Poetry competition CLOSED 1st June 2014 2:51am
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The "Stupid" Competition

Twisted Dreamer
United States 14awards
Joined 21st July 2012
Forum Posts: 240

He Broke Your Mind

Why are you so defiant,
do you need rescuing?
Refusing to help yourself,
how am I supposed to cope
with your broken mentality?

Blaming your neighbor
for your downfall, but when
are you taking responsibility
for your actions above all?

Let me remind you girl,
he left you high and dry
crying for days all night
but you still yell his name
far and wide

Beat you senseless twice
called you Bitch! every night
said you might as well commit
suicide because sooner or later
you would be a victim of his nine.

You still want him in your arms
have you lost your mind?
What part of death don't
you seem to understand?

How can I respect
you when you can't respect your
own life? He doesn't want you as
his wife, all he wants is your downfall.

On the floor sobbing over what?
He hates your filthy guts,
what has he done to your mind?
Press play stupid, stuck on rewind.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

~stupid love~

stupid love
stupid people
stupid things

poet Anonymous


I cracked open a walnut
beneath the canine of my tooth
and out spilled maggots
writhing in amnesiatic verse
vile-ing in insomniactic pain
while midnight in the evil of garden and lust prevailed.
Sir Serpentine Jesus said to take down my hair
and splay open my breasts to feed its poor
he said, eve is upon adam - I said, F.U.C.K.
you, for unlawful carnal knowledge
I banged my head, fell victim to the mosh
so sad is the sinner sinning
who tries to become holy holier-
I know nothing of this life
only how to crack a walnut
and avoid being fucked to death

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Strange Creature
United States
Joined 30th May 2014
Forum Posts: 3

I feel nothing.
but a slight tingle,
from the numbness in my fingertips.
I sit with my knees pulled tight to my chest,
trying to remember what it's like to be held by you.
Salt tracks run down my cheekbones,
from hot tears that burn my face.
Red tracks sit on my wrists,
that remind me I am still alive.
No thoughts fill my head,
I am empty.
I am alone.
My mother screams at me,
so I remember that being sad is a privilege,
and I have not earned the right.
I didn't know it was possible to love someone too much, until I fell asleep next to you and couldn't wake the f*ck up no matter how hard you shook me.

poet Anonymous

Poor depth perception

Been seeking redemption since inception
I wonder what stars sounds like
How do planes stay up there
There's a ghost in here I swear

It's all a numbers game
Adding it up and summing short, tsk, tsk, for shame
Fuck you and your emotional baggage that shit is lame  

Need to rent a u-haul to carry it all

Slap that bitch Cupid, that fat little fuck is stooooopid

You didn't know It's all global warming
Green house effect is effecting my paycheck

Omg this is gross, take a bite

You're not wrong but you're not right

ewww my hand smells like shit---here smell it

What the fuck is wrong with this idiot?

Legalize it
Penalize it
The ice caps are melting because of it
Stop smoking that shit, wait let me get a hit

I did not have sexual relations with that woman while I was having sexual relations with that woman, that's redundant, it's cool at least he played the sax like he meant it

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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