Poetry competition CLOSED 11th May 2016 5:28pm
View Profile Poems by TinaLouise
RUNNERS-UP: Maynila and brokentitanium

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Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 26th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 218

Poetry Contest

Write About Your Depression
If You Or Your Friend Has Depression then this comp will be a good to write about.
I Have Depression My Self And It's Always Good To  realize it And Write Thoughts Down, So The Depression Don't Get Worse.I Whanna see What My Poets Have For This Comp. winner will be after this comp is over. enjoy!
1.2 writes
2.New Or Old
3.Writing About Your Depression, How Do You Cope With It
4. Can Be You That Has Depression Or A Friend
5.Must Have Tittle
6. Have  a lest 6 to 10 Paragraphs.
7.Highlight,underline to make topic of your depression

Have A Mouth To Get This Comp Done.Get Going Poets.

poet Anonymous

The bird.

Depression, is a nice looking lady,
It tells you to stay at home,
She will take care of you,

Feel free to weep, she will be hugging you,
It will nests inside your heart,
And it will spreads inside your bones.

Everybody who has it enjoins it,
Everybody who has it wants to tame it,

And at the end she will show its face.

Depression, is the persian gulf,
When it was full of petroil during the war,
You are just that bird trying to open his wings

But it wont make you fly back anymore.
You still think it's a nice lady,
Already you know you are in her trap,

Everybody who has it enjoins it,
Everybody who has it wants to tame it,

And at the end she will show its face.

You try to sleep hugging your pillow,
Pretending to hug someone you love,
But depression is all but love,

It just plays you around like a bitch,
And you become addicted to it,
And you can't quit it.

Everybody who has it enjoins it,
Everybody who has it wants to tame it,

And at the end she will show its face.

When it's time to drop it, just like breaking up,
You find it hard, you can't break up with her,
You kick her away from your bones,

You are already in its trap, drowing down.
Born with it, you try to carve it from your heart,
You will carve it out, and burn it, better than having it.

Everybody who has it enjoins it,
Everybody who has it wants to tame it,

And at the end she will show its face.

Thought Provoker
Joined 27th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 522

Chatroom, Whiskey, and Her

Staring at this quarter-filled glass  
Of whiskey and an almost emptied bottle  
While I coughed out the smoke of cigarettes  
That's been choking my lungs for twenty years  
And then shifting my gaze at the PC monitor  
To read the hearty and sometimes sarcastic  
Chitchats of those chat room regulars  
Something inside filled me with longing.  
She's gone.. I let her go.. Whimsically  
Out of sheer stupidity .. jealousy .. or drunkenness  
Or all of the three combined.. Who knows  
I bet she knew all along for she knows me  
More than I can ever understand myself and my actions  
She's my long-sought light teaching me the ways  
Of life and the value of being a better person I can be  
To let go of the demons and get out of the pond.  
My light.. My cherished teacher .. My best friend  
My confidant.. She's gone .. Out of my life  
No amount of tears, of feigned happiness, of depression  
Would be enough for the miseries, hurts and heartaches  
I caused her to slowly get tired and turned away  
Can bring her back to me and restart anew  
If only she can read this heartfelt mumbling flowing  
She'd know.. She always does, that my tears would then start falling.  
Can hearts get pained? Can hearts burst? Or can they be made of stone?  
Can hearts be out of pace ? Can hearts be out of place?  
She wanted my heart and direction on the right place and path  
For she believed I have a good soul with just a messed up disposition  
That I am smart but with just fucked up sense of direction  
She always believed in my abilities, my skills, my potentials  
For a moment I tried, I didn't want to fail her or hurt her  
But the demons lurking within resisted and I gave her up.  
Can guardian angels just simply leave one who is in need ?  
And just leave you with demons feasting on you instead ?  
She always said she'd help me explore the world outside the pond.  
For a pond is a stale, cold, stagnant place that's too limiting.  
The whiskey's drained and I flicked my last cigarette  
Here I am again staring at the chat room reading the numerous  
Almost incoherent threads and reflected to join in on the conversation  
With yet another feigned happiness, nonchalance... while my heart is filled with longing.  

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 23rd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 5

I'm Fine

Just leave me here
I want to rot
I need to feel the worms and maggots building their nests in my lungs

I long to be nothing and feel everything
Something or nothing is just how life goes
You can go with the flow

I don't mind if I sink
Just let me be and release me from my prison

The torture of wanting to live,
But always dying inside
Always begging for the next time you fall to arrive much sooner than expected

The adrenaline is so much
You cause my chest to cave in
I'd let the bats live in their if the dark seraphs wouldn't eat their souls first

The way it has unto mine

The little cells of my body try and they try
To rebuild as I self destruct

But I pull the skin a little tighter
Just to stop and
Just to hinder the growth of life

Just to violently strangle myself into a deep sleep

I let the blood run
Oh but I return

I always return to this sack of bones
This never ending heartless carcass

I've missed you

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 6th June 2014
Forum Posts: 56

Trains a-coming.

They always say just be patient,
It takes 9 months to put it on, its going to take that long to get it off.
Well fuck who ever said that!

Its been 13 months and I've still got these pounds of fat hanging around
I will not run a way
How could I?

Every morning I wake up, look my legs are skinny again, no just wishful thinking. I'm the most selfish mother in the world.
No, the most selfish person in the world-- that's worse.

I'm such a bad person.
I deserve to be fat.
My baby needs me.
I'll always be with this baby;
The fourth.
As well as the first, second and the third.

The first was my reckoning,
The second was my love multiplying,
The third was loves only lesson,
The fourth, he'll always prove that my life's good.

One day I'll believe that, but right now........... I'll be alive.


poet Anonymous

Do we need 2 entries?

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


My mind is consumed
Into a deep black hole
That’s sucked all the light
From my suffering soul

Please don’t let me drown
In this cosmic abyss
Save me from this darkness
By giving me a sweet kiss  

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Snuggle bucks of kisses and hugs K...Fuck me that dog looks sad...i call cheating Ashley!!!

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Hurt hurts

I lay in squish
A cold dish this cunt..
I call out for help
I never mean it permenant..

Serpents for bones
I am so fucking alone..
Blue sad in ice bitch veins
And none of happy Jen remains

Just a murky blurr
Of thoughts that

Memories like ghosts
And haints enough
To fill my bones
With the pain of "was"

The urge to purge
And send those boogey men free
To cut them out
Just let me be!!

Oh bloody drip
And its cold soothe
Shred to slice
My roving mind removed

Take a whiff
O de desperation
Ooozes out my poores
In stank perspiration

Eeeks out my mind
Red rivulet de free
But free of what?
Of being sad..
Or of being me?

Lost Thinker
Joined 5th Aug 2014
Forum Posts: 3

Mad Hatter

I'm hearing voices inside my head
Screaming and shouting
Laughter filled with dread
Noises distorted from the past
I'll carry this 'til my life last

Where is all this coming from
Why does it have to be me to succumb
To this disease that takes over the brain and make it numb
Numb of all the feelings i have inside
It really takes its toll when you can't laugh or cry

Manic episodes, delusional thoughts
How hard it is live with these
The beaming smile you used to see
Those happy moments you shared with me
Now turned to frown and misery

Yesterday the Martians are out to get me
Today i'll be Napoleon
Let me get my horse and i'll cross the Rubicon
Illusions, delusions of grandeur
I want my reality back, can someone please give me a cure

Ever since the day my world turned to gray
You've said to me that all the memories we've treasured
Will always be remembered
That I may not be the way you're used to me
But you'll love me unconditionally

Reality is much harder to grasp these days
They all say that i'm crazy, a godless man cursed
If only you'd listen to every word i say
I'm telling you Jesus Christ walks with me everyday
He's the one telling me what i must say

poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 12th Apr 2016
Forum Posts: 24

There it goes again...

Give me a reason
Why blade shouldn't run
Give me a sign
Life hasn't begun

How in the world
Did it all come to this
This hole 6 feet deep
I just want to kiss

No light breaks my darkness
No warmth soothes this cold
This whole world is heartless
I just want to fold

I see drops of wine
Through eyes full of tears
I feel all the rage
That's tormented me for years

I stop in my tracks
Releasing the blade
Why can't I be normal?
Why won't this just fade?

I ball up in the corner
And drown in my tears
Only I seem to comfort
Any of my fears

This episode over
As fast as it came
I don't know the trigger
I just can't explain

Today I was lucky
I know what's at stake
I just do not know
How much more I can take...

poet Anonymous

Demon not with myself.

When i'm feeling good,
She pushes happines
Inside me.

I try to look toward
The light, but i can't
Find any sign of sun.

Mess around my cell,
I guess she makes me happy,
But doesn't care about it.

Tied on my bed, i find hard to move,

The lad i feel love for
does not want to look at me,
But i see her fake face and i like it.

She put black papes on my windows,
So i can't see inside myself,
Many others enjoin her company.

She come back to me, and slam
All my friends are gone.
She tries to take everything from me.

And I'm still in a cage.

But it was too late when i saw her real face,
The one of a demon with no sex,
Who am i dealing with. Don't take it away.

I know who you are now, just a demon in my mind, burning itself after meting a demon more cruel.

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 26th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 218

IronFears said:Do we need 2 entries?
Yes 2 Entry Only

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