Poetry competition CLOSED 28th June 2016 2:02pm
_shadoe_ (yiyi)
View Profile Poems by _shadoe_
RUNNER-UP: Jade-Pandora

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Survivors of touch...

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Reading slow...heavy stuff. If i skip you
I am truly proud of every one of you...
No one here need feel.ashamed or alone...

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
India 7awards
Joined 24th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 322

tell me why cant death ran away like mouse ??got  just one burrow in hell >

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

AlisVolatPropriis8 said:tell me why cant death ran away like mouse ??got  just one burrow in hell >

Cool quote.doll..what does it mean to.you within this comp?

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Thank you darlin
And for your support for the other entries...💋

poet Anonymous

My post I pulled FM

Last year, 702,000 child abuse victims
Last year. 3.2 million child abuse cases investigated
5-7 children die every day from child abuse
Last year. 1580 children died from child abuse and neglect
72% of child abuse victims die from neglect
41 of the child abuse victims, die of physical abuse
44%of child abuse deaths are from children under the age of 1
70% of child abuse victims are under the age of 3
75%of them die from neglect
17% die from physical abuse
9%die from sexual abuse
These are child under the age of 3
Almost 1/3rd of children under 3 are physically, sexually, maltreated, neglected or psychologically abused
That's 1 in 3 children under 3.
90% of juvenile victims know their perpetrator.
80 % of 21-year-Olds that where abused as children, met the criteria for at least 1 psychological disorder
2/3rds of adults in treatment centers are children of abuse
Volunteer on a crisis line. It can be done from your home. We are the best defense for these children. No one can understand them better than a survivor of abuse

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

bad memory

she was almost
the same age as me
i know, i know, it's not as bad, i know, i know
don't tell me again, i know

i learned to hold my piss in till the end of school.
long fingernails made me sick.
but i am better now,
and i am fine,
and i am glad i have a little sympathy for others
and shame when i told people
as if it mattered
on a come down
waiting for a stranger to tell me if i was a victim or not

it doesn't, it doesn't,
only to me.
it hurts me only as much as  
only a memory of a memory
of a cruel joke

just one pebble in my gut
just one childhood blackout
9 years later
scratching me again

16 years later
writing it down one more time
as if it mattered

huge hugs of love and support for everyone that has been through horrific abuse, this is all i have- i wanted to show i have a tiny insight and a reason to empathise- you are all so strong

poet Anonymous

Thank you.  I hope the statistics help everyone

Tyrant of Words
United States 20awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 310

Nasty sticky legs
and crawling
across my face

trapped beneath the monster
obliviously plowing
sowing pain
and twice my size

focus on the grasshopper
fear is safer there

tiny hands can fight off nothing
pinned to the ground

cornstalks provide concealment
and lie scattered
scratches that will be hidden
unseen where they'll reside
rows and rows of terror

focus on the sticky feet
this will be remembered
fear of cornfields
and of grasshoppers

but please...don't ask me why.

Tyrant of Words
United States 20awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 310

I loathe the evil
done to us
the damage
to our souls

My heart
is curled up
in the ashes
of our past

The loss of innocence
which should have been
held in safe keeping
for our choice

Yet oh my god
these voices
rising up as one
some are trembling
some are strong
and every one
more beautiful to me
and precious
than I could ever fathom

Proof that no one
stands alone

Such a wealth of strength
here evidenced
in overcoming
that which could have
brought us down

I will cast my shame
into the shadows
where it once
was born
and proudly
add my voice
to this message

We do not stand alone!

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United States 20awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 310

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

It needed saying...

poet Anonymous

Show Me Your Diamond Pieces.

Mother's shoes and lipstick
never looked good on me,
the lipstick was always

and father .well, he carried
a lot of strain|| some was
poured in his bottle of
whiskey or gin|| then spat in
my face

I was always close enough
to touch in a diving tremble

.to awake.

with softened bones
missing their marrow||was
amazed by the shapes, they
had changed into lines and
incandescent dots

[pleas were airborne] from
within a sacred place, making
night a best friend || where
strangers shivered inside me

for hands of compassion to
offer a mercy killing|| after
being fucked by the sadistic
demons of my sibling and
his friends

Just doesn't hurt as bad as
it used to||will try to clean up
this tea and its pot off the
floor ..later

like, the bruises and burns
that are collected as a child,
instead of toys|| or much
like a fad
Sometimes, the fuckers come

*Over the years from 4 to 13, I
created 2 others to protect me
from feeling . I was made aware
of them in my late 20's but now
in my late 30's ..well still trying
to cope, amongst other things
but definitely  better than before .

Some days and nights just

Thank all for listening.  Love
makes it possible, I suppose
but then what is that?  

poet Anonymous

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