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The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

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Happy #Autumnal Equinox Eve!

The Autumn Equinox, the first day of Autumn arrives Sunday morning, September 22, 2024, at 8:44 AM EDT, coinciding with the Sun entering the Cardinal sign of Libra, who officially heralds the season of Autumn. This also considered the Pagan Thanksgiving called Mabon. I wrote about that yesterday and it can be accessed here: inspiritualservice.com/beliefs-1

While not a directly observable phenomenon, the second equinox of the year is characterized by equal amounts of day and night world.

During this time, the Sun shines directly over the equator, dousing both hemispheres with equal amounts of sunshine. The first day of fall in the Northern Hemisphere, the September Equinox – called the “Autumnal ( or fall ) Equinox” in the northern hemisphere and the “Vernal Equinox” in the southern hemisphere – signals the point where earth experiences roughly equal lengths of day and night.

The Moon that occurs closest to this equinox is called "Harvest Moon", which burgeoned Tuesday and rose around sunset for several nights in a row this week. Traditionally, the Moon rises an hour later each night; however, around the time of the equinox, the angle of the Moon's orbit and tilt of the earth align, causing the Moon to arise earlier to provide extra light for farmers to harvest their crops.

According to the Old Farmer's Almanac, the fall equinox has been a day of celebration for cultures since ancient days. People tracked the transitions of the Earth’s journeys around the Sun.

Here's a wonderful article about 6 Ancient Sites Aligned with the Solstice and Equinox:


My ascendant ( rising sign ) is Libra, and I view this equinox as a precursor to the astrological sign of harmony and balance. This liminal gateway invites us to examine these aspects within ourselves as we prepare to submerge into our own shadows in hopes of healing old wounds.

"The shadow," is a term coined by Swiss Psychoanalyst Carl Jung as the wounded or rejected part of ourselves. This is where Chiron, the wounded healer comes into play, and why I post so much about it.

The shadow is a cellar for repressed memories and/or the emotions associated with those memories. It can also include behaviors that didn't highlight our finest moments. It's the side of us or the face we'd rather not show the world, especially when attempting to make a good impression.

This is nothing to be intimidated by. On the contrary, it's actually a blessing that enables us the downtime we need, i.e. - shorter days, to integrate this shadow until, like nature, we are a balance that can emerge into the light fully healed.

I know many of you have your own personal rituals to observe on this equinox; however, I thought I'd share mine in the equinox post on my site so this post doesn't get too long!


Blessed & beautiful equinox ritual to you each. May you discover peace, balance, and comfort in the dark.

#art Shelley Garcia

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Moon enters Gemini @ 6:24 AM EDT Sunday morning, 10th House • Void-of-Course time: 6:14 - 6:24 AM EDT

Void of Course Moon: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

Regardless of your Sun sign, your Moon also has a ruling planet.

If your Moon is in Gemini, then Mercury ( ruler of Gemini and Virgo ) rules your Moon and plays an important part in your natal chart.

The planet Mercury is ruled by the Roman god, Mercury, is most famously known as the Prince of Communication due to his ability to traverse dimensional boundaries between heaven and earth and earth and hell to deliver messages between mortals and gods. His domain now traverses all forms of communication, including electronics.

Known also as the patron of short distance travel, merchants, and medicine, Mercury is also an infamous trickster. His tricks, while displeasing the gods, couldn't help but make them laugh, so he was easily forgiven.

The Moon encompasses feminine energy representing emotion and instinct. Her house and placement in your chart outlines how your intuition works, what your emotional needs are, and how you want those needs met. Airy Gemini represents masculine energy coupled with logic and reason.

With the Mercury as your Moon's ruler, logic and reason can balance out emotion, intuition, and moodiness but requires focus, something Gemini has difficulties with when so easily distracted.

The caveat of this position as a mutable sign is the restless changeability before an idea or project takes root. Lacking extended concentration and follow-through are signs of the scatter-brained nature so associated with the flippant trait of Gemini.

But once focused, they are expressive, quick-witted, and very clever. Though emotions aren't their wheelhouse, they can be adaptable when facing the emotional realm of the Moon. This is because their duality is dexterous and curious, enabling them to dip into the world of feelings without being magnetized within them.

A lack of gratitude and scheming behavior signals Gemini that they're operating from a lower-vibrational energy and need to course-correct their line of thought to a higher level. This can easily happen when they spread themselves too thin and scatter their forces. This typically manifests as nervous tension.

Knowing the ruler of your Moon sign and its ruler enables you to figure out how these energies can motivate you. For additional insights as to how the transit affects you personally, visit inspiritualservice.com/the-moons-promenade

#art: Catrin Welz-Stein

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Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;

#AspectingtheCosmos, Sun, Sep 22, 2024: Three planetary transits and the Autumnal Equinox ( Mabon ) will occur throughout the day and into the evening.

Sun enters Libra, Venus enters Scorpio, Moon enters Gemini: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Fall Equinox: http://inspiritualservice.com/beliefs-1

Sun in Virgo trine Pluto Rx in Capricorn: This anaretic trine occurs @ 2:11 AM EDT but will continue throughout the day. This degree symbolizes completion, and with the sun shining brightly into the depth of Pluto, we should be able to see more clearly issues that may have been previously uncertain. An analytical approach delivers answers in the form of direction involving regeneration or transformation.

Late this afternoon Venus in Libra square Pluto Rx in Capricorn: Now is not the time to be socially fickle and/or aloof. Ground in the present moment; however, remain above petty squabbles and disagreements by seeing the whole picture, not just half of one side.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time EDT:  

Sun: 29VIR43, 3
Pluto Rx: 29CAP43, 8
Aspect: Trine
Time: 2:11 AM    

Venus: 29LIB43, 9
Pluto Rx: 29CAP43, 12
Aspect: Square
Time: 5:15 PM EDT

#art Annie Hamman Art

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#CollectiveCasting Oracle Card of the Week: Sun, Sept 22 - 28, 2024:

41. TALENT GUIDES: Spirit Mentors and Teachers ( Reversed )

The Sun entering Libra today brings a breath of fresh Air ( literally ) to the atmosphere from the intensity of last week's lunation & eclipse in an emotional water sign. Venus entering Scorpio tonight scan temper the Scorpion's suspicious disposition with a harmonic energy.

Expect an intensity in whatever we admire and appreciate and heightened intuition as the Moon enters Cancer Tuesday morning, followed by the Last Quarter Moon Tuesday night. Mercury will enter Venusian-ruled Libra Wednesday morning, who represents harmony and balanced judicial diplomacy. Here the heart and the head copulate in the throat, birthing intellectual communication, making it another perfect week to connect with Spirit Mentors and Teachers.

I want to address those who may not have followed the card's advice this month, causing them to miss an opportunity to advance their goals. Perhaps you aren't certain what your goals are. Before we can do anything, go anywhere, or be anyone, we need to know what we want in order to secure authenticity.

Just because you may have missed a previous opportunity this month doesn't mean you must miss this one. Open your mind and your heart to your spirit team consisting of mentors and teachers. Ask them to clearly reveal to you what it is you truly want. If our heart is clouded with the past, we may not be able to see through the fog surrounding it.

You can also ask them to help dissipate it through realization of what you need to do in order to see clearly.

Message: Channeled
Deck: Energy & Spirit by Sandra Anne Taylor
Artist: Cheri Polk

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Happy Solar Return, Libra! 🌅⚖️♎️

The Sun is transitioned into Libra @ 8:44 AM, EDT. Some information about Libra:

SYMBOL: The Scales⚖️
MODE + ELEMENT: Cardinal, Air🌬
RULING PLANET: Venus – cooperative, persuasive, companionable, peace-loving ✌️❤️
House: 7th 🏠
MANTRA: “I balance” ⚖️
KEYWORD: Harmony 🎵
BODY PART: kidneys, lower back, adrenal glands, appendix 🩺
COLORS: Pink/Purple ( Lucky ), Blue ( power ), white ( auspicious )💗💜💙🤍
UNLUCKY COLORS: Red, brown, black ❤️🤎🖤
ANGEL:  Jophiel 🪶
GODDESS: Lusticia ( Roman ) & Lakshmi ( Hindu ) 🙏
FLOWER: Rose 🌹

🪶Archangel Jophiel: “Beauty of God”
Archangel Jophiel is linked to Libra and is referred to as the “Feng shui angel.” Its role is to help you beautify your environment and thoughts. Whenever you feel mentally cluttered or your surroundings are overwhelming, call upon Archangel Jophiel to clear your mind and bring clarity to your life.

⚖️Roman Goddess Lusticia: "Justicia"

Goddess of Justice within Roman mythology introduced by emperor Augustus and was thus not a very old deity in the Roman pantheon. Justice was one of the virtues celebrated by emperor Augustus in his clipeus virtutis, and a temple of Justitia was established in Rome by emperor Tiberius.

Lustitia became a symbol for the virtue of justice with which every emperor wished to associate his regime; emperor Vespasian minted coins with the image of the goddess seated on a throne called Lustitia Augusta, and many emperors after him used the image of the goddess to proclaim themselves protectors of justice.

💃Hindu Goddess Lakshmi: "Shri"

Lakshmi is also known as Shri and is one of the principal goddesses in Hinduism. She is the goddess of wealth, fortune, power, beauty, fertility and prosperity, and associated with Maya ("Illusion").

Within the goddess-oriented Shaktism, Lakshmi is venerated as the prosperity aspect of the Mother goddess. She is both the consort and the divine energy (shakti) of the Hindu god Vishnu, the Supreme Being of Vaishnavism; she is also the Supreme Goddess in the sect and assists Vishnu to create, protect, and transform the universe.  

☀️The Sun stations in Libra on a Sunday, which is ruled by the Sun! ☀️ 🏠This time is favorable for healing, spirituality, success, strength, and protection.

🌗The Moon is a waning third quarter, a wonderful time for study, meditation, and little magical work outside of banishing harmful energies.

♎️Libra ( October ) Birthstone 💍

October's child is born for woe,
And Life's vicissitudes must know;
But lay an Opal on her breast,
And hope will lull those foes to rest.

Modern: Opal or Tourmaline
Zodiac: Peridot

As a Cardinal Air sign, Librans are all about relationships or partnerships. But it's not about finding the perfect partner, it's about learning more about who you are from the partner/s you choose and the reflection he or she provides. This process could take you through several relationships ( or even lifetimes ).

However, even if you find a rewarding relationship with the best partner, it is not the relationship that will complete you. It will only provide the means by which you, through increased understanding and self-awareness, can complete yourself as a human being.

Happy Birthday, my Libran friends!

*Birthstone poetry reprinted from 'The Occult and Curative Powers of Precious Stones' by William T. Fernie, MD. Harper & Row ( 1981 )

Image: Lisbeth Cheever-Gessaman

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Weekly astrology events are live: inspiritualservice.com

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Note: Venus enters Scorpio tonight, but it's been a long day so that post is forthcoming tomorrow. Or, you can read it now on the site: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

#AspectingtheCosmos, Monday, September 23, 2024: We can choose to feel deflated, or we can choose to look back on our accomplishments and realize how far we've come and just how fabulous we are.

Early morning the Moon in Gemini will square Saturn Rx in Pisces: Daydreaming is important; however, vital details could be missed today if we fail to focus on the task at hand.

Tonight, the Moon in Gemini conjunct Jupiter in Gemini sextile Chiron Rx in Aries: Close domestic ties can expand this evening through nurturing. Wonderful opportunity for emotional healing surrounding a misperception regarding our self-worth and abilities by changing our perspective to our accomplishments.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time EDT:

Moon: 14GEM52, 9
Saturn Rx: 15PIS52, 6
Aspect: Square
Time: 7:58 AM

Moon: 20GEM56, 4
Jupiter: 20GEM56, 4
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 6:38 PM

Moon: 22GEM08, 2
Chiron Rx; 22ARI08, 12
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 8:46 PM

#art Catrin Welz-Stein

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Venus entered Scorpio last night @ 10:37 PM EDT, 6th House, ruled by Mercury— into the passionate & secretive depths we go.


The Romans adapted the myths and iconography of Venus' Greek counterpart, Aphrodite, for Roman art and Latin literature. In the later classical tradition of the West, Venus became one of the most widely referenced deities of Greco-Roman mythology as the embodiment of love, affection, and beauty.

Venus is considered the planet of love; in early times it was called the lesser benefic. It rules are, culture aesthetics possessions, partners, beauty, charm, good taste, sentimentality, sweets and sugar, color, harmony, poetry, paintings, jewelry, singing, drama, and music. Venus' action is gentle and harmonious. Governs emotional contacts, tenderness, moral character, marriage and unions of all kinds. Also, sociability, disposition, luxuries, pleasure and appreciation. Venus is the planet of love and sensuality, not sex.

Where you find Venus in your chart reveals what you really enjoy.


As a fixed Water sign, a Scorpio's recuperative powers are remarkable. They are a truth seeker and have keen judgment and penetrating insight, and these qualities enable them to exercise a great deal of authority over others.

Willpower and persistence are their strong points, and although they are somewhat reticent, when prodded they can become outspoken and direct. They are determined, can be aggressive when threatened, and shrewd in matters of perception ( think human-Xray machine ). They are rarely passive or neutral about anything.

Scorpios are also known for being fiercely loyal, and they will always stand by those they care about – even if it means sacrificing themselves in the process.

When it comes to love, Scorpios are not afraid to go after what they want. They are often very intense and passionate lovers but can be a bit possessive at times.  

Venus in Scorpio Natal and Transit: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Image: "Love's Secret" She Who Is

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The first Grand Earth Trine was just the micro-burst of energy I needed in order to revamp some things! The second one, beginning tomorrow, will be just as powerful, but will encircle communication ( Mercury/Virgo ) regarding changes ( Uranus ) and transforming ( Pluto ).

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Now that the sun is firmly rooting herself in Libra, it's time to explore this zodiac sign's cusps:

The cusp marks the beginning of a new astrological sign, which occurs when the Sun enters it. Derived from the Latin 'cuspis' meaning 'point,' it represents a transition period in astrology.

Being born on the cusp refers to having a birthday close to the start or end of a zodiac sign's cycle. Astrologers have varying opinions on the exact range; some consider it to be within the first or last two days, while others extend it to ten days. However, the general agreement is that a cusp birth occurs if your birthday falls within five days of the beginning or end of a sign.

The Cusps of Libra

September 23 - September 27

As a Libra with Virgo tendencies, you're naturally people-oriented and have a knack for being likable. Your industrious nature and attention to detail are strong, though you may occasionally bite off more than you can chew. Seeking admiration is important to you, and you're conscious of your public image, always aiming to present yourself well. You prefer to maintain a balanced emotional state, but sometimes you swing between extreme happiness and feeling down over minor setbacks. Love is your source of fulfillment, and you tend to be quite flirtatious.

October 18 - October 22

As a Libra with Scorpio tendencies, you exhibit a captivating charm and frequently navigate situations to retain control or steer outcomes. Your reputation for diligence and commitment to your objectives is well-known. With your adeptness in interpersonal relationships, your sensuality naturally attracts others, often unbeknownst to you. Although you might sometimes show impatience or a swift temper, you typically avoid confrontations and aim for balance. You have an appealing social presence, yet timeliness may not be among your strengths.

#art Ellysiumn

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Note: OOB Moon in effect: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

#AspectingtheCosmos, Tues, September 24, 2024: Challenges exist as detour signs to deliver us from a potentially dangerous situation that could cause irrevocable harm.

OOB Moon enters Cancer: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024
Last Quarter Moon in Cancer: http://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2024

Early morning the OOB Moon in Gemini square Neptune Rx in Pisces: Moody and unpredictable emotions coupled with escapism may take center stage; however, through determined focus we can reclaim our mental footing toward a balanced day.

Midmorning the OOB Moon inconjunct Pluto Rx in Capricorn: Reminiscing on the past can produce regrets unless we view it from an objective stance. Holding onto the past provides no alternative perspective and is detrimental to our mentality. Release is necessary for the shift.

Early afternoon Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus Rx in Taurus: Communication after intense reflection can be emotionally liberating.

Late afternoon the OOB Moon, now in Cancer, trine Venus in Virgo square the Sun in Libra: It's imperative that we be gentle with ourselves and other face-to-face or profound relationships today. Challenges can be overcome with gratitude for opportunities to grow together.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time EDT:

OOB Moon: 28GEM25, 9
Neptune Rx: 28PIS25, 6
Aspect: Square
Time: 7:59 AM

OOB Moon: 29GEM42, 8
Pluto Rx: 29CAP42, 3
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 10:19 AM

OOB Mercury: 27VIR02, 10
Uranus Rx: 27TAU02, 6
Aspect: Trine
Time: 1:27 PM

OOB Moon: 02CAN01, 7
Venus: 02SCO01, 11
Aspect: Trine
Time: 2:30 PM

OOB Moon: 02CAN12, 7
Sun: 02LIB12, 10
Kate Morgan Art
Time: 2:30 PM

#art 'Deliverance' by Kate Morgan Art

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Note: OOB Moon in effect.

Moon enters Cancer @ 10:51 AM, 9th House • Void of Course time: 7:59 - 10:50 AM EDT

OOB Moon & V/c Moon: inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

Did you know that your Moon has a ruling planet?

If your Moon is in Cancer, then the Moon ( ruler of Cancer ) is also the ruler of your Moon and plays an important part in your natal chart. It provides an indication of your domestic and emotional life and responses to situations.

The Moon in this Cardinal Water sign is dignified ( when a planet is in the sign it rules ) and at her most nurturing. Here our focus turns inward to domestics: family, children, and particularly mothers, as the Moon represents the feminine aspect.

With our sense of nurturing heightened, we are more apt to be more sympathetic, patient, and understanding toward others. Our desire to "nest" also comes into play with this lunar transit. Our moods tend to express themselves through care of others. Serving a good meal or cuddling during a movie suits us best during this time.

The caveat with this position is that it does heighten our feelings so it's important to guard against oversensitivity, dependence, or neediness stemming from insecurity. Focus instead on beautification projects such as re-arranging furniture to give a room a new look. Or add a new throw pillow, wall art, or even fresh flower arrangement to provide a sense of nurturing our environment.

Because the Moon is associated with the highs and lows we experience throughout the day, knowing the ruler of your Moon sign and its ruler enables you to figure out how these energies can motivate you. For additional insights as to how the transit affects you personally, visit inspiritualservice.com/the-moons-promenade

#art: Ana Novaes

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Last Quarter Moon in 06°Cancer05' this evening @ 9:55 PM, EDT, 3rd House, the natural home of Gemini ruled by Mercury,

With the fallen Sun in Libra, there's very little fire ( as in zero planets in fire signs ) and a heavy dose of emotion balanced with Air ( Libra ) with this lunation. The third house is one of awareness and side-by-side relationships and represents the realm of Mercury governing all forms of communication, direct or indirect, and short trips.

The Moon is dignified in Cancer, who represents the devoted and intuitive maternal who nurtures home and family; thus, devotion, sensitivity, and patience are enhanced.  With Taurus rising, there's an added element of grounding.

Clutter-clearing is also highlighted, as the last quarter phase is a time of release, finishing up old business in preparation for the Dark & New Moon. This clearing includes our physical and mental habits/thoughts as well as our environment.

It's a wonderful time to prepare for or strategize how we want to accomplish something so we can hit the ground running with the New Moon.

Just as autumn teaches us how to let go in a falling leaf, it's also time for us to let go of old habits, patterns, whatever prevents us from moving into the future. If this is a repetitive pattern is something we can seem to let go of, then we should dig deeper to discover the root of our attachment. Yanking a weed from the ground will need repeated if the roots aren't removed.

The Moon controls the tides of the largest bodies of water on our planet. To think that we, who are 70%+ water, are not affected is an oversight.  The Lunar cycle and seasons are a perfect way to mark time rather than one long continuous tick around the minutes, hours, and days. Once you begin to recognize the repetitive patterns of the seasons and their subsequent inclusions such as observations and holidays, you'll begin to associate how they affect you with a clearer understanding.

Becoming attune to the Moon will actually become a natural way for you to plan out your intentions and the subsequent pathways to follow them to fruition. With this lunation occurring in the 9th house of life and aspirations, it's a perfect time to develop a plan for what we want. Regardless of what the heavens look like from Earth, or how our lives seem to be on hold at times, one thing remains true above this ever-changing atmosphere: the Moon remains in perfect sync with her cycle.

When we understand that, we understand we are never stuck or stationary despite feeling such. On the contrary, we are ever evolving with the power to change our perspective with a single thought.

#art Annie Stegg

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Note: OOB Moon in effect: inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

#AspectingtheCosmos, Wed, Sep 25, 2024: When someone is being critical or resistant to our decisions or direction, trying to view it from their perspective rather than becoming defensive or argumentative preserves the relationship.

Early AM Mercury in Virgo oppose Neptune Rx in Pisces: Take care not to be too critical of or pedantic toward others. If someone is being critical of or pedantic toward you, avoid escapism and speak your truth.

Midmorning the OOB Moon in Cancer conjunct Mars in Cancer: Developing a more nurturing approach coupled with higher thought benefits our goals much more than demands.

Midafternoon the OOB Moon trine Saturn Rx in Pisces sextile Vesta in Virgo: The relief of releasing something or someone plus the transformation of creative space for a new beginning ignites our inner fire with wonderfully inspired and imaginative ideas.

Late afternoon the OOB Moon square Juno in Libra: Hold on loosely but don't let go and be prepared to compromise vs control. If someone is resisting your decisions, try to view it from their perspective but stand firm in what you believe right for you.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time EDT:

Mercury: 28VIR23, 12
Neptune Rx: 28PIS23, 6
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 7:07 PM

OOB Moon: 11CAN55, 9
Mars: 11CAN55, 9
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 8:40 AM

OOB Moon: 14CAN43, 8
Saturn Rx: 14PIS43, 4
Aspect: Trine
Time: 1:52 PM

OOB Moon: 15CAN03, 7
Vesta: 15VIR03, 9
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 2:29 PM

OOB moon: 16CAN21, 6
Juno: 16LIB21, 9
Aspect: Square
Time: 4:55 PM

#art: Kate Morgan Art

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Mercury will enter Libra early tomorrow ( Thu ) morning @ 4:10 AM EDT, the collective 3rd House ( make sure to run your own natal biwheel to see what house this transit occurs in ).

The third house is the natural home of Gemini, ruled by Mercury himself. This is a house of awareness and side-by-side relationships. It highlights our environment, siblings, all forms of electronic communication, and speaking/writing.

Mercury excels in this house because it's the one he rules.  Additionally, he is comfortable in the sign of Venusian-ruled Libra, who represents harmony and balanced judicial diplomacy. Here the heart and the head copulate in the throat, birthing intellectual communication.

Venus is peace-loving and persuasive, while Mercury possesses a keen reasoning ability. Depending on aspects, particularly the South Node currently in Libra, the shadow side can emerge if red flags are ignored. For Libra that means fickle indecisiveness and obtaining peace at any price. For Mercury it can be quick, uncertain and often volatile action.

On the positive, if you can imagine a dreamy and intellectual conversation over a beautiful piece of art, a moving musical composition, or a just a sunset over the beach, then you have the epitome of a positive Mercurial Libran coupling.

Mercury is known as the Prince of Communication, the Patron of short-distance travel, merchants, medicine, and the arts. The goddess Athena ( Minerva in Roman mythology ) entrusted Hermes ( Mercury in Roman mythology ) with the protection of the arts. Who better to discuss such beauty than Venus, the goddess of love and curator of beautiful things with the curator of beautiful art himself, Mercury?

art David Babbington

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