Poetry competition CLOSED 26th November 2016 10:05am
afriendoftina (Hendy)
View Profile Poems by afriendoftina

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Tales Of The Dark And Twisted Creatures

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 24awards
Joined 9th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 233

hey that's a pity as my dark twisted creature was Lewis Carrol
Not sure it'll make sense without the preamble

Fire of Insight
Japan 10awards
Joined 19th July 2011
Forum Posts: 216

暗い悪夢****kurai akumu
Dance dance to thy evil song
We all must sing and play along
But to self and by own must make a lead  
To make your own egocentric breed
Killing me softly with the various doubts  
Not knowing at all what this is about
My little light that's left in me  
I have to find out what ye it ot to be
Sketch the picture and draw it well
Morphine in all is my inadequate spell
Swap crop and Dance once more
Till the sun dies out and melts to core

La la la boku wa tsuyoi da,
boku wa tsuyoi da

To the melody once has gone no more
Evil she is we all just see
It's plan and simple it must be
But must she die this dreadful way
In her grave we all watch her in place she lay
No longer have light in this the dark room
revolting of all floats the tumb

versus  leap like the rock on thou art to wreck
A part of you has grown in her what did you expect?
No longer this melody repeats the play
Knees and hands children pray.

She sought her soul she could not see
she fought the demon preached by thee

questions whispered with made trees fall
but if ye lack love thou art shall call

so fantasy and dreams may never come true
this girl was the akuma deep within you

Dance dance to thy evil song
We all must sing and play along
there is no light thats left in she
to find out what happened we ot to see

-Kumiko yamamoto  
boku wa tsuyoi da- im strong

forgive my english it is not well

Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 5awards
Joined 21st Apr 2016
Forum Posts: 73

Thank you so much for the prize.
That poem came from nowhere...I just sort of thought about the idea that Alice never actually got out and went from there. Glad it was received well, I thought it was perhaps a little mad, especially since I almost always write in rhyming couplets.

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