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The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

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Astrea enters Libra tomorrow @ 10:14 PM, 6th House, the natural home of Virgo ruled by Mercury. This is the realm of expression and reasoning ability.

Astraea in Mythology

In Greek Mythology, Astraea, also known as the Star Goddess or Maiden, was renowned as the virgin god of justice, innocence, purity, and precision. She was beloved by the Greeks and thought to represent the Light in the world during what scholars have referred to as 'The Golden Age'.

The Golden Age ( Age of Innocence ) was one of the five Ages of Man in the old Greek religion. In mythology, the ages represented the history of human existence and its subsequent deterioration. Astraea came to symbolize humanity's fall and the hope that a new age of innocence would return.

As to her origins, there are differing stories; however, the widest accepted is that she herself is a descendant of the Titans. According to Hesiod’s Theogony, her father was the second-generation TITAN, Astraeus, the astrological GOD OF DUSK. Her mother was EOS, the goddess of the dawn.

Astrea in Libra

The scales of Libra are those used by Astraea. These scales were originally the claws of Scorpius, the constellation representing the zodiac sign Scorpio, and were taken to form the constellation Libra.

According to Ovid, Virgo is Astraea's natural home, and both are endowed with the same qualities. Virgo's true origins in Greek mythology reflect Astraea, the goddess of innocence and justice; thus, many believe they are one in the same. To know Astrea is to know Virgo's earthly qualities, and to know Virgo is to know Astrea's heavenly qualities.

However, to know balance and justice one must understand Libra and the part she plays. Considered an intermediary sign along with Virgo and Scorpio, Libra is a part of a transformative trifecta that brings a person from individualized consciousness ( Aries - Leo ) into collective consciousness ( Sagittarius - Pisces ).

In Virgo, the individual perfects and integrates oneself so that they may enter into the sign of partnership, Libra, as a whole and complete individual. In Libra, the person becomes aware of the "other" for the first time.

Communication that leads to sustained interaction is the groundwork for the final transmutation in Scorpio, where the personal "I" dies and totally submerges, interpenetrates, and unifies with the other. The union of "I" into "We" becomes the gateway into the collective awareness symbolized by Sagittarius.

The asteroids have a strong rulership association with these three transitional signs; therefore, they function as the active agents in these signs that facilitate the transformation from individual to collective awareness.

Thus, while embodying the traits and archetype of Virgo as a healer, Astraea and Libra become mirror representations of one another in relation to awareness and the administration of balance, harmony, and judicial application beyond self to the "other".

What needs to be guarded during this delicate transition period is a tendency for indecisiveness and paying any price for peace and companionship. Being honest is one of Libra's greatest challenges because they, more than any other sign, know the truth often divides, particularly those who are not prepared to listen.

With Astraea in this mirror sign, we must all guard against injustice, including that toward ourselves, which we'll have a propensity to administer to keep the peace. But without justice in the form of truth, there can be no true peace.

"Justice, justice, thou shalt pursue." Deuteronomy

"Without justice, there can be no true security and there can be no true peace. A just economy, a just healthcare system, a just educational system, a just immigration system, just environmental policies, just foreign policy, a truly just justice system, you name it...

"Think what kind of country we will be when the cry for justice becomes the loudest cry of all."

~Marianne Williamson

#art June Lee Loo

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. . .

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First Quarter Square OOB Moon in Sagittarius perfects overnight @ 2:05 AM, EDT. This lunation prepares us for a Super Full Moon partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces next Tuesday. Make certain this post is read in association with #AspectingtheCosmos daily energy report for Wednesday for timeline guidance: http://inspiritualservice.com

Moon Out of Bounds: https://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

This stage is often seen as a critical moment of action, where we must actively work to nurture the new "seed" into existence and keep the fresh impulse alive. It's the time to push ahead and not let any doubts hold us back. If our desires and needs align with our destiny, then things will unfold, and what we've begun will flourish. Now is when we should harness our will to realize the purpose of the new "seed."

In addition to the above, the First Quarter Moon can be seen as a symbol of growth and planning. This is because the moon is burgeoning toward the fullness of her light. This is called the "yang" phase, a masculine reference that implies strength and determination to achieve the fullness of one's goals.  

As a mutable sign, Sagittarius is forthright and typically gregarious and enthusiastic. Archers espouse high principles such as universal love and world peace. Happy-go-lucky, honest, cheerful, and optimistic, at times they can be restless, careless, and extravagant.

Their tolerance allows them to work well with all people, and they accept most people for what they are. Their extroverted nature can unintentionally hurt others who are more sensitive by being blunt and/or impatient.

Sagittarius' strengths are Freedom-loving, broad-mindedness, generous, optimistic, scholarly, and enthusiastic.

It's not just a time for reflection and commitment, but one to be proud of how much we've accomplished and double-check our headings. Make sure our inward compass is pointed in the right direction. It would be a shame if the needle wasn't magnetized, and we found ourselves going in circles, repeating the same patterns.

The focus is expansion through forward movement through the unknown phases of darkness until fully illuminated. This darkness could include doubts or fear, and those emotions/thoughts should be honored as they rise.

The purpose here is to shine the light on them by giving them the space they need to express themselves prior to releasing them to transmute into something more positive for you and humankind.

Don't allow our insecurities, doubts, or the opinions of others to deter us from our heart path. Whether through a lack of support or competitive actions by others, remember that their choices are theirs.

We just need to keep our eye on our choices and move forward day by day.

#art Elizabeth Mary Watts

#inspiritualservice #moon #mooninsagittarius #firstquartermoon #Sagittarius #firstquartermooninsagittarius #astrology #astrologer #asgtrologypost #moon #moonphase #lunarcycle

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Note: Mars and the Moon currently out-of-bounds ( OOB ): http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

#AspectingtheCosmos, Wed Sep 11, 2024 EDT: What we resist in the throes of escapism persists. Fantasizing is lovely but facing the truth enables us to move forward.

Astrea enters Libra & Moon enters Capricorn: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius: http://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2024

Early morning Venus in Libra inconjunct Saturn Rx in Pisces and the OOB Moon in Sagittarius trine Chiron Rx in Aries: Adjusting our perspective to appreciation and gratitude soothes ruffled feathers in a relationship and initiates emotional healing.

This afternoon the OOB Moon in Sagittarius trine Eris Rx in Aries inconjunct Uranus Rx in Taurus: Eris may push our buttons for change so that we'll step out of our box. Self-doubt and insecurity are barriers to expressive freedom that can manifest our dreams.

Tonight, the OOB Moon in Sagittarius square Neptune Rx in Pisces and Mercury in Virgo sextile Mars in Cancer: What we resist in the throes of emotional escapism persists. Gather up the courage to speak your truth and lay your weapons down.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time EDT: http://inspiritualservice.com

#art Naomi Okubo

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Note: Mars & Moon Out of Bounds in effect: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

Moon enters Capricorn tonight @ 10:39 PM EDT, 9th House • Void-of-Course time: 8:21 - 10:38 PM.

Void of Course Moon: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

Did you know that your Moon has a ruling planet?

If your Moon is in Capricorn, then Saturn ( ruler of Capricorn ) is the ruler of your Moon and plays an important part in your natal chart. It provides an indication of how you build things, your organization skills, discipline, and operational procedures.

Saturn is the planet of rules and boundaries. Known as the teacher and taskmaster, he requires we respect our elders, follow the rules, and do things right the first time. He is also the part within us that resists change and where we build walls to keep change out. This realm also represents how we may segregate ourselves at times, utilizing the word "No" without remorse.  

Having Saturn as the ruler of your Moon signifies a disposition towards respectfulness, seriousness, and conservatism. We may have an aversion to the exaggeration of facts and tend to refrain from action until completely certain of our readiness. We also don't expect something for nothing and are willing to work or pay the price for what we do want.

Here we'll learn the virtues of patience, endurance, and responsibility ( delegating as well as accepting the consequences of our own actions ). Saturn sets forth the guidelines and structures, down to the structures which hold our bodies together.

Duty, caution, pessimism emerges with this lunation. We become lazar focused on our goals and the future, realizing the importance of family business, responsibility, and re-organizing whatever has become scattered or disrupted in our lives. The caveat here is being perceived as impersonal, cold, or indifferent to the feelings of others.

There is a time for professional behavior; however, there is also a time to set the boundaries of business aside and sit down to listen to what others have to say.

Knowing the ruler of your Moon sign and its ruler enables you to figure out how these energies can motivate you. For additional insights as to how the transit affects you personally, visit inspiritualservice.com/the-moons-promenade

#art: Andrei Popov

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Notes: Mars & the Moon currently OOB: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

#AspectingtheCosmos, Thu, Sep 12, 2024: Self-doubt and insecurity are born from a lack of self-worth. Self-care reminds us of the power of love to transform our world.

Late morning the OOB Moon will square the Nodes: Current circumstances may feel safe, but they'll become stagnant without fresh movement. If you're too afraid to take a step, then at least open to receive inspiration from new ideas and sources that can enable you to plan for possibilities.

Midafternoon, the OOB Moon in Capricorn conjunct Ceres in Capricorn trine Vesta in Taurus: Allow your intuition to pay close attention to personal cycles to garner answers about self-worth, selfcare, and selflove. Inspirational insights could provide avenues which fan nurturing flames of desire in how to give and receive love.

Tonight, the OOB Moon in Capricorn square Juno in Libra: Challenge within a committed relationship can lead to polarity if one party doesn't loosen up and allow breathing room for the other to be themselves. Doubt and insecurity are born from a lack of self-worth. If we ignored the previous aspect, it's time to pay attention.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time EDT: http://inspiritualservice.com

art Agnieszka Banasiak

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We're in the final stages of Virgo before transiting into Libra next week, so it's time to discuss Virgo's final decan.


The sociable nature of Venus, when blended with Virgo's Mercurial influence, suggests a natural charm in dealing with people. Your drive for approval fuels you.

You possess a unique gift for language, enabling you to write and speak with allure. Moreover, an artistic touch and a knack for color often reflect in your environment or attire.

You have a flair for style and a strong personal presence. Poise and confidence are your assets in the workplace, and you're recognized for your tact and diplomacy. Disliking restrictions, you gravitate towards creative endeavors where you can be in charge.

In matters of the heart, you're warm and generous, but you do expect a fair amount of attention in return.

#art Vanessa Lemen

#inspiritualservice #astrololgy #astrologer #inspiritualserviceastrology #Virgo #decan #zodiacsigns #zodiac #virgodecans

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Note: OOB Mars and Moon in effect: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

#AspectingtheCosmos, Fri, Sept 13, 2024: Communication is a healing modality that liberates the voice from captivity.  

Friday 13th - Goddess Day: http://inspiritualservice.com/beliefs-1

This morning the OOB Moon in Capricorn inconjunct Jupiter in Gemini: Releasing negativity can shift our emotions to create possibilities of wondrous expansion, especially in the realm of side x side relation/partnerships.

This afternoon the Sun in Virgo trine the OOB Moon in Capricorn sesquiquadrate Mercury in Virgo square Chiron Rx in Aries: Excellent time to get organized and focus on that goal we desire. Sudden insights and succinct communication can work wonders toward emotional healing and a much-needed recreational break - even if just in the mind.

Tonight, the OOB Moon square Eris Rx in Aries trine Uranus Rx in Taurus: Is there some disagreement, conflict, or barrier that keeps arising? It's time to pay particular attention to how we can free ourselves from it.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time: EDT

OOB Moon: 20CAP16, 3
Jupiter: 20GEM16, 8
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 11:02 AM

Sun: 21VIR23, 10
OOB Moon: 21CAP23, 2
Aspect: Trine
Time: 1:00 PM

OOB Moon: 22CAP01, 2
Mercury: 07VIR01, 10
Aspect: Sesquiquadrate
Time: 2:06 PM

OOB Moon: 22CAP32, 2
Chiron Rx: 22CAP32, 5
Aspect: Square
Time: 3:00 Pm

OOB Moon: 25CAP15, 11
Eris Rx: 25ARI15, 2
Aspect: Square
Time: 7:43 PM

OOB Moon: 27CAP11, 8
Uranus: 27TAU11, 12
Aspect: Inconjunct
Time: 11:04 PM

#art Kate Morgan

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Happy Friday 13th: History's Dakini Day, or Day of the Goddess.

Before patriarchy began sinking deep into the roots of civilization, this revered day was known as ‘The Day of the Goddess,’ to pay respect and heed to the Feminine deities, like Venus.

As a symbol of rebirth that females are blessed with, Friday the 13th was a day all for women. In more than one way, the day gives all its glory to the Feminine power.

The number 13 represents the female ovulation period (considered a grand phenomenon as menstruating women are at the peak of their energy and power) because just like 13 lunar cycles a year, women also have 13 menstrual cycles a year.

All the feminine foundations to this day started to shake loose when menstruating women started experiencing shame in society for bleeding every cycle.

The day was to celebrate women and their sexual energy; however, when the patriarchy found its way into civilization, the very day that celebrated women became a symbol of misfortune because of its association with the feminine. Even though these newly minted beliefs made no sense as we all possess our feminine sides, not only women, but the target was indeed singular sex.

Contrary to popular belief, the number 13 will bring magic into your life. Many buildings do not have a 13th floor, and some even consider their 13th birthday unlucky. In rare cases, the perceived negative notion of the number can cause triskaidekaphobia, an intense fear of the number 13.

But 13 is actually a celestial number, especially in Judaism. It is the age when young boys and girls celebrate their Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, meaning they are on their journey to enter adulthood and ready to participate in public worship.

The number 13 is also considered very fortunate in Tibetan culture and is said to be a divine number and often used in children’s stories.

The day is a reminder for hopeless individuals to carry on as a day for sinners to repent their bad deeds that will be forgiven in heaven after they complete 13 rounds of prayers.

In numerology, the number 13 symbolizes change. This change is not necessarily negative but most essential to a person’s growth. Many people are scared of the uncertainty that change brings along. But it’s a positive time in their life.

Transformation and development take us out of our comfort and help us get better and become an evolved version of ourselves.

Friday the 13th is an occasion for humans to harness the positive energy of the moon.
Moon-gazing and talk about anything on your mind. The practice will open your mind and heart to bring happiness to your life.

As per astrology, the Moon represents the divine feminine and maternal vibe. It gives warmth to us and looks after us like a mother. It is a great time to connect with the maternal figure in your life. This could be your actual mother, sister, or best friend. Make it an evening to bond over shared secrets, aspirations, and goals for the future.

You can also Manifest Good Luck!

Full article: http://inspiritualservice.com/beliefs-1

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Note: Mars and the Moon OOB: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

#AspectingtheCosmos, Saturday, September 14, 2024: Healing comes through the freedom of our reasoning ability to turn away from doubt and insecurity, enabling us to become a light unto our own path.

Happiest of Birthdays to my firstborn, Ian. 🎂❤

Moon enters Aquarius: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Late morning/early afternoon Mercury in Virgo trine Ceres in Capricorn and the OOB Moon in Aquarius square Hygeia Rx in Taurus sesquiquadrate Jupiter in Gemini: A focus on dreams and hopes from a logical standpoint provides insight into previous cycles of routine that can improve expansion. Listen to your body - it could be telling you something in relation to your health

Midafternoon the OOB Moon in Aquarius inconjunct OOB Mars in Cancer sextile the Nodes in Aries and Libra: Releasing emotional resistance opens our mind to calculate avenues of advancement toward what we truly want out of life.

Late afternoon the Sun in Virgo inconjunct Chiron Rx in Aries: Healing comes through the freedom of our reasoning ability to turn away from doubt and insecurity.

Tonight, the OOB Moon in Aquarius trine Lilith Rx in Libra: Re-evaluating a relationship in direct correlation with our social consciousness leads to insights regarding our dreams.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time EDT: inspiritualservice.com

#art Damian Lechoszest

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Moon entered Aquarius, @ 3:54 AM EDT, 7th House • Void of course time: 3:35 - 3:53 AM EDT

Void of Course Moon: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

Just as our Sun sign, our Moon also has a ruling planet.

If your Moon is in Aquarius, then Uranus ( ruler of Aquarius ) rules your Moon and plays an important part in your natal chart. It provides an indication of how you assert your independence and process analytical and original ideas.

Uranus is the planet of change and originality and symbolizes the 'surprises' in our lives. Sudden events and opportunities can arise under this planet's influence. Uranus is one of these planets that pushes us out of our complacency through difficult and uncomfortable situations. It represents the freedom urge or divine discontent through awakening.

Having Uranus as the ruler of your Moon, then sensitivity and perception are two qualities of this placement. As Aquarius is the sign of rational thinking and humanitarianism, then it's safe to say that clear logic and altruistic concerns will surface.

Here we could experience imagination and well-balanced senses.  There are no temperamental extremes in this lunar placement, we are neither overly sensitive or emotional, nor too cerebral. A visionary without the eccentric nature is a befitting description for this lunation.

The progressive outlook attributed to this Moon sign is based in idealism, tolerance, and creativity. The caveat here is being too unpredictable, contrary, aloof, fixed in opinion, and/or tactless.

Focusing on ideas, philosophy, and higher learning keep your mind sharp and focused in addition to keeping us well-rounded intellectually. A wide outlook but short on sight is often attributed to this position. The unusual, whether it's people, places, or projects, capture your attention the most.

Knowing the ruler of your Moon sign and its ruler enables you to figure out how these energies can motivate you. For additional insights as to how the transit affects you personally, visit http://inspiritualservice.com/the-moons-promenade

#art: Tino Rodriguez

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Note: Moon returns inbound.
Mars remains OOB: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

#AspectingtheCosmos, Sun Sep 15, 2024: Focusing on what we want vs feelings of doubt or unworthiness acts as bellows to the manifestation process and opens our eyes to the light.

Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini overnight, ushering in the need for compassion for us and others. If we're experiencing insecurity or doubt regarding a relationship or job, we can shift those emotions by altering our thoughts toward the answers we seek rather than the situation we feel.

Midmorning Mercury in Virgo conjunct Vesta: We may not be able to communicate how we feel to others, but we can process it logically. Think of focusing on what we want ( vs feelings of doubt or unworthiness ) as bellows to that flame of inspiration within us.

Mid/late afternoon the Moon in Aquarius trine Jupiter in Gemini trine Venus in Libra sesquiquadrate OOB Mars in Cancer: Here we have a really strong opportunity to further our goals and/or possessions by increasing our monetary intake through a relation and/or partnership. Paying close attention to what hasn't worked in the past will provide clues on how to move forward.

Early evening/tonight the Moon in Aquarius sextile Chiron Rx in Aries and OOB Mars in Cancer Square the Nodes: Emotional healing comes through idealism and a focus on humanitarianism through action while releasing frustration over limitations. Trust the timing of the Universe while believing it's happening already.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time EDT: http://inspiritualservice.com

#art: Anna Rémich

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Welcome to another week! The Celestial Schedule is live on my site for a sneak peek at what's coming: http://inspiritualservice.com

#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #weeklyastrology #inspiritualserviceastrology #astrologypost #astrologyschedule

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#CollectiveCasting Oracle Card of the Week, Sun, Sept 15 - 21, 2024:

37. CREATION: Soul Expression, Something New

If we've heeded the cards so far this month, we will have released the past and opened a channel to our ancestors for their wisdom and guidance, which brings us into this very powerful week and the second of four supermoons coinciding with a penumbral eclipse on the Pisces/Virgo axis, the first in decades, Tuesday night.

Lunar eclipses can push us out of our comfort zones by heralding the ending of a pattern, relationship, or situation that no longer serves our greater good in order to make room for what we truly need. Full Moons represent release and manifestation, particularly of the intentions you set during the earlier New Moon of the cycle.

If we've done the work the cards advised us to do this month, then this week's energy, which can be highly dramatic and overly emphasized, won't affect us as strongly as it will someone who hasn't done the cleansing and release work. Also, having done the work will enable us to manifest much easier, thus opening a path to that which we truly desire to create.

More about the SuperMoon/Penumbral Eclipse: http://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2024

Message: Channeled
Deck: Energy & Spirit by Sandra Anne Taylor
Artist: Cheri Polk

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This is not good on the eve of a Piscean eclipse. Saturn currently occupying Pisces will only amplify the situation.

'Catastrophic' floods sweep through Central Europe, leaving seven dead and others missing

• Countries across Central and Eastern Europe are facing extreme flooding as Storm Boris wreaks havoc across the continent

• A firefighter has died during a flood rescue in Austria and people have drowned in Poland and Romania, while several people are missing in the Czech Republic

• Tens of thousands of people are without power and many people have been evacuated from badly-hit areas to higher ground

• The Austrian province surrounding Vienna has been declared a disaster area, with its leaders speaking of "an unprecedented extreme situation"


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