Birthday letters.

Poetry Contest Description
Write a letter to yourself at a younger age. Would you change your choices?
Last year some time, I bought a copy of Ted Hughes - Birthday letters on eBay. They sent me an annotated paperback copy and I had bought a hardback clean copy, so they sent me a shiny new one, and I shoved the surplus copy in a drawer which I have just found.
So up for grabs is a copy of 'birthday letters' by Ted Hughes which I will send to the winner as well as awarding you a competition trophy. Aren't you the lucky sausage.
Inspired by the book title, please write a poem to yourself at a younger age, would your choices be different knowing the knowledge you know now?
* can be in the form of a poem or a letter
* must be titled
* new writes only
* no collabs
* one entry per poet.
* two weeks.
Good luck!
So up for grabs is a copy of 'birthday letters' by Ted Hughes which I will send to the winner as well as awarding you a competition trophy. Aren't you the lucky sausage.
Inspired by the book title, please write a poem to yourself at a younger age, would your choices be different knowing the knowledge you know now?
* can be in the form of a poem or a letter
* must be titled
* new writes only
* no collabs
* one entry per poet.
* two weeks.
Good luck!
Mr A
Joined 24th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 1878
Mr A
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1878
For anyone who likes raw, honest confessional poetry, get this book.

/\ I can also confirm I enjoyed this tremendously.
It's up for grabs as a prize.
It's up for grabs as a prize.
Joined 20th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 125
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 125
I will definitely be back to post. Even if I don't win I'll have to check out the book. Looks good!
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5731
Guardian of Shadows

Forum Posts: 5731

Dear Katalin:
Yes, those symptoms at age 11 came about from living from your very loving parents who never, ever wanted to let you go. You should have seen your parents as very desperate people, so desperate that they had plans for you to take care of them forever. Life had been horrific for them and you were an accident, first unlucky, then on speculation, a blueprint for the future. A frightened girl who could be easily intimated would be old age insurance for life.
So you did everything right according to the bible and what did it get you? Nothing. Meanwhile Ilonka in the same situation got married and made her husbands family her own. We thought she was crazy for choosing Leo, but in the end, it turned out well.
If you have to live your life all over again, be totally self-centered, not the stupid altruist you were. Life is about the good times and fun. Your parents were in perpetual morning over things they had not created. You were made to feel you had to make up for all they lost. That is not what a child is for. You do not raise a caretaker because you have lost everything. That is a guilt trip no child should have.
This life cannot be changed now. Perhaps in the afterlife you will be rewarded for all the hard work and humiliation. However, at this point in time and with no control over how we are born, or created other than the physiological explanation, we must study life and realize that we will have to do this over again. My religion does believe in a form of reincarnation, but denies this publicly. So I cannot give you real advice. Do we choose who we will be in the next life or does The True Judge. Will I get bonus points for being a good girl scout; I have no idea. So Katalin, I hope you are born much less naive and much less idealistic.
Written to my 11 year old self who could not understand the sheer nastiness of every person. Yes, there are scapegoats and you were the one.
Your older self,
Joined 20th Dec 2012
Forum Posts: 125
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 125
18 and Fallen
Dear younger self,
So you just turned 18 huh? Boy those times must be exciting
You’re probably sitting there with the world in your hands
It’s going to take a couple weeks to understand this writing
But I promise you, real life sure as hell won’t match your plans
Make sure next week when you make that turn you wear a seatbelt
Then maybe your knees won’t go into the wheel as you careen
Blacking out hitting that wall at over 80 miles an hour
They will never heal and life will become a little more difficult
Walking up stairs and kneeling down will be nearly impossible
Plus losing the car won’t really be fun, walking 15 miles one way
Then you should spend a couple days with your friend Deano
I know you’re tired after work and you have shit going on
But what you don’t know is that he will be dead in a couple days
All those memories of high school will slowly fade with his body
As he drifts further to the bottom of the lake from an accident
That candle you buy is going to burn out, kind of like you.
Now, I can almost guarantee you’re holding the girl of your dreams
But won’t it be funny when you find out that she cheats a week later
You will deny it, until you see your arms scared as it bleeds
She says she needs time but it is forever as your heart screams
Six month later you’re the asshole because you’re still waiting
Then you call her and tell her you’re done; now you are a target
All her friends start rumors, blowing up your phone with fucking hate
By the way when you decide you want to die that lonely December night
Swallow more than eight pills, because your body will be too goddamn healthy
As your stomach rejects and brings you back from a near death experience
Crying alone in bed as you ask god, “why won’t you just fucking kill me??”
So begins a long decent of your fall from grace, multiple sins and mad depression
I can with upmost certainty tell you the next few years are filled with anger and failure
Settling for a deadbeat job, quitting school twice, alcohol and smoking binges
Life is so funny sometimes I suppose, thinking you have it all figured out.
But like Ace says in your new favorite movie “No one stays on top forever”
Dear younger self,
So you just turned 18 huh? Boy those times must be exciting
You’re probably sitting there with the world in your hands
It’s going to take a couple weeks to understand this writing
But I promise you, real life sure as hell won’t match your plans
Make sure next week when you make that turn you wear a seatbelt
Then maybe your knees won’t go into the wheel as you careen
Blacking out hitting that wall at over 80 miles an hour
They will never heal and life will become a little more difficult
Walking up stairs and kneeling down will be nearly impossible
Plus losing the car won’t really be fun, walking 15 miles one way
Then you should spend a couple days with your friend Deano
I know you’re tired after work and you have shit going on
But what you don’t know is that he will be dead in a couple days
All those memories of high school will slowly fade with his body
As he drifts further to the bottom of the lake from an accident
That candle you buy is going to burn out, kind of like you.
Now, I can almost guarantee you’re holding the girl of your dreams
But won’t it be funny when you find out that she cheats a week later
You will deny it, until you see your arms scared as it bleeds
She says she needs time but it is forever as your heart screams
Six month later you’re the asshole because you’re still waiting
Then you call her and tell her you’re done; now you are a target
All her friends start rumors, blowing up your phone with fucking hate
By the way when you decide you want to die that lonely December night
Swallow more than eight pills, because your body will be too goddamn healthy
As your stomach rejects and brings you back from a near death experience
Crying alone in bed as you ask god, “why won’t you just fucking kill me??”
So begins a long decent of your fall from grace, multiple sins and mad depression
I can with upmost certainty tell you the next few years are filled with anger and failure
Settling for a deadbeat job, quitting school twice, alcohol and smoking binges
Life is so funny sometimes I suppose, thinking you have it all figured out.
But like Ace says in your new favorite movie “No one stays on top forever”
Joined 21st June 2013
Forum Posts: 4
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 4
Dear Daisy
Just like the character of a beautiful flower, you smell good as you look yet you so humble and shy at the same time. You are quiet for the ear not to hear yet so loudly your looks shouts for the eye to see. You are boldly undoubtedly pretty yet so delicate and fragile at the same time. You are natures greatest perfection and whether hidden or either unfolded, your smile makes the stars twinkle while the moon dances and plays your favourite tune.
As you grow older today take this letter as your diary entry dear Daisy for whenever something is not right in your life, you will always find comfort and wisdom in these words because YOU wrote them seven years later in tears after waking up half dead on a hospital bed due the fists of your abusive boyfriend. It is natural to be puzzled by what you just read but not to worry dear Daisy all will reveal itself very soon. Take note of the following words and answer them in your heart with truth to yourself now:
What is a flower if not definition of beauty?
What is use of beauty if destroyed by time?
What is time if not enemy of life of flesh?
What is use of flesh if decays beneath soil?
Why praise flesh if inevitable to death? And;
Why be lead by flesh if power is in the Soul?
The soul leads the body and the body is nothing without the Soul.
Why be the oldest but not the most mature?
Why be the cleanest but not the purest?
Why be the richest but not the kindest?
Why be the cleverest but not the humblest?
Grow inside not outside for you won’t be wider than the world.
With every tear you are going to shed, strength you are going to lose and pain you are going to feel... With every bad path you going to take, holes you will fall in and scars you will get... With every argument you going to have, anger will build up and tantrums you will throw... With every time you going to fail, time you will waste and sadness you will feel... Drugs and alcohol will never be the answer. Beware of a man who is going to lie and say they love you as if you are a ripe mango or ice cream while what they really mean is that they are aching to use you and leave you like that toilet paper we wipe our asses with and flush it afterwards. Beware of love... love is nothing but an empty burden carried by fools who believes in fairy tales. And I remember you used to believe in fairy tales.
Live but not to die young dear Daisy for daisies are perennial flowers. Happy birthday
Yours in the same flesh
Dear Daisy
Just like the character of a beautiful flower, you smell good as you look yet you so humble and shy at the same time. You are quiet for the ear not to hear yet so loudly your looks shouts for the eye to see. You are boldly undoubtedly pretty yet so delicate and fragile at the same time. You are natures greatest perfection and whether hidden or either unfolded, your smile makes the stars twinkle while the moon dances and plays your favourite tune.
As you grow older today take this letter as your diary entry dear Daisy for whenever something is not right in your life, you will always find comfort and wisdom in these words because YOU wrote them seven years later in tears after waking up half dead on a hospital bed due the fists of your abusive boyfriend. It is natural to be puzzled by what you just read but not to worry dear Daisy all will reveal itself very soon. Take note of the following words and answer them in your heart with truth to yourself now:
What is a flower if not definition of beauty?
What is use of beauty if destroyed by time?
What is time if not enemy of life of flesh?
What is use of flesh if decays beneath soil?
Why praise flesh if inevitable to death? And;
Why be lead by flesh if power is in the Soul?
The soul leads the body and the body is nothing without the Soul.
Why be the oldest but not the most mature?
Why be the cleanest but not the purest?
Why be the richest but not the kindest?
Why be the cleverest but not the humblest?
Grow inside not outside for you won’t be wider than the world.
With every tear you are going to shed, strength you are going to lose and pain you are going to feel... With every bad path you going to take, holes you will fall in and scars you will get... With every argument you going to have, anger will build up and tantrums you will throw... With every time you going to fail, time you will waste and sadness you will feel... Drugs and alcohol will never be the answer. Beware of a man who is going to lie and say they love you as if you are a ripe mango or ice cream while what they really mean is that they are aching to use you and leave you like that toilet paper we wipe our asses with and flush it afterwards. Beware of love... love is nothing but an empty burden carried by fools who believes in fairy tales. And I remember you used to believe in fairy tales.
Live but not to die young dear Daisy for daisies are perennial flowers. Happy birthday
Yours in the same flesh

Thank you MadameLavender, Kitty, caged_raven, Methane for kicking things off. Inviting more entries 

Joined 7th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 17
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 17
Dear Hinata,
Don't let them win.
Don't let them convince you that you are a germ.
Don't begin to hate yourself
Despise yourself for what you are
And what you cannot be.
Don't feel guilt over everything.
Don't attempt suicide the day before your best friend does.
Don't attempt suicide again because you felt so responsible for the fact that your friend
Suffers more now
Than she did before she had attempted.
Don't cut yourself.
Don't leave thousands of scars all over your body
Covering your stomach
Your thighs
Your wrists
Your shoulders
Your ankles.
Don't go for help.
Know when to stop.
Understand that everything is going to hurt
Like a bitch
And just tough it out.
You will be loved, darling.
Don't let them win.
Don't let them convince you that you are a germ.
Don't begin to hate yourself
Despise yourself for what you are
And what you cannot be.
Don't feel guilt over everything.
Don't attempt suicide the day before your best friend does.
Don't attempt suicide again because you felt so responsible for the fact that your friend
Suffers more now
Than she did before she had attempted.
Don't cut yourself.
Don't leave thousands of scars all over your body
Covering your stomach
Your thighs
Your wrists
Your shoulders
Your ankles.
Don't go for help.
Know when to stop.
Understand that everything is going to hurt
Like a bitch
And just tough it out.
You will be loved, darling.

Inviting more entries :)
Forum Posts: 17077
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17077
Dear Grace ( A letter to my Past)
Hail Grace, you are 12
Don’t go home tonight
Stay at grandma’s house
For your parents will fight
And your innocence lost
There is a change in the air
You will know who they are
Those who you call parents
They don’t care
You are nothing
You are just there
Hail Grace, you are 13
Quick girl, just run away
Don’t think of anything
Just go away far far away
Don’t look at the man
Your brother in law
Don’t think about your parents
He will rip away your innocence
And send you on a long hard highway
Of suffering and self-loathing
Hail Grace, you are 21
Don’t marry that man
He does not care about you
He does not love you
He is an infatuation
He is in love with another woman
Who dumped him for a rich man
You are a rebound
Please don’t say yes to him
Hail Grace, you are 12
Don’t go home tonight
Stay at grandma’s house
For your parents will fight
And your innocence lost
There is a change in the air
You will know who they are
Those who you call parents
They don’t care
You are nothing
You are just there
Hail Grace, you are 13
Quick girl, just run away
Don’t think of anything
Just go away far far away
Don’t look at the man
Your brother in law
Don’t think about your parents
He will rip away your innocence
And send you on a long hard highway
Of suffering and self-loathing
Hail Grace, you are 21
Don’t marry that man
He does not care about you
He does not love you
He is an infatuation
He is in love with another woman
Who dumped him for a rich man
You are a rebound
Please don’t say yes to him
Tommie Lynn
Joined 27th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 61
Tommie Lynn
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 61
This Is Your Life~
Dearest Tommie,
Age sixteen is rough, the pressure you felt
from school, home, were blind.
Tough as nails because you had to be, but
kind with a heart of gold.
Nobody asked you if you could handle two
small children, you just did it...out of love.
A child yourself, scared at times but always
pulling through.
By seventeen you had three children, the
feeling of being overwhelmed took over
but not for long, you didn't have time to
feel sorry for yourself.
Now, seven children and three grandkids
later, you wouldn't change a damn thing.
The thought of future endeavors excites
you, and you know your younger self
would be very proud!
A huge thank you Tommie, for turning
yourself into the amazing woman
you have become.
Much Love, Self
Dearest Tommie,
Age sixteen is rough, the pressure you felt
from school, home, were blind.
Tough as nails because you had to be, but
kind with a heart of gold.
Nobody asked you if you could handle two
small children, you just did it...out of love.
A child yourself, scared at times but always
pulling through.
By seventeen you had three children, the
feeling of being overwhelmed took over
but not for long, you didn't have time to
feel sorry for yourself.
Now, seven children and three grandkids
later, you wouldn't change a damn thing.
The thought of future endeavors excites
you, and you know your younger self
would be very proud!
A huge thank you Tommie, for turning
yourself into the amazing woman
you have become.
Much Love, Self

Inviting more entries, only a few more days to go...

K.I.S.S. Method
Your life thus far has not been easy
and the news is, it may never be
but you'll find a way to find the way
every single time
sometimes you will do when you should be still
but you will never be still when you should do
that is the good news
every fall you are going to take
every single heartache
every pain, every day
will build you into who you'll become
and put you where you need to be
If I revealed any more than that
somehow helped you avoid the lessons
you would grow into a different person
and you turn out pretty awesome
when it's all said and done
so smile, laugh, have a ball
live, laugh, love
that's all
Your life thus far has not been easy
and the news is, it may never be
but you'll find a way to find the way
every single time
sometimes you will do when you should be still
but you will never be still when you should do
that is the good news
every fall you are going to take
every single heartache
every pain, every day
will build you into who you'll become
and put you where you need to be
If I revealed any more than that
somehow helped you avoid the lessons
you would grow into a different person
and you turn out pretty awesome
when it's all said and done
so smile, laugh, have a ball
live, laugh, love
that's all