Joined 27th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 1831
Dangerous Mind

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johnrot said:[quote-162742-Kingdom-darkness][quote-162725-MaggieG][quote-162718-Kingdom-darkness][quote-162649-MaggieG][quote-162634-somelikeithot]Hemi....thank you for replying. It is sad to hear that all diseases are more or less thought to be worth saving. The idea that the mentally ill are somehow weak is still prevalent, despite the neurological evidence to the contrary. SPECT scans, like those done by Dr. Amen (yes, that is his real name) in the USA have shown that brains of depressed, schizophrenic, bipolar, substance abuse, injury (like brain injuries of sports) all look DIFFERENT than normal. Hemi you are right about the USA perception of socialism....they do not get it. Canada has Universal Health Care and it is NOT is a WHO DO YOU KNOW system...but even then the mentally ill are treated inadequately.....
Thanks you for writing
I've never been particularly bothered by the idea of Universal Healthcare in terms of Socialism. My concerns with a national healthcare system here in the States are three things.
1. That our insurance companies are going to be in charge of it. Really, those crooked bastards ? lol
2. All "socialistic" healthcare we have in this country now, and we do have it ( Tricare, and VA for the military, Medicaid for the poor, and Medicare for the disabled, and elderly ) runs
horridly ! LOL !
3. So... saying we need healthcare, specifically for some of the people I just mentioned is an out, and out LIE ! We obviously already have it, and they are keeping them to boot. Here's a thought, instead of creating a whole new system, why shouldn't the government clean up the messes they have already created.
Sad fact is OUR government makes only a bigger messes of things. It's the one real thing they are GOOD at. And with what ever mess they make they will push on us all that some new guy will get in make the mess bigger spend more millions and billions and then to do it all over again.[/quote]
The consensus among Americans I know here, and in the real as well are pretty much of the same opinion. We are all tired, worn down, and waiting for the next big fuck up. Quite a few think it is this Healthcare Bill. Quite a few think it is this Gun ban. Did you see where Congress passed a mandate that THEIR kids do NOT have to pay their student loans back. (Why the hell are they getting student loans to start with, while my kid is waiting tables ten hours a day to get through college, and pay her loans?) And they got away with it, despite the fact that the Constitution clearly states the government can not make laws the exclude them , or us in any way shape or form.
Inadequate Mental health is just the TIP of the problem in this country. [/quote]
Ya Congress pass a mandate that says the dont have to live by "OBAMACARE" as well Now if Obamacare was all that good why do they not want it? And how do they pass something for us to live by but they dont and if we dont live by it we get what they called a taxed but not them ...Is a do as I say not what I do bull shit[/quote]
tri care and the va have made major improvements in the past ten yrs. i myself nor any fellow soldiers/vets i know have ever had a problem.......[/quote]
Trust me I am tickled pink to hear that. Because I do hear many who have. Do you know the Wounded warriors program ? OMG! The crap those guys have to go through makes me want to cry.
Thanks you for writing
I've never been particularly bothered by the idea of Universal Healthcare in terms of Socialism. My concerns with a national healthcare system here in the States are three things.
1. That our insurance companies are going to be in charge of it. Really, those crooked bastards ? lol
2. All "socialistic" healthcare we have in this country now, and we do have it ( Tricare, and VA for the military, Medicaid for the poor, and Medicare for the disabled, and elderly ) runs
horridly ! LOL !
3. So... saying we need healthcare, specifically for some of the people I just mentioned is an out, and out LIE ! We obviously already have it, and they are keeping them to boot. Here's a thought, instead of creating a whole new system, why shouldn't the government clean up the messes they have already created.
Sad fact is OUR government makes only a bigger messes of things. It's the one real thing they are GOOD at. And with what ever mess they make they will push on us all that some new guy will get in make the mess bigger spend more millions and billions and then to do it all over again.[/quote]
The consensus among Americans I know here, and in the real as well are pretty much of the same opinion. We are all tired, worn down, and waiting for the next big fuck up. Quite a few think it is this Healthcare Bill. Quite a few think it is this Gun ban. Did you see where Congress passed a mandate that THEIR kids do NOT have to pay their student loans back. (Why the hell are they getting student loans to start with, while my kid is waiting tables ten hours a day to get through college, and pay her loans?) And they got away with it, despite the fact that the Constitution clearly states the government can not make laws the exclude them , or us in any way shape or form.
Inadequate Mental health is just the TIP of the problem in this country. [/quote]
Ya Congress pass a mandate that says the dont have to live by "OBAMACARE" as well Now if Obamacare was all that good why do they not want it? And how do they pass something for us to live by but they dont and if we dont live by it we get what they called a taxed but not them ...Is a do as I say not what I do bull shit[/quote]
tri care and the va have made major improvements in the past ten yrs. i myself nor any fellow soldiers/vets i know have ever had a problem.......[/quote]
Trust me I am tickled pink to hear that. Because I do hear many who have. Do you know the Wounded warriors program ? OMG! The crap those guys have to go through makes me want to cry.
Forum Posts: 3645
Tyrant of Words
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 3645
i am familiar mam. getting "medded out" is a bitch. you get treated like shit. but from what i have seen after your term of service has ended people are treated well. i'm sure there are many who have their hard times but i know alot of guys wounded in combat who are well taken care of and treated with complete respect. i think alot of it is detemined by your dd 2 14 and type of discharge. if your record shows you were a good soldier i think you are treated better than one who was a piece of shit soldier. letters of rec from the brass do alot. just like anything else it's who you know. i am a firm believer that if you served well it will be recognized. it's the families and dependents that get screwed. this is all just from my personal experience of course. i'm sure it differs but without too much detail the va treats me extremely well mam.
Forum Posts: 3645
Tyrant of Words
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 3645
johnrot said:i am familiar mam. getting "medded out" is a bitch. you get treated like shit. but from what i have seen after your term of service has ended people are treated well. i'm sure there are many who have their hard times but i know alot of guys wounded in combat who are well taken care of and treated with complete respect. i think alot of it is detemined by your dd 2 14 and type of discharge. if your record shows you were a good soldier i think you are treated better than one who was a piece of shit soldier. letters of rec from the brass do alot. just like anything else it's who you know. i am a firm believer that if you served well it will be recognized. it's the families and dependents that get screwed. this is all just from my personal experience of course. i'm sure it differs but without too much detail the va treats me extremely well mam.
we have to remember as well there is a very heavy caseload with all the fronts we are on and have been on. the employees are workin hard too so if you go in actin like an asshole you prolly get treated like one......
we have to remember as well there is a very heavy caseload with all the fronts we are on and have been on. the employees are workin hard too so if you go in actin like an asshole you prolly get treated like one......
Joined 27th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 1831
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1831
johnrot said:i am familiar mam. getting "medded out" is a bitch. you get treated like shit. but from what i have seen after your term of service has ended people are treated well. i'm sure there are many who have their hard times but i know alot of guys wounded in combat who are well taken care of and treated with complete respect. i think alot of it is detemined by your dd 2 14 and type of discharge. if your record shows you were a good soldier i think you are treated better than one who was a piece of shit soldier. letters of rec from the brass do alot. just like anything else it's who you know. i am a firm believer that if you served well it will be recognized. it's the families and dependents that get screwed. this is all just from my personal experience of course. i'm sure it differs but without too much detail the va treats me extremely well mam.
I have written too many damn letters, and signed too many petitions to walk away thinking I did it in vain. You give me hope John. I have walked away from too many scenarios wanting to put my boot up some brass' ass. John, I am curious. Do you know the Patriot Guards as well ? If you have any problems, they are good people to contact, and stand by you in need. I had the pleasure of meeting some of them in an Army hospital when one of their brother's were brought in. They were "standing watch"
Also yes... The dependents get the run around as well (specifically by Tricare) I have an active Army doctor who has been my champion with those people. Also I want to give a shout to the hospital staffs on some of the bases. My son came with me to the hospital when I blew a blood vein in my lung in Colorado. Uley was deployed, and all I had to do was mention to two wonderful medics there that Uley was a medic, and DEERS/TRICARE had denied James' dependency ( he is autistic) to us, leaving the boy with no insurance, and he was just as sick as I was. The two women scooped the boy up, took him to a free examining room, pumping him full of breathing treatments, antibiotics, and such.
Without mentioning "exactly" what they did
I sent formal letters commending them for their care, and concern, and they were rewarded for such. They are the ones who still carry the "honor" and "character" of the military with them, not the brass, and bureaucrats
I have written too many damn letters, and signed too many petitions to walk away thinking I did it in vain. You give me hope John. I have walked away from too many scenarios wanting to put my boot up some brass' ass. John, I am curious. Do you know the Patriot Guards as well ? If you have any problems, they are good people to contact, and stand by you in need. I had the pleasure of meeting some of them in an Army hospital when one of their brother's were brought in. They were "standing watch"
Also yes... The dependents get the run around as well (specifically by Tricare) I have an active Army doctor who has been my champion with those people. Also I want to give a shout to the hospital staffs on some of the bases. My son came with me to the hospital when I blew a blood vein in my lung in Colorado. Uley was deployed, and all I had to do was mention to two wonderful medics there that Uley was a medic, and DEERS/TRICARE had denied James' dependency ( he is autistic) to us, leaving the boy with no insurance, and he was just as sick as I was. The two women scooped the boy up, took him to a free examining room, pumping him full of breathing treatments, antibiotics, and such.
Without mentioning "exactly" what they did

Forum Posts: 3645
Tyrant of Words
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 3645
it's good to hear you were treated well and much respect to your man for his service as well mam....i've done alot of travelling since my recent discharge and i meet soldiers everywhere.most with nothing bad to say about their post service treatment, but the ones that bitch i can tell right from the jump they were unhappy because they were disciplined alot for inappropriate behavior. a common saying is "we train how we fight". if you are gonna be a fuck up in garrison, you'll prolly do the same on deployment and need to be smoked[made to do insane pushups and other exercises].
this is not a draft era. anyone enlisted or commissioned did so of their own volition. so if you walk around acting like everybody owes you something ,when you were bad at a job you volunteered for of course you won't recieve the same treatment as a well decorated respectful soldier who says he was just doin his job. no thanx needed...there are always extinuating circumstances and loophole cases but in a military perspective. progress is progress. we are not there yet but we are on our way....
this is not a draft era. anyone enlisted or commissioned did so of their own volition. so if you walk around acting like everybody owes you something ,when you were bad at a job you volunteered for of course you won't recieve the same treatment as a well decorated respectful soldier who says he was just doin his job. no thanx needed...there are always extinuating circumstances and loophole cases but in a military perspective. progress is progress. we are not there yet but we are on our way....
Joined 27th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 1831
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1831
johnrot said:it's good to hear you were treated well and much respect to your man for his service as well mam....i've done alot of travelling since my recent discharge and i meet soldiers everywhere.most with nothing bad to say about their post service treatment, but the ones that bitch i can tell right from the jump they were unhappy because they were disciplined alot for inappropriate behavior. a common saying is "we train how we fight". if you are gonna be a fuck up in garrison, you'll prolly do the same on deployment and need to be smoked[made to do insane pushups and other exercises].
this is not a draft era. anyone enlisted or commissioned did so of their own volition. so if you walk around acting like everybody owes you something ,when you were bad at a job you volunteered for of course you won't recieve the same treatment as a well decorated respectful soldier who says he was just doin his job. no thanx needed...there are always extinuating circumstances and loophole cases but in a military perspective. progress is progress. we are not there yet but we are on our way....
You make me think of my Da... and that is a compliment. My sister got snippy with a doctor at the VA, and Da, even in his state yelled at her
"Mind your tongue Girl ! She will get to me when she gets to me."
Your points are well taken
this is not a draft era. anyone enlisted or commissioned did so of their own volition. so if you walk around acting like everybody owes you something ,when you were bad at a job you volunteered for of course you won't recieve the same treatment as a well decorated respectful soldier who says he was just doin his job. no thanx needed...there are always extinuating circumstances and loophole cases but in a military perspective. progress is progress. we are not there yet but we are on our way....
You make me think of my Da... and that is a compliment. My sister got snippy with a doctor at the VA, and Da, even in his state yelled at her
"Mind your tongue Girl ! She will get to me when she gets to me."
Your points are well taken

Joined 21st June 2020
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Strange Creature
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I recently learned that my testosterone levels were low and at that moment the whole world collapsed for me. I didn't feel any changes, but nevertheless I was disappointed because it is the main hormone in the life of every man. By the way, I found out about this quite by accident. A friend of mine also had problems with testosterone and regularly uses tests to quickly analyze two major testosterone hormones ( I decided to try it too, and when he checked the test results we were both shocked. After that, I immediately began treatment and I still do not believe that this is happening to me :))
Joined 6th Jan 2021
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Lost Thinker
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useful topic! thanks
Joined 8th Feb 2021
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Strange Creature

Forum Posts: 16
I believe that everyone is responsible for their own mental health. And on the streets, there are many people with disorders who do not even know about it. And everyone can heal himself. you need to find out what you have
I recently read an essay about schizophrenia on this service and there I learned a lot about myself. I learned that a mild form visits each of us at a certain period of time in our lives. It may even be at the age of nine. And Less. But we ignore it.

I recently read an essay about schizophrenia on this service and there I learned a lot about myself. I learned that a mild form visits each of us at a certain period of time in our lives. It may even be at the age of nine. And Less. But we ignore it.

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Joined 11th Feb 2022
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Strange Creature
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very cool topic