Poetry competition CLOSED 14th July 2013 00:49am
View Profile Poems by vortexman
RUNNER-UP: MadameLavender

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Something Lurks in the Dark

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 11th June 2013
Forum Posts: 322

Poetry Contest

Write a short, Horror Story with Mandatory themes.
1.) Write a short, Horror story that has the following themes.
   Suspense; Mystery; Abrupt Twist in Plot; Unexpected ending
2.) You may curse, but please do not go on a splurge. (I am not against cursing, I just feel that too much makes a piece of work tacky and boring.)
3.) BE ORIGINAL. Do not use other story ideas, and please, do not steal from Edgar Allen Poe. You may use Alussion, but not throughout the story, maybe use it once or twice.
4.) Be interesting, give detailed charactarizations, and depth to the characters.
5.) Please refrain from using tasteless words, such as, Pretty, stuff, wow, funny, scary, etc. You get the idea.
6.) You can write about anything from a babysitter getting a call in the night, or going into an "abandoned" house. Please be as creative as you can.
7.) please refrain from using slang. If it is a dialogue, I will excuse. If you accidentally use it, I will be able to tell, and understand.
8.) Have fun and give it your all!

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1260

++Ozzy's Lost Album++

The day started off normal so it seemed. I awoke around 10:45 am. After being up late online messing with the computer. My eyes were so heavy they felt like they grew scales I could not pierce nor shave off. So I wondered around looking for some breakfast when suddenly the phone rang. I picked it up and said "Hello??"

It was an old friend of mine from Az. I thought we had gone are separate ways and I didn't even know how he got my phone number. I have this Vonage phone and I figured it would of been to obscure to find. None the less he did. One thing I always gave credit to him he was good with looking people and things up online. So we talked for hours and got caught up on the what's going on and down in both of our lives. Turns out he came into some money. Not through his parents passing in fact. The money was so great it allowed him to put his old folks up in a really nice exclusive care home. Where literally they would be treated like royalty!!!! He excitingly told me.

This money came from an old Uncle he barley knew but was very very very rich but somewhat obscure in his family. This uncle had many investments so many in fact he owned this huge warehouse where he kept the bulk of

his collection. This warehouse was located in Midwest. So he asked me if I would like to meet up with him and go exploring this forgotten complex of his estranged Uncle. I sadly told him well I kinda live check to check.

Don't have the money to cough up a plane ticket. He said no prob. I can wire you the money along with directions on where we shall meet up!!! I started to get excited!! Finally a nice vacation something I haven't done in a great while!!!! So I began packing that day. And in time awaited for the wire-transfer which would have money covering a plane ticket and even some extra money if there was any downtime for the plane and some delays.

I arrived in this mid western city. I was told to meet him at the local Hilton. He already took care of the room so he would know where to meet up with me. When I got to the hotel I felt really really tired. Not sure why.

The plane trip was only 4 1/2 hours. So I went to the front desk showed my Id got my key everything was as he said paid for and up to date. I got to my room and it was dark flipped on the lights.

And he screamed "SUUUUUUUPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPRRRRRRRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIISE!!!" I was so scared I jumped out of my shoes like a cat and hit my head and was knocked out cold. While I was in the blackness of my temporary sleep. I saw these strange images floating in the ether of my mind. Images of Ozzy the great Godfather of Metal.

In the dream he walked up to me patted me on the shoulder and said "For Christ sake man don't go with your friend to that warehouse!!!!" I was like "Why?"
He said "That friend of yours doesn't know this but his Uncle made a deal with a demon. That's why his Uncle was so rich and powerful in life. But at the end of his life it came to collect his soul. One of the relics and part of the deal with the demon was he was to keep an 8-track of this lost Album which I never made. Another lie demons are in fact full of many. If anyone comes in contact with this lost relic in that warehouse. God Help you!!"

Just then I felt a bunch of cold water hit me on the face my friend dumped on my head. Awoke me from my purple hazed glaze. We both laughed it off. And the warning I gotten in my head became quickly faint and so fuzzy. As hard as I tried I could not remember it. As if some power wielded control over that part of my mind and would not allow me to.

So we went out to eat at this cool buffet and got caught up on old and new times. And my friend told me this will be an unforgettable adventure trust me. And when he said trust me. He said it in his Freddy K. voice he does. But the unsettling part was he did it so well it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I didn't tell him but the look in his eyes spooked me. Also when he was doing that fred K. laugh in the room. I looked around at all the tables with people sitting down and talking. And it was as if no one heard him laugh loudly like that or even stare at our table. Like he was invisible. And only I could hear or see him which had to be insane I thought no way!!!!!!!!!!!

So I later went to bed that night. And had another dream. it was Ozzy! Again! telling me... "F'in listen to me man! Its so obvious your friends not right there's something not right about all this!! You got to turn him down and not go to that building!!" Just then a clawed hand holding a dagger reached behind Ozzy's neck and split it with a quick jagged zipper like rip. And in stead of blood coming out of his neck it was these weird looking roach/moths and the center of there body was shaped like an 8-track cartridge. And they hissed and a swarm began to chase me within the dream. So I took off running into the unknown blackness.. Then I slammed right into wall hitting my head. And awoke. I was sleep walking/running! Caught myself on the corner of the room in my hotel. Had a huge nasty bruise on my head. I didn't notice this but the bruise was beginning to take a strange shape. Some kind of ancient letter from a long forgotten writing.

The next day my friend picked me up. And we had driven to the large building on the outskirts of town. Very desolate. Many dead trees. The grass was yellowing. And the sky though it was blue when we left town.  Became very dark and balmy almost instantly. So he looked at me and had a huge grin "Are you as excited as me??"

I was like thinking yeah if I was going to like a prison camp and had no choice guess it wouldn't matter would it??

The place was very foreboding.  He typed on the security pad. And the outer gate opened. So we could drive the car in. And park.  Then there was another huge metal vaulted doorway reminded me of Tron. Now that is one BIG DOOR!!!!!!!
After that opened took about 8-10 mins. We preceded into the confines of this huge beast of a building.

It was about 4 stories high. He even told me there were 3 sub basements. I was like DAMN!!!!!!!!
So we walked around for hours looking at shelf after shelf after shelf and box after box after box!!!!
Filled to the brim with all types of curious collections! Computers, paintings, tools, and you name it was there!
Like a super Walmart warehouse left abandoned for us to plunder. Almost to good to be true.

Finally he said im not worried about all this. "My Uncle said the best is yet to come. Its in that vault!"

He pointed over. I asked "What s in there??" And he uttered the infamous words we always joked about in the

past you'll see you'll see...... I was like "OK?!?!?"......

So I walked in he let me walk in 1st not sure why I did that. Then a single light flicked on not sure if he flicked it on.
It lit up a table in the middle of the vault room. Didn't seem to be bright enough to light anything else in the room up.

It was the 8-track from my dream. It had just the words Ozzy's Last! printed with what look like fresh blood dripping off it. I could smell a strange acid like burning steam in the air. Then I passed out..

When I awoke I was tied to a table arms and legs stretched out. And I was in this room with all these people dressed in demonic and peculiar costumes. The main guy took off his mask and it was my friend.

I yelled "What the hell get me off this table man!" He ignored and continued to go through this strange ritual of chanting and
pouring steaming cups of this strange elixir from one to another. Then my old friend said "The atonement is ready!
The vessel is prepared for our master will be ready for his return! " It was then I realized I was the vessel!!!!!!!! And my soul was lost forever.

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 11th June 2013
Forum Posts: 322

Wow, now THAT WAS AWESOME!! I loved it.
A little critique here, please know when to use quotes and how to appropriately use punctuation. Other than that, it was fantastic!

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1260

its a bit rough....sorry......like me..

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 11th June 2013
Forum Posts: 322

No, it's fine. It didn't bother me, I'm just an English Junkie, so it comes naturally. and I apologize before hand if I come off as witty or rude. Sometimes I just snap and some days I'm rude to everyone. It's the Native American blood in me. XD

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 25th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 1260

you have a cool name reminds me of a name I made up as a kid no offense..  The ZetonGang....  Adventures of this group in space.
kinda like parody of Gotcha men or Silver hawks.  but more motley and disheveled.  

Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 21st June 2013
Forum Posts: 535

His name is a character from a video gane/ manga series, Kingdom Hearts. And his pic of light is awesome. =^^=

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 11th June 2013
Forum Posts: 322

Yes! I just got excited because of that comment!

Guardian of Shadows
United States 91awards
Joined 17th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 5731

The Night Hag

    What scares you?  I’m not talking just a little “Boo!” and you jump with a momentary flutter of your heart in your throat, I’m talking honest to goodness, run-to-your-Mommy, scared.  The kind of scared that makes you question all you know as reality, and the kind that you never forget, as long as the rest of your life is.

    Such a thing happened to me when I was a child of eleven or twelve, and thirty five years later, I still remember it like it just happened.  I’ve never spoken of it until now.

   The year was 1978, a long time before some of you were even born.  The Bee Gees were hugely popular, and I had an incredible schoolgirl crush on Barry Gibb.  It was summer vacation from school, on the day in question, and I had probably giggled with my girlfriends on the telephone about Barry, earlier in the day, before settling in for the evening.  We had rotary-dial phones back then, and no such thing as personal computers or texting like now, so we had to call one another and actually talk.  But that’s not the scary part of this story, nor is it the fact that I was madly in love with one of the Gibb Brothers.  The frightening part is what came after whatever I did that day.

   We lived in a four-story tenement building at the time, our apartment on the third floor, my bedroom at one of the corners of the building.  I had two windows in my room, on adjoining walls, so they complimented each other with a nice cross-breeze when opened.  Such was that muggy night, when I needed to have both windows open to keep from sweltering when I went to bed.

    I eventually did go to bed, with the intent on dreaming of Barry, but fate, or something, had other plans for me.  I awoke sometime between midnight and one a.m. to a crushing weight on my chest, and the feeling of hands on my throat, attempting to choke me—and I found that I couldn’t move.  I was paralyzed from the neck down and all I could do was turn my head to the side, which I did.  I heard a voice inside my head saying “Don’t look!”, so I didn’t.  I was too petrified to look straight ahead at who or what might be causing this sensation I was feeling, so I looked at the wall to my left.

    At that moment, a car drove by outside, and its headlights shone into my room as it passed, revealing my shadow on the bed, and also what was sitting on top of me…..I was glad I heeded the voice not to look, because just the shadow alone of the dwarf-like creature straddled on my chest, its arms outstretched in a choke-hold on my neck, long, pointed nose and Medusa-like hair, was enough to scare me into thinking that the Devil himself had come to kill me.

    As soon as the creature realized I’d seen its shadow on the wall, it immediately flitted off in a quick, jumping motion, over my head and either through the window or through the wall behind me.  I was so shaken that I stayed awake the rest of the night, in case it came back, and my inability to move, gradually subsided.  

  It never did come back, and I’ve never forgotten about it, either.  I told no one, for fear that people would either laugh or think I was crazy (and I actually did have a temporary bout with insanity, later in life, but that’s a story separate from this one).  I’ve kept my silence about the incident, until now, and I speak of it only because I did find out something quite interesting about what happened that night when I was eleven years old;  just within these past six months, I was reading a book,  “The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks”, about a black woman who died back in the 1950’s, and some cancer cells that were harvested from her body. Those cells are still alive today, and have been used for great advances in medicine.  What struck me, though, about this book, was a chapter dealing with superstition as it pertained to the lives of (black) people and how it shaped the way their mindset was and is over the decades, and thus how Henrietta’s family dealt with finding out some twenty years after the fact, that parts of her body were harvested without knowledge or consent.

    One such belief that was discussed was that of “Old Hag Syndrome”.  A description was given of this phenomenon, and it chilled me to the bone as I read exactly what had happened to me, all those years ago in the night; the crushing weight, choking feeling, the paralyzing fear.  I’d never known anything about what happened to me, so  I researched this and found that in the medical community, it’s called “Sleep Paralysis” and while the cause is not fully understood or known, it’s attributed to a mix up in wake-sleep cycles, where you awaken during the R.E.M. sleep, when you are dreaming and supposedly in your deepest sleep.  This inappropriate waking causes some sort of muscle atonia where you can’t move and hallucinate to the point of mind-blowing fear.

    I’m a medical scientist myself, now, and while I do put stock in scientific theory and proof thereof, I am also a believer in God, and I know in my heart, there’s a whole world out there of beings we cannot normally see—angels, demons, spirits, and sometimes, for whatever reason, the veil between these worlds is lifted and we are allowed a glimpse into the unseen and unexplained.  

    So I really can’t say one way or the other, what exactly happened that night, thirty five years ago.  Perhaps it was a combination of both scientific and supernatural, but I do know that the mind can do devious things to you and make you question reality.  What happened to me was the worst fear I’ve ever felt, and I can’t help but think, that if I’d ignored the voice and looked, what would I have seen?  What would have happened?  Would I have died from sheer fright at what I truly felt was a demon trying to snuff me out?  You decide.  What would you think if it happened to you?

(Read more about sleep paralysis and Old Hag Syndrome here:  )


poet Anonymous


He was not of this world.  I could tell when I met him.  He was not a terrorist, belonged to no religion.  He was just pure evil.  Beautifully evil. Evil in a body that was perfect, like Michelangelo’s David.  I thought he was homeless, so I gave him shelter and clothing and food.  He seduced my daughter.  Then he left.  

People do not like to confide in each other if they think they will be judged as crazy. Thus Luke went from one house to another with his poison seed and his angelic look.  This was not even above the radar for nine months.

When it came time for my daughter to give birth, we took her down to the Toronto General Hospital.  While she was in the early stages of labor and still comfortable, I went to eat in the cafeteria.  I was taking my tray to a table when I saw my friend Mary, who I had lost touch with.  She motioned me to come to sit with her.  Her daughter was in the hospital because she had miscarried at six months.  She was crying as she told me the details.  Now Doctors do not cry easily.  She described the fetus, born dead as “horrifying”.  I asked for more information and she just stared at the wall, silent and not able to utter a word.

When I got back to obstetrics, my daughter was still comfortable.  The labor proceeded without complications and my daughter gave birth to a beautiful baby boy.  As they always do, they gave her the baby to hold while they were cutting the cord.  As they cut the cord she started hemorrhaging badly.  The blood was streaming out of her like a pulsating river.  The nurse ran to catch the baby and I stood there watching her eyes go up and then motionless.

The delivery room became full of people trying to save my daughter's life.  I stood looking at the monitor as her vital signs went up and down and finally flat-lined. The doctor took me to a corner and apologized.  “I am so sorry, she had a rare condition and I should have caught it....but it is so rare.” He was crying.  Mortality for women in teaching hospitals in the western world was very low.  

The baby however, was unusually handsome.  The nurses admired him while they weighed him and took down all the data they needed.  They gave him to me to hold and as I held him he opened his eyes.  Babies usually have blue eyes, but this one had green eyes with a slightly yellow tint.  He cried heartily which was a sign of health.

My husband and my married daughter came with her brother. We had to plan a funeral as we had to plan what to do with the baby.  Then everybody was calling and coming and going.  My married daughter said she would raise the baby if I could help with a housekeeper.  I said yes as I had a good job and so did my husband.  Life went back to being the usual rush of going to work and coming home.  The first six months of baby Douglas's life was uneventful.  Then the German housekeeper abruptly quit, giving no reason.  We found a housekeeper from Guyana who was very good and then she left from one day to the other.  We had a first birthday party while searching for a third housekeeper.  We had invited the two prior housekeepers but they never replied.  I tried phoning them, but both phones were disconnected.

At the same time, a Toronto paper reported that obstetricians were seeing a rapid rise in young pregnant women dying after childbirth.  The children born to these women were sometimes healthy and sometimes hideously deformed.  Many times both baby and mothers died.  The coroner was called and an investigation was started.  

The third housekeeper was from Haiti.  When she was living with my daughter and her family, she went to Mass every morning.  She spoke English badly, so we switched to French.  She seemed reluctant to talk but clearly needed the job.  She was efficient and friendly but looked perpetually spooked.  Then she showed me an article in one of those magazines similar to national enquirer.  “The baby,” she said haltingly, “He is the Devil's baby.  He not the only one.  See this article.  All over city.” She started crying. “I need money, but cannot work with devil baby”.  We asked her to stay until we could get another housekeeper.  The next day, she brought Father Kelly from St. Michael's church home with her.

Father Kelly asked if the baby had been baptized.  It turned out that every time a baptism had been scheduled something happened and at over one year old the child still had not been baptized.  The priest said that he had heard of this before, but only recently had there been a rise in this unexplained phenomena. Reluctantly he performed an exorcism and we were expecting something awful to happen but the baby was good and nothing happened until we heard the next day that Father Kelly was in the hospital.  As he was driving home from my daughter's house he had an accident.

After that, the housekeeper stayed and we prepared for another baptism.  This time it would be during the week and only godparents and close family would be there.  We all got dressed and went to St. Michael's.  Father Casey was doing the baptism.  All seemed to be going well. However as the Priest put the baby in the water and said, “I baptize you, baby Douglass, in the name of The Father and of The Son and of The Holy Spirit”, the water turned to fire.  The baby turned into a large figure with horns on his head and a tail.  The fire started to spread throughout the church and we just managed to get everybody out.  It was proof that the devil himself was alive and well and living in Toronto.  

1010 words

poetry in oceans
Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 24th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 74

My Pack

Queen of my pack
I await him
he cheated
hurt me deeply
disrespected me
touching another
colossal mistake
he lied
said he loved me
I believed him
his declaration
my mistake
love is blind

he doesn't know
that I know
but the cat
is out of the bag
hell hath no fury
like this women scorned
black magic
call it what you will
but I will invoke it
use it on him
make him pay
he will learn
he will know
the thin line
was crossed
stomped over

I will feed him
to my pack
piece by piece
treats for my pack
watch him weaken
as he bleeds out
taunting him
sinister torment
bring forward his
gift her
to my pack
a feast
while he watches

Betray my pack
betray me
only once
one time
then it's
sweet revenge
my fury
our vengeance
carried out
fulfilled to its end
his skull for soup
his body for my pack
my retaliation
score settled
he and his lover
dead and gone

Queen of my pack
there will be another
no man can resist
they stand in line
fight to be with me
I pick and choose
handsome and strong
I take my time
enjoy my choices
take them one by one
choose who I want most
when with each I am done

If they don't satisfy me
when I try them out
easy decision
next meal for the pack
I collect the skulls
trophy's for sure
well in fact
they turn me on
If they can't do it now
they do it when there gone
my collection grows by day
when I next pick one
one to call my own
I hope he learns quick
if not, if he fails
if he cheats and lies
I will chop off and
hand him his dick

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 21st May 2013
Forum Posts: 6

In the Fog ! extreme content !

I stand alone in the fog naked
his amazing smell reaches me first
all my senses are set on fire
it's him I need to quench my thirst

he smiled when he walked up to me
the hair on the back of my neck stood up
but he surrendered his sword and shield
so I knew he'd be easy for me to corrupt

my nudity turned him on, he went wild
he had me screaming, demanding for more
but in the fog he released my dark hunger
as we were going at it there on the floor

I am not shore what really happened, it's a blur  
in the fog, to him I did things grotesquely obscene
one minute he enjoyed doing me, using my mouth
the next, I was covered in blood, eating his spleen

if you find yourself out alone, in the fog at night
and you meet a beautiful naked girl who looks lost
don't try to help her, just run as fast as you can
if she smells you first though, you will pay the cost

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 13awards
Joined 7th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 126

The Pact

They tied him to the tree just before dusk.  
I would have spoken up  
To stop this madness  
But a pact is a pact.  
I watched the blood trail trickle from  
where they had cut; Not deep enough  
to send him drifting, That wasn't their place.  
He looked at me;  
The same look he gave yesterday  
as we said our vows.  
Dressed in white tux as he was now,  
Though now stained at the front in red  
They all left as the sun gave up it's last glint.  
Just the two of us together.  
I watched my son run on ahead.  
Picking up sticks; Fighting imaginary beasts.  
He didn't even look back.  
He already understood the rules.  
Darkness fell  
The trees casting tall shadows  
As the moon started to climb.  
The tree I was tied to faced my beloved,  
His tree showed the marks;  
We were not the first..  
Would not be the last;  
Deep grooves made within the bark,  
Dark stained over time.  
His screams cut the silence deep  
I didn't see them arrive  
Five stood tall on two legs.  
Seven foot  
Wolf like  
Demons of the forest we called them as children.  
They howled in unison  
A keening desired yearning kind of howl  
The pungent smell of urine filled my senses as  
Two of them emptied their bladders where they  
stood in excitement.  
They clawed at his flesh, Not deep enough  
The shirt now ribbons of red hanging from his  
screaming body.  
With each scream they would howl deliriously.  
One swipe and his intesines fell out.  
As they too, Fell to the ground and feasted.  
Still he screamed as I watched  
Before they ripped him apart.  
He screamed no more..  
The chirping of birds brought in the mornings light.  
Also brought the people back  
Now untied  
I walked back home, My son running on ahead.  
We didn't look back.  
His time to watch would arrive soon enough.  
As I smiled at the thought.

Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 21st June 2013
Forum Posts: 535

Could be better, but here it is.

Doll Maker

I could feel someones eyes on me, watching my every move.
Walking at a peaceful pace, I made it to the corner, turned, and stopped behind a toy store. What was that? I was so confused, there had been nothing there, but what was that feeling? I swear, I'm going insane.
"Hello, my dear. May I ask you a question?" The voice, deep and strangely sweet, calmed me a little.
Having felt a small, needle like poke, I was about to turn around, when everything went dark.
I woke up, sitting in a dark basement. My hands were tied behind my back, and I sat by what looked like a water heater.
What the hell? Where am I?
I tried to call out, but no sound came. Trying again, I ended up coughing, gagging.
Wait, what the? Why can't I talk? What's going on? Someone, anyone? HELP!!!!!
The sound of footsteps brought me back from my mental desperation. The man from the street, had walked in. I recognized his honey-like tone of voice, while he tried to explain.
"You should stop struggling, you'll get rope burn. Don't worry, the muteness is only temporary, a side effect of the sedative. Sorry about that, by the way, I just needed you to come with me quietly."
He had walked as he spoke, moving from the single door in the room, to the space right beside me. He ran his hand through my hair, and spoke again.
"You know, you're really beautiful. Shame I can't share that beauty with the rest of the world. Oh, don't worry, it won't hurt when I transform you, I'm very careful about it. I just need a friend for Janette, and you'll make a wonderful doll."
Peering over his shoulder, I saw what he was talking about. What appeared to be a life size porcelain doll sat in the corner. Only, it wasn't a doll, something about it seemed too... Real.
"Oh, you've found Janette! She'll be your new friend! Ah, the fun you'll have together! Tea parties, make overs, all that girl stuff, really. I promise you wont miss your old life. A waitress? That is such a menial job. Now you can live like a lady!"
Something about this man was oddly comforting. I must be insane, he kidnapped me! How can I feel safe?
"Now, what we must do first, we need to give you another dose of the medicine. Don't want you moving during your makeover!"
He was so cheerful as he injected me with another sedative. Only, this time, I didn't black out. I just couldn't move. He grabbed me, gently moving me into an upright position. Somehow, my legs held me up. He walked to a wardrobe I hadn't noticed, and pulled out a teal dress. It was beautiful, really, nothing I could ever afford.
Dress slung over his shoulder, and also holding a rag and basin of steaming water, he walked back over here. He undressed me, and washed off all the filth that comes with a kidnapping, and dressed me in the blue dress. He grabbed a brush from a nearby table, and began to fix my hair.
Leaving for a moment, he went to get some makeup. When he returned, making me over was a simple task. Once he was done, I was shown a mirror on the wall near Janette. I looked absolutely gorgeous.
He sat me down at a table, and put Janette across from me. She looked amazing, though you could see where she had been silently crying.
"My name is Stephen, and I'll be your server for this evening. Would you like some tea? Yes, well I'll be right back then."
The next few days were just like that, he would wake me up, sedate me, clean and dress me. I was slowly gaining his trust. Then, after two weeks, he said he wanted to try not sedating me, but only because I was the most well behaved woman he ever made over, never scratching or biting him in the mornings.
I woke up, and washed myself, picked out a beautiful red gown, gems sparkling around my breast.
Stephen asked me to set the table while he got Janette. I had a tray full of silver ware, all made of gold. It really was befitting a lady. Setting everything in place, I saw a small cheese knife. It was pretty sharp, and a thought flashed through my head. I hid the knife in my sleeve, wrapped in a napkin, so it wouldn't cut me.
Stephen brought Janette into the room, sitting her down. He walked over to pour our drinks. As he stood, only a couple feet in front of me, he was distracted by the task at hand. I quickly slit his throat, his blood pouring onto the table, mixing with the tea from the pot he just dropped.
I grabbed Janette. Running was difficult, she was getting heavy. I had just made it outside, and got Janette to safety, when the strangest thought crossed my mind.
I didn't want to leave that basement, it had become my home.
Leaving Janette just outside a store owned by my friend, where I knew she would be safe, I ran back to the basement.
I found Stephen, but he was long gone. I sat there a moment, before making my decision.
[font=Verdana]"Evidence has shown us that a woman is responsible for the recent string of kidnappings. Being named the Doll Maker, she looks for men she deems attractive, and sedates them. She seems to dress the men in finely made clothes, and when found dead, they're always posed in some simple, doll like fashion. Only two men have been found out of the five she has kidnapped. Both men's throats slit open. She is thought to be very dangerous, so please use caution when traveling, especially at night."

Lost Thinker
United States 2awards
Joined 23rd June 2013
Forum Posts: 11

and it was surprisingly humane to the killing of henceforward mentioned zombies like creatures of contracted viral infection

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