Poetry competition CLOSED 2nd August 2015 3:41pm
drivelicious13 (alon aLion)
View Profile Poems by drivelicious13
RUNNER-UP: souladareatease

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Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 7th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 159

Turn left maybe there's a dead body down there.
turn right and you will surely say goodbye
Strain the blood from the stab wounds.
Tie, tie, dig, dig for little Shelly choked on a fig.
Twisting guts.
Crawling flies.
Run! Run away! Little Shelly
Turn right for you will enter her hell.
How the chains fade...
How the faces are painted.
Hot oil that pours.
Boils and sores.
Run! Run away for death lies
How the maggots feast, and the demons dine.
On unholy flesh this much is true.
Come away! For hell lies
For heaven lies down that path Shelly.
Sanity always lies.

poet Anonymous

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Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 30awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483

I Lost it

Was I game from the start?
Oh such an innocent heart  
unto a cold unfeeling boulder,
of humanity more  
barbarian than any have thought.  

The failure in the rebel,  
against Royalty blooded by  
the corruption of men,
innocents tainted,  
broken lamb to slaughter  
for the laughter of  
such wretched leeching  
bastards of hell.  

I stood my ground,  
all for naught,  
withstanding countless torment.  
the wince of iron,
striking fire,  
unto a destroyed soul,  
henceforth, realization  
piercing through the holes
of my sacrificed purity.  

Blackened, to coals,  
being lit up by red,  
blood dripping  the drops,  
of crackles, they spark,  
anger blinded my hurt
affectionate memories;
they had gone blurred.  

Thrown, and discarded,
Though I denied,
i know I'm forgotten,
they want me to rot in chambers,
doomed forever
to my own violated consciousness.

Oh but I hoped,  
Kept holding on to that one thread,
And as it failed to mend,  
the wounds that had been burn,
torn into the every main nerve  
that connected to my brain-dead corpse,
still living and breathing
in the real world,  
I snapped out of myself.

I live in the dungeon  
of demonic fiends awaiting to tear me to bits.  
sulfur suffocating, the smell of death emanating
the thick walls  
that encased my withered spirit....  
my mind slowly vanished,
into nothing,  
but ashes ...  
that lingered in a weightless wind.  
Any other thoughts that i would've had,
right there, right then,
In the end...

I lost it.

poet Anonymous

"better than a good beer buzz in the morning"

ecto plasmic moon serpents
tunneling through psychedelic
galaxies in search of real time
before psycho annalist started
mind-fucking science and Darwinism
and chairs sitting up against unrooted trees
as blue bear slimy gumdrops and
pink lemon drops spit black venom
on white canvas should equal gray
so microsoftenedapple(s) mind those lines
not blow lines but fiber optic lines
we humanoids plug into 24/7/365 a daily dose
looking for a Mister Rogers neighborhood host
in a politically incorrect gang thug infested nation
who bows to the king of psyche dreams?

but honestly,
what I truly see,
is people token weed
on grassy knolls
and you are nowhere
to be seen.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

When I was young, I had a saying
whenever someone stared at me
It didn't matter if I was in my car
or walking on the street
It was something I would yell at the top of my lungs

Back then, I was bold, brash, and fearless
I would prepare for a night of boozing, smoking,
and general all-around partying my ass off fun
The only planning involved
was, of course, shaving my legs

Now back to the point of this rant
pay particular attention to the following words
Because I want you to imagine a girl,
about twenty years old, 6'1" tall with her bon jovi buckled knee-high boots
carrying a fringed suede hobo shoulder bag

Strutting down the street without a care in the world
a pint of 110 vodka tucked in her purse
and 5 joints, pre-rolled just in case
She didn't wear a bra, and she was built like a goddess
It is no wonder people stared, her body was a fortress

As usual, as she headed to the party or the bar
whichever floated her boat,
people everywhere stopped and stared
And with a flip of her waist-length brown hair,
she would get ready to blare

"Take a picture, you ass hole,
blow it up to an 8 by 10
and stick it on your bedroom
ceiling and jerk off to it".

The end.

Lost Thinker
United States 2awards
Joined 7th July 2015
Forum Posts: 48

Words fly off my tongue can you feel it, nope it don't hurt.
Brused, battered to the bone, broken left all alone.
Loud, abrasives words yelling in my head lashing out at you instead of staying behind the wall to which I locked away all emotional switches being flicked why is he such a dick!

Questions asked that fall on deaf ears maybe now we'll get somewhere.
A place where all the clowns hide, showing faces in disguise. Some so happy, some so sad, some so frightening I want to gag all these emotions into a bag.

Take the bag burn into ash, blow it into the wind let it all disappear. Raging, roaring voices still inside, damn emotions I thought I burned you all into dust out with the wind I watched you go.

How did you make your way back in? Must have been when I inhaled, no certain amount of air, I will breath you out, I will scream and shout.
Then I will hold my breath so you cannot get back in. The voices laugh much to MY dismay.

Uncontrollably words fly off my tongue can you feel it?
Nope it don't hurt.

Twisted Dreamer
Australia 2awards
Joined 21st Feb 2015
Forum Posts: 47


Le banane-the bananas

Le torte-the cakes

le mucche-the cows

I biscotti-the cookies

Sono farfalle-they are butterflies

io ho polli-I have the chickens

Cavalli, mucche, uccelli-horses, cows, birds

Io scrivo ai ragazzi-I write to the kids

Lei ha le forchette-she has the forks

Le caramelle sono nel piatto-the candies are on the plate

poet Anonymous

! extreme content !


Write what

Write what?
Do I care of course i do not.

Fuck this shit,
Oh yes shit is a common word.

Getting insane,
It makes me laugh.

So much of shit to talk about,
And i am too hight to think about

A shit poem.

I just remember the bitch,
Angry at me because at work,

My job was worthly over 10k euros,

But in my pocket I did not get more than,
Just some 1,2k euros.

Fucking biatch blame your company,

Like the rest that makes me cost a lot,
And what goes in my pocket is nothing.

Cannot handle a life in there,
Figure when i have to pay for my house.

Bitches in this site,
Doing drugs for fun,

Fucking for fun,
They never got a shit.

A poor miserable eunuch,
Would fuck you in the ass,

Do not waste time to make pics.

If you are shit you are shit,
And none will fuck you.

The eunuch went to take a wank.

Much better to fuck you,
Much better to think about you.

And i do not care what to say,
Go fuck yourself.

All of you,
Go fuck yourself and disappear.

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 23awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 625

Clutter, butter do not suffer
Smother, cover you're my lover

Fight alight with delight
Bright contrite not tonight

Seclude delude in the nude
Lewd protrude to get screwed

Sex, complex with respects
Annex, objects do not perplex

Employ decoy to enjoy
Annoy toy may destroy

Consent, cement the big event
Ferment, content when you are spent

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
Joined 26th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 107

A white haired pixie wearing motorbike leather and a black heart holding offerings of SEVEN , server of the 666 utilised the bloodlust of a crimson ELEVEN.
A jackal unchained guarded the gates of 1, fuelled with the rage of failing evolvement. A true death hunter, a villain, ate the foetuses from pregnant women.
What's with all these NINES and ELEVENS, a vacation in hell while I vibrate through a self perception deception of infamy? Or are they a light on the hill that I run toward for infinity?
Time to wake up she whispers as I peer through three weary eyes. ELEVEN in front of me bearing all her secrets as reward for my commitment.
God was in the details I spoke as I unsheathed a golden sword and cut myself as an oath to Pachamama that I will rise above judgement, fear and loathing. Rise above the ugliness to feel the golden glow of oneness.  

Lost Thinker
United States 2awards
Joined 22nd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 13


alone again inside this box
waiting for the woman with
the lisp and forked tongue
to come and dance to the rythem
of mr moe joe risen
while smoking pipe like
the crack fiend hoe she is
my inspiration on current events
she  speaks of lust and her
dead babies lying on the floor
puddled and muddled about her knees
I ask if one is mine
she says so many are
and asks for help finding them
in our little milky way
one she names vanilla passion
the other purple jesus with sprinkles
and we pass them between our lips
and smear our faces like clowns
evil, erotic, vile, we laugh
red nosed alcoholics keep vidual
through the worm holes in the walls
we are on display, on parade, insane
then she walks away
with a twenty crammed
between her tits
and the movie ends
alone again

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14617

we laugh
while the tepid tongue
ticks away timeless

'til sound catches up
on the face of it

to where those keepers
of beat
chase down farthings forgotten
like the cluster-bombs
so many bad omens dined upon
before biting the limpet

to where bygones carry pails
so as not to dehydrate 'tween tocks

poet Anonymous

My ass hurts
I hate sex
Stop the noise
or it will destroy you
Get out of my fucking head
you slobby, fat, droopy-eyed slut
Move, get out there and live
like you used to do when you were young
Stop obsessing over your age
or the way your beauty has turned a page
Eat, go ahead, stuff your fat face
your muffin top has already rolled
No one knows you have a heart of gold
or that when you die, there will be no story to be told
Take that risk, make a fist
and charge on with your life
What are you afraid of
failure is a bitch
you should know that better than anyone
in fact, you still suffer from that itch
like the red boils on your ass
your skin is oozing familiar liquid pain
you don't even enjoy the sun
or a refreshing rain
Fear keeps you locked in
like a padlock, your psyche is rusted
Go ahead, plot your course
and throw away the GPS that is busted
Relocate, wake up, and enjoy what is left
there is no medal or chest to pin it on
when you arrive in heaven
and here on earth
they won't even know you left
Oh, what was that you said?
You have responsibilities and
there are people who count on you
Don't you realize they do not
determine your happiness, you do
They will survive, you did your best
and your mark is what is left
To them, you matter
To yourself, you are worthless
like the madhatter you dance
and step aimlessly, always
into your own pain
your past, regrets, guilt
Stop thinking, do something,
Oh no, not tears again
you can't change the past
get the fuck off your ass, Miss Carolin

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