Poetry competition CLOSED 30th August 2017 11:13pm
View Profile Poems by mel44
RUNNER-UP: Enchantress_Em

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Scratch the Scars

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 82

Poetry Contest

Taking the memory of a scar and spinning the feeling into poetry
So...it goes like this.
Remeber when you got a particular scar?As a child or as a victim of Puberty? How did you feel at that moment?Can you think back as if it was yesterday?
Recall that emotion and spell it out in poetry.
(If it makes you feel depressed,too painful for you or off limits?shut the door behind you )

Thought Provoker
United Kingdom
Joined 9th July 2017
Forum Posts: 63

To never touch
Your skin again
To see your smile
Or watch you
Walk along my road
Waking up and thinking
Of you.to be told
You are gone
Stone cold

Crippled as I fall
And I continued to
Fall for so many years
Each day
Waiting for you
Knowing you could
Not return

I wanted to be with you
Begged for god to take me
So I would not be
For my own failure

Still now I cry
When I think of your eyes
Your hair
The way it felt
Beneath my
Finger tips
The way we
Played together
Under the sleeping bag
The way you touched
Me that one special night

You told the world you
Loved me
But never
Told me
As I missed that deadline
And you were stolen
From me

Some pain never heals
So much better now

I was destroyed
With all
They heal
But yet remain
And my scar
Will never
Without you

One day
22 years passed
But always on my mind
Your smell
Your laugh
Your face

One scar
The size of a galaxy
That no amount
Of stardust
Can heal
You took my heart
With you
And now I live
A half life
Until we
Meet again
My soul mate
My Sunrise
My sunset
I miss you

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 11awards
Joined 3rd Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 348

Hallmark of Shame

Observing the scar  
faded upon my wrist  
reminded of innocence  
pirated away  
by incessant anger  
you could not keep at bay  
an emptiness within you  
I failed to satiate  
confirmed inadequacy  
I bore the blame  
in my abjection  
exacerbating shame  
you threw the glass  
I responded  
employing broken shards  
to perforate my skin  
only through my death  
did I imagine I could win  
Written by mel44
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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Emotional Scars

It is not the physical pain that hurts because that goes
Away after a while. It is the emotional pain, etched
Across your skin even as you tried your best to close
Them up and did your best to move on. They stretched
For miles and distances nobody else would even begin
To understand. You cannot look back and think that
You should have done things differently. Life does spin,
But there is no comparison to what kept you flat
On the ground when you felt the pain and blood
Seeping through your skin down into your bones.
It was like dragging yourself through the mud
And muck. You cannot let the rocks and stones
Drag you down to the bottom. As much as you
Have been hurt you also deserve to float on
Water for once. The sky that burnt red is blue
As the ocean and the scars are going to be gone.
Written by eswaller
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Dangerous Mind
Scotland 35awards
Joined 27th July 2010
Forum Posts: 2329

"don't look down"

running roughshod all over the house
would never think about
the fraying wicker picnic basket
sitting in a corner
just around the next corner
so even an injured oblivious little shin
will carry on
with the business of little shins
until the skin there drips
a rather dramatically red drop
from a spanking new
super stealthy
five inch cut
a gasp was heard
and then an inconsolable blubber
the moment obvious symptom
birthed a[psychological]nother
and i've pondered since
whether the scar would have stuck
quite so stubbornly after that
if i had ever decided
to stop looking down

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 31st Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 190

Sitting on the floor of the shower
Scalding hot water running down my back
Tears in my eyes
Bloom circling the drain
Needing a release
From all the shit in my head
A break from all the pain
Wracking my body
I need an escape
Only I could give myself
So many pretty red lines
The smell of green apples
The dull sound of John mayor
Distant in the background
Where did my scars come from
They came from a scared little girl
Who didn't know what to do
Where to go
Or who to talk to
She kept it all inside
Only ably to cry when it rained
She had gotten really good
At fake smiles
And acting
Like mommy was ok
That daddy existed
Like she wasn't dying
A little more each day
My scars came from
A few hidden monsters
Making a good girl
Hide what not so good
People did to break her
And they broke her
Thought her to hate
Everything good about herself

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 31st Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 190

Thank you for your comments on my poem. I just took what I had and put it on paper. You did well your self.

poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
Joined 22nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 14

alive in my skin

they say if you scratch your scars they'll disappear
they'll disappear under layers of blood and scab and hate  
until all that's left is the skin beneath your nails  
they say you're beautiful now  
dripping red instead of championing the skin you were born in
raw and ruined is the new world aesthetic  
they say to enjoy the hate you've created  
your skin isn't enough, it never was and never will be
keep scratching, twisting, burning, waxing until you are not you  
haven't you been fed this idea enough for it to be real?
how many mirrors have seen your hate?
when has your skin seen the tears that it causes?
they say to murder yourself until your dead body suits their tastes  
they don't see scars are your proof of being alive  
Inspired by "Scratch The Scars" competition.
Written by Enchantress_Em
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poet Anonymous

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Lost Thinker
Joined 22nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 14

Thanks Dani, scars have a way of bringing out the brutally honest in all of us - either that or the pain and how we overcame it. Scars mean so much and all the poems here showcase that  

poet Anonymous

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Strange Creature
United States
Joined 26th July 2017
Forum Posts: 6

I once stood staring at a stranger in my own reflection
I dont know why or how or what caused the ejection
Ejected from my own body and thrown into love
But not the kind that feels sent from above
No thats not what my first love was about
Started as a whisper and turned to a shout
I was chasing an angry gypsy man
The type that runs like a wanted man can
No place to call home only rage and rain
I fell in love with trying to ease his pain
He would scar my heart and my skin
And then he'd be on the run again
Running from the rage that my love mustve brought out
And thats how that whisper always became a shout
So Id chase him fast and chase him far
The whole time desperately wishing upon a star
Id catch him, hold him, be his little love slave
And he'd run some more, so I had to get brave
I finally ran too, the other way
I re found myself that day
And now I always have this scar on my face
The one I sometimes let my fingers trace
To remind me of who I am and where Ive been
And where I never want to be again

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