Poetry competition CLOSED 2nd January 2015 10:35am
toniscales (Lost Girl)
View Profile Poems by toniscales
RUNNER-UP: Skyla_Schizo

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A deep Love

Just a Puppet
Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 22nd Oct 2014
Forum Posts: 88

Thank you The Successor Of Hell and JSHailey. Enjoyed both reads :-)

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 2nd Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 20

When you see them
It's as if they're an embodiment
Of all your hopes and dreams
Everything you could ever want or need
Your heart, personified
You could look into their eyes for eternity
Their touch melts all the pain away
Like the wax of a candle
They snuff out the flame

But sometimes, we don't always get to have them
And we've got to choose to go on in life
Feeling the void in your chest
And the empty spaces between your fingers
Where theirs should be,
Or not

Just a Puppet
Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 22nd Oct 2014
Forum Posts: 88

Khy Katastrophe thanks for share. Reminds me of a anime i seen.

Man is born a mortal being, and we all make mistakes. It's part of the game. Just be more careful the next time.
It's hard for me to accept making mistakes like this.
Then you can choose to suffer. That's also a part of the experience of mortal life.

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 6th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 3


I secretly loved you for so long
My love
You gave me new life

Your deep, dark eyes
Made me drunk on our first trip to the wilderness
I wandered everywhere to seek solace
All I found was your sweet love
Echoing from the mountains
The valleys, the rivers, the trees

Our love was not of this world
Yes, it was sent from the stars
In the remote corners of our memories
Don’t we still remember
being with one another
in a previous thousand lives?

I am not new to you
You are not new to me
I am here once again for you
Just as you came once again
calling my name
looking for that face
That heart that only beats for you

Do not ever leave me
We are two bodies but one soul
One cannot survive alone

How can we live without each other?
Love precedes all
We have come to this earth perhaps
after thousands of years
Languishing, waiting for our return
In my shadow, your shadow dances
We live to uplift one another
We live to just love

There is no ending in such love
Only new beginnings
Tears flow boundlessly
Such is the beauty of this passion
The moments that we have shared
Our glory, our taste, our smell
Your skin and mine

Just a Puppet
Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 22nd Oct 2014
Forum Posts: 88

thanks naked_soul_poems very lovely read :-)

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 24th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 15

          Behind the Writers Eyes
So my love tell me a story of what lies behind those eyes,
Tell me your brightest hopes and your darkest disguise

Tell me your thoughts of the world and what you see in it,
Be honest my love its your story i just want to read it

Will the plot be unsure or will it be exact
Will it be fiction or will it be fact?

Will i be the hero and u be my prize
Or am i the villian and the character of lies

I know in your story you want something brighter
So why dont i be the author and u be the writer

Its going to take us both to believe in a new beggining and a twist for the middle,
Leaving the ending for us a mystery and a riddle...

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Just a Puppet
Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 22nd Oct 2014
Forum Posts: 88

Thanks JSHailey and Brandon great read :-)

Lost Girl
Fire of Insight
United States 36awards
Joined 16th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 431

I'd like to post a couple more - if it's too much please disregard. Thank you.

Fan Letter to a Korean Pop Star #1


Why does it hurt so much to look at you?
I try to forget but your face haunts,
torments me. It was my birthday;
I treated myself to an expensive meal.
The waitress was a beautiful Asian
woman; I asked as politely as I could
where she was from. Korea.
I smiled, talking of you, and
she knew of you, but I think I must have
frightened her with my unwarranted
intimacy. Stupid white American, she
might have thought. I was sad; it was as
if I believed she could tell me
how to stop loving you.


I lie in bed at night in the cool darkness
and think of you. Even in my dreams
I know you could not love me but I am
selfish, I close my eyes and you hold me
tightly, whispering, “My darling, every
thing you are is beautiful.” That boy, he
kissed me today, stuck his tongue in my
mouth. I winced; he was not you. I only
want sweetness and lies from your lips,
to know the stories only your eyes can tell.


If this is obsession, I promise there is no
danger. For in no way can I fathom ever
hurting you, ever bending your will towards
mine. I have watched you cry and it tore me
inside - your face was meant for that sweet
sense of hope, that sparkle in your eye,
that smile that proclaims, “Follow me…”
You are so precious to me. When you move
upon the stage it becomes imperative
the day you were born was something
noteworthy, indelible. There is something
in you that is so very necessary. You must
exist. For me. For us. For you.

Just a Puppet
Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 22nd Oct 2014
Forum Posts: 88

I love reading your work toniscales so feel free to post your heart out :-)

poet Anonymous

congrats, Toni!

thanks for the nod, Puppet!

Just a Puppet
Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 22nd Oct 2014
Forum Posts: 88

Congratulations to you all! I think the world and even just this forum needs more love *Big love hug to you all*

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