Poetry competition CLOSED 5th September 2014 9:55pm
View Profile Poems by chalo246
RUNNER-UP: Soulesslywhole


Drug of enlightenment

Thought Provoker
United States 12awards
Joined 21st Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 166

Poetry Contest

How have drugs made something better for you?
I want to add something different to the competition page. This is not a criticism thread so any NEGATIVE feedback will be frowned upon and void any entries from that person so keep your NEGATIVE opinions to yourself please. That being said how have drugs positively affected your life? What did or do you like about your drug? By drug I mean anything, Weed, Acid, Alcohol, or even life. Anything you consider mind altering. I'm not going to judge you as a person, I've done my fair share of drugs myself so don't feel embarrassed or shy.

-What drug?
-Why did you enjoy your experience(s)?
-No word limit.
-Doesn't have to rhyme but make it flow (I don't want to get bored reading it).
-One entry only. (You may post as many as you like but only the first entry will count towards the competition).
-New or old
-Must be why you LIKED it (how it ruined life or hurt you is another competition)

poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 18th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 21

The Mind Of A Closet Tweaker
I'm living a lie ...
Wearing a mask,
Avoiding the truth,
Running from my past.
I'm so ashamed.
Guilt ices the cake of my heart.
I wish I could undo the mistakes I've made.
Given the chance,
I honestly don't know where I'd even start.
I'm living two separate lives ...
I've never felt so lost.
I'm trying so hard to prove them wrong.
But I can't control this inner want ...
I have an undying need for drugs.
Not knowing right from wrong ...
I act on my impulses.
My better judgment is long gone.
My addiction is growing stronger,
It's more powerful than I thought.
Buried balls deep in drugs,
My morals are starting to rot.
Time keeps ticking  
But I'm stuck reminiscing.
I'm not ready to accept reality ...
Let alone face my demons.
This cycle I must endure,
got my mind spinning.
But I've grown fond of this new way of living.
These drugs put me in a trance.
I'm unaware of my surroundings.
My minds in a comatose.
I'm adapting to this lack of being.
But as long as I'm still breathing,  
I won't ever stop believing!
I will fight to the death of me!
I would never let a substance get the best of me!
Because I am the creator of my own destiny.
~Mariah Dalli <3

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 18th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 21

The Voice of Crystal Meth
Listen to me.  
I'm your commander.
Fall down to your knees.
Listen closely ...
You love the sex,  
You love the drugs,
You hate life itself.
Why do you stand strong?
You have nothing in your so called life,
You act just like your mom.
You always come short,
So you give into my calls.
You think you're perfect?
I see only flaws!
You look so pathetic
But I could care less
You are stuck in my trap
You must play by my rules
Every order that comes from my lips you must do
I know you will
Nothing changes with you
You spit at your reflection
You smoke these drugs to make worse of your reputation
You disgust everyone you meet
keep listening to me I swear you'll find reality
Keep cutting your arms
Keep abusing drugs
Stay with the thieves
And hang around the thugs
Just whore yourself out until your a tweaked out mess
Then come back home to me
just listen, don't rest
prove them right
keep acting like a fool  
you have no more fight
just abide by my rules
You will live your life like a tool
You love to get used repeatedly
Less and less of a person
This plan ended just the way it was supposed to be
Now all you have is me
what should you do now?
Keep destroying yourself  
You are almost diminished
Just let it be and we'll be finished.
I was given two choices
Realizing crystal meth wasn't the answer
I decided to break the cycle
avoiding disaster
Still to this day I fight the urge
But I'll never give in
Because I know now that happiness is what I truly deserve
Written by: Mariah Dalli

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

C an there be no bloom of more fragrant perfume?
A ngels play pipes in praise, Gloria Patri!
N uncio exultation, Gloria Deo!
N eurons excitation, exhilaration soul illumination.
A flower of peace and love has been given to you.
B e not afraid for I bring you good news.
I mmaculate intoxication Spiritus Sanctus emulsion.
S olomon in all is glory is not as beautiful as the hippies’ lilies-of-the-valley.

Thought Provoker
United States 12awards
Joined 21st Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 166

Great job so far! Thank you for making this a competition already.
Mariah, unfortunately I can only count your first entry towards the competition as per the rules I have set but I welcome anything you would like to showcase. Keep it up folks!

Thought Provoker
Canada 2awards
Joined 3rd Dec 2010
Forum Posts: 22

it was the height of our narcotic indulgence
it was the absence of care or regret
blood shot eyes staring into each other
those were the brothers and sisters I met
and the bond that began to flow through us
like the chemicals pumped through our brains
were what kept us alive and together
through those awkward transitional days
we let go of childhood wonder
and wondered: "who the hell am I?''
well there was nothing like bongs and loose lips
to help keep our spirits high
we were blasted and spun out and twisted
until responsibility knocked on our door
well I'll tell you I fucking miss it
because I'm not a kid anymore
reality used to come briefly
between days and nights when we slept
but as soon as we woke and gathered
with the brothers and sisters we met
another adventure came calling
another new sin to try
and we thought: if we hold on to this feeling
we'll never grow old and die

Lost Thinker
Barbados 1awards
Joined 19th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 15

I wanted to Marry juanna
girl of dreams
we kissed and we fought
till we were on our knees

she was my heart of hearts
and when I saw her with another guy it made me turn Green
with envy but I should have seen it coming
cuz she never stayed long
she started pulling away from me and it didn't take long

she was my heart of heart
my dream girl of bliss
when I was with her I was at my craziest
and when she left me I felt so alone
so betrayed by her
it was like a cloud of smoking tried to snuff out my life

my friends took me out
we went partying and I met vodka and martina
as I tried to forget
but the pull was so strong I had some regrets  

when I woke up in the morning  
and I tried to forget
juanna appeared
and zoom went my regrets

and one day we'll get married
and live on a island of bliss
we'll run on the beach
live life and get pissed

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 24th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 2


The white ones made everything fuzzy
The blue ones made everything pretty
We were teenagers, young and dumb
Found our love in processed pills
I don't know where you got them
I don't even know what they were
I trusted you that they wouldn't hurt
Countless nights I spent with you
Feeling bared to existence itself
Our love intensified by the freedom
Then you said we had to stop
You didn't want anyone to get hurt
And even though you disappeared
You left a blue one and million memories
That pills still sits in the corner
A sentiment to medicines of our love

Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 28th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 198

* My drug is Beer, and alcohol, an not caring, otherwise, worrying about life was killing me, they have helped me take it slower and hang on*

Window at Night

Sitting in the night, takin in the coolness of it,

lookin out the window at all passing by, wishing I was twelve again,

Sitting in, reflecting on work, love and life, the bloody toll of it all,

Aint it fun when you know your gonna die young,

The phone rings, a friend, a family member,

calling to check in on you,

Making certain your alive,

making certain you haven’t literally choked anyone

Not an I Love You, not at first, but in closing afterwards, an act of kindness

Not even a courtesy, did you drink any today

but Rather a, “How much” have you drinken today

whats it matter I always tell em, it matters little

friends and family despising what you become,

the world still spins much as it has yesterday, an will again tomorrow, till kingdom comes,

I get up and move across the room, to a darken corner, where I sit and stare,

forgetting all the nonchalant, almost dumb care free shallow pessimists, an passer-byers,

I watch them go back an forth, so long, you don’t love me and I sure as hell don’t love you,

I return to my window at night, reach into the Minnie fridge, pull out another ice cold beer,

drink it down without breathing, reach in and grab another,

Breath again Eddie, Breath, you forgot to just breath again, you stupid moron…

It helps, it calms, at least Thirty damn more years of this,

God, aint it fun when you know your just gonna die young,

wasn’t there an appointment I made,

Something, somewhere, oh well, if it were important,

or rather, if I cared, I would have remembered it,

when I was younger, I cared enough to lie about missing things, said I was sick, I am so, So sorry,

a rookie at the grand art of self destructing myself, I would disseminate truth, its more acceptable,

but now, now I don’t give a fuck, I don’t even feel it, I am a bit what they call confrontational

Yeah I missed it all God damn it, I know,,, I was drinking, listenin to my music,

I blacked out, it happened so fast, was, such,, fun,,, you were sorely missed though... what are you gonna do about it,

Haha, Hahaha, yeah, aint I just this massive prick

and what about true love, I know it exists, if your strong enough, an open enough for it

But know this, all who ride that faded pony are faded to fall, personally, I’d rather drive a truck

but for what its worth, you want to know true love, I’ll tell ya,

My Mom and my Nana Tilly, those were the last of what I call True Love,

They were the last of the two women that loved me unconditionally

But, but they’re gone, died young, and before their time too,

They were so pretty and unique,

when they were still alive and around, it seems that all the caged birds were released, and the mountains sang out loud,

Now, now I sit in my window, at night, staring out at all the smug passer-byers,

with beer in hand,,, radio and a dark corner of the room ready

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2014
Forum Posts: 41

My drug of choice.

Adrenalin junkie, I confess.
The rush from head to toe, embraces me. Caresses my heart, seamlessly the burdens of reality are afar.

The closer I flow by death, the feeling becomes apart of me. Nothing else is real.
When it ends the thoughts flooding my mind are of a child with a grin, exclaiming again! again!.

It may never physically enter my veins, or race through my lungs. No matter it brings my mind to a natural high, opens my perception, and plants seeds of creativity. Just as a drug it brings me to the "9th cloud" of which I hear people speak of, and may one day be my demise, but the rush of the act I choose to partake in be it hanging from trees, or jumping from heights far from the eye's reach. It brings me back and makes me beg, more! more!.

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 6th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 9

The mystical eco-system!!!
The consciousness is con-generic to the clouds...
Never static and a shape shifter...

The thoughts are the unconstrained shinning river...
Changing its path...as the  nature desires...

The desires acts as the composite volcano...
Waiting to engulf the actual thoughts...

The general accomplishments are always deceiving...
Controlled by the external forces of the nature...

The soul is the ultimate ghost ship...
Ready to venture into the ultimate voyage of life...

Here, the life is the only so called reality...
Acting as the eco-system, connecting the unknown, as the anchor...

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 5th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 14

Smoke some more
Smoke some more
Smoke some more
It  ain’t like we’re poor
We got all the things we need
And I’ve got plenty of weed
Life is like a giant bud
And every living thing is a little speck of amazing
Everything from a cow chewing cud
To the flapping
Of butterfly wings
In the right situation
Can cause the world to change
Damn, I think this weed is starting to affect my brain
I guess that’s why it’s called the train wreck strain
So if a cow and a butterfly can make the world change
What can one stoner do?
I don’t have a clue
But I know what I’m about to
I’ll smoke weed
‘Till my lungs bleed
Then I’m gonna smoke some more…

poet Anonymous

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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 6th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 9

congrats Chalo!! thank you for sharing your thoughts...cheersszz...

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