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Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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Anonymous said:<< post removed >>
I'm right with you, sister. I never accept anything that's not meant for me either. I actually view life that way: I take what I feel is meant for me, and then leave the rest.
What's left is typically for someone else who may be reading. I've received a few private messages thanking me. I am sure you have too.
I enjoy our exchanges.
I'm right with you, sister. I never accept anything that's not meant for me either. I actually view life that way: I take what I feel is meant for me, and then leave the rest.
What's left is typically for someone else who may be reading. I've received a few private messages thanking me. I am sure you have too.
I enjoy our exchanges.

Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17534
Tyrant of Words

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I know I already said that we were going to see what Keepers of the Light Oracle had to say, but I want to make absolute certain those who are reading these cards understand that these messages are from Keepers of the Light Oracle book, written by Kyle Gray, which accompanies the card deck.
Ahavati said:No 2. MOTHER MARY, Love and Peace
Let go of the need to be right. Choose peace. Mother healing is possible at this time.
Mary, the mother of Jesus, is one of the best-loved saints, masters and guides of the world. Although she has had a huge part to play in the Catholic faith, she can bring faith, peace, and love to anyone who calls on her. She is the Saint of the people. She works directly with the angels of peace to bring healing to the world, particularly where there is conflict, and is dedicated to supporting children and mothers. She is the spiritual embodiment of unconditional love and acceptance.
An extended message could mean it's time to let go of conflict or the need to be right. The more you fight for the point you want to prove, the unhappier you will be. Pointing out the mistakes or mishaps of others just blocks the road to love in your own life. Mary, the divine mother of acceptance, is with you now, encouraging you to forgive. Forgiveness is not about letting anyone get away with their bad choices, but about choosing to create your own happiness. Mother Mary also brings healing to you and your mother. If you miss her, are out of contact with her or have an old trauma that needs healing, know that Mary's miraculous light is here now to wash away the darkness.
^ By Kyle Gray
Ahavati said:No 2. MOTHER MARY, Love and Peace
Let go of the need to be right. Choose peace. Mother healing is possible at this time.
Mary, the mother of Jesus, is one of the best-loved saints, masters and guides of the world. Although she has had a huge part to play in the Catholic faith, she can bring faith, peace, and love to anyone who calls on her. She is the Saint of the people. She works directly with the angels of peace to bring healing to the world, particularly where there is conflict, and is dedicated to supporting children and mothers. She is the spiritual embodiment of unconditional love and acceptance.
An extended message could mean it's time to let go of conflict or the need to be right. The more you fight for the point you want to prove, the unhappier you will be. Pointing out the mistakes or mishaps of others just blocks the road to love in your own life. Mary, the divine mother of acceptance, is with you now, encouraging you to forgive. Forgiveness is not about letting anyone get away with their bad choices, but about choosing to create your own happiness. Mother Mary also brings healing to you and your mother. If you miss her, are out of contact with her or have an old trauma that needs healing, know that Mary's miraculous light is here now to wash away the darkness.
^ By Kyle Gray

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Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17534
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17534
Anonymous said:<< post removed >>
In this case, I was simply the messenger, RiAN. I didn't pick the card nor write the message; I merely delivered it. I personally don't view it as a negative connotation, but that's my opinion. You're entitled to your own voice without any judgment from me.
I will miss your readings and wish you love. xo
In this case, I was simply the messenger, RiAN. I didn't pick the card nor write the message; I merely delivered it. I personally don't view it as a negative connotation, but that's my opinion. You're entitled to your own voice without any judgment from me.
I will miss your readings and wish you love. xo
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17534
Tyrant of Words

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So these arrived today!

My first card after blessing them?! Hunter Moon! Abundance! Oh Yaaas! I'm feeling it too!
On Abundance; it's not just necessarily finances ( though that's nice - money is not evil and it helps a lot of people ); it also refers to love, support, friends, family, and health. I feel very abundant right now, and blessed with a wonderful support system, namely the Universe, whose supply is endless regardless of need.
"There is enough for everyone" is this cards underlying message. Do you have lingering blocks about money being the root of all evil from previous conditioning? I know I did until I realized how many people it could help. Greed is so rampant among the haves of this world; it has made many despise money.
It's okay to want it all, especially finances. Your intentions are what matters. Not what others think or how they may judge you. Keep walking your path and you'll be supported with everything you need. The more you make the more you can help.
All you need do is believe, especially in yourself.
And yes, this was my personal interpretation of what I feel was meant for me, which also aligned with the card's message.
Edit: it's really horrible what this site does to images. Ugh.

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Joined 11th Apr 2015
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Tyrant of Words

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RiAN. I love you. I do. And I asked you what your interpretation was in response to your private message, and you said you were not going to tell me. You also said you didn't believe Kyle Gray wrote that message about Mother Mary, and then accused me of being negative. I saw nothing negative about the message. On the contrary, I saw it as hopeful. But, again, that is just my interpretation.
You are right; no one owns the cards; however, I do believe the messages in the book that accompanies the cards are divinely inspired by the authors, in this case, Kyle Gray. Many times I will channel a message; however, in this case, I felt led to use Kyle's message with the card. That does not mean I'm shoving it down your throat as absolute.
I am just the messenger.
My path is my own, just as yours is yours. I wish you peace and love if you feel this thread is negative and want to leave. But I am not going to fight or argue with you. I followed my intuition. Those three cards JUMPED out of the deck. Do you know how RARE that is?! That three cards would jump the deck like that? Or, it is for me. I've had plenty of one cards to jump the deck, but not three on a three card reading. I thought that was pretty cool.
I'm sorry you didn't like Kyle's message. You could've posted your own interpretation. No one stopped you. Least of all me. You are STILL welcome to post it now. Or interpret it silently yourself. No one said you couldn't. Least of all me.
Just, Peace. Please.
You are right; no one owns the cards; however, I do believe the messages in the book that accompanies the cards are divinely inspired by the authors, in this case, Kyle Gray. Many times I will channel a message; however, in this case, I felt led to use Kyle's message with the card. That does not mean I'm shoving it down your throat as absolute.
I am just the messenger.
My path is my own, just as yours is yours. I wish you peace and love if you feel this thread is negative and want to leave. But I am not going to fight or argue with you. I followed my intuition. Those three cards JUMPED out of the deck. Do you know how RARE that is?! That three cards would jump the deck like that? Or, it is for me. I've had plenty of one cards to jump the deck, but not three on a three card reading. I thought that was pretty cool.
I'm sorry you didn't like Kyle's message. You could've posted your own interpretation. No one stopped you. Least of all me. You are STILL welcome to post it now. Or interpret it silently yourself. No one said you couldn't. Least of all me.
Just, Peace. Please.
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17534
Tyrant of Words

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This thread is going to be restarted soon, but I wanted to close it out with something positive! Thank you to everyone who contributed! xo
Cinco de Mayo, or the fifth of May, is a holiday that celebrates the date of the Mexican army’s May 5, 1862 victory over France at the Battle of Puebla during the Franco-Mexican War. The day, which falls on Wednesday, May 5 in 2021, is also known as Battle of Puebla Day. While it is a relatively minor holiday in Mexico, in the United States, Cinco de Mayo has evolved into a commemoration of Mexican culture and heritage, particularly in areas with large Mexican-American populations.
Cinco de Mayo is not Mexican Independence Day, a popular misconception. Instead, it commemorates a single battle. In 1861, Benito Juárez—a lawyer and member of the Indigenous Zapotec tribe—was elected president of Mexico. At the time, the country was in financial ruin after years of internal strife, and the new president was forced to default on debt payments to European governments.
It's a Mexican cuisine day here!
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17534
Tyrant of Words

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Greetings, Meditationers! This thread has run its course and a new one has been started. Please join me here! I look forward to learning from you! xo