Poetry competition CLOSED 3rd May 2016 10:01pm
View Profile Poems by HadesRising
RUNNER-UP: crimsin

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~ Erotica Demonic-a

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Sainthood by Slaughter
It is done
The injustice of my rubicon
Matters little to me..
But that i won and a corpse
My trophy

I have turned bones into an alter
Of my cold hearts cathedral
I Genuflect before them in worship

Of my bloody thrill kill
Instead of the humiliating kneel
Of cock suck
And other pre fuck duties
Done to his scorching approval

I light a candle
Let it burn for ages
(as i did)
Smile: a new pleasure
In image of blood drops drip
As i watch scarlet wax fall

Where his monstrously
Eyes will never be again
And into dark hollow sockets

I light incense
And rest it between gaping jaw
Now slack and white
Disturbed: apears as if laughing
Done with being mocked

Once more
I pick up axe handle
Laughter has stopped

I pray a pilgrims rosary
Then wind it through alabaster claws

Written by calamitygin (Jennifer Michael McCurry)

poet Anonymous

Satan Thinks You're So Fine

Satan thinks you're so fine

He considers your soul to be absolutely divine

And wants to lick it
Stick in his throbbing devilhood
forcing it to fit
listen to you squeal and whine

Happy happy joy joy

Happy to be Satan's boy toy

What a little sissy bitch you are
scratching Satan's anal itch
so naughty
this time you've gone too far

Red Rover, Red Rover
like a Hell Hound
Satan is coming
so bend over
In the manner of a Catholic schoolgirl defiled
take your fucking doggy styled
Red Rover, Red Rover
Like the dirty dawg that he is
Lucifer pulls his thorny wanker out
and loses it
furiously squirts your face full of jizz
Money shot
running down your nose like snot
You beg for more and more
Master, give me all you got!
Horny horned devil that he is
furiously squirting your face full of jizz
feel it sting and burn your eyes
When Satan says he loves you
you'll believe the Lord of Lies!

poet Anonymous

Private Dancer

She worked
her way

crawling slowly towards him on hands and knees
lowly body illuminated in neon cage

Tantalized by her candy apple red
lingerie strip tease
he sat quietly in a booth by his lonesome
greeting the runway stage

Music blaring from the speakers overhead

She climbed
in a manner serpentine
grinding the shimmering metallic pole
more intimately than an unrequited lover

While the many others were mentally masturbating
her Mystery Man
perhaps a Secret Agent undercover?
was not

lazily dipping a curious toe
into the shallow cesspool
currently teeming with tits and asses

She felt his unseen eyes seeking out hers
peering from behind darkly tinted glasses

wading deeper
deeper into her soul
going down on her
until he was is in
way over his head

In merely a matter of seconds

an eternity passes

The next song begins
seemingly faster than the last ended
Shapely rearended
bending over
pussy brielfy beckoning no one in particular
she slipped back into her evening attire
soon back in the dressing room
stuffing her bulging purse
Time to retire for the night

In the soft neon glowlight of the girlie show
tight waisted waitresses and tipsy patrons
stumble through aisles
navigating the blacklit carnival maze

where she almost made it to the door
stride coming to a halt right along side
that man
meeting his gaze
penetrating the waftings of cigar smoke

haze dispersing about two weathered fingers
clenching a solitary bill
deftly extracted from his palm

an amount greater than a single night's work
Certainly worth giving out one last thrill
even if he was a jerk
though she suspected he was far from such

Accepting his unspoken proposal  
she led him through a beaded curtain
by the hand into a more private area
motioned for him to be seated
In the calm eye of the storm
surrounded by decadent hysteria
explaining he could look all he wanted
he just wasn't allowed to touch
and there was something unsettling about
the way he sat in the chair
as if .....

Another tune began to jam
to which she started swaying her luscious hips
caressed her hands along sheer fabric covered breasts
licking red painted lips
Ready to straddle his lap
she hesitated

dumbfounded in genuine surprise

for behind the pair of shaded round windows
she could more clearly see now
his glazed white unblinking eyes

she withdrew
He reached for her arm
taking her firm
but gingerly at the wrist
Darling, I mean you no harm

Drawn gently into his lap
she did little to resist
as if once again a kid
with childlike sincerity she blurted out,
How sad that you couldn't even see my show!

he replied
My sight is not completely whole
Though your beauty is not the only thing
I came here to get to know

Drawing her closer
he raspingly whispered in her ear
What I truly desire
is to have you all to myself
Your entire body, mind and soul

With that being said
he reared back his head
mouth opening into a gaping black abyss
Out lunged a leathery tongue
long enough to snake in and out of her lung
and they embraced in a twisted French kiss

Moments later the couple departed
disappearing through the lounge's back door
and to this very day
no longer lonely anymore the Devil is

now the only one she privately dances for

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134


It used to be that my
pale, boney knees
would be scraped past the skin
scabbed over, and wrinkled.

And I, the dark-haired girl,
knew that every night,
the bad part of me
crawled out through the crust

to stealthily find my prey
whom I would seduce
(for who'd think me a threat)
and let them have their way.

To give my victim license,
before calling the demons,
watching the slaughter,
waiting to play with my friends.

Copyright ©2016 Jade Pandora.  All Rights Reserved.

poet Anonymous

First and Foremost. . .a Huge THANK YOU to everyone who entered!

Since this comp was a fairly tough call, I had to seek help to Judge.  So with the help of my good friend, Jackie and another DU member (who ask to please remain anonymous as to not offend his choices since he is a fan to the majority of members who entered).

Devlin:  MaryWalker ~ Disneyland of The Damned
             Crimsin ~  Submissive Queen of The Underworld
             HadesRising ~ The Wyld Wytch Ov Wynter Woods

DU Anonymous:  HadesRising ~ All Entries
                            SatanSperm ~ All Entries
                            MaryWalker ~ Disneyland of The Damned

Jackie: Crimsin ~ Flowergirl ~ Corrupt Me
                            Crimsin ~ Submissive Queen of The Underworld
                            HadesRising ~ Taste of Lucifer

So a B-I-G CONGRATS to HadesRising, as it was unanimous!

Congrats to Crimsin & MaryWalker as Runner-ups!

SatanSperm & Flowergirl. . .Well done!

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672

thank you my Queen of Darkness for hosting a great comp.

congratulation Darkest Lord Hades for a well deserved win

thank you Devlin and hosting judges for choosing me as a runner up

congratulations also to Mary, Satan and all who entered on some wicked entries

Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625

A huge thank you to Devlin, Jackie and our mystery judge. This was a fun comp.   Excellent enteries all around.



poet Anonymous

Always a bridesmaid, never a bride.
Congrats Hades and Crimsin!
Thanks Devlin for the inspiration.
And thanks to ALL the judges!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 14th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 231

Thank you Devlin for a great comp......congrats to all the winners and all the enteries......such great talent in this comp......I'm honored to have been among the best of the best here.......thank you for picking one of my writes as one of the favs.......purple luv & hugs xo :)

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