Poetry competition CLOSED 5th February 2016 3:13am
_shadoe_ (yiyi)
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poet Anonymous

Poetry Contest

You figure it out >Use the words given<

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 577

radio girl ~ [ii]

hollowed the kjv
like hallowed bones
to hold cocaine gospels
& burned out stars ~
... left their ashes
in glass jars filled
with the dust of wars
fought on the threshold
of my front door
[do it
& still ...
bruised my mouth
kgb red, like a
freudian wet dream,
like the walls
bleeding wires
& memories of dick(s)
to give archaic theory  
like cherries
pitted & crushed
against computer screens
where i've licked
pixelated faces
for a taste of tracy ...
living in
a state of
back where i began
[do it
& again]
when i began
as something
almost good

uhm so i dunno if this fits the criteria, blame it on all the methanol i inhaled today

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Star Talk: hot summer nights captured in middle America

Mmm, look at those stars will ya..

The night sky makes me feel empty.

Not me...
Makes me feel connected to everything and everyone.
We all see the same stars...
People in China are seeing the same sky as us...what a fucking trip.

Doubtful baby, hard to see stars in the daylight.

Can't you ever just go with the flow damnit...toss your mind for a sec..
Be positive...wear a smile for fucks sake!

Mr. Snakey one eye is happy..
He is feeling very positive about the way your tits look tonight.

Are you serious? I want to commune with the stars..you mind is always in my panties.
A wasteland of hormones and pessimist thinking.

Okay...the stars.
We are looking at light from the past, some of those stars, planets we see don't even exist anymore...
We could be witnessing extraterrestrials at war..
Whole distant universes on the verge of self wrought apocalypse....
Or they could be watching us...if they're up there...

That's even more of a morbid thought...and you are such a  paranoid freak
A cynical, cynical boy.
You are a total buzzkill.
Watching us, kgb aliens...geesh...
You make it hard for me to love you you know?

Yeah? Hehe...I love to get your panties in a bunch, makes your nips stick out like diamonds.
Makes my dick hard...give him a squeeze...

Now that is very positive thinking...
Waaay too damn positive...

Neh baby. I'm pragmatic. I know you get hot when you're pissed.
Give it 5 minutes, you'll be on my jock.

Hmmm...nope. Not gonna happen.
You blew it buster.

No you blow it...
I will bet you.. your pussy is wet, you go down.
It's not....I do.

Whip it out lover boy. I'm gonna do it to it....


What are you doin? No pics!
I'll wind up on the computer...a hillbilly porn star.

Huh! You wish...
Come on Tracy...you are the paranoid one.
No one will see it...be a good girl.

I am a good girl...that's why no pics!

Jeesus..your Mama ruined you KJV style...bible belted your prude ass...
Whipped it good and square.

Whip it..whip it good! Hehehe..devo..
You know me too fucking well..
Know i can't stand my mother...
And i am no prude! Watch...say cheese!

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Kitten said...
"uhm so i dunno if this fits the criteria, blame it on all the methanol i inhaled today"

Jen went..

Dangerous Mind
United States 25awards
Joined 31st Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 941

_shadoe_ said: uhm so i dunno if this fits the criteria, blame it on all the methanol i inhaled today

You know the antidote right- always keep a bottle of everclear near

poet Anonymous


poet Anonymous


Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Sorry Hal...totally confused...does this fit your criteria?

Im unsure just what your posts mean..
Thanks for the challenge. ...

poet Anonymous

War Games

He left me there struggling
against the odds
told me I'd succeed in spite of the devo
my protest sounded like a Star Wars anthem
written by Jar- Jar on meth
still he swore I could do it better than most

the frosty embrace of computer commitment
dealing the silent blows
allotting the KJV version of truth
I heard Enoch in the silence

as dependable as Dick Tracy's watch
and corrupt as a modern holiday
there was something in the symbolism
alluring like the KGB emblem

diamonds fell complacently in red puddles
betrayal was art

** although DEVO was that band that sang of Whippets,
the word is also Aussie (and Kiwi?) slang for devastated.

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Yes miki, and thanks..always good to learn new terms, devo is an "Aussie" term i was aware of..lol dated a man from Adelaide and we enjoyed learning our different colloquialisms...

This dialogue however between two panting widwestern US teens, didnt lend itself to Aussie speak...so i used Hals list of words and put them in their frame of reference...used their vernacular...
That's what i dig about this challenge and site....three entries, three poets from different areas of the world, one long very specific list of words...
Three vastly different pieces...very different perspectives...none incorrect...😉

Loved your piece..specifically the Enoch reference...am facinated by his function..and unfortunately lack of in our modern cannon...biblically..did a prose piece this year on the revelation from God to Enoch...
Have enjoyed reading you of late doll...
Good luck!

poet Anonymous


poet Anonymous


poet Anonymous

mikimoondancer said:War Games

He left me there struggling
against the odds
told me I'd succeed in spite of the devo
my protest sounded like a Star Wars anthem
written by Jar- Jar on meth
still he swore I could do it better than most

the frosty embrace of computer commitment
dealing the silent blows
allotting the KJV version of truth
I heard Enoch in the silence

as dependable as Dick Tracy's watch
and corrupt as a modern holiday
there was something in the symbolism
alluring like the KGB emblem

diamonds fell complacently in red puddles
betrayal was art

** although DEVO was that band that sang of Whippets,
the word is also Aussie (and Kiwi?) slang for devastated.

poet Anonymous


poet Anonymous

glad to place with two great writers, thank you
and congrats to shadoe and satinugal
cool comp, HAL

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