The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )
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Tyrant of Words
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Lovely week ahead, particularly the Rare, Full Super Blue Moon in Aquarius Monday and Sun entering Virgo Thursday! Details are live!
I am REALLY looking forward to that lunation Monday! It should be beautiful tomorrow night!
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Tyrant of Words
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#CollectiveCasting Oracle Card of the Week: Sun, Aug 18 - 24, 2024: HEALING
Just as the body has a way of healing itself, so, too, does the spirit. With the Moon in Aquarius today before moving thru Pisces, Aries, and ending in Taurus this week, we may obstinately resist or rebel against the natural flow, order, or timing of the Universe.
Energy from the Full, Super Blue Moon tomorrow afternoon will amplify and intensify emotions, so please keep that in mind.
Any ego-based resistance can cause stress-related issues that detrimentally affect our body, mind, and spirit if left unchecked. We need to ask ourselves what we are fighting against or holding onto? The answer could very well be ourselves in a battle between what we need and what we want—the latter causing the greater harm.
The Sun and Vesta moving into Virgo this week brings a more grounded energy that can calm the chaos of the mind. When we quiet ourselves, we can hear that inner voice of guidance attempting to fan that spark of inspiration flickering within us.
What would it take to get us to take better care of our self? The answer and subsequent action produce a balance between body, mind, and spirit.
Have a wonderfully manifesting week! xo
Message: Channeled
Deck: Spellcasting
art: She Who Is
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Tyrant of Words
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Tomorrow afternoon's rare, Full Super Blue Surgeon Moon comes in @ 27° Aquarius 15' @ 2:26 PM EDT • V/c 2:26 - 6:52 PM EDT—it's very important to conduct no rituals or ceremonies during the void-of-course time. It's a great time to get your crystals and moon water ready!
V/c Moon: 'Nothing will come of this.'
This rare Supermoon begins a four-month season of consecutive monthly Supermoons. Along with an underlying energy of completion, we may sense or feel we are nearing the fruition of an intention, and perhaps a decision needs of sorts needs to be made?
Afterall, we are born to evolve, and Full Moons illuminate awareness of what needs to be released so that we make room to receive through releasing what no longer serves us.
This Full Blue Sturgeon Super Moon blooms in the visionary air sign of Aquarius, also known as the Water Bearer. This is a symbol of healing and transmutation with the ability to collect and distribute life-giving water - symbolizing the emotional and psychic element surrounding us.
It is a reflection of the Tao emptying its vessel to make space to refill.
This energy will be powerful, enabling us to use the power of our breath to transform lower-vibrational energy into something more positive, loving, and hopeful for ourselves and others. Compassion will be a key element to navigating this Super Blue Moon.
When we allow Compassion to operate in our hearts, we can view our actions ( and those of others ) through the lens of non-judgment. By opening through release, there's an exchange of what needs transmuted for fulfilling energy.
Releasing allows this lunar energy to fill your heart just as the Water Bearer refills by emptying first.
A reminder that taskmaster and teacher Saturn, the Lord of Karma ( currently in retrograde ) is very active under this Full Moon energy as it squares off with benevolent Jupiter in Gemini @ 5:56 PM EDT. The emphasis here will be on personal responsibility for our choices. This may seem harsh, but Saturn is that strict teacher in high school that no one enjoyed but everyone remembers as one of the best.
Assuming responsibility for our own choices' verses blaming others for the consequences of those choices ensures we are moving in accordance with our higher self. And through compassion, there is no self-judgment; therefore, every choice and action should be a conscious one which aligns with your soul.
If not, this lunation is sure to bring this to your awareness, perhaps as Karma thru a Saturnia lesson. Try to remember that despite the seeming harshness of these lessons, they redirect us toward choices and actions more sustainable to our souls.
As long as you are willing to do the work and accept responsibility despite the lesson, Saturn will actually support your effort in a greater capacity than is afforded during resistance. The heights you could reach with Saturn can bring endless rewards.
If you are feeling personally triggered by this energy, you may want to contemplate how to best navigate instability toward what you can truly rely on. This may prompt you to re-evaluate living situations and/or locations, finances, and even lifestyles.
Regardless, this lunation, in combination with Saturn will feel heavy if we're unwilling to let go of what we innately know is holding us back. We may feel stifled by the strong energy of Saturn bearing down upon us.
This is amplified by Super Full Moon energy supercharging our emotions; thus, the best way to navigate is to release and accept the gift of healing Aquarius presents.
"Accept" being the optimal word here. A closed or full vessel cannot receive, so don't allow your own ego to stand in your way.'
"Accept" responsibility for our choices and know that while we may have no control of circumstances surrounding us, we do have control over how we respond to those circumstances, and how we choose to navigate them through our focus and intentions.
Choose what serves our purpose through compassion. This in turn will serve the greater collective, which is what Aquarius energy is all about. Open to release then receive that which honors our truth and brings peaceful balance to our life.
After all, in acceptance lieth peace.
#art: Anne Bachelier: Aquarius
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Tyrant of Words
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Note: Mercury retrograde in effect.
#AspectingtheCosmos, Mon, Aug 19, 2024: The most difficult lessons may feel backbreaking; however, they actually build bridges we wouldn't have otherwise been able to cross.
Rare, Full Super Blue Moon in Aquarius:
Moon enters Pisces:
Late morning the Moon in Aquarius sextile Eris Rx in Aries: Strong desire to break free of convention to create our own path to success through originality and vision.
Early afternoon the Moon in Aquarius oppose Mercury in Leo and the Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus: Rebellious nature may get carried away through our communication. Reconcile polarity by practicing the sacred pause. Sudden and unexpected shifts in commitments and relationships are possible.
Midafternoon the Moon in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus, the Sun in Leo oppose the Moon in Aquarius oppose Vesta in Leo: Unwelcomed surprises surrounding domestic security and relationships. Inner emotional struggles can be lifted by reaching for a higher thought and different perspective to reignite the home fires.
Early evening Jupiter in Gemini square Saturn Rx in Pisces: Don't expect expansion regarding a career or potential relationship. There's still a hard lesson to be learned, but it also poses the greatest opportunity for growth.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):
#art Mark Laguë
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Tyrant of Words
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Moon enters Pisces today @ 6:53 PM EDT, 2nd House, the natural home of Taurus ruled by Venus • V/c time: 2:26 - 6:52 PM EDT
V/C Moon & OOB Moon:
The last lunar cycle I discussed the constellations and sub-ruling planets of each zodiac sign as the Moon transited them. This month I'm going to discuss polarities ( opposites ) and how to reconcile them.
If you'd like to learn more about Pisces lunar transits and natal information, please visit
Each zodiac sign is born with a polarity that remains throughout their lives. Knowledge of this polarity and a subsequent balance between opposites can prove stabilizing regardless of what planetary aspect we may face on a daily basis. However, ignoring this polarity can appear devastating when facing a difficult aspect, such as a challenging square.
In this case, the polarity for Pisces is Virgo ( and yes, the resolution for the polarity is different - as you read when the Moon transited Virgo earlier this month ).
Pisceans are ruled by Neptune as well as sub-rulers according to their decans. Neptune, Ancient God of the Sea; second of the modern planets to be discovered. In astrology, Neptune is the planet of illusion, glamour, mystery, and deception.
As a mutable water sign, Pisces represents the closing, or end of the astrological year. This is the sign of reincarnation and spiritual rebirth. Like natives of the other two water signs, ( Cancer & Scorpio ), you have the ability to see deeply into the human psyche when operating in your highest level of vibration.
Ancient astrologers referred to Pisces as the sign of sorrow from self-undoing because they can easily become the creator of their own downfall. They also have a penchant for picking the wrong companions. Their fatal flow is escapism from what they don't wish to deal with, which can lead to addictive behavior.
Pisces' natural home is the 12th house; This house represents the side of us that only comes out when we're alone, or in the mood to retreat and regroup. It's the side where frustrations, limitations, secret affairs and dealings take place. Here too is where matters like hospitalization stays and mental health are indicated. These natives are fond of fantasy, illusion, and pretend play.
Conversely, Virgo, Pisces polar opposite, is realistic, analytical, practical, and has a keen eye for details. Its natives are perfectionists who dissects facts in order to find the truth and obtain information. They are reserved, modest, practical, discriminating, and industrious natives striving to know and understand.
So how do we reconcile these opposites in order to achieve balance? According to Stephen Forrest: Service, groundedness, and skill heal absentmindedness, ungrounded idealism, and a propensity for escapism.
What this means, is that while contemplating service to the collective, Pisces could also engage in meditative practices which ground them in present reality, as well as focal exercises to improve their concentration. Such exercises will help them avoid the escapism they are so apt to employ when unfavorable circumstances arise.
#art Kerry (Brooks) Simmons
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Tyrant of Words
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Full moon scrying. The energy today is palpable. 🙏🌕
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Tyrant of Words
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Note: Mercury retrograde in effect:
#AspectingtheCosmos, Tue, Aug 20, 2024: Dreaming is a wonderful tool of hope; however, only action will take us where we desire to go.
Late afternoon Mercury Rx in Leo square Pallas in Scorpio and Venus in Leo conjunct Ceres Rx in Capricorn: Now is an excellent time to review our patterns of thought and communication in order to improve them. Utilize wisdom when conversing with others and double-check all correspondences.
Tonight, the Moon in Pisces conjunct Saturn Rx in the 11th: This can prove an opportunity to solidify our hopes, goals, and wishes. While Pisces is typically a nostalgic dreamer, Saturn lends a realistic dose of responsible reality. Time to review past steps and course-correct toward what we desire through compassionate and understanding means.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):
#art Isao Tomoda
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Tyrant of Words
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Oops, apologies. Apparently, I posted Wednesday's forecast vs Tuesday's. It has been corrected. Thank goodness tomorrow is an easy day. . .
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Tyrant of Words
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. . .
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Tyrant of Words
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Note: Mercury retrograde is in effect.
#AspectingtheCosmos, Wed, Aug 21, 2024: Attending to commitments rather than forgoing them increases our self-confidence, ability, and reputation through our dedication to the task at hand.
Midmorning the Moon in Pisces inconjunct Mercury Rx in Leo: Our intuition peaks but it may be time to refrain from expressing our dreams to those who may not support us. A deep focus on our work and health habits would better serve us at this time.
Midafternoon the Moon in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus: Be prepared for surprising changes. While this may shake our foundation, allowing our intuition vs fear to guide us proves useful. Refrain from grasping something and allow events to play out.
Late afternoon the Sun in Leo inconjunct Neptune Rx in Pisces, the Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune Rx in Pisces: The anaretic degree of the inconjunct would have us restless and unfocused on tasks at hand. We are ready to move forward. Refocusing on our commitments increases our security through reviewing our intentions with intellectual thinking and planning.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):
#art Marianne Stokes
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Tyrant of Words
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Note: Mercury retrograde in effect:
Moon enters Aries this evening @ 7:03 PM EDT, 3rd House, the natural home of Gemini ruled by Mercury • Lunar void-of-course ( V/c ) time: 5:54 - 7:02 PM EDT
V/c Moon:
The last lunar cycle I discussed the constellations and sub-ruling planets of each zodiac sign as the Moon transited them. This month I'm going to discuss polarities ( opposites ) and how to reconcile them.
If you'd like to learn more about Aries lunar transits and natal information, please visit
Each zodiac sign is born with a polarity that remains throughout their lives. Knowledge of this polarity and a subsequent balance between opposites can prove stabilizing regardless of what planetary aspect we may face on a daily basis. However, ignoring this polarity can appear devastating when facing a difficult aspect, such as a challenging square.
In this case, the polarity for Aries is Libra ( and yes, the resolution for the polarity is different - as you read when the Moon transited Libra earlier this month ).
Aries are ruled by Mars, the Ancient God of War, aggression, and conflict. In astrology, Mars' influence denotes courage, passion, strength, and competition. It can foster tension and accidents, and rules over fire and danger.
As a Cardinal fire sign, Aries gravitates toward the center of action. They are audacious and intent on getting their own way; thus, are known as the "me-first" sign. Their nature is to exhibit power and they treat opposition as an annoyance to be brushed out of the way. They are natural leaders who exude self-confidence, and from an early age they feel they are headed for success.
A touch of recklessness makes an Aries feel alive, as the chase itself is more thrilling than capturing the prey. They are willing to take a gamble, follow a dream, and set their mind to a goal. Once done, they will pursue it relentlessly with determination. In Astrology, Aries is notorious for taking offense at fancied slights and injuries.
Aries' natural home is the 1st house, representing the way we dress, move, and adorn ourselves, and the overall condition of our body. It relates to the first impression we make on others and is the astrological new year, as it begins the wheel of the zodiac. Aries natives are known to strongly project their own personalities and can be very self-oriented and focused.
Conversely, Libra, Aries' polar opposite, is the sign of partnership. Natives of Libra feel incomplete without a partner or lover and strive for happiness as a couple. Librans seek equal balance in all things.
So how do we reconcile these opposites in order to achieve balance? According to Stephen Forrest: Negotiation, teamwork, and love heal anger, aggression, and fear.
What this means is that to achieve their own balance, Aries can lay down their weapons because aggression is not required to achieve everything. Once they discover the power of love and partnership, their aggressive natures will stabilize into an equal measure of themselves and others.
#art Marie Muravski
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Tyrant of Words
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Just finished an intense session with a client and felt led to share this for anyone who might need it: The biggest mistake we can make is believing that our current circumstances are permanent. Change is an inevitable part of life.
Instead of giving up, why not ask what this lesson is for?
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Tyrant of Words
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Note: Mercury retrograde in effect. Goodbye, #LeoSeason. ❤🦁 Hello, Virgo! ❤🌾
#AspectingtheCosmos, Thursday, Aug 22, 2024: The transformation from blockages to openings begins with a simple change of perspective.
Sun enters Virgo: ❤🌾
Early afternoon the Moon in Aries sesquiquadrate Pallas in Scorpio: It's important to use our voice to express our feelings or desires at this time; however, wisdom is needed in how we use it if we want to accomplish our goals.
Midafternoon the Sun in Virgo inconjunct Pluto Rx in Aquarius: A potential resistance to expectation and responsibility could rise; however, it's best to honor commitments at this time while expressing potential new avenues as to how to exercise them.
Late tonight Venus in Virgo squares Mars in Gemini: Challenging energy that may present a stumbling block to plans. Avoid hot-headed reactions and instead analyze the opportunity to assess how that stumbling block may be transformed into a steppingstone. It can be done.
Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time:
#art: Jean Béraud
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Tyrant of Words
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Sun enters Virgo @ 10:56 AM EDT, 12th House, the natural home of Pisces ruled by Neptune. This is a house of frustration, limitation, and self-undoing; however, it's also a house where we can achieve the greatest spiritual heights.
Some information about Virgo:
SYMBOL: The Virgin 💃
MODE + ELEMENT: Mutable, Earth 🌎
RULING PLANET: Mercury – intellect, expression, reasoning ability 🗣
HOUSE: Sixth: Work, health, and habits 🏡
MANTRA: “I analyze” 🔬
KEYWORD: Practicality 🛋
BODY PART: Intestines, liver, pancreas, gall bladder, lower plexus, upper bowel.
LUCKY COLORS: Green, white, navy blue, & grey 💚🤍💙
UNLUCKY COLORS: Red & yellow ❤️💛
ARCHANGEL: Metatron & Raphael🪶
GODDESS: Demeter/Ceres 🌾
ARCHETYPE: The Healer 🙏
FLOWER: Buttercup 🌼
🪶Archangel Metatron is associated with Virgo and is also known as “Metatron’s Cube.” It aids in clearing low energies and facilitating healing. He also assists individuals who are new to spirituality. If you seek understanding of the mysteries of the Universe or guidance on the spiritual path, Archangel Metatron is the one to ask.
🪶Archangel Raphael is the Angel of Healing and rules over the star sign of Virgo, the planet Mercury, Wednesday and is responsible for the East. He is one of the principal angels and brings the attributes of efficiency and an analytical mind. As the Healer Archetype, Virgos love to be of assistance to others, and calling upon AA Raphael assists them in their desire to be of service.
🌾Demeter/Ceres Demeter is the Greek goddess of agriculture, the harvest, and the natural cycle of life and death. Ceres is the Roman goddess who is the counterpart to Demeter and shares many of her attributes and myths. Both goddesses are often depicted with crops, such as wheat and barley, or a cornucopia of produce.
🌾Demeter's responsibilities include spring growth, ensuring wheat ripens in the autumn, and presiding over sacred law.
☀️The Sun stations in Virgo on a Thursday, ruled by benevolent Jupiter, heralding expansion, money, prosperity, and generosity. The Waning Crescent Moon in Aries is a time for study, meditation, and little magical work outside of banishing harmful energies.
Virgo ( September ) Birthstone
A maiden born when autumn leaves
Are rustling in September's breeze,
A Sapphire on her brow should bind;
'Twill cure diseases of the mind.
Modern: Sapphire 💎
Zodiac: Carnelian 🧡
As a Mutable Earth sign, Virgos are all about improvement ( self or otherwise ). Now's a great time to map out a game plan for the upcoming year! What you can expect depends largely on your rising & moon sign as well as your sun sign.
Well-organized, responsible and altruistic but when expressing their shadow side they can become a perfectionist, critical, and even a bit obsessive and pedantic.
Happy Birthday, my Virgo friends ( and two children! )!
*Birthstone poetry reprinted from 'The Occult and Curative Powers of Precious Stones' by William T. Fernie, MD. Harper & Row ( 1981 )
Image: Adrienne Stein, Demeter
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Tyrant of Words
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Now that the Sun is firmly rooting into Virgo, it's time to discuss the cusps. As a Virgo, do you relate to either of these?
A cusp is the point at which a new astrological sign begins. Thus, the cusp of Aries means the point at which Aries begins. The word comes from the Latin word cuspis, meaning point.
When someone speaks of being born on the cusp, he or she is referring to a birth time at or near the beginning or the end of an astrological sign.
Astrologers differ about when a person is born on the cusp. Some astrologers claim it means only within the first two days or the last two days of a sign. Others say it can be as much as within the 1st 10 days or the last 10 days of the sign. The consensus, however, is that if you were born on the cusp, if your birthday is within the first or last five days of a sign.
August 23 - August 27: Virgo with Leo tendencies
You are kind, gracious, and reliable, and you also possess great flair and personal style. Your optimism, wit, and sense of fun magnetically draws people toward you. Projects you undertake are likely to be successful because of your eye for detail and quick intelligence. Often you end up handling the entire show because of your organizational abilities. Sometimes you are impatient with the irresponsibility of others. You shine in social settings. In love, you tend to be effusive, warm, and loyal.
September 18 - September 22: Virgo with Libra tendencies
You are an idea person, intellectual, and perceptive. you have a gregarious nature and are most successful dealing with and through other people. Your mind is alert and lively, and you probably have a facile flair for conversation. Your particular gift is for using your social talents in your work. Your finely honed esthetic sense sets high standards. You may be a collector of beautiful objects or be drawn to creative pursuits. In love you are sincere and expressive but need a lot of attention and devotion from a lover.
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