Poetry competition CLOSED 1st June 2014 9:48am
View Profile Poems by HadesRising

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Evil never has...

Miss Indie
Tyrant of Words
Australia 39awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 3279

Poetry Contest

What do you mean evil has never loved you like I do?
Write a poem inspired by the line above.


1 poem per person
Most genres allowed.
NO erotica, or rape fantasy pieces
NO graphic,  unnecessary violence.
Violence and/or gore permitted as long as its tasteful and integral to the piece.
NO really long poems. 500 words max.

Two weeks.
Have fun.

poet Anonymous

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Miss Indie
Tyrant of Words
Australia 39awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 3279

Thank you Madame Lavender for diving in with the first poem of the comp

Miss Indie
Tyrant of Words
Australia 39awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 3279

10 days left

poet Anonymous


From her porcelain fingertips
the structured sculpting
Calligraphy constructure composed

From fatal Flesh
How these warm palms
Landscaped lifelines

Through the balm
Of an image floating upon the waters
This journey through the navel string

Through the ovary
Of fetal fear
The premature ejaculation


Miss Indie
Tyrant of Words
Australia 39awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 3279

Thank you Mourgana for your entry

poet Anonymous

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Miss Indie
Tyrant of Words
Australia 39awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 3279

Thank you for Stillborn, for your submission. [Smile]

Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625


Seasons pass in hollow facades
But your face remains the same
Through the winter’s freeze
And summer’s inferno
Still, I wait eternally

She’s lingering
Still lingering
Under those full moons
At the edge of the woods
Evil looks good on you
But the devil could never
Love you as much as I do

In the cold mist of haunted moors
Your spectral face beyond the doors
Hanging in the trees
Calling my cursed name
Haunting this eternity

She’s judging me
Still judging me
Looking in my soul
A heart as black as coal
Ashes look good on you
But the devil could never
Love you as much as I do

In those early hours
She sings a siren song
To lure in travelers
Lost in the fog
I am drawn to her like
A moth to the fire
Only damnation there
Sweetly beckons

Her hair shimmers like a black rose
Burns with magic where wild things grow
Singing of my needs
Beckoning me forward
For love through eternity

She’s hungering
Still hungering
For a piece of meat
Hanging from blackened trees
Crimson looks good on you
But the devil never could
Love you as much as I do

Miss Indie
Tyrant of Words
Australia 39awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 3279

Thank you Hades Rising

Miss Indie
Tyrant of Words
Australia 39awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 3279

9 days to go...

poet Anonymous

Mistress E

My brain
is trying to comprehend
the infinite
of your barbwire fences
choking the eternal randomness of
my multicolored heart
for each time you lay your dark death
upon my lively soul
I swear I could feel
your copulation conspiring
between the righteous and the wicked
and me. . .evil, while thoroughly evasive
within you, can never love you like I love you ~
your dark mistress of the night

come to me, my love,
for your evil
never looked so fucking beautiful
until tonight

Miss Indie
Tyrant of Words
Australia 39awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 3279

Thank you Devlin

Dangerous Mind
Ukraine 2awards
Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051

Damsabelle rues  
free expression of  
my answer to thee question
Erotica intertwined evil's fine line
down his tingled spine
from kisses mine

We will have NO Buffet slaughter with words
Strictly A la Carte

from my palette color water daughter

I'm thinking of Probiotical Love

Which is to say that I loved you from within

I wish you could have called me "Prince Evil"
But I did not wish to be consumed by you

Curry and love are just one and the same

Miss Indie
Tyrant of Words
Australia 39awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 3279

Thank you for your submission Mr Rabbit

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