Playground Massacre
Alexander Case
Forum Posts: 2084
Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2084
Mary’s Bloody Silence
Written by Alexander Case
Written by Alexander Case

lepperochan said:[quote-275145-Vee][quote-274194-EngrVV][quote-274188-lepperochan]Take the fucking guns out of American culture and the whole world will be better for it
I totally agree with you on this one Eamon...gee, you don't even need a gun to hunt in the tri-state areas of DMV. Every week I see a deer on the road killed by a passing car! On the other hand, there could be an economic problem without guns and other weapons in the art of War - billions could be lost in revenues and millions could be jobless! [/quote]
// billions could be lost in revenues and millions could be jobless! //
Sorry EngrVV this caught my attention and i had to chime in, if not for funding overseas wars would be saving trillion $$ as well, let's face facts on what's going on under the table.[/quote]
yes, but how else are the kids gonna learn geography?
look, if the only way a country can survive is ensuring the death of other people then perhaps you're doing it wrong?[/quote]
Geo...graph..y? what's that
though it's not about killing people, it's about control, people die, shit happens, causalities of war..blah blah just as every goddamn country who played god at any given war said what they wanted to say to justify their righteousness.
I totally agree with you on this one Eamon...gee, you don't even need a gun to hunt in the tri-state areas of DMV. Every week I see a deer on the road killed by a passing car! On the other hand, there could be an economic problem without guns and other weapons in the art of War - billions could be lost in revenues and millions could be jobless! [/quote]
// billions could be lost in revenues and millions could be jobless! //
Sorry EngrVV this caught my attention and i had to chime in, if not for funding overseas wars would be saving trillion $$ as well, let's face facts on what's going on under the table.[/quote]
yes, but how else are the kids gonna learn geography?
look, if the only way a country can survive is ensuring the death of other people then perhaps you're doing it wrong?[/quote]
Geo...graph..y? what's that


I just have a question to the mods, why is this comp going on?? and Craic's comp got locked? What is the difference between the two that seemed like one should be censored and one can go on?

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Alexander Case
Forum Posts: 2084
Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2084
Vee said:I just have a question to the mods, why is this comp going on?? and Craic's comp got locked? What is the difference between the two that seemed like one should be censored and one can go on?
One comp is about writing fictional violence and the other comp was about writing in blood [However, I don't think either comp should be locked, because I know Craic was taking the piss and I was keen to make a video for the comp].
By the way, kids don't read about violence anymore, there's plenty of fucked up things being posted on youtube these days. I'd be more concerned about a kid watching a beheading online than reading fictional violence.
One comp is about writing fictional violence and the other comp was about writing in blood [However, I don't think either comp should be locked, because I know Craic was taking the piss and I was keen to make a video for the comp].
By the way, kids don't read about violence anymore, there's plenty of fucked up things being posted on youtube these days. I'd be more concerned about a kid watching a beheading online than reading fictional violence.

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>
I believe the reasoning behind the locking of the other comp, was a fear that people (cutters) would actually harm themselves and post photos of their poems written in actual blood. I think that posting poems in red ink via the "color" choice, here, would have sufficed as opposed to discontinuing it all together, as I'm sure there was an underlying tongue-in-cheek aspect there, but it is what it is, and I didn't make the decision on the other comp.
I did leave this one open, though, because the topic matter of getting even with bullies is valid and can bring forth some interesting and really good writes, as Case just submitted above. I just wanted to get it out there, to really put some thought into this one, before spewing a bunch of needless gore like a B-rate horror flick. Even the most grisly of topics can be done with finesse, and that's what I was getting at, with all my posts here. [/quote]
ML, with all due respect we've had specific comps on cutters and suicides, as a matter of fact there's a limitless comp on suicide, which baffles me cause if one is suicidal all they have to do is read 1001 ways to kill themselves by reading that particular thread/comp.
I dont believe Craic's comp was given a chance as this one seemed to be. I did see Soul's entry which was very well written just as is Case's but we're not talking here about whether it's about good writers and good writes we're discussing about the subject itself. And in no where did Craic specify in his rules as presented that he wanted pictures, if the mod(s) had a problem with it they couldve asked him in private or public to clarify be concise with his rules.
As a matter of fact this is more of non fiction, real life than Craic's is (Case vv hope this replies to your below post) we all know Craic's humor. There have been real life tragedies over children killing each other for god knows whatever reason. Most often the saddest stories never make the national news.
I believe the reasoning behind the locking of the other comp, was a fear that people (cutters) would actually harm themselves and post photos of their poems written in actual blood. I think that posting poems in red ink via the "color" choice, here, would have sufficed as opposed to discontinuing it all together, as I'm sure there was an underlying tongue-in-cheek aspect there, but it is what it is, and I didn't make the decision on the other comp.
I did leave this one open, though, because the topic matter of getting even with bullies is valid and can bring forth some interesting and really good writes, as Case just submitted above. I just wanted to get it out there, to really put some thought into this one, before spewing a bunch of needless gore like a B-rate horror flick. Even the most grisly of topics can be done with finesse, and that's what I was getting at, with all my posts here. [/quote]
ML, with all due respect we've had specific comps on cutters and suicides, as a matter of fact there's a limitless comp on suicide, which baffles me cause if one is suicidal all they have to do is read 1001 ways to kill themselves by reading that particular thread/comp.
I dont believe Craic's comp was given a chance as this one seemed to be. I did see Soul's entry which was very well written just as is Case's but we're not talking here about whether it's about good writers and good writes we're discussing about the subject itself. And in no where did Craic specify in his rules as presented that he wanted pictures, if the mod(s) had a problem with it they couldve asked him in private or public to clarify be concise with his rules.
As a matter of fact this is more of non fiction, real life than Craic's is (Case vv hope this replies to your below post) we all know Craic's humor. There have been real life tragedies over children killing each other for god knows whatever reason. Most often the saddest stories never make the national news.

case28 said:[quote-275193-Vee]I just have a question to the mods, why is this comp going on?? and Craic's comp got locked? What is the difference between the two that seemed like one should be censored and one can go on?
One comp is about fictional violence and the other comp was about writing in blood [However, I don't think either comp should be locked, because I know Craic was taking the piss and I was keen to make a video for the comp].
By the way, kids don't read about violence anymore, there's plenty of fucked up things being posted on youtube these days. I'd be more concerned about a kid watching a beheading online than reading fictional violence. [/quote]
Fictional? you can't be serious Case! This is more of a non fiction as it gets!
But i do agree (wow did i just agree with you
) that this is Du and nothing should be censored.
and i was actually writing pretty decent quantrain, no make that quatren, which wouldve put the rest of trains to shame
One comp is about fictional violence and the other comp was about writing in blood [However, I don't think either comp should be locked, because I know Craic was taking the piss and I was keen to make a video for the comp].
By the way, kids don't read about violence anymore, there's plenty of fucked up things being posted on youtube these days. I'd be more concerned about a kid watching a beheading online than reading fictional violence. [/quote]
Fictional? you can't be serious Case! This is more of a non fiction as it gets!
But i do agree (wow did i just agree with you

and i was actually writing pretty decent quantrain, no make that quatren, which wouldve put the rest of trains to shame

Joined 9th July 2013
Forum Posts: 160
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 160
I wouldn't bother trying to censor posts about suicide. If someone wants to kill themselves it's not hard to do. And if they are actually suicidal they would just do it, not read a thread on a poetry site.

Hidden_Flame said:
write a back to school themed story about getting bloody revenge on everyone who crossed you last year on the playground
2 submissions each
no collaborations
prose form only
Does anyone realize here that the host did not specify "bullies"? He said "those who crossed you". This leaves a question whether or not the ones who crossed you are indeed bullies or just people who may have done something YOU didn't like.
examples which could include:
a classmate caught you cheating and told the teacher about you,
a fellow student who slapped you back for hitting his sister,
a fellow student who may have won the fancy of a girl you tried to claim as your own,
a fellow student who took your seat on a swing after you left it
and you considered it an invasion of your property,
Long the list of things that could tick off a kid.
It's up to the writer to decide how to present the topic, what character he is, (abused/bullied or just irrational, impulsive kid) and what message he wants the public to see in the presentation, if he even has a message. If it's just a blast of gore you want to project, I personally don't see the necessity of such a comp. You can write such shock value in your own personal poetry pages.
But this is only my view. The mods are the ones who call the shots. (No pun intended.)
write a back to school themed story about getting bloody revenge on everyone who crossed you last year on the playground
2 submissions each
no collaborations
prose form only
Does anyone realize here that the host did not specify "bullies"? He said "those who crossed you". This leaves a question whether or not the ones who crossed you are indeed bullies or just people who may have done something YOU didn't like.
examples which could include:
a classmate caught you cheating and told the teacher about you,
a fellow student who slapped you back for hitting his sister,
a fellow student who may have won the fancy of a girl you tried to claim as your own,
a fellow student who took your seat on a swing after you left it
and you considered it an invasion of your property,
Long the list of things that could tick off a kid.
It's up to the writer to decide how to present the topic, what character he is, (abused/bullied or just irrational, impulsive kid) and what message he wants the public to see in the presentation, if he even has a message. If it's just a blast of gore you want to project, I personally don't see the necessity of such a comp. You can write such shock value in your own personal poetry pages.
But this is only my view. The mods are the ones who call the shots. (No pun intended.)

double post
Alexander Case
Forum Posts: 2084
Alexander Case
Dangerous Mind
Joined 16th June 2013
Forum Posts: 2084
Vee said:[quote-275201-case28][quote-275193-Vee]I just have a question to the mods, why is this comp going on?? and Craic's comp got locked? What is the difference between the two that seemed like one should be censored and one can go on?
One comp is about fictional violence and the other comp was about writing in blood [However, I don't think either comp should be locked, because I know Craic was taking the piss and I was keen to make a video for the comp].
By the way, kids don't read about violence anymore, there's plenty of fucked up things being posted on youtube these days. I'd be more concerned about a kid watching a beheading online than reading fictional violence. [/quote]
Fictional? you can't be serious Case! This is more of a non fiction as it gets!
But i do agree (wow did i just agree with you
) that this is Du and nothing should be censored.
and i was actually writing pretty decent quantrain, no make that quatren, which wouldve put the rest of trains to shame
Yeah, [edited] I left a word out of that statement your honour at 3:24am... "Writing fictional violence" is the intended statement.
That doesn't change my view on this. Metal bands like Judas Priest and artists like Marilyn Manson have gone on trial or have come under huge public pressure accusing them that their music has influenced double suicides and school massacres. No one has ever been found guilty, because judges know that people must be held accountable for their own actions.
In Australia and UK we listen to the same dark music, read the same books, watch the same movies and play the same computer games, but we don't have kids out there committing massacres in schools. The only difference between the cultures are the gun laws. Guns kill, that's a fact.
One comp is about fictional violence and the other comp was about writing in blood [However, I don't think either comp should be locked, because I know Craic was taking the piss and I was keen to make a video for the comp].
By the way, kids don't read about violence anymore, there's plenty of fucked up things being posted on youtube these days. I'd be more concerned about a kid watching a beheading online than reading fictional violence. [/quote]
Fictional? you can't be serious Case! This is more of a non fiction as it gets!
But i do agree (wow did i just agree with you

and i was actually writing pretty decent quantrain, no make that quatren, which wouldve put the rest of trains to shame

Yeah, [edited] I left a word out of that statement your honour at 3:24am... "Writing fictional violence" is the intended statement.
That doesn't change my view on this. Metal bands like Judas Priest and artists like Marilyn Manson have gone on trial or have come under huge public pressure accusing them that their music has influenced double suicides and school massacres. No one has ever been found guilty, because judges know that people must be held accountable for their own actions.
In Australia and UK we listen to the same dark music, read the same books, watch the same movies and play the same computer games, but we don't have kids out there committing massacres in schools. The only difference between the cultures are the gun laws. Guns kill, that's a fact.

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Joined 1st Apr 2011
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Guardian of Shadows

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Vee, Case, the Doc, Holly
couple of things:
The comp itself was posted more in a tongue in cheek way than an actual please give me your blood. that said, I personally see nothing wrong with an artist writing a four line poem in blood. like everything else some common sense and preparation (hygiene) should be employed. you don't need to break a vein for four lines. It's only blood, it's not semen (which is probably just as well because apart from alienating a whole gender, semen makes invisible ink)
I will also add that I was given the opportunity to state my case to a mod before the comp was locked and failed to convince said mod that there would be no accidental deaths or teams of cutters falling over themselves to mutilate limbs in order to enter a comp
also, Vee's point about suicide poems (ongoing thread) seems very valid if we are going to procrastinate about certain comps aiding and abetting
at the end of the day, I strive to think of original things for my competitions. perhaps in a different environment a competition requiring lines be written in blood would be palatable, for now the environment is not right and I am ok with that.
..Dear NSA ..the doc has offered to sell me viles of anthrax so I can kill thousands of Brits, the price she said is me going blackops and taking out the president of the United States ....I said yes I will do it
couple of things:
The comp itself was posted more in a tongue in cheek way than an actual please give me your blood. that said, I personally see nothing wrong with an artist writing a four line poem in blood. like everything else some common sense and preparation (hygiene) should be employed. you don't need to break a vein for four lines. It's only blood, it's not semen (which is probably just as well because apart from alienating a whole gender, semen makes invisible ink)
I will also add that I was given the opportunity to state my case to a mod before the comp was locked and failed to convince said mod that there would be no accidental deaths or teams of cutters falling over themselves to mutilate limbs in order to enter a comp
also, Vee's point about suicide poems (ongoing thread) seems very valid if we are going to procrastinate about certain comps aiding and abetting
at the end of the day, I strive to think of original things for my competitions. perhaps in a different environment a competition requiring lines be written in blood would be palatable, for now the environment is not right and I am ok with that.

..Dear NSA ..the doc has offered to sell me viles of anthrax so I can kill thousands of Brits, the price she said is me going blackops and taking out the president of the United States ....I said yes I will do it

ML, thank you for taking the time to answer my question and Craic thanks for the clarification for the behind the scenes events.
Case, the objectionable word is still there, edited or non-edited version, but that's besides the point. Looks like the case is closed
Although, i do agree with you on gun control and responsibility..(is that twice now in one day?!)
And, congratulations on the win. As i stated before, it was a very well written piece..:)
Case, the objectionable word is still there, edited or non-edited version, but that's besides the point. Looks like the case is closed

Although, i do agree with you on gun control and responsibility..(is that twice now in one day?!)
And, congratulations on the win. As i stated before, it was a very well written piece..:)

Congrats to Case for his original, creative writing. :)