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Poem of 2024

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16886


the landslide hit her home
almost entered her kitchen
the rain kept bucketing
almost drowning the kittens

she watched a frying pan
floating down the flood stream
and a dog playing in the rain
the grey atmosphere felt like a dream

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1754

...  but then the landslide struck

The kittens wondered as the cold wet stuff
cascaded through the house's broken wall.
They couldn't find the sense in it at all,
becoming frightened as the water, rough,
became a flood, began to rise enough
to drown them, for the poor things couldn't swim.
Then came a woman, risking life and limb,
to save them, wading through the torrents' stream,
a saving Angel in their nightmare dream.
They woke and found that life was good not grim ...


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16886

Under the Linden Tree

I stood under the Linden Tree
full white blossoms hanging so heavy
enjoying the fragrance of citrus
wind came and blew some down

white blossoms showered on me
caught most on my hair
for a moment I caught a beauty
eternal bride from days of yore

dreams of circles life and death
to return again and more to live
for a moment these vision took me away
an ancient bride under the Linden Tree

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1754

Squeezed Out Eventually

A poem's sometimes like a bunged-up gut
when constipation's gripped it like a vice.
The situation's thick and grim, not nice,
the door of our creative arsehole shut,
the poem jammed inside our mental butt.
We try the ways we know to make it move:
a walk – the writer’s prunes – does not improve
our plight, the poem doesn't budge a bit
and even if it did it would be shit.
We're not tonight in that poetic groove.


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16886

All Good

all good she said
battling arthritis
that's a mere pain
compared to her friend

the friend was in hospital again
for more tests suspected cancer
this time around it was bad
she had tears in her eyes

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1754

Genuine Concern

I hope
it's true
that neither of the people
in your poem
is you.


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16886


there is always a grain of truth
in each tale, outside of inside
the words are of great worth
when in truth we abide

let stories be told by the fireside
at home or the cold of a campsite
always the tales are embroidered
to fringe truth with fantasy bold

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16886


the first be she
that share the tale
not for sympathy
talk to lessen blues

the second a pal
a childhood buddy
not so happy and hale
awaiting results of endoscopy

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1754

Grace said:Downturn
awaiting results of endoscopy

May those results be good.
I'd make them if I could.


Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1754


The Mighty English Lions roared!
The Dutch all wailed and cried,
and when an English Lion scored
the Dutch's hopes all died,

for ninety minutes had elapsed
and now the match was done,
upon the turf the Dutch collapsed,
the English Lions had won!

So on we go and now it's Spain
who'll feel our Lions' claws.
They'll know the sharpest Spanish pain!
We'll crunch them in our jaws!

The English Lions will wear the crown
and bring the cup back home,
in each and every English town
the ale will froth and foam.

The Lions, all, will get a gong,
presented by the King,
and Vindaloo! will be the song
the English fans will sing.



Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16886


hints I got today
of good news and bad news
I wish they would tell without delay
the good ones with joyful tears

I am afraid to know she said
any news good or bad
for whichever comes
are just either inside or outside

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1754

Hope For The Best, Prepare For The Worst And Take What Comes

It's always best to know the worst,
balloons of hope, exploded, burst,
for nothing kills like cruel hope,
not gun or knife or hangman's rope;

but then perhaps the news is good
and things will turn out as they should:
the bad be only very small,
the good the best, the best of all.

So find out now without delay –
and may good news walk down your way!
I wish you both the very best,
that all your fears are laid to rest


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16886

While Waiting

obeisances to dawn
cold yet the day will warm
Strong wind hit last night
typhoon expected but hoping for calm

Hong Kong bracing for its impact
don't fly over South China Sea today
relax at home, sit back
watch the blue sea at the bay

Fire of Insight
England 2awards
Joined 21st Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 1754

Their Armada Was Rubbish, Too.🙃

It's coming home! It's coming home! We know!
No doubt at all exists throughout the land!
The kindly Football Gods have surely planned
it so on Sunday night the cup will glow
in English hands, be held aloft to show
the Spaniards that they're just not in our class.
Outplayed, outscored, well beaten on the grass
they'll all go home with faces glum and sad,
and every Spanish heart will feel so bad,
for English Lions clawed their Spanish ass.



Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16886

The Shaman and the Warrior

When sleep is short thoughts do wander
of stories told by my grandmother
of mystical times and ancient lore
a Shaman's love for a warrior

Shaman's power flowed from mystical light
warrior's prowess in battle showed his might
their love was as a storm in the night
for sourced from jealous love fiery heart

the warrior 's heart did stray seeing another
beautiful and mesmerising without a shadow
innocence exuded the maiden fair
he lowered his head and spear

the Shaman knew of his betrayal
with rage she did cast a powerful spell
warrior could never find the way home
In the jungle he forever roamed

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