Styles of Poetry
Joined 16th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 57
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 57
Poetry Contest Description
Let's us try yo come together to teach other forms of poetrty
There are somany styles of poetry such a haiku, rhythmic, ancroym ect. Tell us what you favorite style is in writing.
Joined 30th Sep 2013
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Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 7
Rhythmic...doesn't feel right unless it has a beat!
D_Poetic Engineer
Joined 11th Sep 2012
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D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind

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How many do you need and are old written poems OK?
Joined 24th Sep 2013
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Fire of Insight

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Joined 2nd Oct 2013
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Twisted Dreamer

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Hi Cyn,
I think I know just what your saying, you like to feel the music playing. There has to be a verbal feel, that makes the story sound quite real.
I think I know just what your saying, you like to feel the music playing. There has to be a verbal feel, that makes the story sound quite real.

Joined 16th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 57
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 57
well to my poetry tells stories and also are satires, and also to some they might be corny, but to them if you do not like it they can go jump in a lake without their floaties on
StephenPaul Summerscales
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704
StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1704
This Deaf Dancer
Where do I go from here
how do I rid your fear
I answer
but nothing's clear
this deaf dancer
through the floor
can hear .
I feel every minute
all the seconds
that tick in it
just remember
I'm real
and from no one I steal
if it rolls I'm the wheel
and if nobody gets it
well I do
your magnetic
delectably hectic
a comprehensible sceptic
understandable , unhandable
loving , apathetic
I drive myself mad here
going around
mental hemispheres
I know I'm not perfect
kind of glass or a perspex
breakable , flexible
clarity you just can't see
together we are sailing free
untethered jocularity
heavy feathers are not
you and me
simply because
they just can't be
we endeavour in hilarity .
I pedalled a wipe out
in the street
a dogfight invite
dinner nightmare
I wore white
the wrong thing to wear
what a night to frighten
the unscared
Horsefly bites
and wine we did share
outdoor delights
of drunken impaired
driving on the right
and you cut my hair
so I thought if I might
recall times
that we shared .
So in all the long
don't get me wrong
I won't hold your flame
but I'll sing your song
as I sit here
you've nothing at all to fear
don't ever
not remember
this deaf dancer
through the floor
can hear .
Where do I go from here
how do I rid your fear
I answer
but nothing's clear
this deaf dancer
through the floor
can hear .
I feel every minute
all the seconds
that tick in it
just remember
I'm real
and from no one I steal
if it rolls I'm the wheel
and if nobody gets it
well I do
your magnetic
delectably hectic
a comprehensible sceptic
understandable , unhandable
loving , apathetic
I drive myself mad here
going around
mental hemispheres
I know I'm not perfect
kind of glass or a perspex
breakable , flexible
clarity you just can't see
together we are sailing free
untethered jocularity
heavy feathers are not
you and me
simply because
they just can't be
we endeavour in hilarity .
I pedalled a wipe out
in the street
a dogfight invite
dinner nightmare
I wore white
the wrong thing to wear
what a night to frighten
the unscared
Horsefly bites
and wine we did share
outdoor delights
of drunken impaired
driving on the right
and you cut my hair
so I thought if I might
recall times
that we shared .
So in all the long
don't get me wrong
I won't hold your flame
but I'll sing your song
as I sit here
you've nothing at all to fear
don't ever
not remember
this deaf dancer
through the floor
can hear .
StephenPaul Summerscales
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704
StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1704
Fat Cats With Laxatives (SP Summerscales)
Big hats
fat cats
and over-rated
bad banks
broken laws
extra tax
for their failures .
Closed doors
loans no more
cash injections
for their managers
still tall
with the gaul
to object , reject
de-rail you .
Big faced
greedy eyed
in disgrace
with wallets lined
their fat fingers
tinker , linger
with the money
they take from you .
Sky scraping
saviour , havens
time wasting
half baked , brained schemes
lying fake
pensions big rake
then they take
all your savings .
Expenses scams
double properties
the working man
pays for all of it
parliament , politicians
break the laws
they invented
we all abhore
the implemented
lack of public , funding , spending
closing doors
on good health schemes
and the poor
with pure olympics .
Governmental , coalitious
argumentative , avaricious
so repetitive
full of bullshit
eating laxatives
as they spew it
no insentives
to stop bankers
wanking in their
mansion houses
without gumption
to not sting
the working man
or fix anything .
Big hats
fat cats
and over-rated
bad banks
broken laws
extra tax
for their failures .
Closed doors
loans no more
cash injections
for their managers
still tall
with the gaul
to object , reject
de-rail you .
Big faced
greedy eyed
in disgrace
with wallets lined
their fat fingers
tinker , linger
with the money
they take from you .
Sky scraping
saviour , havens
time wasting
half baked , brained schemes
lying fake
pensions big rake
then they take
all your savings .
Expenses scams
double properties
the working man
pays for all of it
parliament , politicians
break the laws
they invented
we all abhore
the implemented
lack of public , funding , spending
closing doors
on good health schemes
and the poor
with pure olympics .
Governmental , coalitious
argumentative , avaricious
so repetitive
full of bullshit
eating laxatives
as they spew it
no insentives
to stop bankers
wanking in their
mansion houses
without gumption
to not sting
the working man
or fix anything .
Joined 6th July 2013
Forum Posts: 121
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 121
Here's a little vignette I wrote a while back:
Magnifying glass in hand,
the child basks in the black heat
of his asphalt driveway, enamoured
by the instinctual sophistication of the
ant colony at his feet.
Magnifying glass in hand,
the child basks in the black heat
of his asphalt driveway, enamoured
by the instinctual sophistication of the
ant colony at his feet.
Joined 24th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 298
Fire of Insight

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Rhythmic/Meter/Internal Rhyme/External Rhyme/Enjambment/Caesura/Alliteration/Acrostic/Imagery/Personification/Onomatopoeia/Amphigouri/Allegory/Satire and whatever else in this that someone can identify.
Bari Air Raid (like fumigating a condemned domicile)
Went the bedsheets, but better
As the algae umbrella
Resounded a miniature
Prison break... on ice.
Premature maggots
were shocked to a gallop;
rending these penitent angels to fumble
impending sweet phenoty-genocide.
The eschaton fallout
rained mists-es of chemo,
blessing the cavalry- 'SWARP'
to piss itself bravely,
'tween pesticide backdrafts OF GOD.
Droves of germs jockeyed for saddle
prodding their steedy-flop cattle along.
Stirrups dangled
from spastic wet talons
like paranoid brats
impaled upon 'bandoning-tits.
Slurping to noxious
reverbs in time,
the angels gurgled
in tiny sick prayers
indistinguish'ble much
from a water heater... to a dog.
FireCRACKers o' pus under arm,
made off-key harmonious squeals
as the angels and maggots
en masse congealed,
humping the buttery mattress film.
Thus, was the mural
of my Cistern Chapel,
prior my nine-eleven living room.
A perilous print I'll prob'ly pin-up
POST sterilizing the bathroom.
Bari Air Raid (like fumigating a condemned domicile)
Went the bedsheets, but better
As the algae umbrella
Resounded a miniature
Prison break... on ice.
Premature maggots
were shocked to a gallop;
rending these penitent angels to fumble
impending sweet phenoty-genocide.
The eschaton fallout
rained mists-es of chemo,
blessing the cavalry- 'SWARP'
to piss itself bravely,
'tween pesticide backdrafts OF GOD.
Droves of germs jockeyed for saddle
prodding their steedy-flop cattle along.
Stirrups dangled
from spastic wet talons
like paranoid brats
impaled upon 'bandoning-tits.
Slurping to noxious
reverbs in time,
the angels gurgled
in tiny sick prayers
indistinguish'ble much
from a water heater... to a dog.
FireCRACKers o' pus under arm,
made off-key harmonious squeals
as the angels and maggots
en masse congealed,
humping the buttery mattress film.
Thus, was the mural
of my Cistern Chapel,
prior my nine-eleven living room.
A perilous print I'll prob'ly pin-up
POST sterilizing the bathroom.

Joined 11th Oct 2013
Forum Posts: 154
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 154
totaly have to say i love free verse. you dont have to worry about rhyme or rhythm. you just let you ideas go
Colten Sorrells
Joined 13th Oct 2013
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Colten Sorrells
Fire of Insight

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Personally, I'd have to say Haiku is my favorite, I tend to ramble on and on with other poetry styles.
Joined 16th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 57
Twisted Dreamer

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well please share you favorite style
D_Poetic Engineer
Joined 11th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 2483
D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind

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D_Poetic Engineer
Joined 11th Sep 2012
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D_Poetic Engineer
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 2483