Poetry competition CLOSED 27th May 2017 7:59pm

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Rippled thoughts

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous


I'm trying to imagine
a winding path
where distant dragonflies
sing lullabies to the nests
above our lower frequencies

listening to your complaints
the devastation you feel
tells me how lucky you are
if that's your worst...ever
I guess I've been to hell and back
too many times to understand
I'm resisting judgement
wondering if you have any clue
what real people are living (dying)
going through

my mirror resides within
reflecting truth with eyes closed
alone in darkness I've seen the ugliness
so I'm no-one to provide a penance

I'm battling my own demons

thinking of those distant dragonflies
the cicadas come to mind

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

thanks so much, I was happy to do it right..
it was no masterpiece anyway ;)

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

Half winged images
past my eyes
as I watch
from within
the space between time
ancient architecture
the slow
painful death
of knowledge

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 11awards
Joined 3rd Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 347

Pruned Not Severed

Half winged images
of flight
to bestow
Fluttering in shadows
to fly
and shameful
to try
Hesitant to soar
to fail
and untrusting
of what
may avail
Pruned not severed
of aviation
when joined
and merely lifted
from isolation
Written by mel44
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poet Anonymous

Hum Across All Waters

Silver everywhere!
Fish swim in the sky  
through thick clouds
The indecisive light
trembles and twists
on film of water;
symbolizing wait.
Water meeting waters
raining with fish
the first crisp kiss.
The sky fills
with chatter of frogs
eyeing Mayflies
embroidering winds.
In the vertical throat
of Canna Lily
a butterfly flutters, in
its own personal spring.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3044

There, flames awaken
burning fumes
Super nova clouds
destination unknown

(bathroom scribble)

stranger walks
the Australian shore
his foot prints, faded echoes
washed away with the tide
Not the man they think
too cowardly to find out

In fact its cold as hell in their world
of sunburnt portraits

Touch down again from a micro nap
Been a long time between the feel
of earth and toes
Alone by the beach
avoiding home
Thinking of you
over there in Carolinas garden
your hat full to the brim
with the sweetest strawberries
juggling those berries like a maestro
although not one touched the ground
a few found there way passed our lips
Later spreading home made jam
on home made bread
The best and not just how it smells
when baking

Miss you in my arms
laying there
In separate time zones
Not at all surprised to find you dreaming too

Waiting for the phone to ring
To hear the sound of your voice again
how the hours seemed like days
between conversations
that went by in the blink of an eye

( bathroom scribble)

Their flames awaken distant portals
traversing time and space

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1404

>deep spiral<

yet again
the duo albino snakes let loose
-a lightning course- a patted trigger
-in a dazzle,   transports
me at some doorstep,  a
well-furbished lone floor,  I meet
her, Pal my senior- for long
recalling me in a reconnect

way back, twin soul-rats swims me
smooth    through dark tunnels….

p.s: (“passing through me” verse inspiration)

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1404

 \draupadi’s vow/

when His camphor skies
bend down as galloping chariots
in seeded impregnation, precarious
roll fast their fascist breaths  
further in a suicidal buffer, prevailing
its egoistic dusts..

what remains in a fluke is an ashen realization

her raging earth practises tangible karma

battleground conches proclaim beyond justice
echoes love

p.s: (“motives, moving” verse inspiration)

poet Anonymous

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