Poetry competition CLOSED 19th October 2013 11:23pm
View Profile Poems by 13
RUNNER-UP: case28

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the amputees club

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

Poetry Contest

we all get together once a week nobody turns up but this 1 guy who keeps tellin the story of how back in the war he was choppin the broccoli and his hand slipped and now hes only got 1 eye half a leg a severed nerve millimetres from the femoral artery..
write about how you lost a body part. can be tru lyf / conceptual / my gf left me it ripped a hole in my heart and my ass at the same time/.... if your stuck for ideas pm madame lav shes got 1 boob to my 3 (she is welcome to help judge this if she likes ill pm her if this kicks off she gon be popular)

suggestins? keep it short

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous



And the friggin color code and font keys are so screwed I can't create my art of amputated dick with keyboard symbols. RATS

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

thanx deb glad we got straight to dildos that saves time!!!

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

BUMP or should i say stump

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 9th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 1391

Dammit! I wanted to do one on the same subject as aheartflash.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

am i just goin to end up with a bag of dicks here

not that i MIND

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304

Father Less

He says,
Feed a child a day for just the price of a cup of coffee
I like my fuckin' coffee, can't function without it

Now He's telling me, 
For less than the price of a stamp I can give a village clean water
I use email and texts

For less than the cost of a gallon of milk I can buy books for an entire village
I'm lactose intolerant, and my own fuckin' kid can barely read
Least that's what the ex says, like she gives a shit beyond the support check

Take the time to show I care, He says, Where's your compassion?
It got cut out, right around the time you told me 
I could have a kid for a handful of beans or by squeezing the tits of a cow

That reminds me
I need a stamp
Gotta mail this check 

Tyrant of Words
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 3645

anna_grin said:am i just goin to end up with a bag of dicks here

not that i MIND

personally i took some biz classes in college and they always suggested slingin out of a box not a bag as a much better selling strategy so i shall return with a whole BOX of dicks for you grin.

and you keep hittin home with these comps for me creepy and now the amputee thing. i wish someone else would present these competition concepts not that i care that much but so i might actually get a gold star on my face when i poop.

your obvious animosity towards my continued boring sinister rhetoric is intimidating and intoxicating at the same time and honestly saddening anna. you're breaking my dark lil heart here
with all these things that i identify wit so much. but i;m gonna go ahead and stick my dick right in the mashed potatoes here again after work.
longwinded again my bad. gotta quit doin so much morphine in the morn...

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

johnrot said:[quote-235809-anna_grin]am i just goin to end up with a bag of dicks here

not that i MIND

personally i took some biz classes in college and they always suggested slingin out of a box not a bag as a much better selling strategy so i shall return with a whole BOX of dicks for you grin.

and you keep hittin home with these comps for me creepy and now the amputee thing. i wish someone else would present these competition concepts not that i care that much but so i might actually get a gold star on my face when i poop.

your obvious animosity towards my continued boring sinister rhetoric is intimidating and intoxicating at the same time and honestly saddening anna. you're breaking my dark lil heart here
with all these things that i identify wit so much. but i;m gonna go ahead and stick my dick right in the mashed potatoes here again after work.
longwinded again my bad. gotta quit doin so much morphine in the morn...

this 1 is jus 4 u jr enter it u win no questions asked
heres a gold star
yaayyy 4 u
obvious animosity aw no im super shy
but really

i wanna break your dark lil heart in pieces and burn each 1 and drop the ashes in hydrofloric acid thats how much

poet Anonymous

anna_grin said:[quote-236066-johnrot][quote-235809-anna_grin]am i just goin to end up with a bag of dicks here

not that i MIND

personally i took some biz classes in college and they always suggested slingin out of a box not a bag as a much better selling strategy so i shall return with a whole BOX of dicks for you grin.

and you keep hittin home with these comps for me creepy and now the amputee thing. i wish someone else would present these competition concepts not that i care that much but so i might actually get a gold star on my face when i poop.

your obvious animosity towards my continued boring sinister rhetoric is intimidating and intoxicating at the same time and honestly saddening anna. you're breaking my dark lil heart here
with all these things that i identify wit so much. but i;m gonna go ahead and stick my dick right in the mashed potatoes here again after work.
longwinded again my bad. gotta quit doin so much morphine in the morn...

this 1 is jus 4 u jr enter it u win no questions asked
heres a gold star
yaayyy 4 u
obvious animosity aw no im super shy
but really

i wanna break your dark lil heart in pieces and burn each 1 and drop the ashes in hydrofloric acid thats how much[/quote]

Oh jeeze. I'll just bury my amputated hammie right now. lol.

Annie, why not open a diff comp for Jon only, so he can win a cup of mashed potatoes? Hope they are not rotten. Call it "kiss my black star comp."

hugs to you both. I will withdraw.

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367

no he aint entered
keep it rollin

poet Anonymous

Maybe D Melody can come back an amped dick story.

Not a big deal for me...

Dangerous Mind
Joined 24th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3367


Fire of Insight
United States 4awards
Joined 1st Mar 2011
Forum Posts: 323

I have been fire for three weeks

This scalding pain being the main topic of conversation  

Owing you an apology for all my grimacing expressions

It's just that you are the only one around with a bucket

and access to a well

I find it insane  

That the thick black smoke pluming from my body to your nostrils

has not moved you into action

My writhing form does little to inspire your care

Almost as if you allow me to stay ablaze  

For sadistic amusement

Go out and quench the world

Give them your highest priority

I will just let these flames consume me

Then you can draw your own conclusions

When I am gone

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