Poetry competition CLOSED 29th June 2014 8:17pm
View Profile Poems by DarkinDreams
RUNNER-UP: CarrionCrow44

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What do you say?

Dangerous Mind
United States 13awards
Joined 10th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 153

Poetry Contest

Reincarnation: You are dead and on trial to see if you will be allowed to live another life.
The demon prosecutor says that the evil is engrained in your soul and that he should be allowed to take you where you belong. The angel defender tells the court that in your past lives you have never been given a proper chance to do good. That the lives that you were born into were set up for failure from the very start.
Reasons given:
1. You were always born into poverty.
2.If you had parents they were alcoholics, drug addicts or deviant in some other way.
3. Bright but without positive guidance.
4.Always abused, neglected and addicted to something.
5. Born to a life of servitude and discrimination.

Everyone wants to hear your side of the story. What do you say? Plead your case.

250 words maximum
1 submission per poet
new writes only
poetry or prose
No profanity ( your in God's courtroom)

Be serious and creative you are fighting to be allowed to live another life or be condemned to hell.

Strange Creature
Joined 9th June 2014
Forum Posts: 3

Dear prosecutor,
I must declare,
this unreasonable charge is so unfair
I never had a choice to where I was born
My childhood and youth already torn
I thought I was good until now, here I stand
I tried to be happy by my own hand
Nobody showed me what true love was,
so I never had a reason to follow a good cause,
so when I heard God loved me I had to laugh
When I didn´t know better than being daft
I understand now that my life was a mess
and for all I have done I will confess.
The drugs, the sex, the alcohol and the lies,
Where attracted to me as much as filth and flies
But I didn´t know better, I am only human after all
I didn´t realize more than angels could fall.
So please forgive my ignorance,
and give me a chance to set the balance

Dangerous Mind
United States 13awards
Joined 10th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 153

Thank you LadyElisabeth for kicking this off. Enjoyed reading your entry

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17111

Cycles of Karma

to breath again the sweet life's scents
of love and life, to give to laughter
earthly bound through a cycle doom
to live out a life to sire more souls
those I plead to cycle through

bitter bread had this soul broken
of poverty and hunger had traverse
a chance, a time to live again
to pay a debt to human born
a brief time, nay, a clock's chime
lay me back to earth, karma to serve.

Dangerous Mind
United States 13awards
Joined 10th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 153

Thank you for your entry, I enjoyed reading it.

Thought Provoker
Germany 4awards
Joined 27th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 144

Selfish desire

I spent my days in poverty,
I was no good, when I was younger,
but I have all the right to see,
if I can endure it a bit longer.

Let me go again, let me be terrified,
let me freeze and let me hunger,
till the day that I will die of fright,
cause these things will make me stronger.

I'm begging you to grant me one wish,
to let me enjoy once more
the selfish pleasure of a delicious dish,
of a new love or my first born.

I cursed the gods, yes, I cursed you.
Me begging for mercy, you judge over me.
What you wanted to know was the truth,
so I told you, now set me free.

Strange Creature
United States 1awards
Joined 15th June 2014
Forum Posts: 4

A mans true word is to live by his name
And having to build off feels all the same
I want to show you what I am who I am and why I am
Actions are the painters tool brush by game
But as well as my words are my canvas
Think what you must go on by what you feel
But hoping with my seal to show you why living once more can change
And to not make you feel strange
Find within your hearts that I am deserving
Right now just yearning
To make change of the heart to turn for better
Give me the one light that can once burn bright again

Sorry for how weird it is

Dangerous Mind
United States 13awards
Joined 10th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 153

Excellent writes thank you.

Thought Provoker
France 1awards
Joined 23rd Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 42

Why must you ask me if I want another life ?

When I was alive all I wanted to do was die .

Why dont you take me to hell where I belong insted of asking me if I want to go back on earth?

God you had me born on a earth where everyone calls me a deamon.

I dont care what your dission is but when I was on earth the one thing I wanted was to stop breathing.

If you were a god why did you allow suffring in the first place .

You are the creater who made this word why did you allow all that suffreing  and pain was it for your amusement?

If I must plead for my life then in that case make me a bird so that I can fly above this cruel and hateful world ...

God if your not happy with my answer then I dont realy care but thats what I had to say now take it or leave it .

The Rest is in your hands.

poet Anonymous

Present Company---Excluded?

Accusers expecting denials
with guilt filled sorrow
and my acceptance

of their inherent right to try me
like every angel isn't a demon
until questioned

and my future hinges on convincing them
that this lowly servant has failed

I can feel the fire get closer
and can't wait to escape present company

Dangerous Mind
United States 13awards
Joined 10th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 153

I love the different points of view on this from everyone. Thought provoking writes, all of them.

poet Anonymous

Ima Whipper Reincarnayted

I have reoccuring dreamz
& have scars on my wrists,
dem lines
hurt lyke hell.
I hear dem peeples
when I come back
to do my bloody thang.
So go ahead you judger,
sittin' up there,
high & myty lyke,
youse in there tew!

poet Anonymous

A Girl from The Hood

since the day I was,

to do a good thing,

not a gram of love,

not an ounce of hope,

not a pound of prosperity,


and still
with all this,
nothing will change,
'cause I'll just be thrown
back in the hood
as another girl
'cause this world needs
bad girls like me
to keep good girls,

and I don't mind.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 3645

set up

ol j.c. framed me
you got the wrong guy

i was just bringin some somberos back across the border
i didn't know there were mexicans under them

everybody always talks judas sellin out his boy
how come the trigga man with that spear in side doesn't get any play?
nobody even knows his name
i don't see what the big deal is anyway
dude only had to spend a few days in a cave
and then right back to acting strange
i stay in wait
to see that dude's face on a fucking easter egg
and you gonna put this lil bullshit on me?
and by the way fuck you D.A.
remember my people know where you stay

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 17th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 8

Feel myself sweating
Odd perception from where I kneel
The walls dipped in penance
And demon cluttered

Never knew my father
He beat me until I couldn't breathe
Imbedded greedy perception
I didn't have a chance

I forget her name
But I assume it's why I'm here
Didn't feel wrong at all
Well at the time

I'm painfully aware
That I have no appeal to make
A lifetime of indifference is my decision
Should I apologize now

Because denial is the easy way

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