Poetry competition CLOSED 9th March 2014 5:48am
Page_Writer (Mad Girl)
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RUNNER-UP: tommielynn

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Married to Death

Mad Girl
Thought Provoker
United States 19awards
Joined 25th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 183

Persephone's Throne

Death took me young.
Brought me to his cold & forgotten realm--
Deep inside the ground.
There is mostly darkness here.
No sun reaches Hell.
My already pale complexion has become ghastly white.
Like the moon's face in the sky.
My hands are cold to touch.
And my eyes have sunken, dark rings encircle them--
Like picture frames.
But Death waits on me, calls me his queen.
He fashioned me a throne--
"I am not Persephone" I try to tell him.
But he does not listen.
His hair is black like his obsidian eyes.
Or the rare black diamonds he gives to me--
Fashioning it into rare and ornate, impossible of ever exisiting jewelry.
I don't want to accept it but he is not cruel.
As so many stories have told me. . .
He tells me that I am his new queen.
That his old one, she did leave.
She parted from him, unhappy with his realm.
His kingdom, the throne, the jewelry he gave her.
I told him that I am, as well am unhappy with these gifts.
It hurt but I had to explain, that in the end I wasn't sure if I could remain his queen.
Abandon a life spent in solitude and become the queen of the Underworld?
I was already dead.
There was no point in trying to go deny it, or trying to go back.
I found that maybe I could love him, this Lord of darkness.
With a lonely heart made of stone, cut perfectly like a diamond-- With sharp edges of glass.
"Why do you still stay when so many others would rather go?"
I couldn't answer him "I-- I don't know, maybe because it was my choice to die."
My choice. . . My death. . . My suicide.
Realizing what I left behind.
Broken hearts and shattered minds.
"I can never go back--" Realization cracking my voice.
"No-- I am sorry but you, you are dead. I can send along the river, along the Styx to rest.
Rest in peace like mortals do, although you'll make a rather lovely Goddess."
I blushed, Goddess me-- That's not real.
Only in stories, books and movies.
That's not a real thing, even now it can't be real.
But he's standing right in front of me, offering me a deal.
Rest in peace for eternity. . .
Or rule over this realm as his queen?
I look away from him from the balcony's wall, the souls being escorted into the boat.
The boat that would take them down the River Styx.
I didn't want to go.
Because there was nothing at the end of the ride.
Just ending, I don't want to really die.
It's enough that the world above thinks I'm dead.
I don't want to end for good.
At least I am breathing, in a sense.
At least I am moving, dreaming, sleeping and if I wanted to I could eat, something.
Persephone hated it here, because she was meant to be in the spring time.
She was meant to dance among flowers and smile with the sun.
I choose to recluse inside of darkness.
And now here I am, Persephone's throne.
Besides the man she left behind--
A man whose has done nothing but bring me (ironically) back to life.
In this kingdom of the dead.
Of darkness & decay.
Why not?
Why not?
Why not?
Why not stay?
I have ended my life, by choice with my hand.
I'll never marry or live or laugh.
But this man, this man whose has taken me in--
He is, all I have left.
I take his hand in mine, he jumps at my touch.
Probably never been touched in a long time.
"I want to stay--" I start but he stops me.
"I can give you back your life" he says to me.
I stare at him, "But wh-- why?"
"Because you're too beautiful for such a place as this" he says to me.
And then he kissed me, gently, heavenly, deeply on the lips.
A kiss of death--
And I was gone for good.
"I don't want to go--" I finally manage to say.
"No, I don't want to leave. There is nothing up there for me."
"Life, breathing, laughter and joy."
"I want to stay with you--" I am begging, cause I don't want to go.
This cold and desolate place, this place is my home.
"You want to stay here, forever, remain as my queen?"
"Yes, I-- I do" I said to him, and I kissed him in return.
Married to death.
Danced with the devil.
Dragged to Hell against my will.
I asked for this.
For the pain to end.
Not the find an understanding and caring new friend.
A gown was made.
And bells rang.
I became a Goddess of darkness, of the dead.
The Underworld was where I ruled.
Beside my husband on the thrones of obsidian, black diamonds and white gold.
I am paler then ever, with rings around my eyes.
I am cold to the touch, though my love keeps my veins burning alive.
My heart throbbing on, somehow still alive.
My veins are blue, my skin translucent as ice.
I am dead, but still alive. . .
Death took my young.
And made me his wife.
It may have been a shot in the dark, when I was ending my life.
But I took it with no regrets, the pain will subside and I will forget.
Within due time.
For now I shall sit on Persephone's throne.
Looking over my new kingdom, my new home.
Deep inside of the ground.
Where no sunlight reaches.
Only darkness reigns over all.
I am Hades new bride.
And I am Mistress of this realm.

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14643

The incident, or catalyst if its preferred
occurred one spring afternoon
upon exiting the local newsagent, laden
with a big brown paper bag of fizzy flying saucers  
and little white mice

I'd seen him go in
mostly because he'd stuck out so much
his fine shoes, suit and tie
flashy rings and expensive looking golden watch

when he came out
he was scratching wildly on a card
stopped briefly
then entered his car and shot himself through the mouth
apparently he'd won five hundred pounds
but that's neither here nor there
unless you're a thinker, in which case
you've probably worked that particular why
to a sensible summation  

poet Anonymous


I'll keep your words as small gifts you once gave me, silently, in the dark where the blackness blotted out everything but the belief. I would feel your kisses branded on my face; burnt offerings to my inner goddess as we knelt in prayer whispering our incantations to each other. We cried out poems scratched in passionate overthrows, songs of melancholy we composed from the seeds of woe- and that is where we resided.

I've never known a revelation to be happy. The prophecies came and the globe started shaking. There was fire in your eyes that left scorched prints in the dirt. You took my hand and we waltzed into Hell, one perfect step after another. God was dead and the sun withered into the sea before red eyes and pierced hands that sympathised with the night.

And when we shivered, heaven feared to take us. Electric eyes darted in the storm. Pin-prick pupils permeated the velvet that cloaked our nakedness. We clawed the walls with ravenous gratitude, opened wide our youthful mouths and waited for evil to take sanctuary. We spoke in tongues so effortlessly in our wake: "sing to me, death house, let us serenade eternity within our wisdom so I may bow before your reverence."

Our skin, ripped as temple curtains spelled out stories of wrath below burning finger tips. Blood quaffed our sin below sinuous voids. Your head fell back in glorious orgasmic surrender. The wolves howled their rituals to ricochet through the trees, and I clung to you as a witch claims the living, to stay forever young and beautiful.

Our love transcended the pain of life. Even now, when I stare at the moon and dream of where you roam, I wonder if the stars still split in fear of us living. If the infinite shadows of space were ever empty enough to hold the chaos of us I hold so deeply. When the deep red tendrils of morning finger the dawning sky - I see skin. I see the ripped guts spilling from you and I that tremble in the cold, and fear I will take you to the grave.

The sleep is so long.

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1260

"It was the war that brought us together"

Unholy fallen seed.  No escape your my destiny.
It wasn't just love but a treaty written thousands
upon thousands of countless Eons ago.

Ancient powers of darkness had beached me and this
would be all that I would know.  I had a talent for
enticing and attracting the supernatural.  Maybe it was my perception of the arcane reality before me.  The way my mind had woven together the cryptic elements of nature.  In a way it was my own fault for it had become our engagement.
And in the end would seal any escape from this untimely and
yet so tangible frightening danger.

So now we are tighter.....  2 souls almost one....
Is that what the war wanted???  Is that what we had to become...  In order to satisfy the parliamentary facets of ambiguity?    

 As this gauntlet became one.  And the intermingling of a
conclave of clandestine unities were undone.
Beyond marriage beyond blood oath!  Beyond souls that were
seared.  We were literally ordained and fused by greater powers in which we had no say in.  This was the War the true war.
This would be the battle.  In which we had met.  This would be
the forefront of our unending and incorruptible corruptions of
untellable unquantifiable debts.

Thought Provoker
United States 7awards
Joined 5th Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 206

In Love with an Immortal

Never have I seen something so beautiful
I am addicted to this feeling

I have the gift of sight
The ability to see the metaphysical world
And of all the metaphysical beings
I fell in love with Anubis

Seeing him standing over a newly deceased
The soul rise out of the cooling body
Only to be guided
To the underworld

I love Anubis
With his flawless body
And his slick
Jackal head
I vow to see Anubis as often as I can
And so I will remove lives from this world

Everyday I see his flawlessness
I bleed the life out of an undeserving being
Just to feed
My own addiction

Whenever he appears
There is a hush that settles around the area
Time seems to slow
I feel my life force wanting to exit my body
These feelings
Are invigorating
And I cannot
Get enough of them

I am in love with Anubis
He is my one and only
I will be his
For all eternity

poet Anonymous

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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


No couple is together forever
There is no such thing happily ever after
One of us will move on before the other
The other will be the lone survivor
So promise me this, my lover
Whose ever first to cross that immortal river
Let them wait with patient heart
To greet the other
When it’s their turn to enter

Thought Provoker
Joined 11th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 91

                          Chained Forever To The Shadows
                           Black pedals falling from the sky
                           bleeding rose
                           lost in a labyrith
                           chased by the blue demon
                           a million years
                           ice cold tears
                           broken promises
                           heart torn to pieces
                           no light in the end
                           only hate
                           no spells to break
                           chained forever to the shadows.

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 19th Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 292

i opened the door..
i demanded it take me..
i failed it once more..

Strange Creature
Joined 10th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 4

I sat on the clouds,
staring at the horizons
Dim yellowish red lights
radiated from the radius of the moon
The night seemed peaceful
Even the wind agreed with me,
as it nodded its head silently,
Making the gentle dusts rise
And the grasses rustle softly
The earth seemed happy
Even the animals played hide and seek
I stared blankly,
envying the rat, who always won the game
Cause it always hid in nearby holes
The hunger pangs in my stomach brought
me back to reality
I stood up lackadaisically
This had become a routine,
a daily routine
My door creaked loudly as I opened it firmly
I heard footsteps closing and tensions building
They stared at me
Those fiery red eyes
They lunged forward,
Each asking for a piece of my soul
I didn’t bother fighting them
I was helpless!
They pierced into my soul
I squawked in dread
I was fully engulfed in it
My veins were swollen with doom
With their blasphemous lips,
they kissed me cadaverously
Those scaly lips tasted of rot
Rot and excruciating pain
I put my trembling fingers on the door knob,
attempting to escape,
trying to run from the venom tongued demons
The demons were in my head
The demons were in my thoughts
The demons were my thoughts
My mouth was foaming
I collapsed at the doorstep
Bottles clinkered, clinging sounds,
as I sat on the ground, trembling
My heart beating out of my chest
I drank to drown my sorrows
They still always came back,
like a sprung yoyo
I closed my kaleidoscope eyes
The memories flooded
Frozen images rolled all around
Summer time fine, she was
Long eyelashes,
Beautifying her intense glare,
making you yearn
She had a mesmerizing beauty
A dark beauty
One I could not comprehend
She wore her hair black,
darker than the slit gown she wore
Darker than the black lipstick she wore
She dominated me
I knew it
Yet I always craved for her
I knew she had a spell on me
I didn’t care
I knew I was next
I didn’t care
Her skin had turned pale
Her eyes had become deem
Her hair scaled
I knew what that meant
The thoughts sent chills down
I put my head down
Tears fell stream long
The pictures flashed around
I had seen my name crossed out on the paper,
crossed in blood,
her blood
The full moon shone,
It was a full moon
Yet I still didn’t want to leave
I felt a hand tap me
I looked up
She smiled at me,
her flawless smile left me momentarily numb
She drew me close
Her breath flooded the air until I chocked
Intoxicating me with a sedating sensation
I was in love with her,
with a vampire
She rubbed my head,
i closed my eyes as her touch hypnotized me
She pointed her hand to the direction of the room,
the room she called the sacred room
The room stank of sulfur and dried blood
I could hear hideous laughter’s from unseen beings around
When I opened my eyes,
i found out I was in the middle of a pentagram
At the end of the triangle in front was a tub,
a tub full of blood
At the other end was a throne
There she sat
She wore a crown of crows
A tear dropped from my left eye
Two invisible forces led me to the front of the tub
She came down from her throne
Her eye blacker than that of a shark
Her fangs pointed, glistening in the semi lit room
Her tongue flickered around,
like a flirting reptile
She walked in calculated steps towards me
Saying inaudible things under her breathe
”I don’t want to die”
I muttered under muffled breathe
She lunged towards my neck suddenly
I pushed her with all my gathered strength
The door closed as I ran towards it
I looked back
Her depth of the darkness in her eyes froze me,
The air got choky
More sulfur smell
Glass bottles were thrown towards my direction
I had upset the unseen beings
She stood up slowly
I hit the door with all my human might
Levitating from the floor,
her legs on the air
her shoulders bent
her neck twisted
She slid on her toes towards me
Strong forces held me down
I screamed uncontrollably,
in indecipherable torment
Jumping from my bed I screamed
I was on my bed
In my own house
Sweat drenched my shirt
Reality slowly creeped into my head,
into my consciousness
Everywhere was silent,
apart from the severe throbbing of my chest
I was alone in my room
There was no danger
“Hey Ake”
I heard my girlfriend’s voice in my room say
She wasn’t in the room when I slept,
How did she come in?
I turned the light in the room on hurriedly
There she was
Smiling mischievously
A droplet of blood
at the curve of her mouth
“Bye Ake”
She pounced on me

Fire of Insight
Japan 10awards
Joined 19th July 2011
Forum Posts: 216

暗い悪夢****kurai akumu

Dance dance to thy evil song
We all must sing and play along
But to self and by own must make a lead
To make your own egocentric breed
Killing me softly with the various doubts
Not knowing at all what this is about
My little light that's left in me
I have to find out what ye it ot be
Sketch the picture and draw it well
Morphine in all is my inadequate spell
Swap crop and Dance once more
Till the sun dies out and melts to core

La la la boku wa tsuyoi da,
boku wa tsuyoi da

hes my love hes my heart
not even death can tear us apart
tho he be the devil in us
love in heart is what i trust.

stuck to soul stuck to hand
together darkness takes over the land

bodies touch, stick with heat
joined as one our lips will meet

To the melody once has gone no more
Evil he is we all just see
It's plan and simple it must be
But must he die this dreadful way
In his grave we all watch him in place he lay
No longer have light in this the dark room
revolting of all floats the tomb

versus  leap like the rock on thou art to wreck
A part of him has grown in me, what did you expect?
No longer this melody repeats the play
Knees and hands children pray.

he sought his soul he could not see
he fought the god preached by thee

questions whispered which made trees fall
but if ye lack love thou art shall call

so fantasy and dreams may never come true
this boy was the akuma deep within who?

Dance dance to thy evil song
We all must sing and play along
there is no light that's left in he
to find out what happened we ot to see

-Kumiko yamamoto
boku wa tsuyoi da- im strong

Strange Creature
Joined 7th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 1


The obsession clouds my dirty eyes
My Lover, my Abuser,
Scarring up my arms

The quicksand of my lust for you
Brings me swiftly to my knees
It's a beautiful sunrise, followed by only doom

The mind-numbing bliss is all I remember
Your ghost haunts my every thought
Seduction; you had me at first poke

My house of pretty cards
Has fallen into decay
The harm from my lies is all that remains

I cry out to God
And not one of them hears
This complete self-destruction is too much to bear

Alas, forever intertwined by primal lust
Married to Death
Till'  overdose due us apart

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 16th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 7


Shortly into the summer season we danced and raved along a love
We promised each as we became one,fore I say to Deanna till death due us apart
Shall we cover are hearts into the night.

Suddenly it was if lightning struck twice abound from my hands fore my vowls
have beaten me ,bruised wasted inside a high I left standing there blooded,soiled from head
to toe,hands shaking,my mind spinning staring at the body on the floor,screaming inside yet no one
could hear my pain,still my murder became my life ,my time .

I pick the phone up ,call to her in whispers ,I love you ,I love you,all i could hear was hello,hello darling is that you
I hang up rushing home to confess my foul play ,yet her concen was my injury ,sacred
that I was insane,maybe broken she says to me it will be alright!!

As thirteen years go by,and by my solitude had rendered my mind,still it's has forsaken that
Deanna I may not return too,it felt like lightning ,the waves of news rushing me !my darling my dear
has been murdered ,fore Iam useless ,my alibi is my murder ,I need to help her
I'm going insane why,why ,why.

As so Iam married to death..

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 16th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 7


Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 7th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 159

My prison

My sweet dove who's name rhythms with love.

My sweet love who is named beth.

Fly away from these black gates.

Those black gates named life.

Take this silver key, or you will die.

Listen to the sound of chains rattling, there my cries for help.

My sweet dove who's name rhythms with love.

My sweet love who's name is beth.

You brought me here my dove.

To the prison of my mind.

This path is darkened and stained by the blood of innocence.

Its a black stair well that leads to the bitter tragic story which is love.

Spined into a never ending spiral of mixed emotions, those emotions being my dreams.

My sweet dove who's name rhymes with love.

My sweet love who's name is beth.

You made me a demon, a servant to Satan.

This is a noble crusade, or so I thought.

I should see love in your eyes, but I only see hell.

You made my face black and blue.

From the scars of our love.

My heart has stitches from breaking in two.

My sweet dove who's name rhymes with love.

My sweet love who's name is beth.

You deceived me and god.

The tears I might have shed for you.

Grow cold and turn to tears of hate.

The cold darkness of deception surrounds my very being.

Keep on speaking words of passion and joy.

I won't be tricked again by you.

For you are Judas.

You speak the lies of the snake.

You ate my heart this valentines.

Have you no pity?

Look in the mirror.

I used to see you with roses.

Now I see you with Lucifer.

Your faces smiling at me with glee.

Did you think its fine to play with my life?

Take my black key.

Enter my world.

See what you have led me to.

Who's the real monster?

How Foolish!

How mistaken I was!

You collect millions of hearts

With no care.

You have mine under black strings.

Strings that pull and tug.

Can I ever escape these chains?

In your hands you have the stains of blood upon your hands.

Crimson red cover your hands and heart.

Your the siren who's voice tempts and provokes me.

Your voice is a gift from the devil.

And will be a curse to you.

Your love is that of the forbidden fruit from the garden of eden.

Your voice is that of the black serpent.

Making the heavy shackles of our steeple.

You made me a wanderer.

Forever longing to free myself of these heavy shackles.

Seeking a home deep inside.

To find the bitter emptiness of a dark pit that never ends.

Surely the devil shows mercy then you.

For glittering gold can be as black as coal.

You shall always tug my heart with strings.

The truth I now will tell..

For I love you...

And I shall to the end of time.

Even if it will surely be my death.

Even if it binds me to this vast prison.

Love is the most complicated of emotions.

I pray we meet again..

But I doubt any mercy from God is forgotten.

This is goodbye my sweet dove who's name means death.

Who wields a silver blade above my head.

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