Poetry competition CLOSED 21st July 2013 8:10pm
View Profile Poems by Magdalena
RUNNERS-UP: Mourningcloak and Caged_Raven

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Birthday letters.

Fire of Insight
United States 10awards
Joined 29th May 2012
Forum Posts: 711

dear brandie,

1. thou shalt not steal
2. NO LYING! never say anything you don't mean
3. laziness is a waste, learn something new everyday
4. exercise and meditate
5. focus less on yourself, you're too self centered
6. never take anything for granted, NEVER COMPLAIN!
7. do not gossip, judge or mock anyone
8. work on better speaking skills, never interrupt, always listen
9. and always be helpful to people when you can
10. never cheat in any form of the word
11. only masturbate during the night time
12. only eat for sustenance, never take more then you can finish
13. learn to embrace death not fear it
14. strive to really not care about what people think about how you look
15. only write words of encouragement on bathroom stall walls
16. do not project your negative emotions outwards
17. learn from your mistakes, do not make them twice
18. be kind to all children
19. eliminate desire. gain control, be happy =]
20. fast the entire month of january, no pot, adderall, junk food ect, ect
21. put joe first always

nothing will make up for the things you will do, but we can try right?


Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3005

Keep You~

Your heart is going to be like
a bleeding puzzle
that constantly needs
to be put back together
and when you are
feeling totally confused
by the gathering
of crying grown up people
try not to run away to a place
that will only crush you
by the tongue
of a jealous girl that said
she was your friend

the coffins and the losses
will keep coming
but you are stronger
than those pills in your hand
put the lid back on and
leave them in the shadows
the endless dreams
will be haunting
but underneath the layers
of cryptic visions
you will find answers
and messages like release
that will lift burdens
and weights
and black tempest clouds

find the sun under the lids
of your broken eyes
keep your beauty in your
chest pocket
and don't let the beast
take the best of you
you will recognise him
when the time comes
turn your back on his insistence
he will cut you open
and climb inside until
he has stolen all of your treasures
he will leave you empty and cold

there are rainbows
nesting in your hands
waiting to be written
spill ink and watch how you grow
with the flowers
you used to chase bare foot
when everything in your life
was child's play
and laughter would ring
from the blue bells that
you would hide yourself in

just remember
never let anyone take from you
what you hold inside
keep you safe
from the choking feeling
that leaves its prints
on your memories

poet Anonymous

To the past

Dearest Danielle,
Don't look around you won't like what is found
men your drunk Mom brought home, The drugs
just laying around, Your sister begging them
to stop as that bitch sits and laughs

don't go there you wont like were it takes you
or what it will make you, hell it might just
break you, stop were you are don't keep
hoping she will become a mom, drunk and
past out is were you'll find her
the bottom of a bottle or in a strange mans

Stop don't walk in there, don't open
that door, cause once see it wont ever
be for gotten Your mother forcing your
sister to give head so she can have another baggie
the things you will see will change you
for ever but trust me right now your
only 13 there is more to come just
not right now cause this is a big enouph scar

from your self....

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 3rd Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 61


poet Anonymous

Hello guys. I haven't forgotten you, I will be judging this tomorrow after work is done and dusted, I'm on holiday and can finally relax and concentrate properly. Wahoo!

poet Anonymous

And the winner is... magda!

Congratulations. If you want to PM me your address I will get the book sent off to you as soon as possible (now that the damn site is up and running again)  

poet Anonymous

Thank you to all the participants, you really stepped up.

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3005

Miss_Sub said:And the winner is... magda!

Congratulations. If you want to PM me your address I will get the book sent off to you as soon as possible (now that the damn site is up and running again)  

Thank you Missy.  Will PM my address to you ASAP.  I am so chuffed.  I love my books.

Well done Caged Raven and Mourningcloak.

Thought Provoker
United States 3awards
Joined 20th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 125

Congrats Magdalena!!!! You wrote an awesome piece!!!!!

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