Poetry competition CLOSED 22nd November 2014 10:46pm
View Profile Poems by JohnFeddeler

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Wandering Heart, Gypsy Soul

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 31st May 2013
Forum Posts: 654

Poetry Contest

See below
Write a poem on whatever comes to mind hearing words like

Feeling lost

2 entries per poet
Try not to make it too long...
I have the attention span of a peanut
1 week

Feel free to ask questions if anything is unclear

Tyrant of Words
United States 83awards
Joined 18th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 325

      the night calls

“for him the night calls
out of the dawn and sunset
who has made poems.” E E Cummings

do not imprison me in a love poem.
I need to wander, in pursuit of art;
to follow the ever hidden, unwritten
passions of my wayward heart.

speak my name, the words that define me.
how many shades of blue can stain a man’s
life? the Alice blue of tears. a tincture of vanity,
royal as any beggar. glaze of solitude (alone by
design), dark as a midnight sky. indigo ink that
bruises the page with these vainglorious words.

like the last minutes of a sunset, I fade ever
more through these days that rain down fire.
and I am already a ghost.

count the nights, and remember that under
the sheets we only shared the selfish yearnings
of the flesh.

do not imprison me, nor call me lover –
what have I ever been for you?
nothing more than a shadow on your heart…

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 31st May 2013
Forum Posts: 654

Thank you for kicking off the comp, JohnFeddler! Love your entry:)

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17071

Heart and Soul

they run parallel in the mist of time
one in another world the other in this one
they seek each other in different realms
they seek to reunite as seers has it

the cycle of circles they traverse
never finding each other on time
a boom, a flash one is reborn
while the other sway unto death

Heart bleeds for her beloved
trapped in time with another
not yet hers yet belonged together
deaf to her calls he tarries

Soul finds his beloved untrue
remembers a time of true love
in the arms of his Heart
now lost in the circle of cycles

they run together parallel again
Heart in distress listening for him
lost in the fields of forgetfulness
Soul dances with Father Time

Wandering Heart is seeking still
running for the Gypsy Soul
lost in time, in birth and death
forever seeking never meeting.

Guardian of Shadows
United States 91awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5731

Where The Road Leads

The restlessness-
Kerouac knew it,
As do I;
The anxious itch
Of wanting to run
Both away and towards…

Towards anything—
Anything that will satisfy
And make it stop,
The endless yearning for “It”,
Whatever “It” is.

Jack’s road was paved with asphalt,
Mine is not yet plowed
Until the Watchman Angel
Releases the trumpet blast—

And then I shall know
Where the road leads,
But will it end my searching?

Dangerous Mind
United States 4awards
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 237

Chasing the Moon

bound to the night sky
the wind in her hair
freedom courses through her
she leans her wheels
towards the light
of the moon
the highway is now her home
through the dark night
she is destined to roam
the yellow lines
heed the call
she knows not where
this  road will
take her
she moves
to the rhythm
of the earth
the radio sings her song
no matter where the road takes
her wandering heart
the journey
can never be too long

Dangerous Mind
United States 4awards
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 237

Bohemian Heart

she longs for the heat of the sun
to bleach her golden tresses
to throw seeds of love into the
cool earth
and her heart into the wind
to let her spirit soar as high
as an eagles
to run as free as the wild horses
to burn as hot as a bonfire
circling, dancing to the beat
of love
she wishes to experience
everything with all the passion
in her heart
no matter the consequence

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 31st May 2013
Forum Posts: 654

Damn...  I can already see this is going to be a tough decision... Keep em coming, ladies and gents! Loving these

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 23awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 625

I'll Roam No More

I wandered the streets of the city
Seeking an adventurous liaison
If possible she should be pretty
No matter if she's white, black or asian

An attractive girl gave me a wink
Seemed lonely; so I asked if she might
Join me for a meal and drink
And go together for the night

Our lives had been parallel
Renegade and feeling lost
With incidents hysterical
And actions that exhaust

We felt we were kindred spirits
As into my bed we reclined
Revealing eachothers secrets
With our bodies well entwined

At last I felt my wandering heart
Had found a gypsy soul
We decided that we would never part
Each other to console

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1378


This time too it’s no different
Only that it blooms out of the blues, as always
Like pitch black shadows sandwiched in no moon nights
Something goes down as steps stamp that trigger spot
Somewhere from its base it shakes subtly
Long grinding note of million mixed echoes deepens as if it never ends
It's sharp disappearance mysteriously goes undefined, unidentified
Yet reminding of that notable husky performance coinciding quickly rocketing air lift of anaemic heels
That thickened surround sound digs in a chronic déjà vu
Pours in fluid memories of long seeded figments
Of an erroneous phase crossed in repeats
Of unfinished dreams, non endeavoured spaces
Of devouring love, unreachable point of nearness
Of forgotten sleep in painlashes holding unblinking heaviness

Reminders born in its meeting moment, of a still left journey defying time?
Dashes out balled up rigidity filling throats to thighs in non-emetic silence
Feel those slips under wrapped up cracked feet
Sailing away may be the way, freely along, fairly afar
Drifting plinth(s) of newer worlds.

P.s: this one an older write, hope its allowed:) wl try to post a new write too if i do.

Tony Pena
Fire of Insight
United States 12awards
Joined 6th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1078


It’s not about the butterflies
anymore as le papillons
have flown from my mouth
the last time I gasped
in orgasm when I wore
a young man’s radical
rags trolling Greenwich
Village hoping to find
a woman lost in the same
delirious dream as me.

The stakes are so much
less romantic these days
as pressed shirts and pants
and a newly washed sedan
transfer happiness only
temporarily and now I cruise
the internet for sex till all
hours of the morning to find
someone as hopelessly in lust
with dreams as dead as me.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3042

The Wanderlust You Find

Of lonely
wandering souls
there are certain things
that one knows

in the deepest  depths
are core truths

not all who wander
should be considered lost
when who but the feet
walk those rocky paths

So alone
not even the birds song
could silence
the thud
of the heart drumming
that beat
marching onwards

wherever the heart may roam

be it love
of ever changing sunsets

or in the arms
of the one
watching the moon chase the sun

Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 17th Oct 2014
Forum Posts: 315

in all the wyld wide world
there is naught but one
that calls me to a home
that i have never seen
in the time where the clock has no meaning
i mean to find my way to the roads
never seeing the sunset
twice in the same place again
would that you could be with me
with her, and with he
we might find forever
riding the roads in time
from one one coast to another
hearing the wolves serenade
as we sojourn through forests
your hand fast in mine
one more dance to forever
as my mind and eyes dim
all i will remember
is your warm embrace,
as my mind wanders off again

poet Anonymous


King Sammy
Thought Provoker
Nigeria 9awards
Joined 2nd July 2014
Forum Posts: 203

Awkward World

They red sky was as peaceful with no sign of rain,
Lightening roared,
Thunder flashed with yellow lights,
The green clouds never gathered,
They just appeared in a second,
Another seven or more days of continous rain.

I've got a long way to go,
I've got to cross the purple river,
Walk along the black desert,
Taking a shelter under the white trees is rather deceptive,
I'd better keep running on my heels,
Falling and rising,
Not minding the bruises and the blue blood all over my body.

Herds men struggled with their pink cows down the valley,
Orange birds flying backwards to their various nests,
Green dogs howling like planes were flying o're the skies,
A rain stone hit me hard,
The rains had begun,
My escape route was waking up
I was pro'bly in a wander land dreaming an awkward world...

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