Poetry competition CLOSED 16th February 2013 12:25pm
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Jungle sex

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous


I have fuck me pumps on
     Fuck me

I am so horny

     Fuck me

I am wearing leather nothings

     Fuck me
I just sent you a BDSM poem

     Fuck me

Fuck me until it is shock and awe

Fuck me until the elections

Fuck me till you find a job

Fuck me until we bring democracy

The world may end this year

We have one life to live

Europe is going bankrupt

America is sinking fast

So you have every reason

To give me the best fuck you can

In fact it's your citizen's duty

To satisfy women in your land

As part of the culture of being a man

Don't tell me you have a headache

     Advil or Tylenol?
Don't tell me you can't get it up

     Cialis or Viagra?
Don't tell me you are not in the mood

     I spiked your drink
With a Spanish Fly concoction

     Finally..all I want is a fuck
Not an Einstein equation

     Why you?
Because you are of the male persuasion.

poet Anonymous

“Sweet Mimulus”
She hexed me from
the very beginning.
Flawless ebony skin,
I could smell her,
like an exotic flower,
she emanated  
a sensuous musk,
sweet exotic sin.
Her gorgeous cinnamon-eyes
glazed fearless,
beckoning me inward,
a penetrating look,
took me to
an enchanted forest,
deep inside my mind.
An ancient dance reflected
from within her dreamy haze,
I heard distant tribal drumming,
envisioned her soft tongue
my rock hardness
stirring below.
We swirled around
the ritual-fire,
our bodies melded,
sweat poured between us,
a cauldron of love
boiled over,
drove me to the
brink of reality.
Her delicate fingers
were oh so kind,
stoking me,
guiding me into
her succulent wetness,
a perfect union,
we kissed the sky.
I slaughtered her in
our essence became primordial,
streams flowed into waterfalls,
we flooded, culminating
our jungle romance.
I saw these intense
radiate within
her pretty eyes
and now
I cry
I see her,
I think of us,  
my sweet succulent

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

- Jungle Love -

In the hotly caressing, jungle-like heat,
That pulses, far beyond the winter chill…
I lick your lips like a pomegranate sweet!
And I let the nectar of love frothily spill.
Soft and wet, down on the bed’s sheets,
Our bodies sweating, crashing together…
Breasts pressed, to our twin heartbeats:
Our love is a hot jungle, in any weather.
Your legs spread, like a parrot’s wings…
And you cry like a jungle cat, in hunger!
Oh girl, you love the most naughty things,
And I shall give you a night to remember.

You grind your hips as I press atop you,
All I hear in my ears is your fast panting…
Whilst I take you beyond love most true.
The jungle’s heat is best, for romancing!
Love and lust personified in one mad act.
The wind howls, outside; you howl also…
For I have taken you deep, no going back!
The jungle’s river is getting ready to flow,
Beyond its’ banks, where fertile soil waits!
Love is a rhythm, like drums in the dark…
A native song, in which all pleasure sates,
The appetites to which we as lovers hark!

I am inside you, exploring your territory…
The river overflows, and you then swoon.
My hands caress you in throes of ecstasy,
Whilst outside rises a cold winter moon…
But we are hot, our bodies so embracing:
That we can only hear the drums beating!
Your wetness is upon me as I am playing,
With your soft hair, lost in your breathing.
I am still hard inside you, pulsing in time…
To the jungle heat that came upon us fast.
Jungle loving is a: madness most sublime!
And we still have all night, to make it last.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 3273

the tiger and the snake

languidity interrupted
slow slithers still
pupils blacken
an irreversible encounter

short, sharp breaths
thick pulses
shoulders gather
uncoiled urges

a pounce answered
by hardened
squeezes, tightening

clawed grips
suckled fangs
pierced thrusts sk(in)wards
blood-essence flows

nerves ablaze

entangled limbs
relentless shivers
a thrash, a shift

renewed growls with mingled hisses
a triumphant roar
arched writhing
then shudders, life released

a gasp before
an embrace of stillness

Jamie Rhodes
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 8awards
Joined 20th Sep 2009
Forum Posts: 1426

She was due a good night in
and looking forward to it.
Little did she known
that Harry, the man on her arm
would let his tongue slip...

On the train back to hers
he bumped shoulder to shoulder
with a black fella.
The guy stood and looked at him.
She did too.

It may be considered a rash decision,
but he broke the guy's stare
and brought his mouth
next to his ear
"I suggest you stop staring,
jungle bunny."

The black fella walked away,
and Harry turned to her
with a smug grin on his face
showing one gold crown
amidst a smile of nicotine stained teeth.

They got off the train
and started their short walk
back to hers.
They were both due a good night in.
He slapped her arse,
letting his fingers work in between the cheeks.
They were both damn hot for it.

BANG! Harry went down.
A four foot piece of scaffolding
buried in to his head then bounced
on to the ground next to him.
He lay there,
presumed dead
just outside the door
that would lead to his carnal exploits.

"Open the fucking door"

She hesitantly unlocked her door.
He dragged Harry in to the doorway
and closed the door behind them.
"Get up those fucking steps"

He watched her walk up
in front of him
with one hand rubbing himself
through his black denim.

She turned round to look
at the attacker.
BANG! Her lights went out,
but according to the police report
he was there for quite a while.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 10th Oct 2012
Forum Posts: 3645

jungle sex is just taking a woman to south america......

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3006

Well somebody had too


My Tarzan

He bit into my senses
without touch
savage chiseled features
with piercing eyes
I always loved a man
with long dark hair
he took my breath

I was mesmerized
he was ropes of sinew
sun bronzed and naked
his ample desire
had me licking my lips
in anticipation

frontal fascination
had me riveted in place
wet and wanton
his adventurous impulse
peeled me naked
and I succumbed to his
infectious and wild musk

So tantalizing
as he laved my fleshy folds
probing my depths
with a healthy tongue
and finger thrusts
I was ablaze with lust
begging for all he had

With stiffening willingness
he gave me a euphoric memory
in a frenzied drive
he took me over and over
my body quaked
as he released his spirit
into my very core
and I melted

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

Magdalena said:Well somebody had too

My Tarzan

He bit into my senses
without touch
savage chiseled features
with piercing eyes
I always loved a man
with long dark hair
he took my breath

I was mesmerized
he was ropes of sinew
sun bronzed and naked
his ample desire
had me licking my lips
in anticipation

frontal fascination
had me riveted in place
wet and wanton
his adventurous impulse
peeled me naked
and I succumbed to his
infectious and wild musk

So tantalizing
as he laved my fleshy folds
probing my depths
with a healthy tongue
and finger thrusts
I was ablaze with lust
begging for all he had

With stiffening willingness
he gave me a euphoric memory
in a frenzied drive
he took me over and over
my body quaked
as he released his spirit
into my very core
and I melted

Great pic, and great poem too! The new Conan movie was awesome despite what critics and haters said. And Tarzan is a classical choice for jungle-oriented love poetry like this. Great work!

Tyrant of Words
Wales 62awards
Joined 21st Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 3006

Thank you very much Jessica

Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

In a motel called Jungle Rumble. . .

and as her bra
on the

I looked across
at the lampshade
admiring the
(hanging from her black thong)
in prisms
across the
bare wall

Tripped over her
face first between
her knees

She screamed
like Jane
I imitated

These scars
on my back
are testament

I’ve never seen her


Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

Atakti said:the tiger and the snake

languidity interrupted
slow slithers still
pupils blacken
an irreversible encounter

short, sharp breaths
thick pulses
shoulders gather
uncoiled urges

a pounce answered
by hardened
squeezes, tightening

clawed grips
suckled fangs
pierced thrusts sk(in)wards
blood-essence flows

nerves ablaze

entangled limbs
relentless shivers
a thrash, a shift

renewed growls with mingled hisses
a triumphant roar
arched writhing
then shudders, life released

a gasp before
an embrace of stillness

F*&king AWSOME!

Ten stars and satin rope from me on this


Tyrant of Words
Joined 1st Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 3273

Thanks, Al.  :)

Liked your Jungle Rumble too.

Strange Creature
Joined 8th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 6

This Is Hot!!! Wow!!! You Got My Attention On This One Kitty!!!! The Fuck Me Pumps!!!

alon aLion
Dangerous Mind
San Marino 10awards
Joined 1st June 2012
Forum Posts: 346

Sex is Love
Love is sex
we’re not sex-maniacs
we are Lovaholics.
Our addiction
needs no 12 step program

we can keep mainlining
as long as we`re sighing
we can keep on Jonesing
long as we`re jumpin` bonesing
we can keep on copping
long as we`re copulating
we can keep on scoring
long as we`re adoring
we can keep on using
long as we`re never abusing

Im the needle
You`re the vein
Love is like Music,
when it hits you feel no pain

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