Poetry competition CLOSED 11th June 2014 5:06pm
View Profile Poems by souladareatease
RUNNERS-UP: Imagining and EngrVV

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DU Member Grace

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17080

Poetry Contest

Poems or prose about the above member
Miki has kindly chosen me as a winner of the ongoing competition; so now its all about me. Tell me about me; what you think of me; what makes me tick...these are glimpses of me.

I am Grace
..."faith into this grace wherein we stand"
... "transcend the bondage of lifetimes of karma"

poet Anonymous

can we enter if we've won already?
I'd write one and just make it not a valid entry..
I should know this.....

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17080

Miki, thank you...honoured.

poet Anonymous

I'll be back :)

poet Anonymous


I've often thought how fitting her name is
no matter what she writes
there's a delicate finesse emitted
a beauty strong and gentle
she's graceful in every sense of the word

Her stanzas paint floral dew kissed pictures
invoke a loneliness and soothe with a calm kisses
she can roam the dreamworld and conjure the past
but she's grounded enough in her self to come back

her heart exudes a vibration that travels
long distance and through our beings past portals
open and extending
she paints nostalgia in beautiful colors
sadness like a pastel painting in words

I respect her as a person
she's an asset to all
she triumphs with the poise
we can all applaud

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17080

mikimoondancer said:

I've often thought how fitting her name is
no matter what she writes
there's a delicate finesse emitted
a beauty strong and gentle
she's graceful in every sense of the word

Her stanzas paint floral dew kissed pictures
invoke a loneliness and soothe with a calm kisses
she can roam the dreamworld and conjure the past
but she's grounded enough in her self to come back

her heart exudes a vibration that travels
long distance and through our beings past portals
open and extending
she paints nostalgia in beautiful colors
sadness like a pastel painting in words

I respect her as a person
she's an asset to all
she triumphs with the poise
we can all applaud

That's so kind, Miki. I think there are dusts in my eyes. Damn!

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17080


Stars of Justice

I am Libra, airy and bright
The scales of the zodiac
I am driven by desires
To learn the limits

I am a romantic
Follower of Venus
I choose the best of Love
In my love’s quest

I seek my soul mate
Among the stars
Often incompatible
But I love until I burn.

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483



Embrace the wood nymph of heavenly grace
grace sculptured with warm embrace
Visions of your poems inspire my mission
mission of charity only seen in my visions
Desire to help others becomes a roaring fire
fire culminating from the depths of my desire

Kind words of yours fill my empty mind
mind of mine thinking you’re one of a kind
Whispers of your loving heart in silent vespers
vespers culled from verses of poetic whispers
Wind shall carry your poems to the blind
blind to see the beauty of the passing wind

Desires to learn the limits caught in fire
fire ignited with love in cascading desires
Romantic you are and may seem pedantic
pedantic only to those who are not romantic
Seeking love among the stars when nobody is peeking
peeking in your beautiful mind is all I’m seeking

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17080

Thank you, EngrVV, for your kind participation.

Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 28th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 5085

The Glowing Guardian

Rites sprinkle covering One made starlight
steeped within majestic reverence Holy might

"That which is below corresponds to that which is above" *

Ink lain imagery awash with life
bound by Heart coupled with mind

Knowledge extraordinaire scribe of Earth
traveler borne fleet of tongue

Give Her blue skies grabbing warmth in lilac radiant hue
pause upon bright eyes and gorgeous smile drawing closeness in
The iridescent feather touch sits assuredly owned  between nimble fingers
catching everything the world so pours pooling every trickled stream
Constance She claims Herald for posterity worthy of righteous wing
tenderness My Dearest savior to Soul grip tightly Your glow
keep sight toward the sky Love it will never fall
for Atlas keeps his shoulder strong barring cleft from evertouch
walk past every rock infested snake path twirl upon meadow
Thy time flows precious float on along maple leaf way


Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17080

Thank you Soul for your entry.

poet Anonymous


As the darkened pool
Swirls of fish and sea weeds
The round full face of moon
Floats gently on the water

Neptunian waves spun from night
Weave threads from the tapestry
Of serenity and thought

She scales the words
Measures their meaning
As sirens awaken
From dreaming

From her hands
Sculpted scarlet verses
Ebb back , and forth

Holding the cosmic compass
The ocean sails
Through open horizons

Once upon a moon
Once upon a poem
Lunar wisdom found
Its rightful place

Her name chosen

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17080

Thank you Mourganna for kindly participating.

Fire of Insight
United States 8awards
Joined 10th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 270

Her eyes were born opened to the sun
Ancient waters sighed at her calm
Her first breath whispered
Nature’s eloquence

Her life isn’t abridged by a soul
needing to make sense of the narrative
To bring coherence to the
Constant drift of dreams.

Surrounded by stillness, alone in silence
a wood nymph  
 Dips her pen in vivid hues  
writing on yellow flower petals
her textured  poetic  verse.

A tempered euphony
 in time with her inner metronome
Never simple her symbolic truth:
Like a  kiss flying quietly into a spring rain

Beauty divine
defined through the
shadow images of life,
love,and sorrow

revealing her inner light

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17080

Thank you so much Glynis for participating.

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