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what makes an erotic poem erotic?

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17586


I don't apologize that I'm not        
I've no desire to surrender          
my clean, unmarked skin          
or eyes the color of water          
during the rainy season          
I'm not interested in releasing          
Godiva hair from its porcelain clasp         
like a bolt of Tatsumura silk          
spreading flaxen over our hips          
It doesn't concern me, time          
falling through the hourglass          
of shape, granules of minutes          
shortening remaining days          
I'm not desperate to submit-           
guide an inseam of inches          
with tailored fingers hoping          
for a perfectly fitted match          
Or lounge any given moment          
the dull aching tenderness          
of an internally inflicted bruise          
healing naturally with rest          
Nor can I be tempted, 'cept          
by the Poem, its hardened          
form masterfully critiqued          
structured verbs, swollen nouns          
plugging weak leaks tightly with          
personifuckation, metaphors          
of double meaning, dangling          
against moist lips of thought         
an element just beyond physical          
grasp of my brain's plump hemispheres    
spread wide, willing to accommodate    
the most engorged Poetry ever revised      
Enlarged imagery, fluidly alive between      
my chambers, demoralizing syllabic      
stress and iambic pentameter      
for Free, (un)imaginable Verse      
So, no; I'm not sorry to disappoint      
your expectations with flippancy      
over your obvious transparency      
but you've confused my politeness-       
my smile with a woman who'll succumb      
to your desires with just one wink-      
subservient to the cat-o-nine tails      
cliché of your mundane vocabulary      
Here's a clue - solitude is my Lover      
contains more passion in one finger      
than your entire being could muster;       
so open a book; study poetry      
Master the art of Love;       
put on a clean shirt, tuck it in      
Revere women with respect      
then, though I'll never promise       
perhaps. . . I'll pay attention            
Written by Ahavati (Tams)
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Subtle and tasteful innuendo clothed in metaphor.  

poet Anonymous

Related submission no longer exists.
For me the seperation is intensity...

Pornography seems to be immediate gratification a ways of getting to the meat and potatoes

The erotic has a fuller deeper connection to emotional substructures that dwell between human beings;

A flash art description of sex is just that
If I can envision the humanity of the characters and recognize myself inn them I can fully invest in the sexual and emotional development within the poem.


Dangerous Mind
United States 12awards
Joined 29th Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 39

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>


I'm anything but a true poet, but have goals set for more elegance & form... especially with sonnets. At this point, I just "write". All any of us can do, is to keep striving for better. I've came a long way myself & do put my soul into though. For  some, I wonder if they just slap the nastiest of words together without any thought. I know I'm the furthest from brilliancy, but 3/4 of that genre gets a facepalm with a big gasp out of me. 😶 Some pieces set up a motel room in the comment section too. Gag me.. 😏

poet Anonymous

Ahavati said:Subtle and tasteful innuendo clothed in metaphor.  

Uhmmmmm 😌

poet Anonymous

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

A lot of people who attend DUP are here to socialize, using poetry as the catalyst.

And the increased viewings may be attributed to offsite factors, such as the Erotic Category being a wide open door to non-members and bots from other  sites. DUP ranks incredibly well for searches for erotic poetry in Google.

poet Anonymous

Related submission no longer exists.

A little flash of skin goes a long way.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17586

JohnnyBlaze said:

Uhmmmmm 😌

anthony andrea
Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom
Joined 22nd Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 38

If I do a YouTube video called the meaning of love I might get 40 views if I call it vagina revealed I will get 1000 views

poet Anonymous

greyblueyellow said:If I do a YouTube video called the meaning of love I might get 40 views if I call it vagina revealed I will get 1000 views

That doesn't really mean anything considering there are more videos about Love on YouTube than videos with content of an adult nature.

YouTube on the other hand does not cater to adult content. So there is far less of it in comparison. Less competition amongst video posters equals increased views for each video.

anthony andrea
Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom
Joined 22nd Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 38

When I put a video of me reading a poem on bitchute and I use a picture of me for the cover picture I may get 30 views if I put the same video with a cover picture of a really good looking teenage girls face I will get 300 views explain it

poet Anonymous

greyblueyellow said:When I put a video of me reading a poem on bitchute and I use a picture of me for the cover picture I may get 30 views if I put the same video with a cover picture of a really good looking teenage girls face I will get 300 views explain it

Well, first you have to explain what Bitchute is and second, provide an accurate assessment of its participants as an audience.

Otherwise, I could just talk out of my ass and say you are ugly and scaring people away.

You also might want to explain what any of this has to do with erotic and pornographic poetry.

It sounds to me like you are trying to make a statement about society in general in regards to social preferences or behaviors.

Perhaps you might want to consider starting a New Thread about who is likely to get more views on their poetry on planet Earth in scenarios where an avatar is provided.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 15th Oct 2018
Forum Posts: 2329

New Ground

It was soft
like the underbelly of
a Beautiful Slug
His fingertips
slide over her
epidermal luster white
blazing a trail
only taking his time
to do it
She writhed and moaned
as another trail
felt from toes to the nape
of her neck
She knew NO more
for he still had to
roll her over
and begin
Written by Tallen (earth_empath)
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i am pretty certain i did not slate this spill for the Erotic theme and either a Mod or Reader did
Lots of spills that i post i don't think belongs.  So it must be in the eye of the reader?

anthony andrea
Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom
Joined 22nd Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 38

my videos have no competition - they are simply the best - yet the viewing figures are abysmal

anthony andrea
Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom
Joined 22nd Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 38

Some dude said something or other about this or that - and I know it happened. I accept that. However - it is a reality that click bait exists due to it's efficacy. As to Eroticism - the word of my moment is - Novelty. We seek it in everything - but we do not know what it is.

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 3awards
Joined 17th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 868

greyblueyellow said:my videos have no competition - they are simply the best - yet the viewing figures are abysmalperhaps others do not share your opinion

of course click-bait exists

if you are happy with the quality of your videos/writing then there's no point trying to change it to get more views, nor any point bemoaning the fact some people prefer other material over yours.

some like your work? then they like it for what it is (cap'n obvious)

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