The Erotic Underground 18+ Only
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2349

AspergerPoet56 said:I will only
surrender myself to you
Giving you
my very being
To control a
t your whim
Be my mistress
Teach me
to obey your touch
I am here to serve
Will burn
at your command
Need direction
Shown the path
to your pleasures
Dip me in your desires
Have me lick out your fire
Burn in its heat
Tease me
Make me ache for you
Beg for you
For those touches
Those lips
that promise heaven
Those curves
that speak paradise
I am here waiting
Your hairy beast i
n primal heat
Your unconditional
sexual slave
Originally written 29 March 2013 at 10:44
some fucking hot BLUE fire for this sexy af spill...
whew 💦
I don't care what year...
hubba hubba
well done, AP
Joined 10th Dec 2019
Forum Posts: 940
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 940
AspergerPoet56 said:I will only
surrender myself to you
Giving you
my very being
To control a
t your whim
Be my mistress
Teach me
to obey your touch
I am here to serve
Will burn
at your command
Need direction
Shown the path
to your pleasures
Dip me in your desires
Have me lick out your fire
Burn in its heat
Tease me
Make me ache for you
Beg for you
For those touches
Those lips
that promise heaven
Those curves
that speak paradise
I am here waiting
Your hairy beast i
n primal heat
Your unconditional
sexual slave
Originally written 29 March 2013 at 10:44
once again AP
Amazing spill
great sensual devoting piece
surrender myself to you
Giving you
my very being
To control a
t your whim
Be my mistress
Teach me
to obey your touch
I am here to serve
Will burn
at your command
Need direction
Shown the path
to your pleasures
Dip me in your desires
Have me lick out your fire
Burn in its heat
Tease me
Make me ache for you
Beg for you
For those touches
Those lips
that promise heaven
Those curves
that speak paradise
I am here waiting
Your hairy beast i
n primal heat
Your unconditional
sexual slave
Originally written 29 March 2013 at 10:44
once again AP
Amazing spill
great sensual devoting piece
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2349
Related submission no longer exists.
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2349

From outside in I drip with sin
full of rosey scents deep herein
Majestic petals encircle to show
nature's exquisite bud as it grows
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2349

pink and taught spanked with thought,
as tender strong hands he does wrought
guiding into a space of freedoms place
she's completely at her own....
...... beautiful grace
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2349

a sumptuous dichotomy
blushing petals ache;
with rosey anticipation
Joined 10th Dec 2019
Forum Posts: 940
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 940
blue all is beautiful on the wall of erotica
thank you for sharing
thank you for sharing
Joined 10th Dec 2019
Forum Posts: 940
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 940
How can you not .......
How can you not want to use your bare hand first, before any other object?
If for nothing else, just to fulfill the experience as she is bent over your knee, her stomach pressed against your thighs, her ass perched up for the taking all the while she looks back at you in anticipation as you rub your hand against her cheeks warming them before the swatting begins .....
ONE - watching her skin ripple and feeling the contact in the palm of your hand as she winces
TWO - Watching the faint redness of a hand print start to appear while the slightest of stings in your hand starts emerge letting you know you are doing it right
THREE - Another wince with a near silent squeal as your hand cracks against her the sound filling the room
FOUR - Hand print darkens becoming easily noticeable
FIVE - A pleasuring cry passes her lips as your palm begins to tingle and the nerves hum just under the skin. A smirk crosses your lips knowing she is feeling the same sensation multiplied
and it only gets better from there
~ Wh1skeySwagger
How can you not want to use your bare hand first, before any other object?
If for nothing else, just to fulfill the experience as she is bent over your knee, her stomach pressed against your thighs, her ass perched up for the taking all the while she looks back at you in anticipation as you rub your hand against her cheeks warming them before the swatting begins .....
ONE - watching her skin ripple and feeling the contact in the palm of your hand as she winces
TWO - Watching the faint redness of a hand print start to appear while the slightest of stings in your hand starts emerge letting you know you are doing it right
THREE - Another wince with a near silent squeal as your hand cracks against her the sound filling the room
FOUR - Hand print darkens becoming easily noticeable
FIVE - A pleasuring cry passes her lips as your palm begins to tingle and the nerves hum just under the skin. A smirk crosses your lips knowing she is feeling the same sensation multiplied
and it only gets better from there
~ Wh1skeySwagger
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2349
Ty, Swagger
Welcome home!
🌹 💜 🌹
Welcome home!
🌹 💜 🌹
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2349
ok.... now I really REALLY remember why I missed you...
Now, all I need it a senryś by Kinkpoet and I'll have to take another shower 🚿
a looooong one... lmao
That removable shower head is a fucking godsend...
(*I'll just be over here, rereading your post...)
Now, all I need it a senryś by Kinkpoet and I'll have to take another shower 🚿
a looooong one... lmao
That removable shower head is a fucking godsend...
(*I'll just be over here, rereading your post...)
Joined 10th Dec 2019
Forum Posts: 940
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 940

Having a lil fun with a color splash editor