Poetry competition CLOSED 3rd August 2013 4:34am
EngrVV (D_Poetic Engineer)
View Profile Poems by EngrVV
RUNNERS-UP: Karrabear and Atakti

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Foreplay, sex, orgasm.

Miss Chi
Tyrant of Words
Germany 19awards
Joined 20th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 891


Caressing soft lips
Unfurl desire with sway
Mounting into bliss.

(Just a quickie )

poet Anonymous

Thank you for your entries so far. I must remind you of the rules to NOT use stereotypical erotica language, some of you are forgetting this.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 3273


fingers trace hard curves, sleek and smooth, glowing
the door handle lifts with a sweet, soft snick
I slide the key in, turn, watch the dashboard ignite
the engine heats, purrs… throbs
I grasp control, first gear in
pull forward firmly

hot dusk air whispers in my ear
the revs increase, gears shift
cruising faster now, close on the turns
tires whirling, motor growling
the night road surrenders
to me, to me

the lines quicker, flicker, eaten
pistons relentless
tightened, my fingers grip
suspended in neutral…
charging through the stardust, roaring
I drive, I am driven

poet Anonymous

Arranging the Furniture

Squirming on the tip of his perception
she tests the mental waters
wading into the shallow end
she feels him gaining ground
inch by hesitant inch
until finally giving in to his extended view
she allows the thrust of his idea
to completely fill her mind
and although remaining silent
she manages two well-placed points

Being neither a surgeon
nor grasping perfection
he nonetheless manages
to implant his growing desire
they wrestle with location
finally settling on a central location
but not before much grunting
and pushing and trying it
in almost every room in the house

He is very lucky to have her help
and is enthralled by her handy work
she knows the exact spot for everything
having no problem helping put it there
employing only the tools at hand
sometimes when he thought
a piece wouldn’t take up enough room
she filled in with tongue and cheek techniques
other times when he thought, no way
she managed to squeeze it in quite nicely
but for now their joint venture was ending
he wished to reward her for a job well done
although not sure how she would react
his doubts calmed by that smile on her face:
pearl necklace much appreciated

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