Poetry competition CLOSED 2nd September 2014 4:35am
seekingkate (kateA)
View Profile Poems by seekingkate
RUNNER-UP: jemac

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Wish you were here
My wife ended up impaled on my spear
The deck hands they cleaned her
The hotel chef he cooked her
Served on a bed of rice
She looked so nice
Finished her off with a bottle of red and a cheer
Wish you were here

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17066

Picture Postcard

he kicked sand into her face
when he saw her share a banana split
with the pretty beach boy
she's in hospital for eye treatment

Pretty blonde with red head man
posing together against the blue horizon
thats a before picture
the after picture is at the PD

He caught her on the sand
playing poke and prode with another man
she's being stitched together
he's slowly hardening in the morgue

so much happenings
wish you were here.

poet Anonymous

It's hard to keep a grip on this pen.
My words keep slipping away.
I hope you can feel my love in the smear.
Wish you were here.

The hotel is dark and the halls are never ending.
Been here longer than I want to be, due to ice on the wings.
The flight getting here was short; A dark man seated in class three had a brown bag on his knee. He was much sicker than the flight attendant thought. Lots of sirens when we landed the upper half of the plane.

The TV in my room is always on but there’s only snow on the screen.  I can’t get any rest as long as the men keep coming and going with a white noise box. That canned static is LOUD. I scream at them “GET THE FUCK OUT and leave me in peace!”  All they do is get more excited and start asking annoying, ridiculous questions like, “Would you like some Oreos? How did you die?” One of the intruders has a disgusting masochistic fetish.  He lies like a spread eagle on the floor and shouts, "C'MON, DEMON! WALK ALL OVER ME!"

Hopefully the bellhop will take up my baggage soon. He’s very busy with the pretty ladies who are passing through.  Most likely he’s stuck in an elevator with them right now.  

My suitcase is very light;  I found a pair of broken wings in it. Strange; I don’t remember packing them, but there they are, right next to the white tuxedo I am going to wear when I get to that island in the sky.  I know you’re waiting anxiously for me. Please don’t cry; Keep the prayer candles lit. I’ll be home as soo
            a  s



poet Anonymous

that's 291 words.

Dangerous Mind
United States 4awards
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 237

This is the new me. Traveling randomly down long roads newly ventured. Speeding along when I know I won't be stopped and looking for the next perfect resting spot. It does not matter what time i get there. I no longer have to answer to anyone but myself. When my eyes get too weary to continue I stop. Check in to a hotel off the highway. I want a room on a top floor so I can see all the beautiful buildings still awake in the night. The lights letting me know someone else is out there awake, not so alone. I look at the bed, so large and empty and I can sleep there however I wish all the pillows and blankets are for me. The flowers I bought earlier I place in the tumbler glass and put them on the table next to the bed, so I can enjoy their sweet fragrance. Because one should always have beautiful flowers, my dear girl. As I sit and write this to you, I realize that the only thing that holds any importance for me now, is that you are proud of me as your mom. That no matter where this road takes me you are always in my heart. And some day soon, I will see you again. All my love Baby…Mum oxo

poet Anonymous

Postcard from The Island of Misfit Toys

Tentacled Alien Bush Whacker has deflated; The rubber tube in his ass broke.
The horned toad doesn’t jump when I say jump.
The butterflies feel more like locusts from hell... the jaws are like damned speculums that just keep gnawing.  The fact they are ribbed doesn’t add to the pleasure.

Pezheads are shooting pop rocks into places where Dirt Demon hand vacuums won’t dare to go. Maid from Sunshine Raisins looks like Medusa with sour grapes. Bad seed in the pea shooters.

Lately, the only good thing to wash ashore on this Isle of Misfit Sex Toys  is a pair of Vampire Squid Gloves.  Maker mark inside reads: Davy Jones’ Locker 2000, League of Lost Remoras. I think I’d better hide the gloves under my castaway raft bed made of Pandanus roots.  You know: That tree which looks like a collective mass of wood penises.  Who needs sex toys anyway when palms like that are planted everywhere?


poet Anonymous

Hi Daddy, its been fifty years since I wrote to you, and I miss you more than I did back then.  I miss your letters, your gift packages, and your phone calls.  What can I say; my life has been roller coaster, and I am glad that you were there to keep me alive when I needed you.  Remember the promise that I made to come to New York when I turned eighteen?  Well, that didn’t happen, you died when I was sixteen, and it changed me forever.  Never knowing you has kept me lost, spinning, and fighting for my life.  As I was just about to end this postcard, I was just overcome with tears and emotion thinking about you.  After I stopped crying hysterically, I removed my hands that were covering my face, and I felt a lightening bolt go through my body.  It left me believing with my soul that I will meet you one day, and that will be the best day of my life.  I looked up and felt a presence, a shadow, and it was large and protective.  I can’t wait to see you for the first time and let you hug me.  It is going to happen!  It is what I want most.  I would give up my life on earth just to see you.  But, for now, until we meet, in Heaven…I will sign off with the name you used to use when you wrote to me.  Signed:   Your Baby Lynne Ann

poet Anonymous

Dear Aunt Grace, Well, I’ve finally left.  I took the van and all of my clothes and am on my way to Florida.  I don’t give a flying fuck what happens to the house or him.  I feel as free as a bird flying south for the winter.  I am looking forward to the warmer climate and sitting in a lawn chair with you in your back yard and having my own back yard.  I want to thank you for getting my apartment cleaned and ready.  All I need is a fridge, a stove, and a bed.  We can go shopping for the other stuff together!  Please tell everyone that I am coming and that I will be visiting each one of my cousins one by one to get to know them.  It has been a long time coming, and I am excited to know all of my family down south.  I promised myself that I was moving to Florida when I graduated high school, but life happened.  It has been forty years, but I have finally kept the promise that I made to myself.  The time has finally come.  I want to plan an Italian feast at my house for everyone in a few days.  I am doing all of the cooking and want to blow you all away with my culinary skills.  One more thing, please tell my favorite Uncle Ken to not die before I get there.  I can’t wait to see him.  Looking forward to seeing all of you:  Cousin Lynne Ann

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 23awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 625

Dearest mother
Thank you for allowing me to go on holiday with Bill
The things we have got up to have given me a thrill
You never told me about what men like to do
When  cuddled up in bed, the experience was new

I've lost my virginity
I love him to infinity
My life's new endevour
Is to stay with him for ever

Oh! and the hotel is so good
With really excellent food
And the countryside so pretty
Much better than a city.

  Your loving daughter

Dangerous Mind
United States 4awards
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 237

Dearest Eric~ I know how you love Lighthouses. And since you are unable to travel because of your illness, I have taken it upon myself to roam this beautiful Island and send you a post card of each one that I travel to and tell you a bit about them. Today is a beautiful day. The sky is a deep blue and the clouds are high and soft. The ocean is deliciously calm. The lighthouse stands majestically white against the sky and ocean. The grass, lushly green climbs up to the base. Boulders surround the outer hill as it makes it way down to the waters edge. There is a bench where you can take in the view. The lighthouse juts out at the very edge on the tip of this Island and can be seen on a clear day for miles from the ocean, as its light spins, cutting through the darkness, to warn boats of the rocky outcrops, and to bring them safely home. My words barely do this justice, I hope the beautiful picture on this card truly depicts how wonderful it is here. On to the next one!  There are 10 more for me to share with you. Be Well !! ox

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 20th Aug 2014
Forum Posts: 4

Shall I tell you how I love you...
more than anything.

Shall I tell you how I want you...
the pleasure that you bring.

Shall I tell you how I miss you...
that sweet bitter sting.

I think I'll tell how I adore you...
incase you're wondering.

poet Anonymous

Did you see the picture on the front!
Awesome beasts these tigers
It called to me from the window of the gift shop
and when I saw it I immediately thought of you
They were always your favorites
these majestic, proud, man-eaters!
You always said if you had to die
your wish would be to be eaten by one
so sure that in doing so your soul
would be delivered to a higher plain
Guess what?!!! Tomorrow I'm going on a camera safari
to observe your tigers in their natural surroundings!
I do so wish you were here
I would make your wish come true....

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