Poetry competition CLOSED 25th March 2015 2:26am
David_Macleod (14397816)
View Profile Poems by David_Macleod
RUNNERS-UP: gazellemon and hornyatmorn

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The Word

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 30awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483

I call dibs on the word 'bae'
Fucking stupid word.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Thanks Miki, Mercy and Paul for entering your poems.

Also thanks to Darker and Jonny for submitting your work.

Comp is extended by an additional week.

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 30awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483

That wasn't my entry Vee... gonna post it up l8er on today.

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 39awards
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983


I want to erase ‘god’
And the word of god
If word of god is ‘god’
I will not capitalise
The word god
I shouldn’t give it further thought
He’s a stain, just a blot
Thinks he’s a big shot
A drop shot hotshot
Creationist self taught
Now doing nought
Not doing what he ought
Prayers out of earshot
Must have hit his blind spot
So let me take a cheap shot
Let me take a pot shot
Exercise my free thought
Before I have a second thought
Before he sees my mug shot
And puts me in a cemetery plot
His religions such an onslaught
Believers getting so fraught
They’re eyes are totally bloodshot
They end up loading buckshot
Then all we hear is gunshot
Killing men is simply god taught
Domination is the jackpot
Logic is something to boycott
Reason just an afterthought
Freedom they have just forgot
Being a bible bashing robot
Needs a simple rethought
Maybe needs a headshot
That could be my parting shot
Proving he’s a crackpot
All religions tommyrot
Erase god and let him rot
Hanging from a slipknot
Get his teachings untaught
Replace them with a love knot
In this human melting pot
Love just needs a booster shot
All we’ve got is the life we’ve got
We don’t need a holy mascot
He wasn’t worth diddlysquat

Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2084


she'd never be
mine and I
wasn't there to pander

barely inches away
when those
fucking tears told me
she was making love

there's only one trick
to make her insides feel
this cheap

it's the way she wants it

Written by Alexander Case

poet Anonymous


Eye don't no how dey kame upp wit dis werd
butt eye luv itt.
Winn yew kann tayke tew werds
und konnect dem tewgethurr
tew mayke uh sweet werd lyke diss won
den yew've joined duh huminn rayce.
Eye'm makin' upp mai own werd- iycekreem.
Eye hope yew luv itt lyke
eye luv duh werd kupkache.
Deez werds R deelishiss.
Tayst gud tew.
Unless it'z rockeyrode.
Den it'z just ok.  


poet Anonymous

Darker half, I'm looking forward to your poem.

David, Alexander and Roachmill, thank you for entering your work.

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 30awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483

Dang it... I had the days wrong... I glimpsed at the date and I thought it was going to end the 25 of March at 10pm...
I've turned a slave to the corporate world, so my brain has been literally in the gutter for the past week.

Darker Half
Dangerous Mind
Belize 30awards
Joined 5th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1483

I'm still gonna post it up for the heck of it....


Word used by ghetto people to address their significant other because they have found themselves too lazy to pronounce the entire word "babe"..

I got to love the urban dictionary.
It has its ways in showing it's necessity.

I just want to clarify,
that the selection,
of such a moronic word,
deserves no appreciation.

There's so many other words,
more sensible words:
baby, babe, honey,
sweetpie, darling, sweety.

Then there's the ones,
that make me wanna gag:
poochie, sisi, snookums,
Love muffin, bibi, Lumlums.

These are still passable,
I mean, to each his own.
But seriously 'Bae'?
Who the fuck came up with that word?!

is a Danish word for poop. Also used by people on the internet who think it means baby, sweetie etc

Urbtionary is the bomb, I swear,
People are OD-ing on Bae, instead of Boo.
First it was the infestation of YOLO and SWAG,
now their referring their bf's and gf's to poo.  

I'm just saying,
try learn the meaning of something...
before trying to sport it.

A word used by 10-13 year olds to describe their Babe or Before anyone else.
Bae is the most annoying thing anyone has ever came up with and pisses anyone who has hit puberty off.

Just a complete waste of literature.
Our generation oozing stupidity, it's a bleak future,
its got me constipated...
Now that you've read my rant, and what I got to say
you'll have to excuse me, ... I've got to take a 'bae'.

poet Anonymous

I would like to thank my wonderful colleagues for accepting the task of judging and sharing their choices with critiques.

Ms. Pishashee
Ms. Lena-underneath
Mr. Lobosanpedro
Mr. Diamonddave75

The first place choices were varied by each of the judges but ultimately the decision was based on not just by the subject itself but also for the conveyance and uniqueness.

Total accumulated scores were:
3points for 1at place, 2 points for 2nd place, 1 point for 3rd place

Horny... death 3
Bo... nigger 4
Brad... race 4
Miki... civilization 4
Mercy... bully 2
David... god 4
Alexander... whore 1

Congratulations to:
1.  David... God
2.  Brad... Race
3.  Horny... Death

Much appreciation to all the poets for writing and submitting in this comp, it was a pleasure to read your work.

Darker half thank for being an awesome team player and sharing your poem

Some of the comments in no particular order:

Case, Whore: This one was interesting on many levels, i kept rereading the meaning of a whore being who has sex for money and then describing one who falls in love is interesting.  Men usually fall for the street walker first, then to have the word eliminated in order to make her a woman who is allowed to love and have more depth and meaning not just a woman of business with her body, fascinating.

"Race" by Brad. As the writer points out - a word used to describe a competition is also the one used to divide and categorize humanity.  Thought provoking.  

"Banish Civilisation" by ( mikimoondancer).. I love the content, and I love the flow, her way with words.. And I agree with what she is saying..

David, GOD:  I liked the theme and the artistic value of the rhyme scheme. I don’t know how anyone can personify the identity of the entire universe.  Physics flows through us all; no personification, rhyme, or reason needed, only Ohms and Hymns.  Ultimately, I blame the Egyptians, and from there, we move on throughout the Roman Empire.  Worded it well and whimsy.

Bully" by (MercyReturnsMe).. Because of the brutal honesty of this write.. And again I can't stand people who bully.. But I like the irony, of the bully becoming the bullied..

"Nigger" by Bofantastic.  A raw unflinching unapologetic look at a word that haunts the American lexicon and intellect like no other.

Horny, Death: The ultimate in packing a punch with meaning. Death does not exist; we only know life for the time being. Eternity is all there is; well there is now, but even a moment can turn into a universal schism. Atoms form new universes.We’re either here or we’re not; our minds and our thoughts are the key.This poem is concise and artistic with a touch of Zen in the grayest degree.

poet Anonymous

A side note:
I would like to recommend a movie I watched recently, since we're all here for the same reason, writing.

It's multi=layered and highly thought provoking with many underlying metaphors, analogies and references such as Hemingway's lost earlier writings and the book 'Ask the dust' by John Fante.  Whom Bukowski claimed in a forward, 'Fante was my god'.

The Words


It's about a writer, a plagiarist, the publishing world and most importantly about the choices we make in life.

Thank you.

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 8th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 124

Congratulations to David_Macleod (a big achievement in terms of thought, rhyme and form his contribution, imo)  and Brad for running close. Also to everyone else and to Rina for hosting so hospitably.

Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2084

Looks like somebody missed the medals ceremony. Congration Macleod from the clan Macleod, and well done to all the runners up.

Thanks for hosting the comp, Vee, great idea. Also, thanks to the judges, appreciated the great feedback, looks like I may have missed the mark in the delivery... was trying to hit two whores with one stone, the other being respect to women, especially self respect with the last line. Cheers again for the feedback, mystery judge.

And now, please stand for the national anthem of Scotland.


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