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The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

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#Mercury has entered his pre-shade period as he makes his way into #retrograde 04°VIR06' @ 12:56 AM EDT, Aug 04 thru August 28, when it will station direct @ 21°LEO25' @ 5:14 PM EDT. This puts #Mercury joining #Saturn, #Neptune, and #Pluto, not to mention #Chiron, #Ceres, and #Eris in the retrograde parade.

Simply put, this is a time for us to prepare: http://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2024

#art Sergey Lukyanov

#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #Mercury #mercury #retrograde #mercuryretrograde #inspiritualserviceastrology

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Thu, Jul 25, 2024: Today is a great day to connect with likeminded or socialize with family or close friends. Fun and amusements are in order.

Mid/late morning the Moon in Pisces inconjunct Mercury in Leo conjunct Neptune Rx in Pisces: All planets are on the anaretic degree; therefore, we may need to adjust our expression to others so as not to get ahead of ourselves . . .

Early afternoon the Moon, now in Aries, sextile Pluto Rx in Aquarius: A fresh and exciting burst of energy . . .

Late afternoon the Moon in Aries sextile Mars in Gemini and the Sun in Leo trine the Moon in Aries:  Keep active to prevent pent up energy . . .

Tonight, the Sun in Leo sextile Mars in Gemini: It's a good night to evaluate our domestic needs and plan for the future.

Full message + Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):  

#art Anna Silivonchik

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Moon enters Aries this morning @ 9:53 AM EDT • V/c Time: 10:31 AM - 10:52 AM, EDT.

If you're unfamiliar with a v/c ( void-of-course ) Moon, you can read an article here: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

The last lunar cycle I discussed the archetypes of each zodiac sign as the Moon made her transit through their domain. This lunar cycle I'm highlighting the constellations and sub-ruling planets associated with each zodiac sign's decan as the moon transits.  

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and is quite simply excited to be alive. It's curious, adventurous, and independent. It spearheads its own path, never waiting for guidance, drawing on its own fiery engine for fuel. It's inspired, energetic, and physically active. Mars-ruled, these are leaders and natural initiators, pushing forward toward uncharted territory.

While Aries is great at starting things, they often lack staying power. This is because their mind is hyperactive and they're ready to move onto the next inspired idea. If something is complex, it's best not to start it on this day.

Entering Aries on a Thursday, ruled by Jupiter portends expansion, money, prosperity, and generosity. The Waning Gibbous Moon indicates a time for study, meditation, and little magical work except for that which banishes negative energy.

The constellations associated with Aries' decans are: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Do you know where Aries resides in your birth chart? Even if you have no planets in Aries, the house is influential.

For more information on a natal or lunar transit for the Moon in Aries, visit: inspiritualservice.com/the-moons-promenade

#art: Cetus Constellation by PhilNews

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Mercury, having just entered its pre-shade period, enters Virgo this evening @ 6:42 PM, EDT, 9th House, the natural home of Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter.

MERCURY isn't only the Prince of Communication and Messenger of the Gods, he is also associated with the physician and healing; thus, he carries the caduceus, a short-staff wand entwined by two serpents, sometimes surmounted by wings that is now the modern symbol for medicine. He is also the Divine Trickster and Patron of Merchants.

To the world, Virgo gives the impression of being calm, cool, and collected. As a matter of fact, Virgo is the epitome of that facade. The real drama exists inside the interior as intensity. A VIRGOan's mind can be compared to the cogs in a clock that continuously turns; it can exhaust itself just thinking about things that need or want to be done.

It's difficult for this sign to sit still for want of constant activity. Its idea of taking it easy would seem like work to everyone else. This sign is definitely not a daydreamer but a day-doer. And they will do everything in their power to create order out of any chaos they face, and they'll do it logically and emotionally detached.

9th HOUSE:

This wide-open space reflects the higher mind and life philosophy. Within a lifespan, it's a period of spiritual growth and gaining a broader perspective. It reveals our ethics and anything that opens the mind, such as higher education and foreign travel.

Jupiter-ruled, this space reveals our relationship to expansion and the things that block or support our quests. This house is the natural home of the Explorer, Sagittarius, and reveals our long journeys of body and mind. Here we may expand through travel, where different cultures broaden our viewpoint, or we may grow through spirituality and places of worship, never leaving our hometown.

This house reflects man's search for meaning, and no two journeys' look the same and thus should not be compared.

MERCURY -> VIRGO TRANSIT & NATAL ASPECTS: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Here's hoping that'll change!

#art: Anna Silivonchik

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Fri, Jul 26, 2024: There comes a time to slow down and re-evaluate our direction for the purpose of renewed awareness so that we can remember our purpose.

Early morning the Moon in Aries sextile Jupiter Rx in Gemini: Utilizing our emotional energy to end or regenerate a project or relationship will serve us best if done in an honorable way. . .

Early/mid-afternoon, the Moon in Aries sesquiquadrate Mercury in Virgo trine Vesta in Leo: Speaking up for our self can liberate pent-up emotions detrimental to our long-term health and break a cycle of playing small for someone else. . .

Early evening the Moon in Aries trine Venus in Virgo: Lovely flow of creative energy stemming from our aspirations if we reach for it!  

Tonight, Venus in Leo inconjunct Saturn Rx in Pisces and Mercury in Virgo:  Awareness regarding relationships doesn't necessary arise from discovery but re-discovery through re-evaluation of past circumstances. . .

Full Message + Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ): http://inspiritualservice.com

#art Anna Silivonchik

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Moon enters Taurus tomorrow afternoon @ 1:24 PM EDT; however, a lengthy v/c time begins this evening @ 6:14 PM ( 26th ) - 1:23 PM ( 27th ).

If you're unfamiliar with a v/c ( void-of-course ) Moon, you can read an article here: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

The last lunar cycle I discussed the archetypes of each zodiac sign as the Moon made her transit through their domain. This lunar cycle I'm highlighting the constellations and sub-ruling planets associated with each zodiac sign's decan as the moon transits.  

Taurus, like Mother Nature herself, is grounded in the process of becoming. It understands that a goal and the pathway toward it are one and the same, moving through time with patient stability. It's tempered like a flower and won't be rushed, growing from seed to sprout, to bud to blossom.

Taurus is one with the Earth and loves experiencing life through the senses.  Being Venus-ruled it's a lover if beauty, valuing everything from art to fine food to bodywork. It also appreciated architecture, beautiful landscapes, luxuries, and accumulating things of value.

The Moon entering Taurus on a Saturday, ruled by Saturn, portends longevity, exorcism, endings, homes, and houses. The Waning Last Quarter Moon suggests it's a time for study, meditation, and little magical work except for that designed to dispel harmful energy.

The constellations and planetary rulers associated with Taurus' decans are: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Do you know where Taurus resides in your birth chart? Even if you have no planets in Taurus, the house Taurus resides in is influential.

For more information on a natal or lunar transit for the Moon in Taurus, visit: inspiritualservice.com/the-moons-promenade

#art: Perseus by Star Search

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Sat, Jul 27, 2024: When we bring our awareness to the heart of dissention, we're more apt to discover the source of contention, providing us with an opportunity for resolution.  

Moon enters Taurus: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Mid/late-afternoon the #Moon in #Taurus square #Pluto Rx in #Aquarius:  The #Moon in her home is reflective of romance; . . .

This evening the #Moon in #Taurus conjunct #Hygiea in #Taurus: Recreational fun and relaxation followed by self-care will enhance the evening. . . .

Late tonight the #Sun in #Leo square the #Moon in #Taurus:

Full Message + Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):  http://inspiritualservice.com

#art Anna Silivonchik

#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #inspiritualserviceastrology #zodiac #horoscope #horoscope2024 #horoscopetoday #horoscopedaily #planetary #aspects #PlanetaryAspects

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Lion's Gate Portal will open tomorrow, Sunday, July 28th:

This portal opens every year between July 28 and August 12; however, its official activation day is August 8. In numerology, 8 is the number of infinity and manifestation. It's like benevolent Jupiter and amplifies whatever it touches.

The star of abundance, Sirius, rises in the middle of summer to become the brightest star in our sky. It will move closer to the Earth and align with Orion’s Belt and the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt. Many ancients believed that new levels of consciousness would become infused into the planet and also into each of us individually.

Orion's belt is mentioned several times in the Christian bible, particularly in the book of Job:

"Who made the Bear and Orion, the Pleiades and the chambers of the south;" "Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades or loose the cords of Orion?"

The heavens themselves were created by Source ( God, Universe, Great Spirit, et al ). They have been used as sources of signs ( think the Star of Bethlehem, etc. ) by all races for eons. Their creation, just as everything else in the Universe, serves a purpose.

In addition to abundance, Sirius is also the star of creativity and devotion. Because it's in the sign of its namesake, Leo the Lion, who rules the sun ( and thus the heart ), the manifestation and transformational energy of this portal is increased exponentially.

Think of Devotion ( Sirius ) and Love ( Leo ) cojoining to produce an awakening intensity of the Divine within our hearts. It's a wonderful time to recognize and give rise to our personal power. That doesn't mean it's going to feel like a bed of roses! On the contrary, change can feel quite uncomfortable; however, it's also quite necessary for growth.

There's a New Moon the Sunday prior to this activation day; therefore, you could prepare by writing down what you wish to release from your life, what needs healing, cleansing, or purging. Follow that up with what you desire to replace it with.

For example: You write down that you wish to purge self-doubt and desire to replace it with confidence. Or you want to rid your thoughts of the imposter syndrome and replace it with surety. Once you purge, you've made room for what you desire to manifest. Do NOT hesitate to refill with anything you want.

Open to love, empowerment, and who you were truly meant to be. Numerically speaking, 8/8 is also an infinite day of balance, reflecting the endless possibilities available to you.

#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #inspiritualserviceastrology #Leo #lionsgate #LionsGate2023 #Lionsgateportal

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Sun, Jul 28, 2024: Changing up a routine or habit in our homes or relationship can reignite a spark and jumpstart romance.  

Lion's Gate Portal Opens: http://inspiritualservice.com/celestialp-events-2024

Early afternoon the Venus in Leo square Pallas in Scorpio: . . .

Early evening the Moon in Taurus square Vesta in Leo: . . .

Tonight, we hit the nail on the head when the Moon in Taurus sextile Saturn Rx in Pisces . . .

Full message + Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):  http://inspiritualservice.com

#art: Anna Silivonchik

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#CollectiveCasting Oracle Card of the Week: Sun, Aug 04 - Sat, Aug 10, 2024: TRAVEL

I love that this card presented during the week of the Lion's Gate Portal. As the final weeks of summer wrap themselves around the back-to-school countdown, it is the perfect time to get that last minute trip in with family, friends, or just our self.

While this card can certainly be referring to physical travel, it also refers to metaphorical expansion of our minds and hearts to encompass more imagination, more love, and more acceptance, especially that which enables others to be themselves without attempting to mold them to our will.

Don't be afraid to dream big and believe. With the Lion's Gate activation this week, our dreams and desires will be amplified. If we're afraid to dream it, then how on earth will we ever achieve it?

Just as remaining in the confines of our homes prevent us from exploring the world, sheltering in the boundaries of our thoughts by believing that we could never have this or do that ensures we never will. For so a wo/man thinks s/he becomes.  

Relax into what you want just as you would a sacred bath. This provides the mind a much-needed break and the heart an opportunity to dream. It is here, in these moments of release and thoughts of belief that the answers we seek emerge.

Message: Channeled
Deck: Spellcasting by Flavia Kate Peters & Barbara Meiklejohn-Free
Art: @shewhois

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This is one of my FAVORITE placements!

Venus enters Virgo tonight @ 10:23 PM, in her home 7th House, the natural home of Libra and face-to-face relationships and cooperation.

Venus is in her detriment ( opposite exaltation ) in Virgo, where it will have difficulty expressing its real nature. This image seems like one of sleeping in a strange bed in someone else’s house, which you’re not really comfortable in; but this is all about Venus, and as it falls in the 7th House, ruled by Venus, this response can receive an extra boost.

Venus is sweet, dewy, diplomatic, musical, and gregarious. And she is the planet of love, the opposite of sex. She rules art, culture and what you might call aesthetics. She is gorgeous, charming and schmoopy, in a wonderful, gooey way. And Virgo is a wonderful placement for this beneficial (some would say cadent) malefic, despite it being her fall.

Ouch! Virgo, ruled by Mercury, is hyper-analytic. So analytic it can analyze any feeling right out of existence.

Business-like and thoroughgoing, Virgo picks facts like a forensic detective. Clean and tidy, Virgo will work with Venus to break down and simplify sequences that will provide clear pathways to the fruition of our desires.

A lot is possible under the influence of this coupled energy, with dry, pragmatic, earthy Virgo balanced by warm, sociable, values-rich Venus. Listen to your impulses, especially those that suggest alterations we might want to make. These are critical urges that expand our awareness and help us adapt to needed modifications in our lives at this point in time.

Image: Steven DaLutz

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Mon, Aug 05, 2024: Putting in the work pays off tonight through peaceful harmony and intimate gatherings.  

BUUUCKLE UP! Mercury enters Rx!

Mercury Stations Retrograde: http://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2024
Moon enters Virgo: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Also, this week's planetary transits & celestial events are live on the site: http://inspiritualservice.com

Mid/late morning Venus in Virgo inconjunct Pluto Rx in Aquarius followed by the Moon in Leo square Uranus in Taurus: We're more apt to re-evaluate our current station to see how we can adjust to better serve the group and social conscious. We can break free of emotional constraints by grounding in practicality.

Late afternoon the Moon in Leo inconjunct Neptune Rx in Pisces: If we adjust our fiery emotions to passionate thoughts we can break through the foggy atmosphere of insecurity and doubt.

This evening the Moon, now in Virgo, conjunct Venus in Virgo, 9th House: Efforts pay off tonight through peace and harmony. We can experience emotional freedom and a genuine caring. Intimate gatherings or socializing is highly favored.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):   http://inspiritualservice.com

#art Daniel Gerhartz

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And here we go!

Mercury stationed Retrograde 04°VIR06' @ 12:56 AM EDT, 5th House thru August 28 21°LEO25' @ 5:14 PM EDT, joining Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto, not to mention Chiron, Ceres, and Eris.

Even planets prepare for their own retrograde by slowing down before coming to a full stop. We should emulate the same. Roughly two weeks prior to retrograde, the planet enters the shadow period. We may begin to feel fatigue & lack of energy. Just as the cosmos signals the planets, this is the body's universal way of signaling us to slow down.

If we feel we can't slow down, then we need to prepare to potentially overlook important details, sudden changes in plans, cancellations, and tense communications, not to mention costly electronic mishaps.

The key to understanding this retrograde is that when we DO slow down, we are more apt to take things in stride than allowing them to knock us off balance. Thus, exasperating irritability and frustration are kept to a minimum versus escalating the situation.

With Mercury retrograding through Virgo, we may experience certain challenges, especially at our workplace or health. This is because Virgo resides in the 6th house, where work and health are closely related.

In addition to the aforementioned, we may experience delays in projects, confusing communication with our co-workers as well as difficult schedules. We can fly by the seat of our pants if we choose. It is a personal choice. But when we know a storm with the potential to inflict damage is approaching, wouldn't we want to take time to prepare so the damage is minimal?

Personally, this retrograde helps us reconnect us with the essence of our inner Goddess. Examining relationships with our feminine side and intuition can reveal whether or not we're too critical with ourselves, which means we're more apt to be critical of others. Evaluation of our daily routines and boundaries are just as important.

Radical self-acceptance and loving the parts of us that we would normally criticize is paramount to altering our perspective. We are needed or we would not be here. What we contribute to this world from our own uniqueness completes circumstances by contributing to how they play out on a more collective level.

Revelations born of self-questions assist in the direction we wish to restructure our lives. Don't forget to include selfcare and healthy habits in these evaluations in order to balance our body, mind, and soul in all aspects of our lives.

#art Michael Orwick

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Moon enters Virgo late this afternoon @ 5:18 PM  • V/c time: 11:16 AM - 5:17 PM, EDT.

If you're feeling emotionally out of sorts today, it's most likely due to the Void of Course Moon. You can read up on that here to better understand its influence: http://inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

Each zodiac sign is born with a polarity that remains throughout their lives. Knowledge of this polarity and a subsequent balance between opposites can prove stabilizing regardless of what planetary aspect we may face on a daily basis.

However, ignoring this polarity can appear devastating when facing a difficult aspect, such as a challenging square.  

In this case, the polarity for Virgo is Pisces ( and yes, the resolution for the polarity is different - as you will see when we reach the Moon transiting Pisces ).

Virgo is the sign of practicality and analyzation on a rational level while Pisces is the sign of understanding and belief on a more spiritual level.

Virgo dons a calm exterior but underneath it lies an undercurrent of restless anxiety and nervous tension that would rather be doing and arranging to improve than to rest and contemplate.

Virgo can exhaust themselves more by sitting and thinking about what needs to be done and improved than any other sign. They aren't daydreamers but day-doers thanks to their ruling planet, Mercury, which inclines its subjects ( Gemini & Virgo ) toward constant activity.

Conversely, Pisces represents the end of the circle, of eternity, reincarnation, and spiritual rebirth. This aquatic water sign possesses an otherworldly quality.

In mystical terms, they are described as being half-body and half-spirit, pulled between materialistic existence and spiritual concerns. This knowledge includes the realization that they will never feel entirely home in the real world.

So how do we reconcile these opposites in order to achieve balance? According to Stephen Forrest: When Pisces is the remedy for Virgo, then meditation, surrender, and mystical experience heal fussiness, insecurity, and loss of perspective.

What this means is that Virgo needs to look beyond their reasonable desires to be constantly doing and striving for perfection to accepting what "is" in the moment.

This will balance out the equilibrium between "doing" and "being". It also quells the undercurrent of nervous energy running through them.

Resting and being can enable us to accomplish more in the long run than constantly doing because it allows our body and mind to rest and become refreshed and ready for a clearer perspective of our next steps.

#art Howard Pyle

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Tue, Aug 06, 2024: When we take care of ourselves, we are taking care of others, whether they realize it or not.

Midmorning the Moon in Virgo sesquiquadrate Chiron Rx in Aries trine Ceres Rx in Capricorn: Emotional healing can be initiated and a cycle of playing small ended by using our voice and establishing firm yet loving boundaries that serve our higher purpose. Regeneration is only possible through and ending.

Mid/late afternoon the Moon in Virgo sesquiquadrate Eris Rx in Aries square Mars in Gemini: Stepping up our goal game is only a matter of adjusting our steps to achievement. This may involve a clash with an intimate or business partner/associate who resists change. Maintain boundaries that you know are right for you.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):

Moon: 08VIR28, 6
Chiron: 23ARI28Rx, 8
Aspect: Sesquiquadrate
Time: 10:07 AM

Moon: 08VIR38, 12
Ceres: 08CAP38Rx, 4
Aspect: Trine
Time: 10:27 AM

Moon: 10VIR28, 11
Eris: 25ARI28, 6
Aspect: Sesquiquadrate
Time: 2:06 pm

Moon: 11VIR32, 10
Mars: 11GEM32, 7
Aspect: Square
Time: 4:14 Pm

#art Jessica Stride

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