs, and magic that was introduced to the West, only to be gradually overlooked and ultimately vilified. The myth contains elements of an ancient tradition. The name Jason signifies 'healer,' and his alliance with Medea reflects the traditional methods of healing that existed prior to the rise of empirical medicine and the vilification of magical practices.

Medea, as a heroine, embodies the feminine wisdom that intuitively understands cooperation with nature and its cycles. She has an instinctual knowledge of the precise moments to conduct rituals and ceremonies that summon healing spirits or banish demons.

A prominent Medea in a birth chart signals a call to delve into the age-old feminine practices of herbalism, witchcraft, and magical rituals. It speaks to our innate understanding of the body's natural cycles and its requirements for wellness.

Full article plus Medea in Sagittarius: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

#art Valentine Cameron Prinsep

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Moon is currently in Virgo but enters Libra tomorrow evening (Tue ) at 6:20 PM EDT, 8th House • V/c time: 5:39 - 6:19 PM EDT.

V/c Moon: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

The Moon enters Libra on a Tuesday, ruled by Mars, heralding passion, sex, courage, aggression, and protection.

The waning Moon indicates a time of study, meditation, and little magical work except for those banishing harmful energies.

To elevate the lunar experience throughout this transit, consider burning Patchouli Incense for calming and grounding. It also evokes the best of Libra's natural diplomatic and balanced nature. Additionally, ylang-ylang and bergamot help can create balance and harmony.

To learn more about the Moon in Libra Transit or Natal, visit: inspiritualservice.com/the-moons-promenade

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Don't just toss those pumpkins out!

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Tue, Oct 01, 2024, EDT: When our focus shifts from our self to the bigger picture, our perspective follows.  

Moon enters Libra: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

At noon the Moon in Virgo trine Uranus Rx in Taurus, prompting an analytical review of work and health habits. Unexpected changes in schedules or delays may arise.  

Midafternoon the Moon in Virgo oppose Neptune Rx in Pisces: Practical and spiritual polarities are reconciled through philosophical or religious studies. Focus on the big picture to avoid self-undoing or the escapist urge.

Late afternoon the Moon in Virgo trine Pluto Rx in Capricorn: Instead of focusing on the things we cannot control, focus instead on goals, wishes, and dreams. Sharing with a partner or close friends can fuel belief.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Perfection Times ( EDT ):

Moon: 26VIR53, 10
Uranus Rx: 26CAP53, 6
Aspect: Trine
Time: 12:00 PM

Moon: 28VIR13, 9
Neptune Rx: 28PIS13, 3
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 2:42 PM

Moon: 29VIR49, 7
Pluto Rx: 29CAP39, 11
Aspect: Trine
Time: 5:40 PM

#art Colina

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