Poetry competition CLOSED 13th February 2015 10:09am
seekingkate (kateA)
View Profile Poems by seekingkate
RUNNER-UP: crimsin

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Fell in love

Tyrant of Words
United States 8awards
Joined 10th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 120

Poetry Contest

About how you felt when you fell in love
Write a poem about how you felt when you fell in love or had a crush. Can be new or old.

Tyrant of Words
United States 8awards
Joined 10th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 120

Me first

Fragile Heart

I feel pain throughout my body    
It runs through my feet up to my mind    
Now I’m thinking is she all that matters in my life?  
It’s my heart throbbing that makes me sick    
My emotions killing me till I regret wanting her    
The reason to my words    
No matter the trouble  
Her smile brings me to a fairytale    
One touch and it brings me to flight    
But this is not reality    
I just want to be a part of her life    
I’m too nervous    
But I can’t imagine a world without her  
If I could just get her to stay one night    
I know I could make her feel special    
Two nights to make her stay forever  
But imagining is different then    
Holding, kissing and making love    
I guess that’s why I feel like I have such a fragile heart    
I have so much want for this girl    
She makes me feel cool yet she makes me burn    
Now I’m thinking how can I make her mine all mine    
I guess once I try there’s no turning back    
Today I’ll jump into risk    
I’m scared but I need to forget about rejection    
Because for bliss you must fight through the pain    
Now I’m walking through the hallway and yelling out her name    
And then I say    
I just want to be a part of your life  
I’m too nervous    
But I can’t imagine a world without you  
Stay the night with me    
One night and I’ll make you feel special    
Two nights and you’ll never leave me again    
But imagining is different then    
Holding, kissing and making love  
I guess that’s why I feel like I have such a fragile heart

Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 24th May 2014
Forum Posts: 318

The Day I met him

The Day I met him Everything Fell into Place,
I no Longer Felt so Out of Place,
He Fixed  the Places that Were Broken,
He Stitched me back together,
The Day I met him,
Everything Felt Right,
He use to Lay with me and Whisper everything would be Alright,
He Stitched me back Together,
He Made Everything better..
The Day I met him was The Day I knew I could Survive.

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 23rd Feb 2010
Forum Posts: 748


The first time, we walk into love
Like an infant walking into no-man's land.
All around us, brilliance and sound,
Lights and colours,
And no thought of shields or weapons.
We are, of course, mortally wounded.

The next time, remembering the first,
We seek again the vision and the moment,
The headlong rush, the reckless loss of self.
But now, from the corner of the eye, we notice movement,
And when the end comes, though it devastates,
We realize that it was half-foreseen.

And so, on.
As time goes by, we gird ourselves;
Reluctantly, we learn the use
Of plans and strategies:
What favours us, and what we should avoid.
But, knowing, still we court the coup de grâce.

We cannot now be innocent,
We cannot shed the baggage that we bear.
And yet, among the broken masonry,
We look for what we started out to find:
Brilliance and sound,
Lights and colours,
And someone other than ourselves to know.

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 7th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 159

When I see you again.
My heart crumbles to the floor.
Exploding with hate as I stare into your eyes only to find a more severe hate.
You smile, you grin, you mock my pain.
You enjoy locking me up chaining me down.
As I see your face change into a different face.
A comforting embrace is what ya now possess.
Was it all a simple lie?
As you stroke the wet tear off my face.
And you turn your back to me and smile with your same old mocking grin.
As hate builds up in me I realized that I might actually still be in love with you...
As you gave me a fragile prim rose stained with blood.
And I see a single tear come down your face, and I see we are exactly the same.

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Joined 31st Jan 2015
Forum Posts: 12

Women and Lying:

It would be a lie,
To deny,
That I'm that kind of guy,
That throws his heart,
like a tennis ball,
waiting for the girl to call,
and when she doesn't,
if my emotions,
mean a thing.

But the one thing,
I will never do, is lie,
with her, upon her,
or lies of other kinds,
she broke my heart,
I'm broken down
and caught between two minds.

As broken beats,
from broken hearts,
Cause broken rifts,
which drift apart.
I'm honest
but I'm on my knees
those girls who lie
with guys that please.

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 3rd June 2013
Forum Posts: 13

Ecstasy: A Haiku

Softly we walz
His heart as full as mine
Slow like youthful days

Tyrant of Words
Australia 28awards
Joined 20th May 2014
Forum Posts: 2082

A memory born
She'd fallen in love      
It came out of the blue      
As this realisation grew      
she stood taking in the view      
of the cold, melting landscape      
As if on cue blue skies appeared      
The sun streamed in, putting her on show      
as melting snow fell from tree branches      
on unsuspecting people below      
What was she to do with this newfound love?    

She decided to accept it for what it was  
Hold no expectations it would ever be returned      
and move on with her life      
Something inside her was opening up      
Tears moving slowly over smiling cheeks      
she wonders how she can feel sad        
and happy at the same time      
The warmth in her heart cannot be denied      
A memory has been born on this cold winter day      
She'd fallen in love      
Who would have thought....      

Harry Rout
Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd May 2014
Forum Posts: 433

In strength and love (for Carol)

high above the atmosphere
your love hovers
while angels look earthwards
to where ordinary souls
search restlessly for perfection

beyond the fallen statues
of death and decay
you are resurrected
on this crucifix of wonder
where the world can behold your beauty

in the midst of love and hope
I hold you close
while all the gods
close their eyes in awe
and refuse to say a word

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304


KRYLON KING Part 1 (Meet)

Back when I owned the world    
Too young to know that I could be    
and Leased    
As needed    
I found my voice in Krylon microphones    
The rainbows within these ebony shoals echoed from rooftops and tunnels    
I owned buildings on Park Place    
and Atlantic Avenue too    
My railroads ran through Harlem    
all the way to the Coney Island Boardwalk    
I still remember that summer morn you took over my world    
Honey and caramel lacquered over flesh were your only armor    
Your freckles looked like humming birds had kissed your cheeks    
Your almond eyes were to be the ones to heal parts of me not yet broken    
and make crumble the man I thought would be indestructible    
I remember everything and nothing of what we said that first day    
Except my promise to give you the world    
You laughed, Oh please    
Because you'd heard these declarations from boys and men before    
The next day    
You were going to school, waiting on the platform    
I watched you, unseen    
The steel dragon rumbled in on time    
You saw it right away    
Your name    
stretched out over silvery skin    
the length of car 0715    
I asked    
Could I share you're train today?    
You giggled and let a few others join us too    
So began the odyssey    
In and out of the light    
Fast starts and hard stops    
So many people riding with us    
crowding us    
dividing us    
And while the world is no longer mine to give    
My heart still is    
as long as you're still willing to ride    
In and out of the light    

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304



She asked, Could I really give her the world  
The pout of her lips and raised eyebrow told me  
she had her doubts  
All it takes is a day, I promised  
My pockets were filled with dust so,  
There would be no movie and jumbo popcorn  
No great concert nor candlelit dinner  
I had no car so there'd be no driving to the beach to play in the waves  
I took her to my temple  
Home of the Gods  
Da Vinci  
Wings shaped by the Greeks and Egyptians  
I paid twenty five cents for both of us to enter  
Paying a Suggested Donation, my salvation  
I was bold in taking her hand  
Showing her the temples of the pharaohs  
I traced my hand over the cold hard ebony catacombs  
It's pitch and facade reflected my usual veneer  
But that was not for today, not for her  
I showed her the armor of the conquistadors  
The ones who saturated her Taino blood  
She told me she was to be a dancer  
as we stood before the bronzed grace  of Degas  
Without care she modeled every position right there for me  
Spanish Dancer  
Arabesque Over Right Leg  
She asked if I danced  
I write  
Show me  
You'll fight against him  
With anguished desperation  
Doubting He's for you  
Close your eyes beloved  
His susurrations fill you  
making you complete  
Your untold rapture  
Bathes you in eternal pools  
With your love for Him

With her pouted lips  
And arched doubting brow  
she asks,  
Was that suppose to be about me,  
And you  
I don't know about you, but I was talking about me and God,
I reply  
You're a bad girl I see  
She laughs, and I hear her sing  
We spend the rest of the day walking  
in and out of the light of every part of the world  
Talking about everything and nothing  
At times just with our eyes  
As I took her home and we entered the subway  
I hopped the turnstile as I often did  
Stretching out my hand for her to do the same  
Sometimes you have to take risks to get where you want to be,  
I winked  
She dug in her bag, found a token and paid her fare  
Sometimes a price has to be paid first to ride freely papi,  
she smiled  
And we continued our journey,  
In and out of the light  

Austin Rura
Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 6th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 327

Graham for whatever reason that was the only haiku that ive read that i actually liked.

for me love was so inebriating
love was so invigorating
love was so illogical
love was so improbable
for young you it was always about fashion and shoes
but for me i just found whatever boots your wearing knockable
for me love has always been about a ramble echoed over blues
for me love has always been a 50/50 gamble we could always lose
everybody gotta be bonny and clyde but me and you just do what we do
for me love could always be unhealthy
but i know that you with me whether well or wealthy
for better for worse
if you died before me even though we no longer "we" id prolly still throw myself right under your hearse
love is a feeling of pure nirvana to quote Nazareth "love hurts"

Strange Creature
Joined 9th Feb 2015
Forum Posts: 1

Think of him from dawn to dusk
Never new the meaning of love and never loved.

Now every inch of me is  filled with the essence of him.Wake up everyday in the middle of the night and pray to God to make him mine. Though my bones clutch at the thought that some one might becomes his before the presence of mine.

Take my imperfections and measure his perfections. My love will not stop for him even if I dye but hope that all my happiness are given to him without a shadow of evil sight who may disconnect him from a perfect puzzle piece.

Never felt so shy looking at the image of charismatic  figure. My cheeks blush and send me into paradise. Angel eyes perfect from left to right stare at me like we have known each other for centuries.

Moving on is hard want to move on and forget him but can't as I'm his and he's mine made for each other from the sky though life is not fair.
Misery surrounds thinking I may not get him. Can't predict my destiny but hope for the best.

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

- Dearest Heart -

Oh, my dearest heart, twin to my soul,
I love you with the utmost of my being.
Both with passion beyond all control…
And with a heart beyond mortal seeing!
With everything I am and all I ever was,
I love you, and am yours for all of time.
And I shall love you ever, without pause,
Until the stars become far less sublime…
Than the magic of our fair beating hearts.
Even galaxies beyond all mortal counting,
Have less of our true enchantment’s arts.
All universes are in our love, abounding!

I long to hear your heartbeat as we lie…
Wrapped in each other’s arms, at night!
I long to kiss you, until it makes us sigh,
Until we are lost: in every sort of delight.
To hear you whisper my name lovingly…
As I rest my head upon your bare chest,
That is like unto earthly paradise, to me.
You are the heaven that I long for best…
And I am the angel who, is home at last,
At your side, where I forever belonged!
Soon, you will part from a haunted past.
Your future with me will be, like a song!

We shall sing brightly, in our happiness…
And the good spirits will all sing with us.
I will attire myself in most splendid dress,
And give myself to you in a lover’s trust.
The summer birds shall sing in their joys!
But we two lovebirds will have our own.
Free of hatred and sorrow that destroys,
We will be together, one love, one home.
We are two dearest hearts, one rhythm…
Bound beyond all time, to walk together.
And in your face I see the beauty within!
I am yours my dearest, now and forever.

Tyrant of Words
United States 8awards
Joined 10th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 120

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you guys, lol.

Thanks to Ms_Imperfect, Romantic_Head, Astyanax, ilovescarystories, AndyWritesPoems, Graham, seekingkate (Very deep), badmalthus, LobodeSanPedro, Austin_Rura, Sobia and Kou_Indigo.

All great read

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