Blendology Poems [ for 18+ adults ]
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
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An Angel’s Heart In Exile
Chapter II out of Chapter V
Heaven B.C
Pearly Gates Avenue
The Next Day
“Ooh, I dislike being an Angel at times. Mother how can I convince an earthling to love me in three days, minus one day, it’s impossible. It took Archangel Michael, centuries to even consider asking you and father’s permission to converse with me. Mother, I need more time, please.”
“Well, what did this earthling have to say when you visited him as he slept.”
“Something about home, I can’t read his mind mother; he’s a very complex individual. When I’m on earth, his thoughts radiates through me so sensually, seductively, memorizing, when I’m up here, our thoughts are attuned, however, with a haze. Oh God help me, please.”
“It appears, he has; he’s given you three days.”
“Mother, you are the Superior Angel, and father sits on the right hand of God, can’t you two pull your powers to be.”
“Your father, and I have already convinced God to give you the three days. If we did not plead on your behalf; you dear child will be earthbound as we speak.”
“Ooh, this is so unfair.”
“Have you…how should I say this, you may want to cover your ears. Have you visited this earthling’s bed?”
“I do know those earthlings have a craving for soft Angel flesh, our wings are highly addictive within itself. However, do you think I met your father when he was a mortal man.”
“Mother, this is my dilemma, remember.”
“I’m sorry dear. Now have you visited his bed.”
“With love and hugs, kisses and rubs. I laid on his chest, talked about life, and mother his heartbeat was in union with mine. I can’t believe all this originated from enjoying Fairy’s Pixie Dust.”
“Yes, this is the consequences for tempting the scales of fate. Now as the princess of a Superior Angel, I suggest you think of a way to seduce, bed, or lure this earthling, or you will have more problems imaginable. Once you are earthbound trying to befriend someone to return your Angel’s wings to you, may cause you hardship; if you do not know, there’s a clause, you may not return to this earthling, who I can only assume rescued you the last time.”
“Bu…but how did you know.”
“Archangel Michael.”
“Archangel Michael, what does he have to do with this.”
“Do you really think your father would allow you to roam that hellish place, unchaperoned.”
“Wait, you mean all this time Archangel Michael has been shadowing me.”
“You can say that.”
“And, I was never told, wow isn’t this revelation day.”
“Watch your tone young lady.”
“I’m sorry mother. Then who is Archangel Michael on earth.”
“All, I hear him mumble once he reports to Angel Council is about foosball and cereal.”
“Football, cereal, this is just getting interesting by the minute.”
“Am I interrupting.”
“No Michael, my daughter and I were just discussing what troubles her heart.”
“Hi Michael.”
“Hello beautiful.”
“I would leave you two alone.”
“So, what’s heaven’s prettiest Angel, doing this evening.”
“Earth mission.”
“Again, I mean, earth work?”
“Handsome, you want to tell me why I was never informed by you, you were on earth as I was.”
“I do not know what you’re speaking in reference too.”
“I think one of the ten commandments is, thou should not bear false witness.”
“I was commissioned by your father.”
“In your earthly form, who are you; I do not want to cross paths with you.”
“We already have.”
To Be Continued
(Words 593)
Forum Posts: 2146
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2146

An Angel’s Heart In Exile
Chapter III of Chapter V
Heaven B.C
Pearly Gates Avenue
The Next Day
“Okay Michael, out with it, where have we crossed paths.”
“It’s difficult to explain.”
“The beginning works for me, and do not leave anything out, please.”
“It was centuries ago here, and on earth, years ago. It was during one of your marathons, I was your loudest cheering fan. I even promised you a tos...”
“Hello mother and father, and for you, we will finish this conversation much later.”
“I shall await for that bliss beautiful.”
“Father, mother.”
“How is the crusade coming along with this earthling.”
“Father and mother, I do believe I have succeeded; however, I’m asking myself is it worth it.”
“Whatever do you mean dear, tomorrow? You go in front of the Angel’s Head Council; your fate will be determined.”
“I am aware of this father.”
“And your mother and I went through great lengths to get that time allocated for you to remain in Heaven for these three days.”
“Father and mother, I love you two for placing the welfare of your daughter a top priority, but mother, earth at times weighs heavily on a God giving soul. Then you have Lucifer’s presence.”
“I still say to this day, God should have permitted Archangel Michael and his league of Angels to defeat that dragon to the death.”
“Gabriel, with that concept, the world would not have progressed as we know it.”
“You’re right dear.”
“Father, other than Lucifer; who has brought one third of his Angels down to earth with him, who I must contend with daily, then you have the Incubus and Succubus attempting to drain innocent soul’s mentality as they sleep. They have a medical name for it, sleep paralysis. As an Angel, I must be one step ahead of them.
“Dear, you are a very strong and noble Angel, ordained by God to roam earth to assist mortals in any capacity, as an ordained healer and as a spiritual advisor.”
“I know mother, but sometimes the notions get distorted; on earth, there are so many blurred lines, one could lose their soul in, or become memorized by the mental daily pollution, one must breathe through each day.”
“So, what are you saying dear? And before you answer your father, is this earthling who makes your eyes sparkle, worth the sacrifice of losing your wings, confining you to earth for eternity.”
“I never looked at it like that father. Life on earth and in Heaven is just as daunting.”
“Correction dear, life becomes complicated down there. Once you muddle through to receive your spiritual awareness and become one with the universe, then all the secrets of life shall be revealed to you.”
“Yes, sadly there are two groups on earth, the Free Masons and the Illuminati, who seems to think they have all the unlocked secrets to get past God’s Pearly Gates.”
“In the meantime, I suggest you have your speech and evidence to present in regard to why you should remain in Heaven and ordained granted visits to return to earth.”
“I will. Father, I need to speak with mother privately.”
“Certainly dear, and I expect my daughter’s presence to remain in Heaven throughout eternity.”
“Thank you, father.”
“Oh dear, I recognize that uncertain look.”
“Mother, I am frightened; I have to convince, a spiritual panel I am worthy of my wings, and convince them I am in love with an earthling.”
“Well, are you?”
“No, well, not in the sense of what earth constitutes what love it; it’s more like becoming intoxicated from sipping the mental wine of such a beautiful mind. That is the only explanation in how I perceive it.”
“That seems to be the best determination to know if you truly admire a person, is the gift of their enlightened mind”
“Ooh, mother, I have to go.”
“To where?”
“To get comfort throughout the night, before my fate is determined tomorrow.”
“Take care dear.”
“I will mother, I love you.”
“God, please bless over that child, I know she means well, but is just a little naive at times.”
To Be Continued
Words (635)
Forum Posts: 2146
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2146

An Angel’s Heart In Exile Chapter IV of
Chapter IV of Chapter V
The Third Heaven
Higher Angel’s Council Meeting
“Dear make sure you hold your head high, and convince this spiritual panel, you are worthy of your Angelic wings.”
“Yes mother.”
“Father, what is Archangel Michael doing here? I thought this was a closed inquiry.”
“As an Archangel, he has to be in attendance for all these council reviews. As an Archangel myself dear, I must advise you, if things do not go as you’ve planned. Michael will be the one who escorts you to earth.”
“Father, unlike Lucifer, I did not plan a revolt against the third Heaven, my sin to this kingdom was made out of a poor choice.”
“I know that dear, however, this inquiry is mandatory.”
“Father and mother, I prefer your presence not be accounted for.”
“Dear, your father sits on that council.”
“Father, please, is there any way you could remain behind.”
“Dear, I am an Archangel. Have faith and tell the truth dear.”
“Father, how could I explain some of the flashbacks in my life. When I am down on earth, which. I never realized would be a deciding factor in my determination, things are much different than being in Heaven”
“You are my daughter, and I am proud of the work you have done in Heaven, and hopefully I could attest to, as we allow your granted visits to earth.”
“I will see you two inside.”
“Yes, father.”
“Mother, how could I explain all the…less than perfect moments on earth that father’s eyes will come to witness?”
“Dear, you have me worried. As the Superior Angel, I can only assume exempt behavior was modeled.”
“Ah…well… times mother...I.”
“Young lady, I do not expect to sit through an important meeting to determine your fate, and have my daughter’s life as an Angel on earth made out to be some kind of…of a distasteful showing.”
“Then I’m doomed mother, as an Angel, yes, I never forget my Heavenly creed, but on earth, and when my wings have been retained here. I live as a human.”
“Blasphemy child.”
“No mother, not in a bad sense.”
“Good, because, you had me worried. If your life span review is unsatisfactory, then I’m sure your father will be the one escorting you from Heaven in shame and then wraith. Now, what troubles the heart, regarding your flashback of your life span as an Angel that has you so worried?”
“Ah…well mother, I do write and...”
“Yes, you write God’s law for an earthling to abide by. However, do you think we have the hidden scrolls buried in Rome.”
“Uh…not quite scrolls…but I do keep journals.”
“I am aware of this. Archangel Michael was commissioned by Raphael and Uriel to submit some of those gifted writings, which would make your father and me very proud to be your parents.”
“Hello beautiful ladies.”
“Michael, how...oh, it doesn’t matter.”
“Dear, I would meet you inside.”
“Michael, please advise me those writings you submitted to the spiritual panel, would not place me in an unfavorable light as an earth Angel.”
“I only submitted two pieces from my memory, and one from my personal memory.”
“You’re not serious, are you?”
“You will have to wait to find out.”
“Then I will deny those are my less than favorable incantations, lie if I must.”
“Then my Angels and I will defeat you; whereas, not only will you lose your wings, you will be cast down with all the other Angels who tried to overrule the third Heaven with that state of mind.”
“Ooh, you could be so cruel to me at times.”
“As the Lord of the Angels’ Army, it’s who I am. And if you want that part of me to be revealed, you continue with such blasphemy than you shall have all of that part of me.”
“Fair enough, and I apologize.”
“Good luck either way.”
“Either way? I am at the crossroads of possibly losing my wings, and you say either way.”
“Yes, as an Archangel, I will miss that dazzling smile, soft eyes, but if you lose your wings, you become mortal until you earned your wings on earth, once again, and I still enjoy you, by shadowing you; you never know who I will show up as.”
“The mission is ordained, I do not think, walking around with wings on earth, it’s a big hit down there, good luck beautiful.”
“Thank you.”
“If any of my scrolls ever reach the eyes of those Superior Head Angels, I’m sunk, Oh God, my heavenly father; home of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Azrael. If you hear my pleads, please forgive me. You know I am one of your most trusted and humble Angels in Heaven, therefore, do forgive me for my questionable actions on earth, this sheep has strayed from the flock, lost within the winds. You know my heart, before my mouth opens, or what my eyes will ever come to see. Maybe I should just stay in Heaven to right the errors of my earthly ways.”
Forum Posts: 2146
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
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The Third Heaven
The Higher Angel’s Council Meeting
The Inquiry For An Angel
“Can you tell the panel what prompt the questioning of you being an Angel as you were granted permission to roam on earth. You have practiced a model of extraordinary behavior. The Spiritual Panel would like to hear from you about this mortal man, this earthling.”
“Well…ah, this earthling called out to me from afar, when I was earthbound.”
“Is this earthling responsible for such an Angel, fallen to grace. Responsible for your actions to love as a human.”
“No, he is not the cause of my clipped wings. It was from Fairy’s Pixie Dusk, my Fairy friends and I consumed.”
“As my daughter, did you not know the consequences; you are an Angel to know right from wrong.”
“Father, they tried my Heavenly Angel Dust and I tried their Fairy Pixie Dust; during that time, I did not want to insult the hostess.”
“Yes, it appears we have received word for their Mother Superior, with written sworn testimonies to collaborate this.”
“Do you love this earthling?”
“I can only say, his mind makes my wings weak, and my halo glow.”
“Are you willing to give up your wings for this earthling?”
“No, but I am willing to be severely punished not to be denied the aura of his presence; it’s quite addictive.”
“Is this a Holy earthling, an Apostle, a Disciple of God, this mortal man who has caused your fall.”
“He is a truth seeker. He studies the stars, times of ancient times, Greek Mythology. We share tribunal similarities, cold climate cradled our birth, same star sign, and we have a love of the stars, the galaxy, the constellations, known as the first Heaven up here.”
“Are those the only reasons.”
“He writes of whispers unseen related to Heaven, and the knack of King James’ translations, not of his time, but utilizes them, correctly, as sure as the sun rise in the East and sets in the West.”
“Daughter, the last occurrence you were forewarned of this nature.”
“Yes, I know father, but not of this magnitude.”
“If you were on this panel, what would you do with an Angel as you; what would be the appropriate punishment.”
“I wish I could turn back the hands of time on earth; I would have never peered into a complexity of a soul, I would come to admire. I would never, allowed earthly emotions to temporary diffuse or rule my intellect, and I would never have consumed Fairy Pixie Dust. I am truly sorry. I am a beautiful and gifted Angel in Heaven and on Earth. I heal with the compassionate gift of my hands, help life come into the world, hold hands and pray as earthlings are taking their last final breath. I work alongside healers, surgeons, community advocates. Spread humbling cheer when an earthling life seems bleak, hopeless, run with the wind, respect the sacred oath by not eating of the fowl, cow, or the swine. Not ever have lifted the trapped organs of an animal to greet my lips. Surely, that counts for something. I made a terrible mistake, and once again, I apologize.”
“This panel will take this under advisement, and you will know tomorrow, if you shall remain in Heaven or lose your Angelic wings and be confined to earth for a rebirth.”
“My dear daughter, tomorrow, we shall make the final decision and final ruling after your words, works, and good deeds have been displayed as an earthling.”
“I thank you Uriel, and the entire Angel Head Council.”
“And may God be with you child.”
“Thank you, father.”
Michael (Sunday), Gabriel (Monday), Raphael (Tuesday), Uriel (Wednesday), Selaphiel (Thursday), Raguel (Friday), and Barachiel (Saturday)
To Be Continued
Words (1377)
The Third Heaven
The Higher Angel’s Council Meeting
The Inquiry For An Angel
“Can you tell the panel what prompt the questioning of you being an Angel as you were granted permission to roam on earth. You have practiced a model of extraordinary behavior. The Spiritual Panel would like to hear from you about this mortal man, this earthling.”
“Well…ah, this earthling called out to me from afar, when I was earthbound.”
“Is this earthling responsible for such an Angel, fallen to grace. Responsible for your actions to love as a human.”
“No, he is not the cause of my clipped wings. It was from Fairy’s Pixie Dusk, my Fairy friends and I consumed.”
“As my daughter, did you not know the consequences; you are an Angel to know right from wrong.”
“Father, they tried my Heavenly Angel Dust and I tried their Fairy Pixie Dust; during that time, I did not want to insult the hostess.”
“Yes, it appears we have received word for their Mother Superior, with written sworn testimonies to collaborate this.”
“Do you love this earthling?”
“I can only say, his mind makes my wings weak, and my halo glow.”
“Are you willing to give up your wings for this earthling?”
“No, but I am willing to be severely punished not to be denied the aura of his presence; it’s quite addictive.”
“Is this a Holy earthling, an Apostle, a Disciple of God, this mortal man who has caused your fall.”
“He is a truth seeker. He studies the stars, times of ancient times, Greek Mythology. We share tribunal similarities, cold climate cradled our birth, same star sign, and we have a love of the stars, the galaxy, the constellations, known as the first Heaven up here.”
“Are those the only reasons.”
“He writes of whispers unseen related to Heaven, and the knack of King James’ translations, not of his time, but utilizes them, correctly, as sure as the sun rise in the East and sets in the West.”
“Daughter, the last occurrence you were forewarned of this nature.”
“Yes, I know father, but not of this magnitude.”
“If you were on this panel, what would you do with an Angel as you; what would be the appropriate punishment.”
“I wish I could turn back the hands of time on earth; I would have never peered into a complexity of a soul, I would come to admire. I would never, allowed earthly emotions to temporary diffuse or rule my intellect, and I would never have consumed Fairy Pixie Dust. I am truly sorry. I am a beautiful and gifted Angel in Heaven and on Earth. I heal with the compassionate gift of my hands, help life come into the world, hold hands and pray as earthlings are taking their last final breath. I work alongside healers, surgeons, community advocates. Spread humbling cheer when an earthling life seems bleak, hopeless, run with the wind, respect the sacred oath by not eating of the fowl, cow, or the swine. Not ever have lifted the trapped organs of an animal to greet my lips. Surely, that counts for something. I made a terrible mistake, and once again, I apologize.”
“This panel will take this under advisement, and you will know tomorrow, if you shall remain in Heaven or lose your Angelic wings and be confined to earth for a rebirth.”
“My dear daughter, tomorrow, we shall make the final decision and final ruling after your words, works, and good deeds have been displayed as an earthling.”
“I thank you Uriel, and the entire Angel Head Council.”
“And may God be with you child.”
“Thank you, father.”
Michael (Sunday), Gabriel (Monday), Raphael (Tuesday), Uriel (Wednesday), Selaphiel (Thursday), Raguel (Friday), and Barachiel (Saturday)
To Be Continued
Words (1377)
Joined 19th Dec 2018
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Tyrant of Words

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loving this my friend
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
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Forum Posts: 2146
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2146

An Angel’s Heart In Exile
Chapter V of Chapter V
The Third Heaven
The Angel’s Higher Council Meeting
“Father and mother no matter what becomes of me, I love you two, and earth is not that bad, until I find a willing soul to help me earn my wings back.”
“Dear, why are you giving up? The inquiry has not begun, and we have faith in you.”
“I wish I can say the same for myself.”
‘Dear, is there something you’re not telling us?”
“Ahh yes, mother those submitted earthly scrolls.”
“Yes dear.”
“They display me in an...”
“An earthly favorable light.”
“I’ve personally viewed your life span flashbacks as an earth Angel. I do believe you will be exonerated.”
“You will once we get back down to earth.”
“At my grace, I shall.”
“Dear, what we’re trying to say.”
“Ah...yes, I think I am ready mother.”
“Gabriele, I need to speak with you.”
“Sure Michael.”
“And I will see you later on beautiful.”
“Most certainly.”
“Are you ready dear.”
“As, I will always be, hopefully, I make the right decision.”
The Third Heaven
The Angel’s Higher Council Meeting
The Inquiry For An Angel
“As, a Heavenly Angel, before your earthly parchments are read to the panel, and then your life span as an earth Angel is judged. Is there anything you would like to add?”
“I’ve personally viewed your life span flashbacks as an earth Angel. I do believe you will be exonerated.”
“No sir.”
“It appears we have two earthly scrolls written by you as an earth Angel, one appears, Evolution of Reincarnation, very enlightening, and Have Mercy On Who You Entertain, one could assume it was dedicated to Archangel Michael, however, there is one that troubles this panel.”
“Which scribbling is in question Archangel Selaphiel?”
“The scribbling is entitled, The Sands of Time. It questions the theory of an Angel to advise earthlings there is no Heaven.”
“Archangel Selaphiel, you must member you have non-believers on earth as well. I must take into consideration. It was written for them to seek their own truth.”
“Are you ready for your flashbacks?”
“Thus far, you have been a great asset to earth as this panel has witnessed.”
“We see no reason for you to lose your wings for your disobedience, however, it brings this panel to say. You will be granted earthly visits, on one stipulation. You are not to have any contact with this, mortal man, earthling. Once you leave here, that part of your memory will be obliterated.”
“Isn’t there any other way, we share the same space at times the same breath.”
“That is your punishment and the only punishment that caters to this particular castigation.”
“Father, please, not this ruling, it would hurt more than living on earth as a human.”
“Sometimes it is better to hurt in silence, then cry out loud. Your Angel wings will protect you, as God has himself.”
“Are you satisfied with your final ruling.”
“Yes, and I must thank the panel for leniency.”
“Michael thank you for anything.”
“I guess I will see you on earth.”
“I suppose you will.”
Heaven B.C
Pearly Gates Avenue
Later That Evening
“Mother, now that father has left us alone. How am I to be on earth, and…”
“Avoid this earthling.”
“As you’ve heard the panel state, once your wings set on earth soil, no memory. You will be free at last. Therefore, make your own rules, within the creed of being a humble earth Angel.”
“A strong connection, written in the stars is not as easy to break mother.”
“Have faith daughter; you will be strong, and Archangel Michael will be overseeing your presence, as who, I do not know. He is not permitted to say.”
“Well mother, it’s about that time. I love you and father; who has already given me his stern speech.”
“If earth gets complicated, our Heavenly doors will always be open for you.”
“Thanks mother, I know, and I love you.”
“I love you too daughter and take care.”
“I will.”
Words (688)
Forum Posts: 2146
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
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The Sweetest Truth
Joined 19th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 57
Tyrant of Words

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what a sweetheart felt write my friend I felt as if you were talking to me love every word
Joined 19th Dec 2018
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Tyrant of Words

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as I can see they are so sweet and sexy just as in the pic.
Forum Posts: 2146
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2146
Mm… my silken rose petals, caressing the softness, of my supple skin
The pillow of his desires where, “Passion’ becomes ecstasies’ greatest sin
Replace in your mind …the whispers of his sultry wishes
Oo…my love, take my breath away, with your tender enchanting kisses
Mmm… pleasure felt… making my temple melt
In the abyss…. of my moisten nature
My soul I bare unto you, worshipping me with your gentle hands
Laying on my back, fingers snaking deep inside me ….as they wickedly dance
Closing my eyes, your thoughts, roaming seductively over me
The tip of your tongue tastes my honey dew, sss… oh as you tease
Clutching within my embrace
Inching my panties slowly down
My weakening moans for your ear, harkening of its beautiful sounds
Pollinate my wet nectar my love with your hard tower of power
Taking my body higher, my mind higher in the dusk of the midnight hour
Blending me, sending me, I’m yours
Oh God, my essence you sink deeper and deeper as it pours
A rose by any other name will it smell and taste so sweet
Lick your fingers my love, oh yes, your taste is what you reap
My Rose
Forum Posts: 2146
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2146

Are You Lonesome Tonight
Are you lonesome tonight
Do you crave the taste of my lips in the hour of twilight
The perfume scent of my Creole skin blending with your manly sheen
Upon your rose petals sheets, treated like a Queen
In the throne of abetting, coaxing your pleasure to firmly stand
My fingers, mm... moving ever so slowly up my thighs my jeweled midriff, pinching a nipple, laying against the mounted pillows, giving you an invite into my moisten cove where lovers, entwine, passion shall command
We lose ourselves in the thrill of our lascivious dance
You impatiently sit there watching me as a voluptuous peep show draped in your bed
The lust in your eyes, when teasing you, then slowly parting my legs
Concealed hunger in your eyes, the dampness of my dew kissing the skimpy lace
Waiting, needed you to pull aside my panties and with your finger, taste
Oh baby yes, lean in, and let my juices drench your face
Imprisoning your cheeks for that... mm... feel good, feet on your shoulders, gyrating on your lips, while palming your head holding it steady
Small kisses to my pussy hole, oh sweet sweet mercy, baby I am wet, ready
You seized my hands, holding my arms to my side
Letting your oral fetish consume me in heat as the tip dips farther, deeper inside
Closing my eyes, falling, don't catch me let me enjoy this tongue glide,
Seasoning to you, cupping my ass, on baby baby baby.. panting ..what a ride
Your faint whispers feeling the hunger, my sugar walls, my creamy essence just a dripping
Reaching my fingers downward, playing with my soft folds, your tongue traveling over my clit, with each puckered kiss, pinkish lick
Mm… what sweeten wonders you find when caressing my thighs
Back arched, moans serenading the skies
Pleasure myself
I love to see your inches grow when this pussy is getting wet
Standing above me, naked, stroking your girth in anticipation
Oh God, that glossed admission toppling, on my knees, tasting your lust without hesitation
Head easing up and down, lips teasing the width, the length
You smacking my ass, appreciating the view of my apple bottom rounded derriere, while my spine is bent
Inching back, spitting on your dick
My breasts sandwiching your hardness, making love to my tits
Slurping my tongue all over the fatten tip
Mm… that’s right papi… loving that satisfaction in you sss... and your manly hisses
Taking down the tautness of your arousal inch by inch, drools streaming down my chin without any cares
You pushing my head I your pelvis, my mouth kissing your beady groin hairs
Moving your erection, thrusting deeper inside my mouth
Reaching over for a cherry flavored ice cube, sticking it in my creamy butter rum
Disappearing in my south
Let the drizzle of my juices mix in your mouth when I cum
Then pound your erection deep inside my slickened abyss until I become spent and undone
Mmm.. Are you Lonesome Tonight
Forum Posts: 2146
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2146

Mm... I’m Supercharged
Close your eyes my love
Within the resonate of time’s chimes
I bestow the soft touch of infinity
I tarry upon the thirst for which my soul quenches of you
Standing in the wonderment of my nakedness
At my feet, pools of red silk
For which we shall lay
Our celestial passion
Shaded in starlight of blue
The majestic skies welcoming
If you have a telescope or even a pair of binoculars, please view this is an amazing view of those planets. They are not quite in alignment; however, they are proximity to one another, and nearer to the Gemini constellation, such an esoteric vibe for an alluring sight to behold.
Forum Posts: 2146
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018
Forum Posts: 2146

Afternoon Delights
“And you said your name was... Michael, You look like that handsome actor.. Chris…”