Poetry competition CLOSED 14th November 2013 6:14am
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War zone

poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 17th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 8

Ashes to Ashes

Tighten flesh
Bones poking through
Hatred without provocation

Roots exposed
Bodies piled together
Six million shoes on display

Ashes to ashes
Silence when it's over
Remnants remain
Haunting still

Queer or Jew
We don't discriminate
The aryan race, your superior

Bleach the eyes
Sown your fate today
Went so far beyond wrong

Ashes to ashes
Silence when it's over
Remnants remain
Haunting still

Left alone
Your soul in ruin
Took a long time to heal

Return alive
Numbers on wrist
Tearfully, you remember

Sacrifice by fire

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17077

Lest we Forget

Silent shadows
filing up the tropical mountains
Forced death march
by the conqueror
God turned away
from his children
Who fought and killed
for dominance of His creations
In a land other than their own
Full blasts, angry greedy minds
of puny leaders
To ground the meek,
force the inhabitants
To bow to their mighty civilisation,
The proud  Flag
of the Rising Sun flew
flew over Borneo, over the Pinoys,
the Sulus, the kings of the seas
the sea dwellers, the seafarers
the tribal hill  warriors
the graceful plains people

The sky woke up to man-made lightnings
The ground shook with thunder
The innocent lost their loved ones
Lost their innocence
Hell's gate opened, Paradise lost,
Fruits of rape, pillage and plunder
Of mindless acts urged by lust
hate and anger
The Islanders know still
We will always remember.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Faith & Rockets

The Muslim faces Mecca,
prostrate in prayer,
the GI faces north at Kandahar
prostrate in terror,
both directions promise salvation.

One from sin,
the other from shrapnel.

Who is to say
which way is more pious?
In lands where faith
is measured in "who kills more".

Dogma draped in disciples,
promises bound by blood,
iron versus the Word,

I believe what I can feel.
You believe in a legend,
that has abandoned you,
and leaves you,
grasping at the stars,
who laugh & pity you,
at the same time.

God's will.
Iron will.
Which penetrates flesh
more finely?
more finitely?
Both kill.  

poet Anonymous


Written during a rocket attack at Kandahar Airfield on 19 Aug 2012.

the rockets come
as the call to prayer sounds
God's greatness is proclaimed
amid murderous thunder

i contemplate this,
on the floor of my room
the explosions get closer
i feel the blood leave my face

allah u akbar
allau u akbar
Eid al Fitr
the fast is as broken
as the peace we had known

messages of love and worship
reinforced with offerings of death
we are mad, and do not deserve
the bounty of this world

the imam's words drift
over the base, the rockets
sharp cracks echo into the heavens
allah u akbar......boom
allah u akbar
allah u akbar....boom

i miss my wife and my dog
i miss my nephew and my guitars
i miss my bikes and my solitude
to huddle in masses is a low state of being
i miss the pastures of my Father's farm
i miss the embrace of a German forest in Winter
allah u akbar
allah u akbar
allah u akbar

there is no all clear
just words of prayer
i do not undertand
is god great?  i think rockets are greater

they carry real fear,
i do not even think
of god now, i steadfastly remain
an athiest in a foxhole....
i mean, an athiest on the floor of his room

poet Anonymous

Fourteen and a Wake Up

The journey into the region
brought thoughts exposed
and automatic
somewhat became routine.

I saw a man get shot;
he dropped
but feet from me.

He had been running
and I wondered?
Did it have meaning to him?

The determined suffered
more than the dead.

They were fine and dead

I had to recover
from what my mind
had just obtained.

To shout about later

Consistent was nowhere
to be found
when countless days
had increased the unknown.

The charmed sense of team;
has to endure,
yet the minds squeezing
threatened one regularly

Waiting for it to end

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483



Ephemeral wildflowers covered the fields:
asters, goldenrods and black-eyed susans -
a mosaic of colors on the landscape
like paint on canvas – a wonderful sight
trampled upon by men with guns
and horse-drawn artilleries from both
the Confederate and Union troops.

Soon the largest battle ever fought
during the civil war ensued,
for three unrelenting days, it lasted
Thousands have died, got wounded,
and thousands more were missing…

Thousands of bodies lay blackened,
bloated and festering under the July sun
The once mosaic of colors now gone,
beautiful landscape painted with blood
witnessed by peach and apple trees
that can hardly provide protection
from the advancing cavalry men.

The gallantry of men who fought—
remembered and honored, they were
by our beloved president, Lincoln
on his famous Gettysburg address
They may have died and suffered
for what they firmly believe,
but their heroic deeds will remain
forever in our brains...

None of them left standing,
but monuments have risen
from where they had fallen,
the wildflowers continue to bloom
and that old sturdy apple tree –
probably the only silent witness left
to the follies and wickedness of war
Today it’s still standing tall
whispering through the misty Fall breeze,
as it gently leaves my ears with a tender kiss,
“When will you foolish guys ever learn?”

D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind
United States 40awards
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483



Clouds of mushrooms in the air
appeared like a nightmare
as “Little Boy” was dropped
by American airmen -
an unwanted gift
to Hiroshima residents—
victims of radiation sickness
due to nuclear fall-out.
Followed by “Fat Man”
in Nagasaki: a costly price
for ignoring ultimatum
to surrender
by the Japanese government
during World War II.

Two cities became a graveyard
without tombstones
Acid rain mixed with teardrops
unable to fall…
Unimaginable acts of violence
and cruelty to men,
a blessing in disguise for those
inside concentration camps,
but a deadly cancer to the minds
of everyone who lives to tell
their sorrows and harrowing tale.

Are we really born to wage wars
against one another?
From the days of David and Goliath
to the Battle of Armageddon as foretold,
Are we in times of a transitional state
from one big war to a bigger war,
until we reach the final destruction of mankind?
Don’t you think that the current strifes and chaos
are just part of a grandiose plan
by corrupt and greedy warmongers?
Harbingers of death—they are
they couldn’t care less,
as long as their pockets are full.
They are deadly cancers to society
in which we unfortunately live;
unless we find a cure,
we’ll all suffer for sure…

poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 31st Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 190

Over 300 men, woman, and children killed
A child still suckling
From a dead mother breast
Killed in cold blood
They even killed their own
They still blame us
How could that be?
They disarmed us
Took everything but our spirit
A simple argument over a weapon
With a man of child-like mind
Led to an unjust slaughter
Of innocent peoples
Running for their lives
Hiding in indents in the canyon
Watching their brothers fall
Eyes open mouths gaping
Blood pooling on the
Cold frozen ground

Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 31st Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 190

Twisted Dreamer
United States 14awards
Joined 21st July 2012
Forum Posts: 240

War Zone

Wars depress but is a necessary evil,
Wars kill and bring tears to men
From the mean streets of Watts
All the way to the alleys of Iraq.

Nothing the good can do but pray
Knowing tomorrow represents a gleam
Of hope in a place where war is part
Of the everyday norm so we're sworn
Into a life of guns and bad outcomes.

Two twenty two's adorn the mantle
Determined to show a smile before flying 
away into heaven's long stretch arms, 
changing lives without means while we keep 
getting up in the face of adversity so please
Let it be known that evil will not prevail.

There's different type of wars, those in
The streets and those in political sheets
Save your breath if you feel things will
Change but knowledge rules supreme.

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