Poetry competition CLOSED 25th August 2013 8:45pm
View Profile Poems by 13
RUNNERS-UP: laceyspacey and case28

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How high were you?!

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823

Poetry Contest

Tell me all about your most interesting benders!!
So, I have always been one to indulge in the finer things in life (drugs)
Through my most interesting drug binges, I've also came up with the most interesting writes in my portfolio.
I want you to show me up to 2 of your most interesting writes, new or old, that happened to be induced by drug binges.
It needs to either be about the binge itsself, or an obvious drug induced write.

The more descriptive and visual, the better your chances of winning this competition.

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823

NO TAKERS?! I know there's got to be at least 100 poets on here who are well versed in getting faded..

Fire of Insight
United States 9awards
Joined 28th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 1378

Not to worry, I'm in. Just won't have access to my laptop til this weekend and don't know how to copy and paste on phone but you can count on two entries from this ex-doper. :)

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3066

I'm sure I can come up with something in a month B

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 7th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 4

I went to a festival after being in prison for a long time so I was very clean . When I got there it started with beer And moved on to ketamine so me and a friend are walkin along in a k hole getting drunk and this guy by a car was like you guys wanna buy some DVDs we like no then he like how about some cocaine and I was like I'm cool we'll then be says how about some heroin and I was like sure . So now we are walking and got all this shit in us and we walking around though the woods by other people's camp site and throwing up from the dope like every couple minits but it was ok cause I felt great and was at this point drinking sprite and it didn't taste bad coming back up . Well is starting to get later we at someone's site and ate about 10 hits of acid and all fucked up and was eating shrooms in between all this so I had kinda like some weird anxiety an the people we was by had some extacy and we took close to 10 pressed pills so now we doing K , tripping , high in heroin and now rolling at this point I am siting by a fire and I realize that the top of my boot was on fire and melting cause it was so close to the camp fire .. I put it out and was sitting there just starring at te fire and then the fire just stopped .. Flames and everything went like someone hit pause on it and as I'm watching it I saw like.12 x 6 inch rectangle kinds cut out in the middle of the fire and in side the rectangle was a puppet show going on !!! It's real hard to explain how something like this looks but it was very very strange so that is about the last thing I remember that night amazingly I remember anything that night but that was the last thing I seem before I eather blacked totally out of passes out but that was probly one of the most fucked up I have ever been .

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823

Lol, this is gunna be good..

Tyrant of Words
United States 26awards
Joined 5th Mar 2011
Forum Posts: 9051

So high , the pavement hit my face !!

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823

Jumped up and bit me DI-rectly in the lips..

poet Anonymous

The Girl I sorta Knew

I've realized I'm weak
when it comes to dark chocolate
prone to eat it, no matter what it's covering
and so those shrooms on a stick, dipped
went down all too easily
and quick

I then rolled a spliff of green and kief
waited on the high to lift, set me free

Clapton jumped right out of the speaker
played a riff across the room and vanished into the ceiling
and a tiny silver Buddha, sitting on the table
kept shouting "I'm Derek, save me"

then the girl I sorta knew wanted to write a song
or a story but all I could say was

and I tried to drink my water
as the molecules banded against me
ran in the other direction
and my clothes were soaking wet

felt like heavy spirits clinging
weighing me down
so I took off my clothes, scared I might drown

the girl I sorta knew tried to lend a hand
laid down beside me and together we swam
hell bent on finding dry land

we soon discovered an island each
well, I found her and she found me
I climbed on her then fell to the sharks
she mounted me and I pushed her back

I don't know how many hours passed like that
but none of the people watching said a word
at the time
now, of course
I can't live it down

poet Anonymous

so, in answer to your question..pretty damn high man..;-)

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823

Lol, that escalated quickly!! Very good Miki. Exactly what I wanted..

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 7th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 4

Shedding the last leaf of common sense .
In the troubled roots of my vanity .
I once again lay you out on my table .
I have a trove of spent stock .
Enough times to have permanently  dented my soul .
God is scared to intervene in my life .
Jesus watches with a blank stare.
My love drips down my arm .
I'm no longer who you used to be .
One day you may find me splattered against the wall.
Sugar and spikes and spinning collared lights .
No longer a slave to guilt .
No more can I cramp my words.
How I love the resioned gum.
Twenty odd days can't cure me to sanity.
I'm a glutton in my endless sin .
Come find me in my inequity .
I'll be sure to show you the way .
In rasp voices you all rap at my door .
As long as you smite Sunday.
In the end of my days I will not repent .
My lust is pointed to my true will .
Do as thy wilt shall be the whole of the law.
Love is the law .
Love under thy own will .

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3066

Sleep Deprived With The Blood Shot Eyes

Once I smoked a shit load of crack
Crystal meth to you Yanks
Stayed up for a week no sleep
I think I ate a snag
Sausage to you Yanks
Guys can you take me home
Nah, we can drop you at the bus stop
The bus ride home...
Full of paranoia
Eyes judging me, stop looking at me
Home at last..now I can sleep
My walls are made of wispy crack smoke
Crack dragons and crack bears dance about
Fuck this I need sleep and lots of valium

Twenty four hours standing on my head
You don't mind if I abuse myself
So I can hold my head up,
Don't tell me this is paradise

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823

VERY NICE!! This is going to be hard to judge... I think I'm about to throw a few out there just for reading material..

Fire of Insight
United States 3awards
Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 823

Chasing the Dragon

The inner beast is
awoken inside of me.

The battle that's lost,
I see as a tragedy.

The inner demons,
brought on with a single thought,

Wrapped up in myself,  
with a quickness, the drugs were bought.

Broke down in a syringe,  
and slammed in my vein,

On comes the rush,
my life threatened again.

My inner peace is shaken,
and my youth was robbed,

By the demon within,
thus the cycle begins.

Bottle it up, don't speak a word,
You don't want to talk, nevermind what you heard.

"To get your feelings out",
or so they said, "is blowing hot air!!"

Nobody's listening,
'cause nobody cares!!

I heard as a youth,

I was twisted askew.

So back to these demons,
the ones I can't handle.

I deal in my own way,
as my mind is a scramble.

Hold my hand,
embrace my soul as the rush comes.

My body trembles, my mind is a flutter,
my soul pays the price as the process is done.

The high runs its course,

Duly noted in blood.

If I'd only learned to cope,
as a child should.

There would be no dragon,
no white pony to ride.

No pain and agony,

No demons inside.

But for now,
there's devils to quell.

Forgive my temporary lapses,
as I over come this spell.

Head's getting dizzy,

That was a big shot.

"Better than normal" he said.
Shit,, I forgot.

I feel my soul lifting,

From it's normal place,

My heart is slowing,  
from it's steady pace,

And the color is draining
from my face,

And my thoughts are calming
from the normal rat race,

As my soul departs,

From this earthly tomb,

The first time,
in a lifetime, that which I seak,

A lifetime of torment,
turns to a deathtime of peace.

So what's the price that's paid,
for innocence lost?

Why only my life, the ultimate cost.

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