Poetry competition CLOSED 3rd July 2013 7:18pm
4Ever4Gotten (Danielle Nicole)
View Profile Poems by 4Ever4Gotten
RUNNERS-UP: sapph16 and Carpe_Noctem

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Dark Angel
Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 15th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 66

Poetry Contest

Temptation is a bitch
Write a poem about a time someone has tempted. Any kind of temptation. No word limit, poem limit is three, and everything basically goes. Have fun!!!

poet Anonymous


When I was being courted

By my husband, part Cherokee

He was away so long

Temptation found me

He was a tall golden man from India

Exotically handsome, courteous and kind

We met at a conference

I am colour blind

Sat together for the presentations

Ate at the same table for famous people speaking

All the time could not keep our hands

Off each other, what we were seeking

He was a scientist, just like me

Drove each other crazy when we

Disappeared to his hotel room

Made love for hours

The conference came to an end after a week

We said goodbye at the airport

Knowing that this sin and temptation

Had been so fine

If the Devil offered it again

It would be understood

We were both adulterers

And we enjoyed it just fine.

Dark Angel
Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 15th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 66

Nice ok

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

- An Erotica of Eden -

There is no need to fear the flame, so embrace me as I desire!
Cast aside thy skirts and finery, that I may view thy nakedness.
Is such love a metaphor for the spirit revealed by a divine fire?
Then let us love like the gods: run thy hands across my dress…
And find delight between my thighs, as I ready myself for thee.
Let us dip our feet into the waters that wait to caress them soft,
The waters of passion, which lap and lick to set the spirit free…
Only for the heat of the moment to carry us ever so madly aloft!
Such is the moistness of a stolen kiss, from lips willing and wet.
My tongue laps against thy mouth, my teeth biting so playfully…
As we tumble at the foot of the Forbidden Tree without regret.
The sanctity of Eden’s gardens are remade by us, so blessedly,
So that God might be moved to blush by the fierceness of lust!
Thou dost divest me of my garments, as if opening a sweet gift.
I raise my rear, and into me I feel the pushing of thy first thrust,
Making me cry for wanting you bad, until naught to want is left.
In and out of me I feel thee throbbing hard and wet in thy sport,
One hand around my waist, the other reaching for my member!
I am pinioned, between two pleasures, as I beg three for more.
Thou hast me in thy power: and my love, thou shall remember!

Thrusting, grasping, in and out, and up and down, without end.
I moan for thee like a harlot and angels weep at what is done…
The roots of the tree that was blessed, our coupling does rend.
As thou dost climax, within me, the gardens burn like the sun…
Whilst thou hast caused my seed, to fall upon Eden’s carpeting.
Our flesh pours out its’ ecstasies like wine upon a sacred altar!
And Eden dies, as our sweat coats our bodies, ever glistening.
This is not the end of our love’s play, for we dare not so falter!
I lie upon my stomach, and thou dost fetch thy flagon of wine…
Pouring the blood-like nectar upon my skin, from neck to rear.
Thy lips lick it from me, but the pleasure is just as much mine…
For thy soul is entrapped by its’ thirst for me, drawing so near,
Unto damnation, and yet thou dost smile as if going to Paradise!
Through love thou art fallen, and we shall rise together in dawn.
I am thy addiction, I am thy craving, and I am thy favorite vice!
Thou are my lover, thou art the flame, which is unto me drawn.
Thy hands squeeze my buttocks, and I giggle like a mad child…
I turn unto my back, as I find myself grown hard and wet anew.
Take me again my darling, and in the taking be never too mild!
We have entire universes to defile, our madness to thusly ensue.

How many gardens were blighted by the power of our hunger?
I am the god and goddess of thy apostasy, thy angel and devil.
Pour thy wine, my Bacchus, and let Olympus rain its’ thunder!
We shall humble the gods, and cause them to worship our evil.
Let love be their downfall, let them rue the hour of my exiling…
As thy lips caress my hardness, licking and sucking with fervor!
Thy fingers do assist thee in these ministrations until I am smiling.
I rake my nails across thy body, marking thee as mine forever…
Thou dost not wince, even when I climax into thy tender mouth!
With this act completed we have nearly sealed the demon pact.
I dip my index finger into some of the wine flowing thus down…
From where it spilled from my flesh; and before thou can react,
I trace three sixes, upon thy lovely forehead, with my left hand.
Thou are forced to kneel before me, as I don again my clothes,
Whilst behind us there is no longer an Eden, only a wasteland…
Echoing with the cries of our love, wherever the wind so blows.
Come with me, my love, for we have other worlds to despoil…
And I have others gods and goddesses, to seduce to my cause!
Thou hast made love to a serpent, and felt that serpent’s coil…
Now thou art one thyself, entrapped by desire’s crimson claws.

poet Anonymous


I am on a diet
Chocolate talks to me
Sworn off the pastries
Cheese Danish sings: eat me
Smaller portions
Plate is mouse sized
Step on the scale
Oh My!

The diet in the magazine
Calls for cucumber juice
I drink the concoction
While I gaze lovingly
At photos that seduce me:
A yummy steak with baked potatoes
Strawberry shortcake with whipped cream
Chocolate mousse plus my downfall - cheesecake

Temptation is the devil
On my left shoulder
That tries to woo me
Everywhere food seems to be

Another week of starvation
Another week of vegetable drinks
Surprise - I lost 5 pounds
I hope temptation goes away
I hope that I am strong
Please do not bring me chocolates
They chatter all night long!

Dark Angel
Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 15th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 66

Thanks Jessica Jennifer Ashton and peacebeuntoyou.

Danielle Nicole
Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 6th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 337

A lack of self restraint
His beauty sparks my interest
What a secret
He's bad for me I know
But I can't help myself
Endless hours alone
I just want someone
Hes a criminal
Broken past, worse than mine
Hes an animal
Drugs and alcohol all the time
I know this is wrong
Secret rendezvous
So fine
I know I shouldn't touch
I should keep away
But I want it so bad
As he tempts me

Dark Angel
Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 15th Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 66

Nice.. I really like because it is different.

poetry in oceans
Dangerous Mind
United States 6awards
Joined 24th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 74

Forbidden Fruit

No, the grass may not be greener
on the other side of town
and you can face great temptation
with forbidden fruit around
Look, but do not touch they say
a golden rule you should not break
even if that fruit taste sweeter
that bite isn't yours to take

Lust can build your fantasies
and strain your self control
you struggle to fight temptation
as it burns into your soul
You realize you've lost the fight
it's relentless pull grabs hold
you give in to desires touch
the forbidden can make you bold

Thought Provoker
United States 2awards
Joined 24th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 125

*Tempting the dead I must sleep*
Through the wind
He called
Screamed a name I could never say
Told me to do things
I would never do
Play in the green garden of death
As if it were the last time
Feeling is different
With temptation it can be a simple dark end
But with this he asked of much more
a word
A lying sheep
And a pillow
For this I have died
Hung upon the shadows of death
Now I sleep
With the never ending temptation that I had refused
I do not apologize
I just lay my head down
And began a never ending sleep
Good night

Twisted Dreamer
India 2awards
Joined 3rd Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 107


        Dying Footsteps.......

She walks in white,
A face gaunt and pale,
Nine lives of a cat
Seems coming to an end.
The curse of the oblivion striking her
night and day.
Old age is bad indeed,
We wish for it young,
Curse it when we are old.

Impudency disgracing my heart,
Thoughts cheap sublimes,
Leaving me dumbfound,
Shocked He is looking at my so called heart
that wishes to see my own blood die.
Saving the doctor's prescription fee
in exchange for GAP clothes and sexual thrills!

Heinous our souls become
at calls of the paper jackets.
Greed devouring us up slowly
like cocaine,
day by day.
Morals forgotten,
Cries unheard,
Love broken,
Friendships hurt,
We desire to look at eyes of
Washington,Queen and Gandhi "only on paper"!
It will never make me reach spring of April,
The eyes actually belongs to the DEVIL !!!

poet Anonymous

Sliding Home

Last softball game of the night
a battle but we had won
time for celebratory drinking
and a little good natured fun

Some secretaries from the office
had stayed for a beer
with a bottle of Jack stashed in the ice
yes, the good times were near

Finally everyone started drifting off
claiming agendas of their own
and I had someone waiting
for me at home

The field lights went out
time to get out of this place
that’s when I noticed someone
standing out at second base

I asked if they were OK
not wanting to leave them alone
a woman’s voice answered, “I’m fine
just not ready to head home.”

Walking out on the field
I offered it’s not safe here after dark
and if she wanted I’d walk with her
back to where her car was parked

I explained I needed to leave
in fact I was already way past late
plus the fact that I’d been drinking
pretty much had sealed my fate

Her thumbs hooked in my uniform shorts
sliding them and underwear to the field floor
Sexily saying, “You’re already in trouble
want to get into some more…..”

Ragdoll Raven
Thought Provoker
United States 6awards
Joined 26th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 86

i shoot up Elysium

with a promise of peace and joy in a
distant land this needle does employ.
leading me on quite a hasty chase
as this spinning, rainbow vortex
shapes and molds the moon-shine
into another dimension, an Elysian plain.

caught in crossfire, the burning flames of lust
weaving a strange fusion of ambient dreams
walking in the valley of shadows
as if caught within a Shakespearian sonnet.
i dream the dreams, hypnotized by their charms
and it is in these i see you wrapped in my arms.

when i weep, when i reach, touching you
nourishing this splendor, the grandeur
of this ultimate wormhole of paranoia
as the needle releases its venial sleep
the notion of hell unfolds within this heaven
bringing forth more demons than Hades can hold.

i breathe in sharply, as your point bids me enter
to join in the dance of a kaleidoscope trance.
leading me down a polychrome path, a gleaming utopia
casting shadows with this sickness
and once again i see the beauty within the madness
coming down to mere desecration touching you for revelation.

Twisted Dreamer
Malaysia 1awards
Joined 28th May 2013
Forum Posts: 3

A Man of Temptation

In my mind, my safe haven
It happened one night
I dreamed something sinful
A body too bright.

I gawked and gaped
I twisted and turned
He was touching my skin
And making me burn.

I woke with a start
My room was so cold
But he was still there
So I sold my soul.

I didn't know this demon
That leapt from my dreams
He teased my body
And silenced my screams.

I begged and pleaded
He offered a smile
A promise that this
Would go on for a while.

I was tortured, tormented
In a wonderful way
The excitement lingered
All through the day.

Bound in lust
Our bodies linked
I writhed in pleasure
But he just winked.

He worked me so hard
My tired legs shook
Everything I had
Everything he took.

But I couldn't stop
I didn't mind at all
So he took me again
Against the wall.

All over my body
He licked and bit
But I wanted more
Addicted to it.

But deep inside I knew
He was my own creation
I had made myself
A man of temptation.

A man made of dust
A man of intention
A man made of lust
A man of seduction.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 3057


A Soul To Taste

Don't look..
I can hear him
as he mixes up
his taste,
this one
looks big
you fucking

"Yea bitch, hurmph don't bother talking bro.
I'm so in love with you, no one can touch me
like you have. Here mate for you wash it down with coke".

face scrunching stuff
very potent,
I never want
to learn
how to thread
the needle..

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