Poetry competition CLOSED 29th June 2014 3:28am
seekingkate (kateA)
View Profile Poems by seekingkate
RUNNER-UP: LobodeSanPedro



Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 25th May 2013
Forum Posts: 109

Poetry Contest

Write A Poem , any style about Leo's.
What do you think about them? Who are mainly Leo's? What do they act like? What do they stand for? Are they Leader's or Assholes? You can use those questions or just go based off your opinion. Have fun you have a week!!

Tyrant of Words
Australia 28awards
Joined 20th May 2014
Forum Posts: 2082

she swings between idealism and a pain in the butt
most times she doesn't give a fuck

she has a presence about her or so she's been told
words like formidable force float around her soul

she thought she was mellowing but now she's not sure
cause she roared at her Doctor and sprang her claws

there's a deeper side to her which shows more than she thinks
she's empathetic, compassionate and sometimes, just sometimes, meek
and not just to those for whom she cares

she's a loyal friend and lover
of that you can be assured

she's not materialistic, well maybe sometimes
and she's the first to admit she has a good life

she may go off and lick her wounds but she won't hide for long
she always gets back up and roars 'bring it on'

when she was younger you could single her out
with her long copper/red hair all curls and strife

now that she's aged she keeps it short silver grey
she reckons she incognito
yeah, I don't think so....

poet Anonymous

I'm a Leo. . .so does this comp discount me from entering??

poet Anonymous

Do you mean Law Enforcement Officers? (LEO) or just people who are the astrological sign Leo?

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 25th May 2013
Forum Posts: 109

@AH2 I mean the astrological sign and @DevlinDLC No it does not, I would love to hear from another Leo.

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

Old? New?

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 25th May 2013
Forum Posts: 109

@LobodeSanPedrdo it's your rodeo : ). Anything you want just write.

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

The Jackals Feast

Foolish was Hippomenes when he did 
not  pay tribute to Venus for 
capturing the heart of the mesmerizing Atalanta
He should have known better 
Men died in pursuit of her beauty 

It was their star crossed love 
that binds  my fortune in the vengeance of Venus
For the two were cast out as lions 
Forever damned for tempting Fate  

My sign,  Leo, cursed and plagued 
to wear a hollow crown 
In a kingdom where I must do battle
With light footed jackals and crooked neck vultures
Who gladly wait to separate my flesh from bone and scream, 

"Here lies your king!"  

Sign of the sun 
I sought fluid petals to soothe
my scorched soul
My tawny coat and browned mane
Testament to my desert odyssey 
Without relief nor contentment 

Then the maiden came, the Aquarian
She bore a small vessel of water
She poured so that I might drink
Without question 
So that I might live 
With new conviction 

I led her to a bed of desert blooms
Five imperfect pulsating petals pirouetting off their stems that kissed her skin 
One by one 
She's seduced and intoxicated by the fragrant sun bathed roses 

Without hesitation she lets her tunic fall before me 
My growl is guttural 
I happily take her gift as a sign 

We're enthralled by the bliss of our own Eden 
Drunk in the vineyards of Bacchus

Now ruptured by the cackles and caws of jackals and hyenas
Blood has been spilled 
And they mean to feast too 

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304


Pearl of My Eye

Many see my brown skin
And coarse tufted ebony hair and think
Born of the jungle 
Wild and ravenous
He's a Leo 
That's what they are 
Stay away from that 

She was warned by many
That I would reek havoc
Just watch for the signs 
He is a predator 
He'll leave your carcass and soul for the jackals to pick at

She dared Fate and surrendered
to me in that first touch
She did not have to 
She had power of her own
Not just in her beauty that so many sought to conquer and slay
But within her vessel itself

This Aquarian carried life
When offered I gladly drank from it
It sated me
Restored my dignity 

She looked deep within my eyes
Saw the ebony pearls within
Placed one inside her challis to reaffirm our love 
We knew not what we dared  
Star crossed love has it's toll
A levy set by Venus and collected by Hades 
A price was paid 
The pearl washed away 

She bathed in rose hip, coconut milk and lilac to heal the wound 
The body is mended
But our hearts are trapped like stars in the sky for Juno to mock 
As she did Callisto 

Hidden by day
Imprisoned by night 
Star crossed love

No one mourns for us 
But all would trade a year for the
ecstasy we find in a solitary night

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

Please read the sign first
Cause I'm not Simba

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