Poetry competition CLOSED 22nd April 2013 3:38am
View Profile Poems by MaggieG
RUNNERS-UP: Grace and Tensor

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poet Anonymous

becsta said:[quote-188109-Strider]Becsta~There's more than one, it's a global epidemic! Strider

“Mine, Not Theirs”

Who are  
these faceless people,  
wiping themselves  
with dirty hankies,  
high on the bench,  
it’s mahogany.  
Where were they  
I prayed daily  
for the rapture,  
a redemption  
from the sins  
given me  
in bygone days.  
They claim almighty,  
they are  
guard them  
in posh chambers
without eyes.  
Isolated in grandeur,  
they spend unwisely,
misrepresent the code.  
don’t me from shinola.  
write them  
an ode for remembrance,  
not theirs.

Great pic too Strider how do you post pics on the forums?[/quote]

Thanks Becsta...I sent you instructions.  Hope they help.  Good Luck!  Strider

poet Anonymous

"Sucking Toes for Wisdom"
With a side glance
you feel them,
forever looking
from a mountaintop
in their heads,
you see clearly,
down below.
Oxygen deprivation
takes its toll
on silly minds,
the ones they own
knowing it.
And, they call
spoiled nature.
the balloon
goes up,
suck our toes
that stuff
we call

Strange Creature
Joined 21st Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 15

''Superiority complex?
Because I'm honest?
It's not even a contest..
Votes only opens the war chest.
I'm simply better, good enough to be God's editor,
clever enough to win whenever wit is a competitor.''

That's how flawed dictatorship works with cheap labor for jerks,
no sleep cater to hurt the people that's aching and irks
for a change.
The burden arrange for a wish in a certain exchange
in power, no flower in guns with a revolution in range.
The sons of punishment will take a run for the government,
with astonishment on it went;

A new level of prepared rebels,
no angels or devils with something to settle.
Half-assed homemade gasmasks, rascals with stolen hazmats,
Gun control? 3D printers passed that, they reload and blast fast!
Blood runs cold, of course both ends raises in number of cropses.
news stations gets tweets and pass on info from ''reliable sources'',
The hopes to end power happens when people gathers to vouch for this trend,,
two thousand and twelve started it; the gov is anything but your friend.
On the real; I'm a strategist playing from within, so go for the satisfactory win!
I can't wait to snatch the throne when world war three actually begins.
I got a small army of individuals,
in war I'll raise it to houndred millions with a future of honesty,
a dedicated compassionate infrastructure will show the true face of human superiority.

It'll be from above where the unknown paladin sit
Signed; the reincarnated Adrian Veidt.

Lost Thinker
Joined 19th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 19

You seem to think you are the best,
your ego never gets a rest.
The truth is you're a fucking pest,
                  you arrogant son of a bitch.
You walk around, nose in the air,
casting aspersions everywhere.
I could cut your throat without a care
                      and bury you in a ditch.

You think your shit doesn't stink
but let me tell you what I think.
You need to go and see a shrink
               because your living an illusion.
No one thinks you are superior,
in fact your attitude makes you inferior.
Life is not whats on the exterior,
             so let me save you that confusion.

You may have money, you may be smart
but true wealth comes from the heart.
Your attitudes as welcome as a fart,
    I wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire!
So tell yourself how great you are
but don't pat your own back cause your not a star.
To me your nothing but a vulgar scar
                   and to yourself you are a liar.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17130

Small minded

Judge not the flaw
in every being
Judge but yourself
in your inner self
Note the crusts
within your eye
Not the warts
on a witch’s rear

Nothing is bad
when you can see
Those flaws have
its beauty too
Who is to say
what blemish there is
When moles can become
a beauty spot

Gentle loving
and understanding
Is all there is
in good living
There is beauty
In every being
With lights that shine
From deep within

There is splendour
In all God’s creation
If you do not see
Then you are blind
Or just small minded
Think not how superior
you are a pink progeny
among  the black.

poet Anonymous


I'm not paranoid scitso
but this head trip has to be over
you play along with this sick little plot
want me to believe i am nuts

The only thing nutty about me is you
loony tune, coo-coo, you, you, you

i got voices in my head
you repeat things that haven't been said

i live my life drama free
you live in a continuous state of unreality

i want to disapear
you want everyone to wish you were there

i don't want to talk
you won't stop

i cut tie with all my friends
you nobody can stand

i can't sleep at night
you spend all day prying into peoples lives

i don't like idle gossip
your on search for the lates hot topic

you call me crazy
say i'm insane
i'm tired of playing along with you sick little game

poet Anonymous

My Underhanded Manipulator

She wears many faces
and I hate them all
To call her a bitch-
is an insult to dogs

She gets happiness
only from deceit and shame
She thrives on creating
misery and pain

A drama queen
she feeds on sorrow
The world would improve
if she died tomorrow

The manipulator-
triangulating to control
Twisting the truth
just to watch me fall

I cant comprehend
the depths of her darkness
Anyone near her
soon sinks into madness

Deviously cunning
Sly in her planning
If only they knew-
all the poor souls she's scamming

She portrays herself
as the victim, the martyr
All the while saying
she cant see whats the matter

Her reflection in mirrors
only she sees as lovely
Someone should tell  
the blind fool she's ugly

Using, abusing
Smear tactics confusing
She thinks she's ahead
but I know she's losing

Her soul would be black
if she had one at all...

Question her motives-
and you are a threat
No-one deserves what
she makes them get

A disgusting disgrace
but her time is nearing
Watch as she burns
how many are cheering

Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 27th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 1831

(This is about the superiority entrenched in human opinion itself)

A Little Less

" God shall never be disproven, only clarified. "

The meaning appeared heretical
when he looked through the glass
scorching humanity with his clarifications.

We called him cliches, dim-sighted
frames of reference. And he flew off
like a bat adjusting to dark ages.

Science illuminated the Divine
and the times tried to
decipher that devilish hindsight

of being proven wrong. There's a sonar
to anopsia. Maybe it can even be seen
as a better sighted inquisition  

as he showed us who we really are; a little less
than accurate with the unknown
a little less also with that thing

so many call God.

Dangerous Mind
United States 16awards
Joined 27th Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 1831

Thank you Becsta

and great job everyone. I enjoyed reading each of these.

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